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Ot Salma Violeta

A spy's life is a lie

I had always thought that life and I were best friends, that luck would always be on my side, that I was the epitome of perfection itself but little did naive, little me know. Life is unfair, luck can be bad and perfection is easily shattered but I payed for it, I learned that information the hard and cruel way. Life betrayed me and took away my parents, perfection turned on me and disappeared before my eyes and luck? My luck went from bad to worse to worst. Have you ever had people in your life that stand by you, support you and give you good advice? If you have then you understand that those people become incredibly important people in your life that it's like they've become melded in you, they become part of your personality, your rock and you begin to admire them and believe that you would have never achieved what you have if not for them. You place them on a pedestal in your head, one far higher than yourself. Now imagine that those people turn their backs on you and betray you and you find out that all their "good" advice were just merely the worst possible advice one could ever receive wrapped up in a pretty pink ribbon. You find out that they are two faced snakes who came into your life just to deceive and destroy. The pain from that is simply indescribable, like if you were on top of a building and it begins crumbles from the ground up sending you falling down but this time instead of falling to your death, you fall down a dark well and begin to wonder a dark path of depression, guilt, self hate and depreciation and regret and I promise you that is a fate far worse than death. I loved watching Spy movies as a kid, I'd even dream about them. I always thought it looked so cool seeing the main character fly through the air and do awesome tricks and defeat the bad guy but everyone else around me disagreed. They all said that spies were bad people and were never to be trusted but I didn't listen, I only trusted what I knew. But when my childhood dream that became my reality was handed to me on a silver platter, I finally understood that all that glitters is not gold. The main character always loses everyone and everything and ends up alone and being a spy is far from the fantasy I'd imagined. A spy's life is nothing but a big lie and false documents made to deceive, infiltrate and annihilate the lives of others. I give you three pieces of advice to carry with you on this damned journey called life. Never, ever under no circumstances must you ever trust a spy they are wolves in sheep's clothing. TRUST NO ONE. Keep a good eye on your pillars, attack before they can make their move. Everything comes with a price some as just more horrid that others. ***** Author here, I hope you enjoyed reading the synopsis, it was really fun to write but for more elaboration; This story is about the adventures of Andrea and her three best friends but it focuses more on Andrea, as she's the main charcter but there are some chapters whers the POV will changeand focus on her friends ot those around her. Andrea, having growing up in a loving family, finds it hard to believe that all she has grown to believe is a lie. She discovers that truly everything is not as it seems as it seems in her world of undercover spies.
Sommy_Rea · 11.4K Views

(BL) Mafia Love; He who falls the hardest loses

It took Haruki years to build the cold character that made those who knew him tremble before him as a Yakuza chairman, but it only took that man's glance to change everything, to break down his walls and make him seek a warmth he never knew he needed. Hiroshi's smile, scent, deep soothing voice, warmth of his embrace... "This is not what I want." "This cannot be what I need. There's no way I'm going to be weak! I'm the chairman, and I can't afford to be weak." "I will never fall in love, never be weak... ever again." "I need him to leave my life, I don't care about him, I never did." "Who gave you the right to harm what is mine?! I'm going to ruin your life!" "You are completely mine." "Haruki, it is okay to be weak when you are with me." "I will never fall in love with you, you simply belong to me." "Yes, I do..." But you are also mine. ***** Between a Mafia boss who is an infamous player and his doctor, who gets to fall the hardest in love? Bullied high school student, Haruki wakes up one evening in the hospital and he is faced with the fact that his grandfather he never knew was the head of a powerful popular clan and he was dying without an heir. The youth bullied for his beautiful appearance was forced to undergo a complete transformation under strict supervision within a short period. His transformation might have been extreme as Haruki grew up to get all he wanted and became infamous for being a player. He broke the hearts of many both males and females. His toughness knew no bond as the true Spirit of a strong clan leader that laid dormant in him was awakened with every work he did. The great leader was forced to pause at the sight of the new family doctor who had just taken over his father's job. He was pleased with the sight he saw and began to pursue what he wanted. The doctor how ever, had other plans as he was not going to let the younger man change his life completely without doing the same to him. (Breaking his walls and bringing him love). A war of love was fought between thee two men as none of them was willing to lose psychologically. Amid the bloody wars of the underground world, they fought to win through the push and pulls of the new feelings they got exposed to . Warning: *Dominant, strong, bottom/uke/shou, and a sweet, kindhearted, gentle, muscular, romantic top/seme/gong. *If you don't read Yaoi stories please you are excused. *It contains an abundance of sweetness and warmth.
OT_Josie · 161.8K Views


