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Clara Lago Guillermo Lago Grau

Caged By The Devil

Isabella Romano is a sweet, innocent 20-year-old who finds comfort in the pages of books and the quiet moments of her life. With long chestnut hair, bright eyes, and a heart full of kindness, she has always been a gentle soul in a world that seems to demand more from her. Despite her beauty and grace, Isabella is often overlooked in her own family, overshadowed by her cold father and her older sister, Giulia, whose jealousy of Isabella’s natural charm has turned her into a constant source of cruelty. Isabella's only solace comes from her best friend, Clara, who has been her rock through every trial, and from the love and warmth of her mother, Lucia. But her family's constant criticism and Giulia’s jealousy weigh heavily on her fragile spirit. Still, Isabella carries on, loving her sister despite everything, hoping one day she might understand. On a seemingly normal day, Isabella's life is turned upside down when Giulia, in a moment of jealousy, pushes her into the path of an oncoming car. Her Life changes completely when Dante, with his dangerous charm and shadowed past, becomes her protector....and her nightmare. In a world where danger lurks at every turn, Isabella must navigate the darkness that Dante brings with him, all while unraveling the mystery of the bond between them that grows stronger by the day. Will Isabella’s sweet innocence be enough to survive the ruthless world Dante inhabits, or will the chaos of his world consume her? The only certainty is that her life will never be the same again. "The Devil's Kitten" is a story of love, betrayal, and survival, set in a world where innocence is both a blessing and a curse.
midnight_mystery · 1.6K Views

Hades' verfluchte Luna

In einer Welt, in der Lykaner und Werwölfe eingeschworene Feinde sind, ist Eve Valmont ein Werwolf, der durch eine Prophezeiung verflucht und reingelegt wurde. Von ihrem eigenen Rudel verraten und jahrelang gefangen gehalten, nimmt ihr Schicksal eine noch dunklere Wendung, als sie dem Lykanerkönig Hades Stavros angeboten wird - einem Herrscher, der für seine rücksichtslosen Eroberungen und tödlichen Fähigkeiten gefürchtet ist. Gebunden durch eine uralte Prophezeiung und verfolgt von den Geistern ihrer Vergangenheit, ist Eve nun der Gnade desjenigen Wesens ausgeliefert, das sie am meisten hassen und fürchten sollte - der Hand des Todes selbst. Hades, ein König, der aus Blut und dem Verfall seiner eigenen Seele geschnitzt ist, ist entschlossen, das Gemetzel an seiner Familie zu rächen und sein Volk von den Werwölfen zu befreien. Er glaubt, dass Eve der Schlüssel zu seinem Sieg ist. Für ihn ist sie nichts weiter als eine von der Prophezeiung vorhergesagte Waffe, ein Werkzeug, mit dem er die gegnerischen Kräfte, die sein Rudel bedrohen, vernichten wird. Und doch ertappt er sich dabei, dass er sich nach dieser mächtigen, aber gebrochenen Frau sehnt. Er fragt sich, ob sie wirklich seine Waffe ist oder diejenige, die dazu bestimmt ist, seine sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Pläne zu durchkreuzen. *** Er pirschte sich an mich heran, wie ein Raubtier, das sich seiner Beute nähert, seine Augen dunkel und unleserlich. "Du lachst also?" Seine Stimme war leise, gefährlich sanft, so dass sich die Haare in meinem Nacken aufstellten. Ich schluckte schwer und merkte plötzlich, wie schwer es mir fiel, zu atmen. "Hades, ich..." "Aber du lachst doch nur über die Witze anderer Männer", unterbrach er mich, sein Blick war durchdringend und frei von jeglichem Humor. "Nicht über die deines Mannes." Die Anschuldigung in seinem Tonfall war scharf und zerschnitt die Luft zwischen uns. Ein nervöses Glucksen entwich mir. "Das kann nicht dein Ernst sein... Er ist dein Beta, um Himmels willen." In einem Augenblick schloss er den Abstand zwischen uns, so schnell, dass mir der Atem stockte. Seine Hände umfassten meine Taille, zogen mich