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Jiang Shuting

Madam, Ihre Identitäten werden einer nach dem anderen aufgedeckt!

Eine Bedrohung. Ein Delinquent. Eine Enttäuschung. Wenn Sie jemanden fragen, wie er Jiang Yue beschreiben würde, wären es diese drei Worte. Sie hat einen schlechten Ruf. Sie brach die Schule im Alter von 6 Jahren ab und verließ ihren Vater, der in einem vegetativen Zustand war, um in anderen Städten Chaos zu stiften. Dafür ist sie bekannt. Alle dachten, dass sie ihre Tage damit verbrachte, in Schwierigkeiten zu geraten und ihr Leben rücksichtslos zu leben. Was andere jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass diese Worte weit von dem entfernt sind, was sie tatsächlich ist! Ein Genie! Sie hat einen schlechten Ruf, weil sie nie zögert, Gewalt gegen diejenigen anzuwenden, die ihr schaden wollen. Sie hat die Schule im Alter von sechs Jahren abgebrochen, weil sie alles gelernt hat, was es in der Schule zu lernen gibt! Sie verließ ihren Vater, um eine Maschine zu bauen, die ihm helfen könnte, sich zu erholen, und sie streifte umher, um diejenigen zu finden, die ihren Vater verletzt hatten, und ihn zu rächen! Sie wird niemanden verschonen, der ihrer Familie geschadet hat! Sie wird die Bastarde finden, die ihren älteren Bruder getötet, ihren Vater in einen vegetativen Zustand versetzt und ihre Schwester verletzt haben. Doch die Dinge liefen nicht so, wie sie sollten. Sie ist zurück in der High School, um ihr Versprechen gegenüber ihrer Schwester einzulösen, aber warum hat sie stattdessen einen anhänglichen jungen Meister an sich gebunden? *** In einer bestimmten Nacht trafen sich Jiang Yue und Luo Zhelan in einer unerwarteten Situation. An diesem Tag hatte Luo Zhelan keine Ahnung, dass die Frau, die mit einer Waffe in der blutigen Hand vor seinem Auto stand, die Frau sein würde, die sein Leben vervollständigen würde. "Junger Meister Luo, die junge Frau ist wieder ein Trend auf Weibo!" Ein Untergebener berichtete. Der junge Meister kniff die Augen zusammen: "Was ist es diesmal wieder?" "Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie die Person hinter Allico Intelligence ist! Sie hat das Unternehmen gegründet und es zu einem der führenden Tech-Giganten des Landes gemacht!" Ein gewisser Untergebener berichtete. "Bruder Zhe, es hat sich etwas herumgesprochen!" Sein guter Freund rief ihm zu. Luo Zhelan fragte: "Was für Neuigkeiten?" "Schwägerin ist Shadow! Der Top-Assassine, der 'Fallen Vengeance' ins Leben gerufen hat! Die Liga, die aus allen gefürchteten Attentätern besteht!" "Junger Meister Luo, sehen Sie sich diesen Posten an!" "Sohn, warum nennt Direktor Wei Xiao Yue 'Schüler'?" "Bruder Zhe, Schwägerin hat Altersky erschaffen?!" "Junger Meister! Ich habe etwas über die junge Madam herausgefunden!" Ein gewisser junger Meister war verblüfft.
Nnaise · 66.8K Views

Madam, Your Identities are being Exposed One by One!

A menace. A delinquent. A disappointment. If you ask anyone how they would describe Jiang Yue, it would be those three words. She has a bad reputation. She dropped out from school at the age of 6. She left her father who was in a vegetative state to roam around and wreck havoc in other cities. That's what she is known for. They all thought she spent her days just getting into trouble, living life recklessly. What others didn't know though was those words are far from what she actually is! A Genius! She has a bad reputation because she never hesitates to use violence against those who seek to harm her. She dropped out from school at the age of six because she has learned everything there is to learn in the school! She left her father to create a machine that could help him recover and she roamed around to find those who hurt her father and avenge him! She won't spare anyone who harmed her family! She will find those bastards who killed her Older Brother, caused her father to be in a vegetative state, and hurt her sister. However, things didn't go the way they should be. She's back in high school to fulfill her promise to her sister, but why is it that she got a clingy Young Master stuck to her instead? *** On a certain night, Jiang Yue and Luo Zhelan met in an unexpected situation. On that day, Luo Zhelan had no idea that the woman standing in front of his car with a gun in her bloodied hand would be the woman who would complete his life. "Young Master Luo, Young Madam is trending again on Weibo!" A subordinate reported. The Young Master narrowed his eyes, "What is it again this time?" "It turns out she's the person behind Allico Intelligence! She created it and made it into one of the leading tech giants in the country!" A certain subordinate reported. "Brother Zhe, there was some news going around!" His good friend exclaimed at him. Luo Zhelan asked, "What news?" "Sister-in-law is Shadow! The top assassin that brought up 'Fallen Vengeance'! The league that was made up of all the feared assassins!" "Young Master Luo, look at this post!" "Son, why is Principal Wei calling Xiao Yue 'disciple'?" "Brother Zhe, Sister-in law created Altersky?!" "Young Master! I found out something about Young Madam!" A certain Young Master was dumbfounded.
Nnaise · 1.4M Views