El sudor frío corría por todo mi cuerpo , el sabor metálico de la sangre se mezclaba con mi saliva, mi cuerpo temblaba, la respiración me faltaba, pero mirar esa espada en sus manos" me trajo tantos amargos recuerdos, pero no no me doblegaria como antes, no verían lágrimas en mis ojos, no suplicaría por amor , por cariño, por una familia , al contrario destruiría esta familia, este reino , este maldito mundo si se pudiera, los recuerdos de mi antigua vida aún seguían presentes, cómo borrar la imagen de las personas que me quitaron la vida, de todas esas que me señalaron , este reino que me dio la espalda, pero en esta vida cobraría venganza de cada uno de ellos, comenzando por esta familia, Yo sería su verdugo, yo les quitaría todo, así como ellos me lo quitaron a mí, y al final de mi venganza, les diría el porqué ? que sufrieran en vida lo que yo sufrí en mi agonizante muerte, salvaría a esas personas que me amaron sin importar que su vida estaba en riesgo, los aria parte de mi venganza, pero el total interés del emperador hacia mí ,era algo que no estaba en mis planes , el reino de arrendel era poderoso y casi indestructible, sus enemigos eran muchos pero todos le temían al imponente emperador Aiden Max Arrendel , un importante hombre , su uno noventa , hombros anchos músculos marcados, he imponentes ojos rojos como la sangre , lo hacían intimidante, pero su brutalidad en batalla lo volvíeron una leyenda, al igual que el poderoso duque Eriz , un hombre que dominaba la magia y el fuego, perfectamente" capaz de quemar ejércitos completos , y destrozar barcos con sus abrasadoras llamas , era un hombre respetado y poderoso, leal a su emperador , sentía un total rechazo hacia su hija , alguien que era totalmente diferente a él , física como mentalmente, Fiorella era hermosa, con esos imponentes ojos violeta y aquel espectacular cabello plateado, con esa hermosa piel de porcelana, un porte elegante, rasgos finos y delicados, la volvía la reencarnación de un ángel , o un hada , pero para él solo era una carga, una vergüenza, pero verla así, sosteniendo la espada contra el cuello de su genera ,lo dejó impactado , quién diría que su pequeña de 13 años podría ganarle al mejor Guerrero de su ejército. qué tanto le ocultaba su pequeña hija, o más bien, quién era esa niña que sostenía esa espada tan magistralmente, acaso tenían razón y él simplemente no la conocía, la vida está llena de sorpresas , y este mundo se doblegará ante los pies de una sola mujer , o las cosas volverán a su cauce y otra vez terminaría muerta ante el imperio de Arrendel.
paulinaM · 28K Views