an seinen Körper, und seine Hitze ließ meine Haut kribbeln. Ich keuchte, doch bevor ich ein Wort sagen konnte, stürzten sich seine Lippen auf meine und beanspruchten meinen Mund mit einer Kraft, die Schockwellen durch mich sandte. Der Kuss war strafend, hungrig - ich konnte nicht atmen, konnte nicht denken. Als er sich schließlich zurückzog, zitterte ich, und mein Brustkorb hob sich, als ich darum rang, wieder zu Atem zu kommen. Seine Augen, dunkel und stürmisch, suchten meine mit einer besitzergreifenden Intensität. "Du kannst nicht über meine Witze lachen...", flüsterte er, seine Stimme war gefährlich rau, während seine Finger tiefer wanderten und mir einen Schauer über den Rücken jagten, "aber du wirst mit meinen Fingern kommen." Ich erschauderte, und in meinem Bauch sammelte sich Hitze bei seinen Worten, seiner Berührung. Die Welt um uns herum verschwamm, löste sich in Nichts auf, als seine Hand tiefer glitt und mir ein unkontrolliertes Keuchen entlockte. Der Blick in seinen Augen verriet mir, dass er genau wusste, was er mit mir tat, und die ursprüngliche Verbindung zwischen uns war in diesem Moment nicht zu leugnen. "Ich brauche dein Lachen nicht", murmelte er gegen meine Haut, sein Atem heiß an meinem Hals. "Ich will stattdessen jeden anderen Teil von dir haben." **** Dunkle Fantasy-Romantik Moralisches Grau ML Angst Spannung Von Feinden zu Liebenden Smut (wie Streusel auf deinem Eis)
Lilac_Everglade · 38.3K Views

L'Héritière contre-attaque

Sharon était une personne ordinaire, alors que son mari, Wallace Harris, était un homme prometteur et séduisant. Sa famille était l'une des familles les plus prestigieuses et les plus riches de New York. Épouser Wallace était un accident. Pendant leurs trois années de mariage, Wallace n'avait jamais couché avec Sharon. Sa famille l'avait également constamment persuadé de divorcer de Sharon. C'était la fête d'anniversaire de la vieille matriarche de la famille Harris, et tous les jeunes de la famille Harris avaient offert les cadeaux les plus chers possibles pour rendre la vieille dame heureuse—tous sauf Sharon. Elle avait demandé à emprunter de l'argent à Madame Harris pour l'ancien majordome, Oncle Smith, car il n'avait pas d'argent pour payer son traitement médical. Mais comme prévu, la famille Harris l'humilia lorsqu'elle fit sa demande. "La famille Harris n'a jamais eu de parent pauvre comme toi. Ne te présente plus jamais devant moi ! Wallace aurait dû épouser Crystal. C'est certainement une jeune femme qui est digne de se marier dans notre famille !" dit Madame Harris. "Connais ta place et sors d'ici. Ne reste plus dans notre maison. Comment le grand-père de Wallace a-t-il pu être si idiot pour marier une femme pauvre et inutile comme toi à mon fils ?!" dit June, la mère de Wallace. "Ce n'est que quelques millions de dollars, et pourtant tu es si pauvre que tu dois emprunter à notre famille. Comment une femme comme toi mérite-t-elle d'être avec Wallace ? Si c'était Crystal, elle ne nous aurait certainement pas autant embarrassés !" Cette nuit-là, Wallace tendit à Sharon une carte bancaire, qui contenait des millions de dollars. "L'entreprise se développe, donc je n'ai pas beaucoup de liquide. Tu peux utiliser ceci pour aider Oncle Smith." Face à l'hostilité de la famille Harris, Wallace déclara, "Puisque je l'ai épousée, elle est ma responsabilité. Qu'elle soit riche ou pauvre, Sharon est ma femme." Ce n'est que lorsqu'un étranger s'est approché de Sharon un jour que celle-ci apprit qu'elle était la fille d'une famille très prestigieuse, éligible pour recevoir des biens d'une valeur d'au moins dix milliards. Elle possédait soudainement la plus grande entreprise de New York et une carte bancaire contenant des centaines de millions de 'monnaie de poche'. En un clin d'œil, son identité avait changé. Elle n'était plus la belle-fille pauvre que la famille Harris n'appréciait pas. Au contraire, elle était devenue la personne la plus prestigieuse de New York !
