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Annora Petrova

Silent Scars, Loud Love

After the tragic death of her parents, Larissa Petrova became a victim of sex trafficking. Rescued during a police raid led by Inspector Alicia Rodriguez, Larissa finds herself with nowhere to go. Alicia takes her in, offering her a chance to start over. Determined to rebuild her life, Larissa secures a job as a bartender at Madrid’s biggest club, where she meets Lionel Ramos, a strikingly handsome billionaire. Lionel is captivated by Larissa’s beauty and resilience. They fell in love, and within months, they got married. The silent scars begins as they struggle to conceive a child. Lionel’s mother, Mrs. Ramos, pressures them for a grandchild, adding strain to their relationship. After consulting with medical experts, they turn to surrogacy, despite Larissa’s initial reluctance.   Larissa asks her best friend Lucia, a fellow survivor of the sex trafficking ring, to be their surrogate. Lucia agrees, enticed by the promise of ,000 a month. However, her greed soon takes over. She demands ,000 a month, knowing they have no legal agreement to protect them. Desperate for a child, Lionel and Larissa comply. As the pregnancy progresses, Lucia's demands escalate. Driven by jealousy and greed, she terminates the pregnancy, leaving Larissa devastated. Mrs. Ramos, desperate for an heir, convinces Lionel to have an affair with Lucia. Reluctantly, Lionel agrees, and Lucia becomes pregnant again. She demands to move into Lionel’s mansion, creating further tension. "Silent Scars, Loud Love" is a  tragic tale of love, betrayal, and the power of forgiveness. In a romance life where scars run deep, true healing can only begin by letting go of the past, acting as if it never happen. Dive into a story that lacks the ordinary and entails of the extraordinary journey to love.
falodeopemiposi6 · 27.6K Views

Lost in LA

Titolo: "Lost in LA" Ambientazione: Los Angeles, la città dei sogni e delle opportunità, ma anche della criminalità e della violenza. La città degli angeli, ma anche degli incubi. Personaggi: - Jack: un detective di Los Angeles, che ha appena perso la sua collega in un'indagine su un serial killer. È un uomo determinato e coraggioso, ma che nasconde un segreto oscuro. - Sarah: una giovane e ambiziosa giornalista che cerca di fare carriera a Los Angeles. È una donna intelligente e coraggiosa, ma che si trova spesso nei guai. - Alex: un misterioso uomo d'affari, che sembra avere un ruolo importante nella vicenda del serial killer. È un uomo affascinante e pericoloso, ma che nasconde le sue vere intenzioni. Trama: Jack è sulle tracce del serial killer più pericoloso di Los Angeles. La sua collega, che lo aiutava nell'indagine, è stata uccisa dal killer e Jack si sente in colpa per non averla protetta. Decide di continuare l'indagine da solo, ma si trova davanti a una serie di ostacoli e di insidie. Sarah, intanto, sta cercando di scoprire la verità sulla morte della sua amica, la collega di Jack. Si imbatte in Jack e decide di aiutarlo nell'indagine, ma finisce per trovarsi lei stessa nei guai. Alex sembra avere le risposte che Jack e Sarah cercano, ma non è disposto a darle facilmente. Li trascina in un pericoloso gioco di intrighi e di violenza, che li porterà a mettere in pericolo le loro vite. Il film si conclude con una scena di azione e di suspense, in cui Jack e Sarah riescono a catturare il killer e a svelare la verità su Alex. Jack si libera del suo segreto oscuro e Sarah trova la storia che le farà fare il grande salto nella sua carriera di giornalista.
DaoistcgQX7C · 12.2K Views

The Vampire Lord and The Cunning Attendant

Jasper Petrova, the one and only son of the Petrova family, The Petrova family was one of the most well-known aristocracies in the kingdom of Azerman. Jasper's father, Alfredo Petrova, was also the founder of the famed clan Purgatory's Mark, and Jasper, for his inherent aptitude in vampire art and his ability to make a blood bond with a fallen angel at the age of 10, was appointed the clan's youngest Commander. When Jasper turned 15, it was agreed that he would attend the Royal Academy of Bloodfallen. Jasper, being the conscientious guy that he is, accepted without hesitation and began preparing for his departure, and just before the deadline, his mother arrived with a human girl to offer Jasper as a gift. "My lord, you may address me as Feriya. I will devote my entire soul to serving you." She murmured to the young Jasper, who was restraining his bloodlust with a smile. Jasper had no idea that this girl was one of the most cunning person on the world. Why wouldn't she, given that she is a member of the Astreyana Tribe, which was massacred by some of Azerman's Nobles? Feriya, the last of the tribe, is filled with rage and vows to destroy the kingdom and all vampires inside it. ... Something dark and horrible was going on on the opposite side of the kingdom. The organization known as "Vitreous Damian," which claims to be the vampire's original descendant, was scheming to disrupt the kingdom's calm. For their causeThey'll need a vampire with blood powers , which are relatively rare at the moment, and only two persons have the blood ancestral talents: the king of Azerman and Jasper Petrova, the son of the Petrova family and the commander of the Purgatory's Mark. The issue remains as to what the Virtuous Damians will do. ....
SK_YUNJUN · 8.4K Views

