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Wiedergeburt des namenlosen unsterblichen Gottes

Die Erde hat eine merkwürdige Veränderung durchgemacht. Während sie sich um das Millionenfache ihrer ursprünglichen Größe ausdehnte, wurde ihre Bevölkerung plötzlich in zwei Hälften geteilt. Auf der einen Seite gab es eine Gruppe von technologisch fortgeschrittenen Menschen. Auf der anderen Seite wuchs und gedieh eine Welt der Kultivierung. Die Geheimnisse, die zu dieser Veränderung geführt haben, waren zu lange im Dunkeln verborgen... Bis zu dem Tag, an dem sich herausstellte, dass ein Junge, der auf der sterblichen Seite der Welt geboren wurde, das Talent hatte, in die Welt der Krieger einzutreten. Nachdem er beide Eltern durch eine verborgene Flut verloren hatte, beschloss er, alles, was er bisher kannte, hinter sich zu lassen und dieses Land der Gefahr zu betreten. Welche Wahrheiten würde er ans Licht bringen? Was würde er darüber erfahren, was die Sterblichen von den Kultivierenden unterscheidet? Welche verborgenen Übel wollten sicherstellen, dass sein Volk sich niemals erheben und die Macht erlangen würde? Und wie würden diese Übel... mit ihm umgehen? ---- Die Liste der Dinge, die ich hasse, ist ziemlich lang. Die erste ist, dass ich es am meisten hasse, getestet zu werden. Das zweite ist, dass ich es am meisten hasse, getestet zu werden. Die dritte ist, dass ich es am meisten hasse, geprüft zu werden. Die Tiefen des Ozeans sind zu seicht, das Licht der Sonne zu schwach, der Boden zu banal und der Himmel zu klein. Dass diejenigen, die in dieser farblosen Welt geboren wurden, sich für würdig halten, über mich zu urteilen... kann ich nur sagen, dass es lächerlich ist. Ich bin der namenlose unsterbliche Gott, denn selbst der Himmel ist nicht würdig, mir einen Namen zu geben. Selbst wenn ich mir meiner Identität nicht bewusst bin, werde ich die Ozeane austrocknen, bis nur noch rissiges Land übrig ist, ich werde die Sonne in endlose Dunkelheit stürzen, ich werde den Boden mit meinen Füßen zertrümmern und den Himmel mit meiner Klinge zerreißen. Bin ich zu arrogant? Welches Recht hast du, das zu denken? --- https:// www. /liushuo Kapitel-Belohnungssystem: (Die Basiskapitelanzahl beträgt 2/Tag und 14/Woche) Alle 100 goldenen Tickets - 1 zusätzliches Kapitel 2000 Münzen Geschenk (Drache) - 1 Extra-Kapitel 5000 Münzen Geschenk (Schloss) - 3 Extra-Kapitel 10000 Münzen Geschenk (Raumschiff) - 6 Extra-Kapitel 15000 Münzen Geschenk (Gachapon) - 10 Extra-Kapitel
Awespec · 71.4K Views