Mountain Springs · 167.3K Views

Minha Amada Esposa Super Feroz

"O novo livro 'Repreendida como a Estrela da Morte, Todos os Grandes Nomes da Capital Correm para me Mimarem' está disponível agora!" Também conhecido como "Era Renascida: Enriquecendo com o Sistema de Check-In." [Uma protagonista feminina poderosa físicamente vs. um protagonista masculino vingativo, sarcástico e elegante] Após uma explosão em laboratório, Lin Tang retorna àquela era empobrecida e fica vinculada a um sistema de check-in. Antes que ela tenha tempo de reivindicar o pacote de boas-vindas para novatos, seu noivo, exalando confiança, vem para romper o noivado. A razão sendo, ele está prestes a conseguir um emprego estável. Lin Tang olha para o homem comum, porém autoconfiante, entreabriu seus lábios vermelhos e disse, "...rompa!" Menos de um mês depois, seu ex-noivo foi demitido por alguma razão. Lin Tang passeou pelo condado e se tornou a oficial executiva da Estação de Radiodifusão na Fábrica Têxtil. OS interno do ex-noivo: É tarde demais para reconciliar agora? - Aqueles tempos eram difíceis! Apesar de ser valorizada por seus três irmãos mais velhos e pais, tudo, desde comida até tecido e até sabonete, exigia cupons... Até viver de maneira frugal não conseguia aliviar a condição miserável. Olhando para a pasta preta na tigela, Lin Tang ficou em silêncio, “......” Graças a Deus, ela tinha um sistema! Precisa de alguma coisa? É só fazer o check-in para obtê-lo. - Muitos anos depois. Um homem bonito olhou para sua delicada esposa de tez clara, conseguindo manter o rosto sério enquanto dizia, “Ouvi dizer que você pode nocautear um javali com apenas dois socos?” Os olhos de Lin Tang brilharam, seus dedos exercendo delicadamente força, e o Jarro de Esmalte em sua mão deformou. Ela respondeu de maneira séria, “Bobagem! Não acredite nesses boatos. Somos pessoas civilizadas e não podemos ser tão bárbaros!”
a visitor from South Flight · 30.7K Views

La Séduction de la Couronne

``` [Attention : contenu fortement mature r18+/adulte] Il est son salut. Elle, sa perte. Pourtant, il refuse de la laisser partir... Mineah, la plus jeune Princesse d'Ebodia, fut maudite dès sa naissance pour rester innocente et apporter le malheur autour d'elle. Cette prophétie plane sur elle comme un nuage sombre, grandissant chaque année sans se réaliser. Elle existe dans des rumeurs étouffées comme une figure pitoyable - fragile, docile, indésirable. Sous ce masque se cache une renarde forte et fière digne d'être reine. Et cette future reine a jeté son dévolu sur la brisure de sa malédiction, même si cela signifie tromper le vampire le plus rusé jamais né. Nikolai, bien que reclus et énigmatique, est vénéré par le Royaume de Valcrez comme un souverain sage et puissant. À l'insu de ses fidèles sujets, son image de perfection est une toile de mensonges qui, si elle était révélée, pourrait faire s'effondrer leur royaume et tout ce qui leur est cher. Quand ces deux-là voient leurs chemins se croiser dans une alliance matrimoniale, le jeu de la Séduction de la Couronne commence. Mais qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie ? ******** Extrait : « Pourquoi te déshabilles-tu devant moi ? » demanda-t-elle avec un froncement de sourcils, ne faisant peu pour cacher son irritation dans sa voix. Son objectif était de capturer seulement son cœur, pas tout son corps ! « Ne suis-je pas autorisé à prendre un bain avec ma femme ? » répliqua-t-il d'un ton froid. « J'ai spécialement demandé une grande baignoire pour être sûr que nous deux y rentrions ensemble. » Elle soupira, sans détourner son regard de lui tandis qu'elle reprenait