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Wayan Ixora

Laskar Dewa Series Episode II Sitija (Sang Yadawa Terakhir)

Sinopsis Bag III Prabu Bhomabomantara yang Berhasil menjebak Raden Sitija Bertarung Dengan Prabu Narakasura Kembali Melancarkan Rencana Keduanya.Rencana Untuk Menikahi Putri Prabu Krentangyana, Yaitu Dewi Hyangyanawati.Karena Mengetahui Bahwa Sang Putri Adalah Titisan Batari Kamakhya.Seorang Batari Cantik Jelita Jelmaan Dewi Sathi.Istri Pertama Batara Guru (Dewa Siwa). Akhirnya Membuat Sri Krishna Meminta Putranya Yang Bernama Raden Samba Dari Dewi Jembawati, Permaisuri Keduanya.Untuk Mendahului Rencana Prabu Bhomabomantara.Karena Sri Khrisna Menyuruh Raden Samba Mencari Kejelasan Asal Usulnya Yang Ternyata Adalah Juga Salah satu Rudra Titisan Batara Guru.Raden Samba Akhirnya Meminta Bantuan Dari Raden Guritno (Gatotkaca) Beserta Keenam Mahasenopati Utamanya, Ditya Prabakesha, Ditya Pancatyana, Ditya Yayahgriwa,Ditya Anchakagra, Ditya Maudara Dan Ditya Amisundha.Untuk Menggagalkan Rencana Prabu Bhomabomantara yang Akan Melamar Kekasihnya.Sementara Sri Khrisna Dengan Istri Ketiganya Dewi Satyabhama Menyusun Rencana Rencana Untuk Membunuh Prabu Bhomabomantara Yang Membuat Raden Sitija Putra Mereka Berdua Terjebak Dalam Pusaran Anjang -anjang Kencana (Langit Tanpa Batas).Dengan Meminta Dewi Satyabhama Yang Memiliki Busur Sarngha Dan Anak Panah Naracha . Dengan Dibantu Oleh Keponakannya Raden Guritno (Gatotkaca) Dan Raden Antareja Mereka Mengumpulkan Pasukan Dari Semua Wangsa Yadawa Untuk Menyerang Prabu Bhomabomantara Kearah Bukit Nilakaliphura. Sinopsis Bag IV Dengan petunjuk dari Arya Susena(Raden Sitija/Bhoma), I Wayan Wira dan Rekan rekanya justru menemukan jalan membongkar kejahatan sebuah organisasi kriminal terlarang internasional.Organisasi terlarang Yang berusaha masuk ke wilayah Indonesia.Kemudian atas perintah atasan masing -masing Atasannya. Pada akhirnya A.K.P I Wayan Wira dan Kolonel I Made Suta diberikan mandat untuk membentuk instansi khusus yang masih dalam pengawasan Badan Agen Rahasia Negara .Bernama Liga Perwira Dan Ksatria Republik Dengan merekrut Anak buah dari semua institusi negara. Juga merekrut Arya Susena dan Kelima Sepupunya yang menyebut dirinya sebagai Bomanarakasura. Seluruh Anggota Liga Perwira Dan Ksatria Republik Yang Dipimpin Oleh Brigjend Suta Menyatakan Perang Dengan Organisasi Terlarang Pemegang Rumput Eurekha. Organisasi Terlarang Yang Beranggotakan Para Pemuja Iblis dan Para Pembunuh Berantai Dari Berbagai Penjuru Dunia. Dengan Dibantu Oleh Seluruh Laskar Dewa Yang Dipimpin Oleh Agent Bhoma (Sitija),Raden Wisangkhanta Seorang Mahasenapati Jagad Raya dan Mahasenapati Bumi Beserta Seluruh Agent Rahasia Dunia Mencoba Membongkar dan Mengobrak-Abrik Semua Tempat Di Berbagai Negara Yang Diyakini Sebagai Induk Dari Organisasi Terlarang Rumput Eurekha. Sementara Raden Wisanggeni Beserta Ketiga Sepupunya. Raden Antasena, Raden Srenggini Dan Resi Mayangkara Memburu Keberadaan Keponakan Mereka Putra Raden Guritno (Gatotkaca)yang bernama Mahasenapati Wesi Aji Di Wilayah Setra Gandhamayit. Kerajaan Makhluk Astral DiWilayah Pathala Bumi.Sedangkan Anchakagra dan IPTU Artha Diutus Oleh A.K.B.P Wira Mencari Tahu Keberadaan Orang Tua Kandung Putri Agent Bhoma Yaitu Hita Padmarani. Menemui Banyak Hambatan Dari Beberapa Pihak Dari Ayah Angkat Hita Padmarani.Dilain Dimensi Belahan Dunia Tersembunyi yang Diciptakan Mahasenapati Wesi Aji. Mahasenapati Wesi Aji yang Menawan Maharesi Aswatama Mulai Menggunakan Kekuatan Inti Wirabadhra. Pemberian Batara Guru Untuk Membuka Kerangkeng Para Ghana (Hantu )Jahat Dan Para Asura Raksasa Dari Kaum Danawa.Para Asura Danawa Yang Tertidur Untuk Menghancurkan Seluruh Bumi. Dengan Menggunakan Nyawa Para Pengikutnya Di Organisasi Terlarang Rumput Eurekha. Agent Bhoma Dan Seluruh Punggawanya Akhirnya Bisa Menemukan Keberadaan Mahasenapati Wesi Aji Dan Mengeluarkannya Dari Dimensi Yang Diciptakannya.
Hendry_Octavian · 15.2K Views