Verliebt in den König der Bestien

[Reth pirschte sich an sie heran, das Kinn gesenkt, so dass der Schatten, den sein harter Kiefer warf, den dicken Pelzkragen seiner Weste streifte. Sein Haar war ihm bei dem Handgemenge über die Augen gefallen, so dass er sie dadurch wie ein Löwe im Gras ansah. Mit jedem Schritt erinnerte sein anmutiger, rollender Gang sie an ein Raubtier, das sich an seine Beute heranpirscht. Obwohl der Waldboden mit Zweigen und Blättern übersät war, gab er keinen Laut von sich. "Wer bist du?" stammelte Elia und wich mit erhobenen Händen zurück. Er kam ihr Schritt für Schritt entgegen, bis sie hart gegen den Baum hinter ihr stieß - und blieb erst stehen, als er über ihr aufragte, so breit, dass seine Schultern und seine Brust eine Wand vor ihr bildeten. Sie konnte die Hitze seiner Haut in der kühlen Nachtluft spüren. "Ich bin der Leonische König." Seine Stimme war ein dunkler, heiserer Schotter. Hinter ihm erhob sich ein Chor aus Keuchen, Heulen und zustimmendem Gezirpe von den Zuschauern. "Und du bist?" "Elia", hauchte sie. "Elia", knurrte er, lehnte sich näher heran und brachte den Duft von Kiefernholz und Regen und den Moschusgeruch von etwas eindeutig Männlichem mit. "Ich bin Reth." Er sagte den Namen mit einem seltsamen, gutturalen Räuspern in der Kehle. "Ich bin der König der Bestien. Ich bin Clanführer, und ich bin der Alpha von WildWood. Aus der Menge hinter ihm ertönten mehrere Knurrlaute, aber er ignorierte sie. Elia schluckte, als er sich zu ihr hinunterbeugte, bis seine Kinnlade ihre Wange berührte. "Ich bin der König", sagte er, "und du wirst meine Gefährtin sein." Der Wald hinter ihm brach aus. ****** Elia ist eine arme Universitätsstudentin, bis zu der Nacht, in der sie in die Welt der Anima entführt wird - regiert von Menschen, deren uralte Herzen mit dem Blut von Tieren pulsieren. Dort wird sie in einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod gezwungen. Doch als Elia überlebt und sich weigert, ihren letzten Gegner zu töten, muss der König entweder Elia selbst töten oder sie als seine Gefährtin nehmen. Reth, der brutale König der Bestien mit dem Blut von Löwen, schockiert alle, als er die schwache, menschliche Elia zu seiner Königin erwählt. Er verspricht ihr alle Annehmlichkeiten seines Reichtums und seiner Stellung - aber er ist sich sicher: Sie wird nicht sein Bett wärmen. Er wählte sie aus, um diejenigen zu besiegen, die ihn in die Enge treiben wollten, um seine Leonische Linie mit den Wölfen zu vermischen. Elia braucht die Hilfe der Anima, um stärker zu werden und sie gut zu regieren. Doch die rachsüchtigen Wölfe sehen in ihr nur einen schwachen Menschen, der ihnen Schande gebracht hat. Während Elia und Reth sich näher kommen, sind die Wölfe entschlossen, sie zu vernichten. Werden Reth und Elia sich ihre Gefühle füreinander rechtzeitig eingestehen, um für das Königreich - und ihr Leben - gegen den bösartigen Wolfsstamm zu kämpfen? Oder werden die Wölfe Elia töten und den Thron an sich reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt - keine sexuelle Gewalt] Titelbild mit bezahlter urheberrechtlicher Genehmigung verwendet. Illustriert von Aenaluck - sieh dir mehr wunderschöne Kunst an und unterstütze sie auf
AimeeLynn · 102.4K Views

Ich habe meine Erinnerungen zurückgewonnen und bin nach meiner Scheidung reich geworden

"Gu Dai, ich habe dich nur geheiratet, um Großvater glücklich zu machen. Wenn eine andere Großvater gerettet hätte, hätte ich sie genauso geheiratet! Bilde dir nicht zu viel auf dich ein!" In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe beleidigte Gu Dais Mann sie bei vielen Gelegenheiten. Sie hätte nicht geglaubt, dass sie einmal verwöhnt und wohlhabend war, wenn sie nicht plötzlich ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hätte. Warum hat sie diesem Mann drei Jahre lang bereitwillig gedient? Dieser Mann war sogar so verachtenswert, dass er sich in eine andere Frau verliebte! Das erste, was Gu Dai tat, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hatte, war, sich scheiden zu lassen! In der ganzen Hauptstadt verbreitete sich das Gerücht, dass sich das Mädchen aus den Slums von Herrn Song scheiden lassen wollte! "Ernsthaft? Ist sie nicht eine Goldgräberin?" fragten alle. "Sie spielt nur den Unnahbaren. Glaubt ihr, dass sie jemals weitermachen kann?" fragte Mr. Song. Unmittelbar danach erfuhren alle, dass Gu Dai zur Familie Gu in die Hauptstadt zurückgekehrt war. Sie war nun die junge Dame der reichsten Familie der Stadt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie die junge Frau der Familie Gu war, die nach einem Unfall auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff vor drei Jahren verschwunden war! "Herr Song, Frau Gu ist eine Nummer zu groß für Sie", sagten alle. "Na und? Sie weiß nicht, wie man für die Zukunft plant. Außer Geld hat sie nichts", sagte Herr Song. Kurze Zeit später entdeckten die Leute Gu Dais vielfältige Identitäten. Sie war eine angesehene Hackerin, eine Wunderärztin, die beste Designerin des Landes... Sie war alles, wonach Song Ling gesucht hatte. Als sie sich wieder trafen, hielt er sie fest und flehte sie mit Tränen in den Augen an. "Dai, es macht mir nichts aus, wenn du Gefühle für andere hast. Kannst du mich bitte trotzdem an deiner Seite bleiben lassen?"
Mountain Springs · 63.6K Views