son calme. Le voyant sourire en coin, elle se força à se mettre à l'aise tandis qu'il parlait. « C'est mieux ainsi. Tu l'as dit toi-même, personne ne t'a forcée à m'épouser. Au contraire, tu t'es proposée et t'es portée volontaire de toi-même, alors je m'attends à ce que tu sois assez confiante pour partager un bain avec ton mari », déclara confiant Nikolai. « Après tout, nous ferons bien plus que cela sous peu. » Sans gêne... Se retenant de lever les yeux au ciel, elle parvint à lui adresser un sourire en disant, « Ne me blâme pas si tu meurs alors. » **** Note : Volume 1 : Histoire Principale Status - Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 403) Volume 2 : Histoire Annexes Status - Terminé (Chapitres 404 à 472) Volume 3 : Histoire Annexes Status - **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée possédée par l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser ! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 72K Views

An AI's Whispers of the Forest

Whispers of the Forest tells the tale of Clara Jenkins, a woman with the gift—and curse—of empathy. From a young age, Clara has been able to sense and feel the emotions of those around her, an ability that isolates her from others and leaves her wary of forming close relationships. But her life takes a dramatic turn when she ventures near Blackwood Forest, where she encounters Aldric, the powerful leader of a werewolf pack. Aldric recognizes Clara as his fated mate, the woman he has spent his life searching for, and the bond between them is instantaneous, leaving Clara overwhelmed by the depth of love he feels for her. However, Clara's journey into the world of werewolves is far from simple. She quickly learns that Aldric's pack is in danger from an ancient darkness that has begun to awaken within the forest. This darkness is no ordinary threat—it is a malevolent force that feeds on fear and despair, threatening to consume everything in its path. Clara, with her unique ability to connect with emotions, is the key to restoring balance to the forest, and the ancient spirits that reside within it choose her as their guardian. With Aldric by her side, Clara steps into her role as protector of the forest, but the battle ahead is more daunting than she could have ever imagined. As Clara faces shadowy creatures and confronts the darkness that lurks within the forest, she must also confront the darkness within herself. The remnants of the evil they fought during the battle have taken root in Clara's soul, manifesting as a shadow that whispers of her failures, doubts, and insecurities. The more she tries to suppress it, the stronger it becomes, threatening to consume her from the inside. Through the guidance of the spirits, Clara learns that she cannot simply banish the darkness—it is a part of her, just as much as the light. To protect the forest and those she loves, Clara must confront the shadow within, find balance, and embrace both the light and dark aspects of herself. This realization brings her to the difficult task of admitting her struggles to Aldric, who stands by her side as they work together to banish the darkness and heal the scars left on the forest. Ultimately, Whispers of the Forest is a story about love, resilience, and the importance of finding balance within oneself. It explores the complex interplay of light and darkness, both in the world and within the human soul, and the power of connection in overcoming even the most insurmountable challenges. Written by an AI, this story delves into themes of empathy, transformation, and the enduring strength of the human (and werewolf) spirit.
