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Kappei Yamaguchi

Isekai Customer Service Is A Joke!

Like any 18 year old high school student, Kim Ji-Hye was just busy struggling with expectations and exams. The biggest worries? Overbearing parents and college entrance exams. That, of course, was the case until she accidentally found herself in an unexpected circumstance that led straight into the glowing gates of death! One moment, she was zoning out on an empty school corridor. The next? She was smack in the middle of a field that was way too over dramatic with the moon lighting up the surrounding and to add to it all, questioning all her life decisions. “What the hell? Where the HELL AM I?" Before she managed to figure out whether she had been taken hostage, sedated, or was indeed deceased, the reality had another surprise in store for her. The field evaporated. She was now in a never-ending white void. “Ah right, that is just brilliant. Another case of teleportation. Is my life really that boring that I actually find this exciting?” “Why do you think so?” a deep, unbothered voice replied. Ji-Hye screamed. Floating, there in front of her was a god that was the epitome of ‘a literal god.’ “WHO ARE YOU?” The God sighed. “Welcome Ji-Hye. I do not really know how you made it here, but… yeah, this is awkward.” Ji-Hye blinked. “Am I dead?” "Is that your final guess?" "Nope." “Then where am I?” "Alternate reality." “And how did I get here?” "Because your universe's God did an ‘oopsie’ and misplaced you." “Excuse me?” Apparently, some celestial treasure named Ezekiel was supposed to keep her safely in her time screwed up so badly that she ended up in a reality she wasn’t even supposed to exist in. THANKS EZEKIEL! "So what now?" Ji-hye asked, still trying to process the fact that divine beings are capable of making stupid mistakes The god who introduced himself in a head-turning fashion as Kashigami sighed once more. “Well, I need to send you back… but the thing is, I have no clue which universe is yours. So it might take some time.” “And how long is ‘some time’?” “Perhaps 500 years.” Ji-hye’s eyes had never been so wide. “WHAT IN THE FU–” And there started the journey which I (the author) could describe in many different ways, but for Ji-hye, it was undoubtedly the most unhinged. ✨ READ NOW TO FIND OUT: ✔ How does Ji-hye handle being an anomaly? ✔ Will Kashigami ever be useful? (Spoiler: Probably not.) ✔ Will she ever return home, or is she stuck in this SPACE WARP forever? 5K VIEWS CELEBRATION! JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER code is "Ji-hye"
kappe · 13.3K Views

미니게임정보방 [ 코드 9090]

최신주소 우리의 입맛을 사로잡는 토토검증사이트 추천 코드 9090 우리의 입맛을 사로잡는 토토검증사이트 VIP추천 이곳 VIP는 투명하고 정직한 운영을 통하여 회원님들께 높은 신뢰를 가지고 운영중인 사이트입니다. 실제로 먹튀 사례로 인해 큰 피해를 보았던 분들이 이곳을 장기적으로 이용을 해 안심하고 베팅을 진행하는 중이기도 합니다. 특히 이곳의 제일 큰 매력이라고 한다면, 바로 다양한 이벤트와 혜택 마련인데요. 이곳을 이용해 본다면, 더욱 즐거운 베팅 생활이 될 것 같다는 생각이 드는데요. 첫 가입머니 환전가능머니 지급 ,지인추천 ,첫충30% ,페이백 등등 다양한 이벤트를 진행합니다. 가입 시 필요한 코드는 9090이며, 걱정 없이 즐거운 베팅 생활을 즐겨 볼 수 있을 테니 한번 방문해 보시기를 바랍니다. 현재 신규 가입자들에게는 다양한 혜택을 제공하고 있으니 이 기회도 놓치지 마시기를 바랍니다. 오시는길 : 가입코드 : 9090 #토큰게임분석#토큰그래프방법#동행복권파워프리킥#토큰하이로우가상배팅#토큰게임분석기#파워프리킥#토큰룰렛픽#스피드덩크#뽀글이1분중계#토큰게임토토#파워볼 #네임드사다리 #사다리공유 #무료픽 #무료분석 #다리다리 #축구픽 #야구픽 #믈브 #야구분석 #놀이터 #가족방 #공유 #픽스터 #가즈아 #라이브스코어 #추천픽 #검증#먹튀검증 #먹튀사이트 #먹튀없음 #토토사이트 #토토놀이터 #토토검증 #스포츠사이트 #스포츠토토 #스포츠분석 #스포츠배팅 #사설토토 #사설배팅#검증사이트 #검증놀이터 #검증방 #먹튀방 #검증공원 #놀이터추천 #놀이터사이트 #스포츠놀이터 #미니게임놀이터 #추천놀이터#단폴사이트 #단폴더배팅 #단폴상한가 #단폴재제 #단폴배팅 #단폴배팅방법 #안전놀이터 #배팅사이트#안전공원 #안전메이저 #먹튀사이트 #메이저놀이터 #메이저사이트 #실시간미니게임 #미니게임추천 #미니게임사이트 #토토미니게임#파워볼사이트 #파워볼배당 #파워볼분석 #파워볼픽 #사다리게임 #파워볼게임 #파워볼하는법 #사다리분석 #사다리분석 #사다리가족방#가족방 #픽스터가족방 #가족방추천 #1분게임 #1분미니게임 #실시간1분게임 #추천미니게임
Seishi_Yamaguchi · 939 Views