Ray is a guy who did not believe in love. He used to be an artiste and Ray is an extrovert. He believed in love when he met her. It is not only love that Ray did not believe in, he did not believe in fate or destiny. A leak from the book She shifted on her seat to face him. " I wanted to learn how to make some dishes so I decided to go to Ashley because she is a very good cook. That's why I decided to sleep over. We were making dinner and at a point Ashley stopped me from doing anything because I'm not so good. She asked me to just watch her cook...", Ray cuts in. "Aren't you learning? She should have let you fo it!", He said trying to curry favour with Dorris. " You think so too. Then she asked me to take down a pot of soup from the stove. And I did......", Dorris paused. "Go on", Ray told her. She pouted then. "I did threw it down but that's because it is hot", Dorris said like a cute baby admitting a mistake. " You didn't use a glove or a rag?", he asked her. "I didn't know I'm suppose to use it", Dorris replied. Ray almost laughed. Like seriously? " I think I need to scold Ashley. Isn't she suppose to tell you?", he asked. "She tried to... But ot was too late. I spilled her soup", Dorris responded. . Will you leave me because of this?", she asked. " I won't leave you for any reason. I will be in charge of the kitchen. Just stick to the bedroom. Haven't you heard?", he asked. "What?", she asked him, using the back of her hand to clean her tears. " The way to a man's heart is no longer the stomach. It's three inches below the belly button.", Ray said and winked. Dorris blushed. "I will rather you learn how to handle my little long man down there than handling the kitchen", Ray added shamelessly. Dorris had turned pink. " What are you saying such vulgar words for?", she asked him. "Dorris, did you know?", he asked. " What?", she asked. "You're pretty when you are blushing and when acting cute, you usually turn me on. My little long man is fully awake now. You have to put him to sleep", he told her. Dorris swallowed and blushed. Ray added. " Since I will be handling the kitchen now, you have to be more pro- active in the bedroom now. Yes or yes?", he asked her.
Beckylove_01 · 67.5K Views

Infierno Violeta

Se dice que en un pueblo de Grecia llamado "Fiskardo" nacio una pequeña niña la cual habia presentado sampullidos bastante graves en su pequeña piel, se creia que habia sido algún tipo de negligencia medica o una probable alergia sin embargo los analisis medicos dieron con que la pequeña niña no sufria de ningún tipo de alergia u enfermedad, tampoco habia alguna probable negligencia medica pues los procedimientos medicos fueron llevados de forma correcta, la pequeña bebe fue sometida a medicamentos sabiendo que esto podia resultarle peligro a su corta edad, sin embargo ningún tipo de procedimiento o medicamento llevado a cabo dio un resultado satisfactorio y al poco tiempo la pequeña bebe murio de forma agonizante pues su cuerpo exploto repentinamente, al poco tiempo casos similares fueron sucediendo alrededor de todo el mundo donde bebes morian de forma repentina y sin motivo alguno, se creia que era causado por algún tipo de virus pero no se pudo detectar absolutamente nada por el estilo e aún así se llevo a cabo una pandemia que fue conocida como "La pandemia fantasma" debido a que debian estar aislados pero no sabian de que. Un día ante todo pronostico un pequeño bebe en "Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil" nacio con una particularidad.. escamas, dichas escamas al principio fueron identificadas como meras deformidades fisicas las cuales debian ser tratadas y listo, sin embargo sorpresa sorpresa fue cuando dicho bebe no habia muerto repentinamente como el resto, de hecho, dicho bebe crecio hasta convertirse en un pequeño niño de 5 años en medio de un mundo donde se temia que la falta de natalidad iba a llevar a la humanidad a una extinción sin precedentes, sin embargo el pequeño niño.. podia respirar bajo el agua, las escamas que se creian eran una mera deformidad fisica si eran utiles, se descubrio que los padres e antepasados del niño se la pasaban la mayoria de su tiempo en el agua y era probable que esto se vio influido en el nacimiento de esta particularidad en el niño, aún que lo mas sorprendente era que el niño.. compartia genetica marina no heredada, evolucionada, a este caso se le conocio como el primer semi-humano de la historia y sirvio para analizar de donde procedian las muertes repentinas de los niños, se descubrio que estos bebes nacian con remanentes de aptitudes fisicas conocidas como "poderes" los cuales estos bebes no podian contener debido a sus fragiles cuerpos y estos morian de diversas formas que resultaban inquietantes. Gracias a esto se descubrieron metodos para contener estos poderes hasta que a cierta edad estos niños los despertaban pero gracias a sus cuerpos ya no morian de ninguna manera e estos se adaptaban a ellos. La humanidad se salvo de una inminente extinción y con el tiempo la cantidad de humanos con poderes sobrenaturales comenzo a aumentar. En el año 2006 nacio en Australia un bebe llamado Ayax, nadie sabe quienes son sus padres pero este se las tuvo que arreglarselas desde muy pequeño viviendo solo en la calle, hasta que un día un extraño sujeto lo capturo y llevo a un laboratorio, combinando poderes de ottas personas inocentes en busca del remanente perfecto, Ayax desarrolló un poder que cambiaria el rumbo de la historia para siempre..
JustMatt · 887 Views