DeJeL · 2.3K Views

The Maid Who Stayed

Micheal and Sarah appeared to have a kind family worthy of envy, a loving marriage, and two beautiful children(Clara and Clement); their ages are 5 & 7, respectively. Things begin to change in the family when Micheal loses his job due to false accusations. The love and warmth regress to almost nothing. Despite his efforts to keep the family moving, his savings, which couldn't do much, were eventually exhausted after a few months. Sarah, who believes it is the man’s responsibility to provide for the family, grows distant. After six months of frustration and daily arguments, Sarah decides to leave, filing for divorce and walking away from the marriage. She leaves the children behind, believing Michael should take care of them since he’s the reason for the family’s financial struggles. Michael was heartbroken and overwhelmed by his wife's decision. 'Who will take care of the children'? Was the question running in his mind? The only option left with Michael is to turn to their House Maid, Emilia. She has been steadfast with the family even during their hard time and financial chaos. “Please, Emilia,” Michael pleads, his voice filled with anguish. “Can you help me take care of Clara and Clement? Just until I find a new job. I’ll make it right with you as soon as I secure a new job appointment. Please, I promise.” Emilia, who has always had a soft spot for the children and witnessed the family’s struggles firsthand, agrees to stay. She becomes a pillar of strength for the household, caring for the children and providing emotional stability during Michael’s darkest days. Emilia steps into the motherly role, and the bond between her and the children gets deeper. Clara is initially resentful of her mother's absence but later finds comfort in Emilia's guidance and love; Clement has always been cool with Clara. Emilia’s all-time dedication to the family caught Michael's attention, who began to see her in a new light. Meanwhile, Michael has to face his fear and emotions aftermath of Sarah's departure. He fights to solve the puzzle behind his job loss and later realizes he is a victim of an evil scheme. Henry, Michael's best friend, helped him to clear his name, seeking both justice and closure. As Micheal is gaining strength to find the comfort he once lost in Emilia, a hidden secret is discovered about the paternity of the kids. Tension grew in the family; this brought him to a confrontation with Sarah. Emilia did her best to become more than just a caregiver; she became a strong partner in rebuilding the collapsed family. Micheal couldn't resist the attraction from her strength, compassion, and resilience, but guilt and fear gripped his heart and held him back. Could he move on from Sarah so soon? And would Emilia even consider a relationship with him? Through ups and downs, hurt, and healing, Michael learns that love is not about who leaves; it's about who stays. When he finally clears his name and lands a new job, he faces his biggest decision yet: whether to embrace his growing love for Emilia and the new family they’ve built or give Sarah a second chance for the sake of the children. In the end, Michael and Emilia’s love prevails. Their bond, forged through hardship and sacrifice, becomes the foundation of a new chapter for the family. Together, Michael and Emilia prove that family is not just about blood, it’s about loyalty, love, and the people who choose you and stay with you when everything else falls apart. 'The Maid Who Stayed' is a story of love, denial, and a second chance. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, hope can shine through in the most unexpected ways.
Tim_Oluwaseyi · 1.8K Views

On the brink of death:A werewolf and human love story

Clara Wilson the heiress to Diamond Group got engaged to the love of her life Isaac Hartford the heir to Starlight Group, due to an unforeseen betrayal, Clara Wilson on the brink of death on the night of full moon, Alpha and his pack hunting for prey, rescues Clara and turned her to a werewolf through an Alpha's bite. will she survive from the Alpha's bite? Excerpts: The ambient sound of waves gently lapping against the hull, coupled with the distant hum of the ship's engines, only amplifies her thoughts. She forces a smile, raising her glass in a toast, masking her emotions with practiced ease. The couple clinks their glasses with hers, their happiness an unspoken contrast to the quiet yearning in her heart. "I'll go inside the suite and rest now you guys enjoy." She said making her way to the suite. "Babe I need to get something inside the suite." Isaac said. "Alright don't keep me here waiting, I can't do without seeing you for a second." "Really that's my girl." He said, kisses her forehead and left. Isaac didn't go to their suite but he went to Jacqueline's suite he pushed opened the door. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "Why didn't you knock on the door before coming in what if I'm undressing." "Sighed softly it's not like this is the first time I'm seeing you undressed should I get rid of your night gown." He said kissing her collar bone. She didn't reject his offer, wrapped her arms around his neck he kissed her thin lips vigorously. Few minutes passed Isaac had not returned yet, she decided to go and check on him, she checked their suite he was not there, she headed to Jacqueline's suite to ask her If she had seen Isaac. She opened the door to Jacqueline's suite and then, her eyes flickered tears rapidly streamed down her face a pang of shame stabbed at her watching her best friend and the love of her life together on bed exchanging intimacies. "! How could you do this to me? What are you two doing together on bed?" Both of them stared at her without any sigh of remorsefulness. "It's just like what you're seeing right now" She moved closer to the bed drags the sheet off Jacqueline exposing her nakedness grabbed her brown hair hitting her head against the cluttered table beside the bed. Jacqueline stretches her hand reaching for the wine she held it and hits Clara's head with the wine bottle, the glass shattered against Clara's head. The sharp crack echoed in the tense silence and crimson blood began to seep, dripping onto the plush carpet and pooling under the shards of broken glass, Clara fainted. The room descended into chaos, the once romantic moments now marred by betrayal and violence. "Oh my goodness what have you done Jacqueline." "Is she dead?" She asked curiously in fear. "What are we going to do now?" "I don't think she is dead yet she fainted probably." He said.  "I know what to do." He carried her heading to the edge of the ship Jacqueline followed him , Isaac pulled off his shirt soaked with blood used it to clean the blood stain on his hand and neck. He folded the shirt and throws it into the sea. Jacqueline standing at the edge of the ship bitting her fingers  panicked about the situation. "Please don't kill me, help me I promise not to cause any trouble for both of you, I will forgive and pretend nothing happened here." Clara muttered in pain. "So you're finally awake"
Hira_pen1 · 355 Views

Die Weltraum Söldner von Ilurian

Ich wachte auf. Der Himmel über mir war von einer unnatürlichen Farbe – eine Mischung aus blassem Grau und schimmerndem Blau, als würde das Firmament selbst krank daliegen. Kein Wind, keine Geräusche, nur Stille, die dröhnte. Der Boden war staubig und rau, mit Rissen, die wie ein Netz aus Wunden die Landschaft überzogen. Um mich herum erstreckte sich eine trostlose Wüste, doch das war keine gewöhnliche Wüste. Am Horizont erhoben sich seltsame Strukturen, wie Zähne aus Metall, die rostend und bedrohlich in den Himmel stachen. Ihre Silhouetten schienen sich zu bewegen, als ob sie atmeten oder lebten. Es war ein Ort, an dem nichts existieren sollte, und doch war ich hier. Ich tastete meine Kleidung ab. Ein einfacher, grauer Anzug, den ich nicht kannte, und ein seltsames Gerät an meinem Handgelenk. Es blinkte leise, ohne dass ich wusste, was es bedeutete. Ein schwaches Pulsieren ging davon aus, wie ein Herzschlag, der mich daran erinnerte, dass ich noch lebte. Aber wo war ich? Wer war ich? Dann hörte ich es. Ein fernes Summen, das sich langsam näherte. Es war kein Fahrzeug, zumindest keines, das ich je gehört hatte. Es klang organisch und mechanisch zugleich, ein unheimlicher Chor aus Klängen, die sich in meinem Schädel festsetzten. Meine Instinkte schrien, dass ich mich verstecken musste. Doch wohin? Hier gab es nichts außer der leeren Weite und diesen seltsamen Strukturen. Plötzlich begann das Gerät an meinem Handgelenk schneller zu blinken. Eine Stimme erklang, digital und kalt: „Subjekt 473, Protokoll Omega aktiviert. Sicherheit nicht gewährleistet. Bewegung erforderlich.“ Bevor ich weiter darüber nachdenken konnte, was das bedeutete, brach der Himmel über mir auf. Ein grelles Licht durchbrach die Wolkendecke, und etwas Riesiges senkte sich herab. Ein Schiff? Ein Lebewesen? Es war unmöglich zu sagen. Doch eines wusste ich: Meine Zeit hier hatte gerade erst begonnen.