impossible power

Pada tahun 9990, zaman dimana ilmu sains telah sangat berkembang, sebuah fenomena aneh terjadi di Jepang. Fenomena tersebut berasal dari sebuah perusahaan ilegal yang melakukan percobaan pembuatan virus yang dapat merevolusi perubahan kekutan psikologi maupun kekuatan fisik manusia. Adapun bahan percobaan mereka ialah anak-anak terlantar yang tidak memiliki orang tua serta tempat tinggal dengan kisaran usia 10-15 tahun yang telah dicuci otak mereka. Dalam percobaan tersebut terdapat lebih dari 500 anak yang mereka kumpulkan dari tempat-tempat terlantar seperti tanah kumuh, panti asuhan, serta adapula yang mereka culik dengan cara membunuh semua anggota keluarga sang anak. Rieka Kaneko adalah salah satu anak yang keluarganya dimusnahkan dan diculik dari sebuah desa terpencil yang berada di prefektur Yamaguchi. Sebagai anak-anak yang diculik, jelaslah mereka mempunyai keistimewaan dibandingkan dengan mereka yang dikumpulkan dari tempat-tempat terlantar dan panti asuhan. Adapun Rieka sendiri memiliki bakat dan iq-diatas rata-rata sehingga walaupun telah dicuci otak ia masih dapat berpikir logis namun sisi kemanusiaannya juga menipis berbeda dengan anak-anak lainnya yang telah seperti kehilangan jiwa dan sisi kemanusiaan mereka. Dalam percobaan ini terjadi sesuatu yang berada diluar antisipasi para petinggi perusahaan, yaitu hilangnya kesadaran anak-anak yang telah diberikan virus dan melakukan pemberontakan. Pemberontakan tesebut menyebabkan rusaknya fasilitas serta gedung laboratorium yang digunakan untuk uji coba dari kekuatan yang diperoleh anak-anak tersebut dan mengakibatkan menyebarnya virus yang telah mereka buat ke seluruh penjuru secara perlahan. Seiring berjalannya waktu virus yang trsebar akhirnya menyebar semakin luas dan membuat orang-orang yang terkena virus juga mengalami hal yang sama dengan anak-anak tersebut dan juga melakukan pemberontakan di sekitar mereka. Namun ada juga orang-orang yang tidak kehilangan kesadaran mereka setelah terkena virus seperti Rieka, yang hanya melakukan upayah pembelaan diri dari pemberontakan yang dilakukan orang-orang yang kehilangan kesadaran disekitar mereka. Dalam upayah membela diri meskipun dapat berpikir logis, Rieka yang masih berusia 10 tahun serta efek cuci otak yang ia alami tidak sedikitpun ragu membunuh anak-anak lain yang mencoba menyerangnya menggunakan kekuatan yang ia peroleh dan mencoba mencari jalan keluar dari kekacauan yang sedang terjadi. Setelah kurang lebih 1 jam berjuang keluar dari kekacauan, tanpa sadar Rieka telah berada diluar area perusahaan yang sekarang bangunan-bangunan didalamnya hampir hancur total akibat pemberontakan anak-anak serta para petinggi perusahaan yang mengamuk karena terkena virus. Namun apa yang ia temukan diluar tidak jauh berbeda dengan yang ia alami didalam perusahaan dan membuat ia hanya bisa melakukan pembelaan diri sambil bergegas menjauh sejauh mungkin dari kekacauan. Setelah berjuang untuk bertahan hidup selama kurang lebih semalam penuh tanpa tahu lokasi keberadaannya sekarang, akhirnya Rieka tiba didepan sebuah rumah yang sangat besar dan tidak ada sedikitpun tanda-tanda pemberontakan yang terjadi di lokasi sekitar rumah tersebut. Setelah memastikan lingkungannya benar-benar aman, karena kelelahan dan kelaparan akhirnya Rieka jatuh pingsan didepan gerbang rumah tersebut dalam keadaan cukup banyak darah berceceran di pakaian dan tubuhnya. Disisi lain, pemerintah Jepang dalam menghadapi krisis yang sedang terjadi menggerakkan seluruh pasukan militer negara serta ilmuan terpercaya mereka untuk meredakan serta mencari tahu penyebab kekacauan tersebut.
Rifan_4705 · 16K Views

The Black Rain Effect

It began when Vince was asked to come home and cook a delicious meal. His sister Bella just landed the job of her dreams. He hurried home only to find out he was late. There he met his sister’s boss and friend. Ahma Chiyo. A young businesswoman who owns a chain of hotels and resto-bars. Vince noticed how much Chiyo looked at him. During dinner, then during their conversations. They were left alone, and something happened. Chiyo kissed him and he was not able to push her away as he was swept away from the pleasure. Weeks later, she appeared in his room with an indecent offer. He tried his best to resist… but Chiyo always gets what she wants. That’s when he realized he had fallen for something dangerous, he became the subject of Chiyo’s pleasure. And he gets paid for making her feel good. Vince then discovered that Chiyo is the daughter of an influential group that controls a part of the black market. The Yakuza. As the story goes on, Chiyo has to face her responsibility and marry Tanaka. The man she had been pre-arranged to be married to for years. But then something happened, Chiyo received a phone call from Tanaka, saying he fell in love with someone in Singapore. Still, he promised they would still marry. But then, Chiyo began to change as well. As things change, and their situation gets more complicated, not only will the Ahma group get involved, but the Yamaguchi group as well. A love story that revolves around lavish and rich life. Of guns and threats. A love story between the young 20 year old Vince and the 29 year old Chiyo. A love filled with intrigue and suffering.
KamiKrimson · 5.4K Views
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