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Miria Claymore

Elos de Sels

Sinopse de Elos do Sels: Em um mundo prestes a ser consumido por forças sombrias, Ametista, uma médium poderosa, recebe visões sobre cinco Arautos — seres que são responsáveis por desencadear o fim do mundo. Determinada a impedir que o apocalipse aconteça, ela se vê obrigada a reunir um grupo de heróis com habilidades sobrenaturais que podem desafiar esses seres invencíveis. Leônidas, o homem-leão, é um guerreiro de força incomparável, descendente de uma raça antiga com poderes que lhe conferem uma resistência sobrenatural, além de um instinto feroz de proteção. Territorial e imponente, ele se torna uma peça chave na luta contra os Arautos, sendo o primeiro a juntar-se à missão. Miria, a princesa de cristal, tem a habilidade única de transformar seu corpo em cristal, tornando-se praticamente imbatível. Suas asas afiadas como lâminas permitem que ela voe com uma destreza impressionante, e sua força de vontade é ainda mais afiada que suas habilidades. A guerreira perfeita para qualquer batalha, ela é um pilar de resistência para o grupo. Kael, um guerreiro marcado pelas forças cósmicas, portador da extraordinária Lâmina de Myro torna -o ainda mais letal em combate. Seu olhar penetrante e sua determinação são suficientes para inspirar qualquer um a seguir seu exemplo. Vex, o manipulador molecular, é capaz de alterar a matéria ao seu redor, transformando o que é sólido em instável e criando ambientes caóticos com apenas um toque. Sua habilidade de distração e controle de ambiente torna-o um inimigo imprevisível e valioso, capaz de virar a maré de qualquer batalha. Juntos, esses heróis formam os Elos do Sels, um grupo unido pelo destino e pela necessidade de parar os Arautos, seres de poder incomensurável que têm o poder de destruir tudo. Mas à medida que a batalha se intensifica, os heróis percebem que a verdadeira força não está apenas em seus poderes, mas nos laços que formam uns com os outros. "Elos do Sels" é uma história épica de combate, lealdade e sacrifício, onde os heróis enfrentam não só os inimigos, mas suas próprias limitações e medos. No fim, serão seus elos que determinarão o destino do mundo.
William_Brito · 553 Views

Fostya. un monde magique sans système !

un type lambda fan de jeu de rôle (facilité scénaristique activé !) s'évanouie de fatigue en rentrant chez lui. il se réveille plus tard en constatant qu'il n'est plus dans la petite ruelle sombre menant à chez lui, qu'il ne sait pas comment il en ai arrivé là, et surtout, qu'il ne sait même pas vraiment quoi il est. reprenant un de ses surnom, Spyro, il se mettra en quête de découvrir cet univers étrange... sous la forme d'un limon ! une histoire où on voit, découvre et expérimente le monde à travers le héros. ce qui veut dire que la perception du monde peut être amenée à changer avec le temps... gros Update 11/07/2021 : Bonjour tout le monde, après une demi années d'absence, je suis enfin de retour aux affaires ! j'ai révisé un peu certains perso et corrigé quelques erreurs dans mon récit. je met un petit récap des quelques éléments importants qui ont été modifiés, sachant que cela spoilera un peu l'histoire. /// SPOILER /// description du groupe de Miria : j'avais malencontreusement oublié de signaler que Miria était une faréenne lors de sa première apparition. J'ai aussi mis en évidence que les murs avaient des matériaux anti-magique ! Miria ne parle plus du spar-sac lorsqu'elle détecte le MC. ça change rien, mais ça me semblait un peu plus logique. j'ai vu quelques "cristal d'identité". normalement, c'est "amulette d'identité". si jamais vous voyez encore cristal à certains endroits, n'hésitez pas à le signaler. lorsqu'Espérance participe aux examens de l'académie, elle laisse ses objets magiques à l'entrée. c'est con, mais je me suis rendu compte qu'après coup qu'avoir des objets magique lors d'un exam de magie, c'était pas trop logique en fait ! /// FIN /// A part ça, attendez vous à partir de maintenant à un chapitre par semaine environ. en tout cas, c'est l'objectif que je me fixe à partir d'aujourd'hui.
Gelsius_Ark · 80.1K Views