Transmigration: The Cannon Fodder Suddenly Made a Comeback!

Jiang Li, the legitimate daughter of a noble house, has traveled through time, becoming an insignificant character in a domineering CEO romance, who quickly meets her demise. Confronted with the most saintly female lead and the domineering male lead of the novel, Jiang Li instantly decides to stay away from these two 'idiots', focusing instead on making her own family illustrious. What to do with her genuine brother, who plays a lovestruck second male lead and is a complete wastrel? Jiang Li ships him off to a transformational variety show where the prodigal son becomes instantly famous, eventually becoming a movie emperor; What about the illegitimate younger brother who's always acting like a goody two shoes to win favor in the family? Jiang Li leads by example as the top student, turning the faker into a model student, and paves his way from undergraduate to doctoral studies; And what of her autistic cousin who constantly locks himself away in a dark room, weeping? Jiang Li prescribes the right remedy, turning the melancholic poet into the king of songs at the Temple of Heaven, his love ballads bringing millions of young girls to tears; Thus, the once wavering and declining noble Jiang family rises under Jiang Li's management, becoming the most respected and well-mannered leading family in the capital. The first time Jiang Li meets that man, he had just finished chasing a herd of runaway cows, his face redder than the sun with high altitude flush. He extends his hand to her with a grin, introducing himself, "Hello, I am Zhao Daniu." Jiang Li stares at his muddy hand, still emitting an unidentified smell: "......" A silent rejection, thank you. Upon their next encounter, he has transformed completely, now the distinguished and formidable heir of the Gu family, his presence as refreshing as a breeze in the moonlight, peerlessly noble. He extends his hand again: "Hello, I am Gu Yu, I hear your family is in need of a man to take charge, do you think I'm suitable?" All members of the Jiang family leap out: "No! We don't need one!"
Gathering Snow · 466.3K Views

Todo el pueblo prospera tras adoptar a una niña afortunada

¡Lanzamiento de nuevo libro! Pequeño Tesoro Afortunado de la Familia Campesina: Rompiendo Límites. ¡Todos los inversores son bienvenidos! Descripción breve: Reencarnación+Agricultura+Cueva Mágica+Despreciando a los Despreciables+Hacerse Rico Jiang Sanlang encuentra a una niña recién nacida en la colina y la cría como si fuera su propia hija. No mucho después, su esposa estéril queda embarazada de gemelos. Entonces, la familia Jiang es bendecida con buena suerte, embarcándose gradualmente en un camino hacia la riqueza partiendo de no tener nada. Todos los aldeanos envidian la buena suerte de la familia Jiang y quieren participar de la fortuna de la pequeña Niña Hada. —Yingbao mueve su manita —Vamos todos, vamos a plantar algo de oro y Xue'er. Les garantizo que tendrán suficiente comida para un año, serán ricos en dos años y alcanzarán el punto culminante de sus vidas en tres años. Al final, todos los aldeanos se vuelven realmente ricos, despertando la envidia de otras aldeas. Entonces un día, la familia que abandonó a la niña llega a la familia Jiang para exigir que les devuelvan a su hija. —¡Bah! ¡Qué gente tan sinvergüenza que se atreve a robar una niña, primero deberían probar algunos puñetazos! —Todo el pueblo está enfurecido, puños en alto en la puerta. Yingbao muere y luego se reencarna. Nunca imaginó que en realidad era un "personaje descartable" de una historia y que todas sus experiencias fueron diseñadas para impulsar la trama. En esta vida, Yingbao está determinada a mantenerse alejada de la protagonista femenina y los personajes secundarios, evitando todo el drama de la trama. Aspira a liderar a sus padres adoptivos y hermanos hacia una vida buena, construyendo un hogar próspero.
For a long time · 89.9K Views