Laskar Dewa Series Sitija (Sang Yadawa Terakhir)

Sinopsis I dan II Sinopsis I Laskar Dewa Sitija (Sang Yadawa Terakhir) Raden Sitija atau Prabu Bomanarakasura seorang Raja di kerajaan Trajutrisna. sebuah kerajaan yang seluruh penduduknya adalah kaum Ditya(Raksasa). Awal mula dia bergelar Bomanarakasura dia diutus oleh Para Dewa guna menakhlukan dua negara raksasa yaitu kerajaan Prajatista dan Surateleng yang dipimpin oleh dua orang raja yang juga pamannya sendiri Prabu Bomabomantara dan Prabu Narakasura. Keduanya adalah putra angkat Prabu Basudewa dan Dewi Mahendra yang akan merongrong kerajaan Dwarawati.dengan bekal ajian Pancasona pemberian Batara Guru (Dewa Siwa) dan Bunga WijayaMulya pemberian Sang Ibu dengan dibantu keempat punggawa raksasa beserta tunggangannya. Seekor burung Elang raksasa (Garuda Wilmuna), Ditya Ancakagra, Ditya Yayahgriwa, Ditya Maudara,dan Ditya Amisundha. Keempat Punggawa raksasa yang dihidupkan dari dua sesajen yang ditemukan di perbatasan kerajaan . Dua Raja itu Akhirnya berhasil dibunuh oleh Raden Sitija. Dan akhirnya menjadi Ilmu kanuragan di dalam tubuhnya ajian Bomantara ada di tangan kanan dan Narakasura berada di tangan kiri. Juga menjadi taring dikedua giginya.Raden Sitija adalah putra sulung dari Sri khrisna seorang awatara(Titisan)Wisnu dengan Dewi Satyabhama atau Dewi Pertiwi(Dewi bumi) Raden Sitija masih mempunyai satu saudari. salah satu saudarinya adalah Dewi Siti Sundari Istri pertama dari Abimanyu putra Raden Arjuna atau Raden Janaka dengan Dewi Sembadra. Berita kematiannya disebuah cerita urban yang berjudul Gojali suta (Samba Juwing)atau Bhomakawya masih menjadi kontroversi misteri yang belum bisa dipecahkan. Ada semacam konspirasi dari campur tangan Sang Ayah yaitu Sri Khrisna di kisah itu. Karena seluruh Kaumnya bangsa Yadawa musnah dan binasa karena terlibat pertempuran Saudara.Kejadian seusai perang besar Bharatayudha. Sampai sekarang keberadaan Raden Sitija masih menjadi misteri. Dan misteri tentangnya akan terungkap di cerita ini. Sinopsis Bag II A.K.P. I Wayan Wira Seorang Anggota Kepolisian negara .Ketika menjalani liburan bersama keluarganya di rumah Mendiang sang Kakek Professor I Wayan Dharma .Di wilayah Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Bali.Ketika hendak membersihkan lemari tua milik Sang Kakek. Wayan Wira menemukan buku harian usang di dalam sebuah kotak tersembunyi. Bersamaan juga dengan Ruangan rahasia di dalam kamar sang kakek.Ruangan yang ternyata adalah bekas Laboratorium tempo dulu.Pada akhirnya Wayan Wira juga mendapatkan sebuah buku tua .Sebuah hasil Tesis penelitian Sang kakek.Tesis yang menyimpulkan bahwa ada keberadaan Makhluk Abadi di sekitar manusia. Bersama rekan rekannya akhirnya A.K.P Wayan Wira dan Seorang Sahabatnya Seorang Polisi Militer yang bernama Kolonel I Made Suta akhirnya berhasil menemukan Keberadaan Mereka. di sekitar wilayah Gianyar. Karena Mereka mencurigai Seorang Pengusaha kaya bernama Arya Susena. Dikarenakan Sering memakai Identitas palsu berkali kali. Yang pada akhirnya dengan petunjuk Arya Susena, I Wayan Wira dan Rekan rekanya justru menemukan jalan membongkar kejahatan sebuah organisasi kriminal terlarang internasional.Organisasi terlarang Yang berusaha masuk ke wilayah Indonesia.Kemudian atas perintah atasan masing -masing Atasannya. Pada akhirnya A.K.P I Wayan Wira dan Kolonel I Made Suta diberikan mandat untuk membentuk instansi khusus yang masih dalam pengawasan Badan Agen Rahasia Negara .Bernama Liga Perwira Dan Ksatria Republik Dengan merekrut Anak buah dari semua institusi negara. Juga merekrut Arya Susena dan Kelima Sepupunya yang menyebut dirinya sebagai Bomanarakasura.
Hendry_Octavian · 97.5K Views