Andre_Castor · 209 Views

Realidad 0 (Ángel Álvarez).

Sinopsis: Una historia inspirada en el videojuego Fortnite, de la mano de un fiel jugador y seguidor del lore del videojuego. Realidad cero relata los hechos acontecidos durante el capítulo 4 hasta la temporada actual en el que se esté desarrollando la historia de Fortnite, desde la perspectiva de Venra; un joven huerfano mitad cuervo mitad humano criado por una inteligencia artificial llamada M.I.A, el cuál emprenderá un viaje en donde aprenderá más acerca sobre el pasado de la isla así como de sí mismo, pero sobre todo, el verdadero significado de ser un "Raven". Preguntas frecuentes: P: ¿Esta historia puede emplearse como una guía para entender de mejor manera el lore en la línea principal del juego? R: No, Realidad cero si bien utiliza elementos y sucesos vistos en el canon de Fortnite, la historia narrada es totalmente independiente a la misma, puesto que es mi forma de darle una narrativa al lore del juego. Por este motivo nada de esto debería considerarse como un hecho o una guía clara para seguir el lore, es solo mi visión de la historia. P: ¿Porque comenzar desde el Cap4? R: Elegí comenzar a partir de este punto ya que considero que fue en este capítulo donde la consistencia entre hechos de la historia era cada vez menos clara; a diferencia de temporadas anteriores, eso no significa que se omitan dichos acontecimientos, ya que serán de vital importancia para el desarrollo de la historia pero sobretodo de su protagonista. P: En la sinopsis se indica que se abarcarán hechos actuales según lo que suceda en el juego. ¿Cómo se llevará a cabo eso? R: La historia se irá desarrollando de acuerdo a los elementos que el juego otorgue, ya que el objetivo de esta historia es ver como el protagonista se va desenvolviendo según lo que vaya ocurriendo en el mundo del videojuego. P: ¿Cómo se dividirá la historia? R: De momento la idea es publicar pequeñas partes cada semana, de ahí la frecuencia con la que se publiquen dependerá de la recepción de la misma.

Splendid child

There was a girl called Juliet Ausus in Lagos State Nigeria. She came from a family where Girls child don’t have to say no to their parents, when she was 18years old her father wanted her to get married to this 35years guy she agreed after their wedding and all that they went to live together, after 1year their marriage she and her husband was driving when her husband fell asleep while driving the got into accident but before they got into accident her husband jumped outside the car without looking for a way to protect his wife, the girl was in the car after the incident she was injured in several part of her body, the truck that coursed the incident fell ontop of their car and press their motor the incident took place in middle of nowhere no first aid box or ambulance after some hour people came they were try to pull out but they couldn’t after everything they took her to hospital she broke her spinal cord her nack to legs . She spend almost 1month at the hospital before she wakes up after about 3months the doctor came with test result and told her she had several infections, the next day the doctor came again and told her she can’t work again , the next day the doctor came again and told her she can’t give birth at this point she was so devastated and started questioning God about her existence but there her mother was by her side giving her hope not to give up ( remember they said every woman is incomplete without a child ) she was saying to her so now I’m incomplete woman I can’t give birth, she was afraid not to get divorced, that was her fears. But a year later she received an invitation at the hospital that her husband is getting married to another woman, she cried and told her self to fight over her fears which she did and wish her ex husband a happy marry life, she was still scared of not having a child but she said to herself many babies are out there looking for who will accept them . That was when she let go of her fears that if she can’t give birth she can adopt a child . She focus on fighting for a survivals and later left the hospital at 2years with her 2 adopted kids She let go of her fears and become the strongest woman.