In Chaos and Calms

Moscow Nurse-Cop: Love in Chaos In the heart of bustling Moscow, where chaos meets calm, Elena Petrova, a dedicated nurse at Moscow General Hospital, crosses paths with Sergei Volkov, a seasoned police officer and single father to eight-year-old Anya. Their initial encounter in a grocery store sparks a unique bond, as they navigate the complexities of friendship and the demands of their demanding lives. As their friendship deepens, Elena finds herself falling for Sergei, only to discover that he holds a torch for someone from his past. Despite the revelation of Sergei’s feelings, Elena and Sergei’s connection continues to grow. However, navigating the uncharted waters of love and faith proves challenging, especially with the lingering influence of Sergei’s past and the judgments of their community. When Elena faces a threat, Sergei’s intervention leads to a turning point in their relationship, deepening their commitment to each other. Together, Elena and Sergei embark on a journey to honor their faith and find a path to love despite the obstacles that lie in their way. As they seek guidance and understanding, their bond strengthens, leading to an engagement and a beautiful wedding, where they celebrate their love and their faith. In “Moscow Nurse-Cop: Love in Chaos,” Elena and Sergei navigate the complexities of modern love, the pressures of societal expectations, and the importance of faith in finding their calm amidst the tumult of life in Moscow.
Marwa_Tahir · 3.6K Views

The King of Fire

His deeply masculine voice rang out through the room's acoustics. It sent a shockwave through me at such intensity. My birthmark burned hotter, and hotter, but not enough to warrant a reaction just yet. "I need answers," I eventually spoke up. It didn't come off as confident as I wanted, as I was still a bit shaken up about seeing this man for the first time. "And you couldn't have waited another five minutes?" He challenged me. His tone also seemed intense, but I sensed no malice behind it. "Being that the last memory I have is getting put to sleep by a dragon, after being informed of their despicable sacrificial practices, I feel like getting some answers is high on my priority list," I quipped back. He seemed confused by the last half of what I said. "Listen, Annora, could you please give me five more minutes, and I will be open to provide as much information as I can," he spoke. "Fine. But I am not leaving the room," I chided, walking toward an open seat in front of the desk where this stranger sat. There was an amused twinkle in his eye, but his face did not falter. My hand quickly shot to my chest. It seemed that the closer I got to this man, the hotter the birthmark burned my skinned. I let out a pained hiss as I peeked under the bust of my dress. Sure enough, the dragon mark was glowing again. "The pain will disappear over time. You may take a seat if you can bare the pain, but please give me the five minutes," he looked at me. I couldn't get a complete reading on this guy just yet, but it may have sounded like he felt remorse or guilt for the pain my birthmark was causing me. I accepted the burning sensation, taking the seat that was offered to me, and I got a better view of his handsome face as he focused his attention to the papers on his desk. I began to feel a wave of pleasant electricity between the two of us. The electricity even seemed to calm the pain of my birthmark. I just stared in awe of the man before me. I don't know why I am feeling this way, if he has me bewitched, but I'm secretly enjoying it.
Chiisai_Senpai · 10.5K Views