God's Warrior Series Sitija (The Last Yadava)

Synopsis I and II Synopsis I God's Warrior Series Sitija (The Last Yadava) Prince Sitija or Bhomanarakasura is a king in the kingdom of Trajutrisna. a kingdom whose entire population is the Ditya (Deity Giant). At first he had the title Bomanarakasura he was sent by the Gods to conquer two giant countries.Namely the kingdoms of Prajatista or Pragjyotisha and Surateleng which were led by two kings who were also their own uncles, King Bhomabomantara and King Narakasura.Both of them are adopted sons of Kings Basudewa and Queen Mahendra(Mahira) who will undermine the kingdom of Dwarawati(Dwaraka) With the provision of Pancasona teachings given by Avatar Guru (Lord Shiva) and Padma flower WijayaMulya, given by The Mother With the help of the four giant retainers and their mounts. A giant eagle (Garuda Wilmuna), .Ditya Ancakagra, Ditya Yayahgriwa, Ditya Maudara, and Ditya Amisundha. The four giant retainers were brought to life from the two offerings found on the royal border.The two kings were finally killed by Prince Sitija. And finally became Powered in his body, where Soul Lord Bhomabomantara was in the right hand and The Soul Of Lord Narakasura was in the left. Also a fang in both teeth. Prince Sitija is the son of Lord Krishna an (Avatar of Lord Vishnu) with Queen Satyabhama or Goddess Pertiwi /Prativi (Goddess of the earth). Prince Sitija still has one sister. one of his sisters is Princess Siti Sundari The first wife of Abhimanyu son of Prince Arjuna or Prince Janaka with Princess Sembadra.The news of his death in an urban story entitled Gojali Suta (Samba Juwing) or Bhomakawya is still a mystery controversy that cannot be solved. There is a kind of conspiracy from the intervention of the Father, namely Lord Krishna in the story. The Yadava people were destroyed and perished because they were involved in the Civil War.Events after the great war Bharatayudha. Until now the whereabouts of Prince Sitija is still a mystery. And the mystery about it will be revealed In this story. Synopsis Part II Assistant Commissioner Officer I Wayan Wira, a member of the state police. While on vacation with his family at the house of the late Professor I Wayan Dharma's grandfather.In the Uluwatu area, Jimbaran, Bali. When he was about to clean the old cupboard belonging to his grandfather. Wayan Wira found an old diary in a hidden box.Along with the secret room in the grandfather's room. The room that turned out to be the former laboratory of the past.Wayan Wira also got an old book. A thesis result of the grandfather's research. A thesis which concludes that there are Immortal Beings around humans.Together with his colleagues, finally Assistant Commissioner Officer Wayan Wira and a friend of his, a military police officer named Colonel I Made Suta finally managed to find their whereabouts.Around the Gianyar area, they suspect a rich businessman named Arya Susena.Because the figure of Arya Susena and all of the cousins ​​often use fake identities many times. In the end, with the guidance of Arya Susena, I Wayan Wira and their colleagues actually found a way to uncover the crimes of an international banned criminal organization.A banned organization that wears the Eureka Grass Stem symbol. Symbol of the destruction of a people trying to enter the territory of Indonesia.Then on the orders of their respective superiors. Eventually Assistant Commissioner of Officers I Wayan Wira and Colonel I Made Suta were given the mandate to form a special agency which is still under construction State Secret Service Agency Supervision.Named the League of Officers and Knights of the Republic By recruiting subordinates from all state institutions. Also recruited Arya Susena and him five cousins ​​who called themselves Bhomanarakasura And the Five Giants of Ditya.
Hendry_Octavian · 14.3K Views