The Fragile Beauty Can See the Ghost

Su Nanzhi was born with a heart condition and was once told she wouldn't live past 18. But she survived, and with her extraordinary eyes, her heart was trained to remain untroubled. The first time she saw Jiang Beiyu, she heard a song beating "thump thump" in her chest. He was so handsome. Su Nanzhi fit the image of a delicate beauty all too well, and she happened to have been nurtured in a rural village for over a decade. Her uncles, brothers, and sisters in the family looked at her as though she were a performing monkey. That is, until this performing monkey shed all her covert coats... Theater 1: Owing to Su Nanzhi's heart condition, her classmates were always afraid to say anything too stimulating, even speaking to her in soft, gentle tones. Later, at dawn, a few classmates who loved horror films bumped into Su Nanzhi at a midnight showing in a movie theater. Classmate: “…” Is the tolerance for heart disease this high now? Su Nanzhi: Will you listen to my explanation? You might not believe it, but the ghosts in the movies aren't as scary as the ones she saw when she first started out. Theater 2: The handsome and distinguished young man read Su Nanzhi's old journals and found out how she had drooled over her own face for more than just a day or two. He frowned as if he had encountered a problem trickier than Goldbach's Conjecture and finally couldn't help but ask her: “Are you sure you're just into my face?” “My body is pretty good too, do you want to check it out?”
Cutest Kitty · 329.7K Views

Geliebt von einem älteren Mann

Das Verlobungsgeschenk beträgt zwei Millionen Dollar, keinen einzigen Cent weniger. Jiang Yu ist bereits achtzehn Jahre alt und kann jetzt heiraten. Schicken Sie das Geld auf meine Karte, und die Sache ist erledigt!" Jiang Yu sah ihre Mutter an, die am Verhandlungstisch ununterbrochen redete. Sie beobachtete, wie ihre Mutter ihren Preis nannte, als sie Jiang Yu verkaufte. Jiang Yu konnte es nicht fassen. Vor achtzehn Jahren brachten sie das falsche Baby aus dem Krankenhaus nach Hause, und Jiang Yu, die echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie, landete bis vor einem Jahr in einem Waisenhaus. Jiang Ran, die falsche Tochter der Familie Jiang, wuchs mit einem silbernen Löffel im Mund auf. Da sie von klein auf über bessere Mittel verfügte, war sie in jeder Hinsicht besser als Jiang Yu und wurde der Stolz der Familie Jiang. Jiang Yu, die sich die meiste Zeit in der Außenwelt herumtrieb, war nichts weiter als ein Landei, das ihre Mutter in den Kreisen der Gesellschaft zum Gespött machte. Doch Jiang Yu hatte keine Ahnung, wie groß der Hass ihrer Mutter auf sie war. An dem Tag, an dem sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde, "verkaufte" ihre Mutter sie zu einem bestimmten Preis. Jiang Yu sagte: "Wenn du deine Tochter mit jemand anderem verheiraten willst, sollte es Jiang Ran sein. Ich bin deine echte Tochter. Du bist diejenige, die Jiang Ran fälschlicherweise nach Hause gebracht hat!" Ihre Mutter erwiderte: "Halt den Mund. Ich wünschte, ich hätte dich nicht zur Welt gebracht. Du hast nichts als Schande über mich gebracht!" Jiang Ran sagte: "Große Schwester, alles, was Mama tut, ist nur zu deinem Besten. Mach ihr keine Vorwürfe." Ihre Mutter sagte: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass sie nichts anderes als eine Schuldeneintreiberin ist, die zu mir gekommen ist, um ihre Schulden einzutreiben! Entweder du gibst mir zwei Millionen Dollar, oder du heiratest gehorsam!" Jiang Yu verließ verzweifelt das Haus. Durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren heiratete sie versehentlich einen Mr. CEO. Von da an verwöhnte der dreißigjährige Mann seine achtzehnjährige Frau bis zum Äußersten. Das kleine Mädchen sagte: "Mister, jemand hat Ihre Frau schikaniert!" Der Mann: "Welcher inkompetente Narr ist so blind, dass er es wagt, dich zu schikanieren?"
Mountain Springs · 59.6K Views

I Became Rich by Eating Melons in the Era of Literature (1970s)