Goodness0 · 257 Views

My System's name is Symbiot

The native planet where a multitude of people suffering from the consequences of overpopulation and forceful servitude on Earth migrated to Crystallia via gravitational slipstream between planets. It was believed that such a feat was impossible and that a normal human being would not be able to survive such an ordeal, but then one of the most unpredictable physical phenomena in the universe besides the power of God was gravity. The galaxy collision occurred during the era of the slave trade when the supersized galaxy known as Redromida collided with the Milky Way. Naturally, none of the elements touched as the scientists had suggested, but there were phenomenons that they failed to predict. One such occurrence was the impact of the planet Crystallia disturbing the orbit of the Earth. The result of such a proximity between Crystallia, which happened to be as large as the planet Jupiter and Earth was astronomical. The resulting earthquakes and disasters shattered the very concept of living for man, and then the gravitational pathways between the planets, which lasted for more than 2 and a half years, were established. The migration began after several who had made the journey by accident had returned with glad tidings of fertile land, greener pastures, and a safe heaven from the power of the Aro and other European slave traders. The migration lasted until the gravitational slipstream ended; by then, the slave traders had discovered the path, but by the time they made plans to pursue the merchandise, the gravitational link between Earth and Crystallia had come to an end. The majority of people who made the journey were from parts of West Africa, the central parts of Asia, the Red Indians of North America and a few from the northern parts of South America. They had barely settled into their new home when the planets natural immune system was triggered, the Ẹbọras emerged intending to end the branch of humanity that had the gall to make this planet their home. The struggle for survival began; man was able to harness the crystal mined from the planet to forge an energy source, they were able to till the land to produce food, and they built large walls to shelter themselves from the Ẹbọra. As man thrived, man also adapted to this new planet; exposure to this new crystal energy and air, which was not oxygen but breathable, caused a change in man’s biological constitution. The next generation had Evolved into something else. Thus, the story begins. Adewale was killed on the streets of modern-day Lagos in the country called Nigeria; for some reason, God decided that Adewale didn’t deserve death and reincarnated him in this new world called Crystallia. He is forced to grow up quickly because of the sad state of the society he was born into, a society where the rich prey upon the poor using them as stepping stones in achieving their selfish ambitions. As a child, Adewale was forcefully recruited into the military force of the Lagos Shelter, where he was forced to use his useless ability to pave a path towards success. Through the hardship of this world, he managed to gather trusted allies and embarked on a quest of his own to take control of the Lagos shelter and end corruption. What he didn’t count on was the fact that the heart of the greedy thinks only of staying the hunger of their greed and that greed will lead to war, savagery and destruction. Thus the exciting story of Adewale begins, with his closest companion that named itself Symbiot.
MrSubfura · 5.3K Views


Betrayed by the family she thought she could trust, Selena Lawrence awakens from a coma to a chilling revelation: her stepfather, Victor, and stepsister, Clara, orchestrated her downfall to secure a desperate merger with their rival, Anderson Industries. Reduced to a pawn in an unwritten game of betrayal, Selena is shipped off to Europe for her safety, left to grapple with the scars of betrayal and the loss of everything she once knew. Emma learns the truth about the family that raised her and the father she never knew. But Selena isn’t the type to run. When she returns to America, she’s ready to take back her life, expose the lies, and destroy anyone who stands in her way. Her plans turn unexpectedly when she crosses paths with Richard Anderson, the heir to the merged empire and the man she once loved. But Richard is no longer hers; he’s now Clara’s husband, and he was also entangled in the very web of lies that tore Selena’s world apart. Despite the bitterness of betrayal, their undeniable connection reignites, forcing Selena to question everything she thought she wanted. She was a pawn in a game she never agreed to play, but now Selena is determined to rewrite the rules; even if it means playing the same dangerous game against her family. As her desire for vengeance clashes with her love for Richard, she faces an impossible choice: to pursue revenge and risk losing herself or to seek redemption through a love that could shatter her all over again. Will she conquer the game or be consumed by it?
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