WhatsApp info:+12723 328 343 Website info: https://adwarerecoveryspecialist. com Telegram info: https:// I am an online English tutor, and while tutoring has been a deeply rewarding career, I also understand the importance of financial security and the need to plan for the future. Helping students improve their English skills has been a fulfilling journey for me, as I get to work with learners from diverse backgrounds and guide them toward their academic and professional goals. The flexibility of online tutoring allows me to connect with students from all over the world, making the job both dynamic and personally gratifying. Watching my students grow in confidence and language proficiency gives me immense satisfaction. However, like many people, I also wanted to explore ways to grow my savings outside of my regular tutoring income. Email info: This desire led me to invest in an opportunity I thought was legitimate, but unfortunately, I was deceived by an online investment scam. The brokers I worked with promised significant returns and convinced me to invest more and more money, eventually totaling over $179,000. At first, things seemed fine, but the requests for additional funds kept coming, and soon I realized that I was caught in a scam. Despite my attempts to contact the brokers and customer service, my calls and emails went unanswered. All my money had vanished, and I was left feeling devastated and helpless. I felt like I had nowhere to turn. The emotional toll of losing such a large amount of money, especially after trusting these so-called "professionals," was hard to bear. But then, my story took a turn for the better. While watching a consumer protection show, I learned about a service called ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST. The episode detailed how people who had been scammed in similar ways could use ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST to recover their lost funds. Intrigued, I reached out to them and was immediately connected with a representative who guided me through the recovery process. They asked for the necessary legal documents related to my investment, and after providing them, I was amazed to see my money returned within a short period of time. This experience was a huge victory for me, not just because I got my money back, but because it reminded me of the importance of vigilance when dealing with online financial opportunities. While tutoring provides a reliable income, it's essential to be cautious with any investment, especially in the online world. I am incredibly grateful to ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST for their professionalism and support throughout the recovery process. If you're a victim of a similar scam, don’t give up hope recovery is possible. Thank you again, ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST , for making this possible and giving me back my peace of mind.
Salma_Ibraheem · 658 Views

Quiero ser un solitario, pero la gente sigue sin dejarme

Aaron Eiche era un joven prometedor, un talentoso jugador de baloncesto y una figura popular en su escuela. Sin embargo, su vida dio un giro inesperado cuando un accidente durante un partido lo marcó para siempre. Catalogado como un "asesino" por sus compañeros y hasta por su propia familia, Aaron se hunde en una profunda soledad, alejándose de todos los que alguna vez significaron algo para él. Un año después, Aaron es obligado a volver a la escuela, donde deberá enfrentar no solo su propio trauma, sino también los fantasmas del pasado que amenazan con perseguirlo. Mientras lucha por construir relaciones sinceras y superar el estigma que lo rodea, viejas amistades resurgen y nuevos desafíos se presentan. Entre ellos está Violeta, su amiga de la infancia que busca enmendar su error de haberse distanciado en su momento de necesidad; Oliver, su leal amigo que nunca lo abandonó y guarda un secreto que desea compartir; y Jazmín, una chica popular que, bajo la presión de su madre manipuladora, se acerca a Aaron con intenciones ocultas, pero termina descubriendo sentimientos genuinos por él. Mientras Aaron navega por este nuevo capítulo de su vida, se encontrará con Iris, una antigua conocida que también tiene su propia historia de arrepentimiento y redención. Juntos, intentarán desentrañar los hilos de un pasado que los ha marcado a ambos, y Aaron descubrirá si es posible dejar atrás sus miedos para recuperar lo que una vez fue suyo: su vida, su pasión por el baloncesto y, quizás, la posibilidad de amar de nuevo. Pero no será fácil. Con enemigos en las sombras y un trauma que sigue vivo en su corazón, Aaron deberá decidir si puede perdonarse a sí mismo y encontrar su lugar en un mundo que lo ha etiquetado como un monstruo. ¿Podrá Aaron superar los desafíos que le impone la vida y reescribir su destino, o estará condenado a vivir bajo la sombra de su pasado?
Antoniorodo · 2.2K Views

I want to be a loner, but people keep bothering me.