  As a melon eater in the new era, Jiang Youtao is like a melon in the melon field. She is there wherever there are melons. So on a thunderstorm night with lightning and rain, she traveled through time and became a poor little girl with the same name in the 1970s.   The poor little girl lost her mother at an early age, and her scumbag father remarried. Not only did she not have enough food to eat and warm clothes to wear, but she also had to do endless housework and endure endless beatings and scolding.   The time when Jiang Youtao traveled through time was the moment when the poor scumbag father forced the original owner to go to the countryside to take over his stepbrother's place in order to have someone to take care of him in his old age and to smash a pot after his death.   Thinking about the environment of hunger and cold in this era, Jiang Youtao's eyes went dark. In the last second before she lost consciousness, a voice appeared in her mind:   [ Ding ~ The melon-eating system is at your service. As long as you complete the melon-eating task, you can exchange it for supplies~~]   In order to have enough food and clothes, Jiang Youtao tried hard, so she ran around in the bloody world that was a fusion of many contemporary literatures, either eating melons or on the way to eat melons.   A certain educated youth from the same educated youth point traveled through time with space supplies, but ended up being a poverty alleviation stepmother;   "The mission is here ~ Watch and mess up the first meeting between the male and female protagonists, and the rewards are: 3 meat buns, 500g beef jerky, 1kg butter melon seeds."   A young wife in the village who had just been married for one day woke up and wanted to divorce her husband and marry her ex-husband's uncle;   "Ding ~ Watch the famous scene of the heroine getting divorced and applaud in public to receive 5kg of rice, 250g of pork, 5 feet of cloth, and 1kg of salt and pepper melon seeds."   The accountant's eldest granddaughter is a well-known lucky bag, while the second granddaughter is a jinx who is plagued by bad luck;   "Ding ~ Watch the jinx star commit suicide and help her, and you will get 5kg of white flour, a chicken drumstick, and 1kg of green tea flavored melon seeds."   Jiang Youtao enjoyed eating melons, and the melon seeds in her hand kept increasing. She had to go out to sell them. Before she knew it, she had made a fortune by selling melon seeds and became a famous roasted food king after the reform and opening up. The courtyard houses in Beijing and the small houses in Haishi were no longer a dream for her. She could go wherever she wanted.   But while she was eating the melon, a figure suddenly appeared beside her. Jiang Youtao reluctantly grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave them to him: "Big brother, do you want some melon seeds?" ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ One-sentence summary: There are too many melons, and the melon-eating crowd is very busy. Theme: Grow in adversity and strive to face the sun. ♤♤♤♤♤ Brief review of the work: This article has positive values, a fast pace, and never lets up on face-slapping stories, satisfying everyone's appetite for gossip. The author's writing is fluent, and he truly depicts the customs and style of the 1970s. The plot is compact, and it is a masterpiece of the era that is worth reading. ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ No. Of Chapters: 183 Chapters ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Alternative Name/s: I Became Rich by Eating Melons in 1970s ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Original Author: Rain Falling on the Curtains (Yǔ luò chuāng lián) ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ nerdygangster14's Note: This book is not mine. All the content are all credited to original author and the publisher of this book where I have read this book. I just want to share this story to you guys cause this book deserved to be publicized and loved by others. I'm a fan of this book and the author of this book.
nerdygangster14 · 57.6K Views

Queen of Green Tea [Quick Transmigration]

You may check out the new novel I am currently translating: I Became Rich by Eating Melons in the Era of Literature (1970s) ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ As a domineering and frivolous female CEO , Jiang Mu is always flattered by others. The men around her come and go at her call, and she never needs to spend a single thought. Until one day, she was bound to the Green Tea System . System: Your mission is to become the Queen of Green Tea, and be invincible in the world of tea. Jiang Mu: ??? Sorry, did you give me the wrong script? I am Aquaman. ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ World 1: Green Tea Teacher Abuses the Scumbag and Steps on the Mistress [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 2: Being a Green Tea in a Romance Variety Show [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 3: The girl who was cheated on the Internet becomes the king of online cheating [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 4: A woman dressed as a man and acted as a green tea in a talent show [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 5: The Abandoned Concubine of the Violent Prince [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 6: After the rich old man's substitute started raising fish [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 7: After the divorce, I became a male god harvester [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 8: When the Doomsday Silly White Sweet Becomes White Cut Black Green Tea [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] World 9: The real world [COO: Complete] [Trans: Complete] ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ [ Reminder from the author: The logic is useless, the plot is terrible, the heroine is really a scumbag, don't doubt it. If you don't like the heroine's setting, just run away immediately and don't make yourself unhappy.] Search Keyword: Protagonist: Jiang Mu ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ One sentence introduction: Tea is invincible all over the world, and the scum has a purpose for everything.  Purpose: Actively strive to change the miserable life. ♤♤♤♤♤ Brief review of the work: Jiang Mu has bound the system by mistake, and embarked on the path of helping the host who suffered injustice to fulfill her wish. In the process, she abused the scum for revenge, hit the face with the best supporting role, and helped the host realize her wish. Every task was outstanding. Completion has changed the host's tragic life and achieved a counterattack. At the same time, she has also encountered various types of outstanding male partners in different worlds, with rich emotional lines. The characters in this article have a bright personality, a smooth plot rhythm, without procrastination, and constant reversal of the plot, which is unstoppable. Every world is bloody and refreshing at the same time, and the story background styles are different and very attractive, which is worth watching. ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ No. Of Chapters: 206 Chapters + 4 Extra Chapters ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Alternative Name/s: Green Tea Queen ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Original Author: Yu Weizhi ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ nerdygangster14's Note: This book is not mine. All the content are all credited to original author and the publisher of this book where I have read this book. I just want to share this story to you guys cause this book deserved to be publicized and loved by others. I'm a fan of this book and the author of this book.
nerdygangster14 · 510.2K Views