Death's Game

"Gandalf said, 'End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.'" (J.R.R Tolkein) When it happened it felt like a release. Freedom has never felt so good on my tired body and battered soul. Logically, I know I'm dead, but... I looked around me as my body and soul was tugged through space itself. I passively noticed the stars and planets getting smaller as I descended towards the void. Is this the afterlife? [Welcome Ms. Mia Petrova to The Afterlife] I heard a females voice say and I turned my head looking for the person. I noticed many other people spread out also descending fast like me into the void. The man closest to me held his hands up screaming in excitement and I couldn't help but giggle in amusement. I noticed a ripple in the space beside him and watched curiously as something slithered through. I choked on my shock as a snake-like creature appeared from the ripple and swallowed the oblivious man whole. Before a noise left my mouth the creature already disappeared into another ripple of space. I couldn't help my body's reaction as my soul and body were already exhausted. My eyes rolled into my head as I fell unconscious. ... "My name is Death and I would like to welcome you all to your afterlife. As you already know, it's not what you thought it would be. To be fair we have been running out of space for about 2000 years when the population was only 170million on earth. Now the population of the living is 7.8 billion can understand why the afterlife took a huge shift in perspective which has only been refined in today's age. " there was a pause and then the voice chuckled and continued. "I'm about to impart some knowledge that is a little earth-shaking but hopefully exciting. You see the painful truth about life is that life is a vacation. It's the real paradise away from reality. In Death, you all will face the reality. The reality is this... " AN: Bear with me, this is my first official story. I will be writing ✍ at my own pace. I'm open to constructive criticism and stupidly obvious errors. Any similarities with other stories are either coincidence or subconscious projections. I have read countless stories and I have a ton of ideas in my head. However, it's all a jumble so I will take my time with this and get it right. I hope you enjoy my take on the Afterlife and a system made by Death himself. P.S if you want to visualize Death he looks like a badass Daniel Craig as shown in the Book Cover. lol
Batshitcrazy · 20.1K Views

aspettando te

Capitolo 1: L'incontro tra Miguel e Lydia Nel pittoresco paese di Siviglia, in Spagna, due destini si incrociano in modo inaspettato. Miguel Herrera, un famoso torero spagnolo con una lunga carriera di successo alle spalle, e Lydia Fernandez, una brillante investigatrice privata, si incontrano durante un grande evento taurino. Miguel si trova al centro dell'arena, pronto a intrattenere la folla con la sua abilità impeccabile. Mentre esegue con grazia un passo di danza mortale, i suoi occhi incontrano quelli di Lydia, che si è trovata fortuitamente nel pubblico. Un'energia intensa passa tra loro, lasciandoli entrambi sorpresi e curiosi. Capitolo 2: Un legame inaspettato Dopo l'incontro, Miguel e Lydia decidono di incontrarsi per conoscere meglio l'uno all'altro. Scoprono di avere molti interessi in comune e, nonostante le loro diverse professioni, si sentono sempre più attratti l'uno dall'altra. Miguel condivide con Lydia la sua passione per il toreo, spiegandole le emozioni e le sfide che affronta in ogni corrida. Lydia, d'altra parte, racconta storie di casi intriganti risolti grazie alla sua perspicacia e determinazione. Capitolo 3: Un giorno nella villa In una calda giornata estiva, Miguel e Lydia decidono di passare del tempo insieme in una magnifica villa nelle campagne vicino a Siviglia. La villa appartiene a una signora miliardaria, Gabriela Sandoval, un'eccentrica collezionista d'arte. Questa donna misteriosa è affascinata dal mondo dei tori ed è un'ammiratrice di Miguel Herrera. Quando Miguel e Lydia arrivano alla villa, scoprono che Gabriela è scomparsa nel nulla. La villa sembra abbandonata e piena di enigmi, suggerendo che la sua scomparsa potrebbe essere stata pianificata e non casuale. Capitolo 4: Le indagini iniziano Lydia mette subito in azione le sue competenze investigative e inizia a esaminare attentamente la villa per trovare indizi sulla scomparsa di Gabriela. Miguel, dal canto suo, affronta le sue paure e sospetti, iniziando a sospettare che dietro la sparizione della signora miliardaria potrebbero esserci motivi legati al mondo della tauromachia. I due figli di Miguel e Lydia, Carlos ed Elena, si ritrovano involontariamente coinvolti nella vicenda, portando ancora più tensione e pericolo nella situazione. Miguel e Lydia uniscono le loro forze per affrontare un nemico sconosciuto che ha rapito la signora Gabriela, sfruttando le loro abilità e conoscenze uniche. Capitolo 5: Il finale Le indagini di Lydia e Miguel li conducono in un intricato labirinto di segreti e intrighi. Scoprono una rete di cospirazione che coinvolge l'élite di Siviglia e vari protagonisti del mondo delle corride, mettendo a rischio non solo le loro vite, ma anche l'equilibrio sociale della città. Con grande coraggio e intelligenza, Miguel e Lydia riescono a risolvere il caso, liberando la signora Gabriela dalle grinfie dei rapitori. Nel processo, rivelano una serie di tradimenti e vendette che sconvolgono le fondamenta di Siviglia. Alla fine, Miguel e Lydia escono dalla vicenda più forti e uniti di prima. Oltre ad aver risolto il mistero, ora hanno meno segreti da nascondere l'uno all'altro. Continueranno ad affrontare avventure insieme, combattendo contro il crimine e difendendo la verità, formando una squadra imbattibile di eroi moderni. Fine
DaoistcgQX7C · 2.8K Views
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