TPZ: The Price of Zer0

WARNING: This webnovel delves into themes of madness, insanity, and distorted realities. As the story progresses, it may change your perception and evoke unsettling emotions. Reader discretion is advised. Take care to recognize when to step back if you feel overwhelmed. Don't worry though, it delves deeper into the aspect of insanity though, so most of it should be ok except a few parts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If a man is never born, is he dead? If a thing is never seen, does it exist? If a name is never spoken, does it carry meaning?" I do not ask these questions to be answered. I ask them because no one dares to. The universe is built on the arrogance of definition. Numbers, laws, identities—shackles that are forged in language, in memory, in time, or this theory that lingers in our brains called collective consciousness. But what of the spaces between? The void? Reality? The things that exist outside knowing, outside the gaze of men and gods? Or does it not exist at all? If so, how are we speaking about it? Paradoxical isn’t it? He was such a thing. A presence without a name. A shadow cast by nothing. Or nothing cast by a shadow? If history is a river, he was the drought. If men are measured by the weight of their deeds, he was the absence of gravity itself. He did not belong, not in this world, not in any world, because he was not of the world. Not forgotten. Not ignored. Not erased. Simply… he never counted. And yet, in the nothing, he saw everything. The weight of unspoken thoughts. The blood behind unshed tears. The truth in silence. The universe was full of things unseen, of wounds never given words, of horrors never given shape. And he understood. He understood that nothingness was not the absence of being, but the absence of limitation. He understood that a thing untethered by perception is a thing without chains. He understood that the moment a man asks, "What is the shape of nothing?"— —he has already begun to see it. The idea of liminalism or being liminal. He experienced it and it drove him not to insanity, but sent him spiraling into the depth of the abyssal word of all what it carried of meaning, something much much beyond than mere insanity, something that can not described with words, because it is not a reality, it is something simply…...beyond. Saying he was insane would be an understatement, mind you. And once seen, it can never be unseen. The world had built itself on the assumption that zero was empty. That nothing had no weight. That absence held no consequence. But they were wrong. Zero was the abyss between all things. The wound that preceded creation. The foundation of every lie called "truth." And the price of zero… was everything. As such, because he lost everything, He gained everything. 1 extra chapter = 2 powerstones
ItismeIndeedsoObey · 2.3K Views

His A-list Star: A glamorous comeback

Excerpt~~ "Do you know how long— I have wanted to do this?" When he spoke up, his voice was husky, a mixture of desire and sincerity. Matching with the look in his eyes. Sending this strong vibration across her body. "From the very time I saw you, walking down that aisle, dressed to kill. And all I could picture at that moment was how to get my hands on you." A smile lit up her face as her heart made a joyful leap at his words. She felt that fluttering sensation in the pit of her stomach. Hot blood ran down her spine, as she lifted a hand to stroke his cheek to be certain he was real and not some hologram before leaning forward to trail a simple and soft kiss on his hard- chiseled chin. This is where she wanted to be, in his arms. Safe and secured. "Now that I think about it, I caught you staring at me that I almost lost a foot—- you literally were drooling on me." He laughed. His laughter was so rich, it sent her heart racing again. Out of the ladies I have acted alongside with, I have to admit— I'm not saying this to make you feel elated or to sound cheesy but it was what I felt at that moment. I felt that connection I had never felt before in all the female actors I have acted with. Truth be told, you are the best……" Synopsis~~ Jane Anderson was a rising star who was making waves with her acting talent, but at some point had to give up some big roles because of her boyfriend and it had always been her dream to act alongside a top actor, Toro Wilson. She finally landed herself a big gig to star as the female lead in a historical magical drama, alongside Toro Wilson. It was a dream come true. To celebrate the day, she ended up in a bar with her half sister who is also a rising actress and her friend. They partied the whole night and the next morning, Jane found herself unclad in the bar upper room and it dawned on her, she had a one night stand with an unknown guy but while hurrying out of the room, unknown to her, a camera was secretly taking shots of her. Soon, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her with someone she never expected. Amidst the heartache, she was accused of a crime she didn't do which made her give up acting. Situationship brought her close to the top actor, Toro Wilson, who for some reason had a trauma of laying his hands on women (touching women) Now the two grew closer and worked together. Jane has to beat all odds to rise to fame again while Toro helps her in every way possible. Note: The story might contain some mature contents so reader's discretion is advised.
ChunliVoid · 60.6K Views