Milf Serving System in a cultivation world

In a world where power is everything, Jiang Chen is reincarnated with a mysterious and legendary gift—the [Milf Serving System]. We have many types of systems ,systems like Villian system , hero system, side character system Income Multiplier system Perverted system and many more... But here comes the Treasure system - [Milf Serving System ] Every living person has desires they wish they can fulfill but what's everyones desires has got to do with me Jiang chen, Jiang Chen only care care about the Milfs desires ,whether it's deepest ,scariest sexual type desires or their anykind of wish ,Jiang Chen is ready to fulfill it even he has to cross sea of fire and climb mountain of thorns. MILFs—the legendary women who are treasures of the world. These MILFs come in all forms: some are cold, distant beauties, their icy demeanor hiding a burning fire inside; some are mature, wise, and confident, but with desires that can shake the very foundations of the world; others have childlike innocence trapped in their powerful, adult bodies, playful and seductive in ways that hide their true longing. No matter their personality, one thing is certain: each of them is a treasure, and their desires are a force to be reckoned with. The more a person loves, the more dangerous their desires become—and MILFs? They're the legends of desire. Their passions can tear kingdoms apart, unravel souls, and reshape destinies. Jiang Chen’s role? To serve these women, unlocking their deepest secrets, fulfilling their every wish, and in doing so, not only gaining unimaginable power but also ascending in ways that no cultivator could ever imagine. But serving MILFs isn’t a simple task. As he satisfies their desires, each woman’s treasure comes with a price, and Jiang Chen must tread carefully. Every desire he fulfills sends ripples through the world strengthening or weakening - doesn't matter to him. As he conquers their hearts and becomes entangled in their secret worlds, his power grows, but so do the stakes. These legendary beings might seem like beautiful, sophisticated women, but behind their desires lies the potential for chaos, destruction, and a power that could change the world forever. #This novel is not all about sex...
Dasaanand · 37.8K Views

The Primordial Sovereign of Chaos

In a world where gods clash, devils scheme, and demons lurk in the shadows, power is the only law that matters. The heavens tremble beneath the might of ancient sects, and the vast cosmos is littered with immortal artifacts, forbidden realms, and entities beyond mortal comprehension. Jiang Chen was born in the heart of the savage wilderness, a place where mythical creatures reign and survival is a privilege, not a right. He had no sect, no family, and no divine inheritance—only his instincts and his spear. But fate had other plans. When he unearths the Primordial Chaos Seed, his path is forever altered. Chaos—the force before creation itself—becomes his to wield, a power feared even by the celestial beings who claim dominion over existence. With each battle, Jiang Chen defies the very limits of cultivation, not through inherited bloodlines, but by harnessing the raw, untamed forces that govern the cosmos—the Laws of Heaven and Earth, the Principles of Creation and Destruction, and the Boundless Paths of Ascension. He carves his way through emperors, ancient sects, and beings who exist beyond the mortal plane. But his journey is not without peril. Beyond the bloodstained battlefields and celestial wars, Jiang Chen will face trials of the heart—love that burns brighter than the stars, betrayal colder than the abyss, hatred that fuels his rise, and friendships that defy destiny itself. He will lose, he will break, and he will rise again, reforged by the trials that seek to shatter him. From the depths of abyssal voids to floating islands that defy the heavens, from demonic overlords to celestial tyrants, Jiang Chen walks a path where no man was meant to tread. And in the shadows, the great factions—immortal clans, god-kings, and forgotten deities—all watch with unease, for they know: A storm is rising. Chaos is awakening. And Jiang Chen will shake the heavens
Oxianxia · 4.2K Views
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