Reborn in Another World as the Seventh Daughter

A high school girl, Kanami Miria, reincarnated as the seventh daughter of an aristocrat. Since she had lived a miserable life, she dreamed of living peacefully in her second life. However, she reincarnated in a super-poor aristocratic family in the countryside. The lord was a muscle-brain. The lady was a pushover. The eldest daughter was a depressed woman. The second daughter was a hussy who divorced after she cheated on her husband. The son-in-law was a lolicon. Moreover, she was forced to become engaged to a poor merchant. The situation was even worse than her previous life. 「I swear I will get out of this house and live a peaceful life!」 In order to achieve her goal, she practiced magic and secretly went to the Royal Girls Academy. 「Now my second life has begun! I’ll make friends with cute girls and have a yakiniku party!」 But, thanks to her omnipotent magical power, her evaluation became ridiculous. 「Giving me a title? I don’t need a title!」 「An audience with me? Please, no!」 The easygoing Miria decided to ignore them and aimed for a relaxing and peaceful life with her omnipotent magical power. —————————⚠️⚠️⚠️———————— This STORY ISN’T MINE. I am just fond in this story and want a better setting where I can read this novel. Author : Yotsuba Yuto (Check out the author for more work) Translator: Fantazma
Redfox_Burn · 327K Views

Arcanacraft: The Dual Roses

“Preserve your Arcana. Guard our secrets. Protect the Bloodline.” For generations, these rules have bound the Claymore clan of Mages and warlocks. A mysterious disease will shatter it all. Schala and Remilia are twins and talented Mages. Schala is studious, snarky, observant, and dedicated to perfecting her Arcana. Remilia is outgoing, calm, easygoing, and a prodigy in Arcana since birth. Ever since their youth, the sisters have shared a bond with each other, but their own bloodline seeks to place them in places of power in order to continue what’s expected of their family. The Claymores have always contributed something major to progress their generation’s development. The Magocracy of Augurey holds their family in such high regard, they’re considered royalty. This automatically dumps a load of expectations and responsibilities on the twins, but it doesn’t stop there. Juliana, their mother, dotes on Remilia to groom her into a prominent witch to be used by the Arcana Sanction, who governs the magical dealings of Augurey. Schala, who’s had to work twice as hard to become a witch of the same caliber as her sister, is relegated to watching over their younger sister Casella, a frail Adder (a person born into a witch family who is unable to use magic) who is content to weave at her loom and stay out of trouble. A duel between the twins which would result in admittance to the Arcana Sanction culminates in Remilia passing the exam while Schala fails by a narrow margin. Schala, whose built-up resentment got the best of her, laments at her lack of self-control and even though she’s consoled by Remilia and her uncle, the Lord Regent of the Arcana Sanction, Schala still downs herself. Things aren’t made any better by their mother, who seems to only care about Remilia and Casella while casting Schala to the side. It reaches a boiling point when Remilia, a part of a Samhain festival that commemorates the Mages of Augurey and allows them to grant blessings to humans, invites Schala to sit with her. But Schala receives no gifts for blessings. Her embarrassment is overshadowed by the appearance of a cloaked figure who infects several patrons of the festival with a disease that’s affecting the land: Noct Vein. The twins attempt to subdue the figure but are stricken with horror when the last victim hits home: Casella is the last to be infected, replete with a message scrawled on her wall in blood: “The black creeping holds illimitable dominion over us all.” Augurey is in upheaval, and the cities are put on quarantine to avoid the spread of this mysterious disease. The twins are called to journey to the home of Master Warlock Aldritch to learn about the ancient forms of magic that predated known spells. They hold the hope of curing Casella, as Adders are more susceptible to Noct Vein than Mages or Humans. Healing the world means they’d be saviors, a feat expected of the eldest daughters of the Claymore bloodline. Schala could finally receive the accolades she’s been denied - their Arcana preserved, their secrets continuously guarded, and their bloodline protected.
prodigiousscribe · 11.6K Views
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