The Price For Loving You

The Price for Loving You Nicolas Blackwood had never been the son his father wanted. In a family of powerful alphas, he was an anomaly—an omega, a stain on the legacy his father spent decades building. Weak. Useless. A mere bargaining chip to secure alliances. That was all Adrian Blackwood saw in him. But Nicolas never cared for power, nor did he crave his father’s approval. His heart belonged to something greater—freedom, dance, the thrill of losing himself in movement, and the people who truly loved him. His mother, whose warmth shielded him from his father’s cold expectations. Lachelle, the best friend who never left his side. And Lucas, the boy who once made him believe in love. But the fragile world Nicolas built shatters when his older brother, Nathaniel, is murdered. His father, the man who had barely acknowledged his existence, suddenly turns his gaze on him. And now, Nicolas has a duty to fulfill. His body, his life, his future—none of it belongs to him anymore. He is to be bound to Caleb Montgomery, the son of a powerful business family. A loveless marriage, a cage disguised as duty. His fate is sealed. Until Dominik Nikolayevich Rizzo steps into his life. The last heir of two great mafia dynasties—his Russian father and Italian mother had built an empire together, their love as dangerous as it was legendary. But love wasn’t enough to save them. On the night before his mother’s birthday, Dominik had left their estate to buy her flowers, only to return to a nightmare. His home engulfed in flames, his parents trapped inside. He had screamed for them. He had fought to reach them. But there was nothing left to save. And Adrian Blackwood had been the one who lit the match. For years, Dominik lived for one thing—revenge. He would infiltrate the Blackwood family, rip them apart from the inside, and watch as their empire crumbled beneath his feet. Killing Caleb Montgomery was just another step in his plan. Taking his place at Nicolas' side was another. But nothing could have prepared him for Nicolas himself. The omega was nothing like he expected—defiant, sharp-tongued, and entirely too beautiful. Too captivating. And in one reckless night, one moment of madness neither of them saw coming, Nicolas' heat drives him straight into Dominik's arms. He claims him. And worse—he marks him. Now, they are bound by something stronger than hatred. A connection neither of them wanted. Nicolas, trapped in the arms of the very man who destroyed his life. Dominik, bound to the omega he was meant to ruin. But the deeper Nicolas digs, the more secrets he unearths—truths his family has buried beneath blood and lies. The real reason Nathaniel was murdered. The sins his father tried to erase. And worst of all… The most dangerous man in his life—the one who led him into the darkness, the one who shattered his world— Was the same man he was falling in love with.
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DH_Pharmacy · 353 Views

The Price of Harmony

In a galaxy ravaged by war and haunted by the ever-expanding Dead Zones, Naia is a skilled Harmony Navigator - a person of extraordinary powers that can temporarily stabilize paths through them. Thus she was trained and recruited into the branch of the military known as Vanguard Operations. She finds her romance - a welcome stabilizing factor in her life - thrown into turmoil when the enigmatic and powerful soldier, Theia, joins her squad. It would be clear to anyone that the two women looked very much alike… and it was long clear to Naia that this woman was the one she was always meant to replace in Evander’s heart. Bound by duty, Naia must navigate not only the treacherous reality-bending terrain of the Dead Zones but also the growing tension and unspoken desires within their team. As her squad leader Evander's attention slips ever more towards the alluring and unpredictable Theia, the Navigator grapples with feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and a growing sense of isolation. Love & Duty - Or Duty & Sacrifice? A balance that the three can live with is sought. Will she be able to maintain her focus and fulfill her vital role in the war effort, or will the discord fomenting within their squad consume them all? Naia must confront the rising tide of chaos, both within herself and slowly building in the world around her… ultimately discovering the true price of harmony. ---- Romance-Drama with a Science-Fantasy setting. Messy Triangle - yes. An Omni-Directional one? At times, but it's not poly. Some FxM R-18/Smut... Interspersed tastefully and plot progressively. --In this author's opinion, anyway. * Eventual Les/Yuri/FxF scenes, yes. * You're Welcome. ---- If you like your love stories poking you in the feels in the middle of fantastical settings, check out my other works too! It's kind of what I do.
Seraphelki · 74.3K Views

the price of forever

Synopsis: Lena never imagined that a fateful encounter in her childhood would bind her to Damien, the ruthless mafia heir feared by all. When he saved her from a predator at the age of twelve, she became the only warmth in his cold world. Years later, a cruel twist of fate forced them into a marriage neither of them expected—one that should have never been possible under the mafia’s rigid rules. Despite his dangerous lifestyle, Damien proved to be a devoted husband, shielding Lena from the brutality of his world while cherishing her in a way no mafia leader ever had. But their love was a challenge to the very foundations of the underworld. As enemies conspired against them, secrets unraveled, and betrayal struck from within, Lena found herself facing an impossible choice: stay by Damien’s side and watch him be destroyed, or leave him to save his life. When forced to walk away, carrying his unborn child, Lena sacrificed her own happiness for the man she loved. Meanwhile, Damien, trapped in the mafia’s relentless grip, was coerced into marrying another woman, even as his heart remained loyal to the wife who vanished without a trace. In a world where power dictates fate and love is a dangerous weakness, will their paths ever cross again, or will they remain bound only by memories and a love that was never meant to survive? A heartbreaking tale of love, sacrifice, and the cruel hand of destiny—Bound by Fate, Torn by Destiny will leave you breathless until the very last page.
Abiba_OYEWUMI · 916 Views
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