Love..or so we thought

In the vibrant city of Los Angeles, four ambitious and talented young women—Teresa Ixora, Alicia Xyris, Mae Saffron, and Brione Dahlia—shared a common dream and became CEOs of Tamb Corporations, an esteemed conglomerate known for its innovation and impact. Teresa Ixora, a medical doctor with sharp intellect and natural leadership skills, had a penchant for strategic planning. She envisioned a future where Tamb Corporations would pioneer sustainable technologies, leaving a positive environmental footprint on the world. Alicia Xyris, a visionary in the field of Real estate and designs, possessed an uncanny ability and aspiration to steer the corporation towards financial growth while maintaining ethical and inclusive business practices. Mae Saffron, a creative genius and advocate for the medical world , dreamed of revolutionizing traditional and modern medicine. Her goal was to foster a healthy environment that valued diversity, creativity, and physical well-being. Brione Dahlia, with her expertise in technology and disruptive innovation, sought to propel Tamb Corporations to the forefront of technological advancement. She aimed to spearhead groundbreaking projects that would redefine industries. Their paths crossed during their tenure at Hope high school (HHS), a prestigious institution known for nurturing future leaders. Despite their diverse backgrounds and aspirations, a strong bond formed among the four women. They shared late-night study sessions, brainstorming ideas that could shape the future of Tamb Corporations. As graduation approached, an opportunity arose—The Tamb Corporations was established with these promising talents as executive roles, the four friends saw this as their chance to make a difference. Together, Teresa Ixora, Alicia Xyris, Mae Saffron, and Brione Dahlia, as the CEOs of Tamb Corporations, not merely as individuals but as a cohesive force, poised to steer the conglomerate towards innovation, sustainability, inclusivity, and technological advancement—a testament to their friendship, dedication, and shared aspirations. With unwavering determination and mutual support, Teresa, Alicia, Mae, and Brione immersed themselves in the program. They excelled in various departments, demonstrating their individual strengths while learning from each other. Their dedication didn't go unnoticed, the masses admired their synergy and dedication, impressed by their innovative ideas and collaborative spirit, many corporations began to sign contracts with them, and in a span of six years, the corporation continued to rose to new heights. As they embarked on this remarkable journey, challenges awaited, tey encounter skeptics and faced hurdles, but their friendship, resilience, and shared vision kept them grounded and focused.
Oni_Temisola · 1.2K Views

Nothing more than a bet

Julie Bloom is a studious girl with a pure heart. Following her dream of becoming a great doctor, she enrolls in medical school. However, what she didn't know was that to achieve her dream, she would have to face a terrible nightmare. Called a nerd, strange, and various other offensive nicknames, she was humiliated and ridiculed by everyone. With each nickname, each act of aggression, each day felt like a piece of her dream was being destroyed and crushed. Julie considered changing schools or simply giving up many times, but she showed herself to be stronger than she really was and always endured it in silence. The first year passes, and she hopes the upcoming year will be different. However, the teasing and nicknames continue. On the other hand, Scott Wayans has always been an irresponsible guy who had everything he wanted, whenever he wanted. Known as the most charming and desirable guy on campus, he had all the women he wanted at his feet. Parties, drinks, friends, money, and a different woman in his bed every night were all he desired. He enjoyed humiliating those who weren't part of his group, especially Julie, who he saw as just a nerd asking to be teased, until one of his friends proposes a bet: Scott must make Julie fall in love with him in a month and a half, and he must also take her virginity. Thus, the new goal of the famous Scott Wayans became: to take the girl with messy hair, baggy clothes, and round glasses to bed and make her fall madly in love with him, only to discard her like he did with all the others. Will he be able to fulfill the bet?
Curiosidades · 10.7K Views
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