Aaron Eiche was a promising young man, a talented basketball player, and a popular figure at his school. However, his life took an unexpected turn when an accident during a game marked him forever. Branded a "murderer" by his peers and even his own family, Aaron falls into deep loneliness, distancing himself from everyone who once meant something to him. A year later, Aaron is forced to return to school, where he must confront not only his own trauma but also the ghosts of the past that threaten to haunt him. As he struggles to build genuine relationships and overcome the stigma surrounding him, old friendships resurface, and new challenges arise. Among them is Violeta, his childhood friend who seeks to make amends for distancing herself during his time of need; Oliver, his loyal friend who never abandoned him and holds a secret he wishes to share; and Jasmine, a popular girl who, under the pressure of her manipulative mother, approaches Aaron with hidden intentions but ends up discovering genuine feelings for him. As Aaron navigates this new chapter of his life, he encounters Iris, an old acquaintance who also has her own story of regret and redemption. Together, they will try to unravel the threads of a past that has marked them both, and Aaron will discover if it’s possible to leave his fears behind to reclaim what was once his: his life, his passion for basketball, and perhaps, the chance to love again. But it won’t be easy. With enemies lurking in the shadows and a trauma still alive in his heart, Aaron must decide if he can forgive himself and find his place in a world that has labeled him a monster. Can Aaron overcome the challenges life throws at him and rewrite his destiny, or is he doomed to live under the shadow of his past?
Antoniorodo · 3.2K Views

[BL] Becoming the billionaire's kept man

#Completed Wen YanJun (a Kpop idol retiree due to his contract expiration) returns home to the news that his family members were giving him up to a powerful billionaire. He was determined to leave and start a business with his girlfriend but when his girlfriend betrays him by handing him over to the very man he was avoiding, his world felt destroyed. Lu Mingyu is not only handsome and rich but also a determined man who never lets anything he wants to slip off his finger and he wanted Wen YanJun. He knew the young handsome man from way back more than a decade ago but the young man had forgotten him. He hopes Wen YanJun remembers him but that did not mean he was willing to tell the young man who he was. A narration from his lips could be counted as a lie and he alone knew how much Wen YanJun meant to him and how far he was willing to go to keep him on his side even if it meant that he had to be the bad guy. This is a story about a love kindled a decade ago due to an unfortunate event that ends up becoming a wild uncontrollable fire. The fire of their blossomed love goes way beyond the hot physically intimate relationship to the warmth that spreads slowly from their heart and their desire to love and protect each other regardless of whatsoever. Warning; This starts with slight pain included. Presence of slight misunderstandings. Presence of Mr. Lu Mingyu's cute son. An angry relationship turns into a beautiful familial relationship. Trigger warning: Confinement. Slight Angst //^\\ Read and add to your library. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me. I will read all the comments. Have a nice reading time. And have a fun day too. Extra warning: You might notice some grammatical errors. Please try to be understanding.( ・ั﹏・ั) I am open to corrections which I will take seriously.(θ‿θ) Thanks.
OT_Josie · 791.9K Views


Bella Thurber a young girl and a genius in the technological world, attain fame at the age of 16 but lacks parental love, her mom left her at the age o three with a resentful dad. He hates her because she reminds him of his runaway wife but he caters for her every need, her father owns the top one biggest drug tracking machine in the whole of Boston. His rival Glen Monreo wants h down at all cost, he seems to get the chance when the presidents gives a contract to the Thurbers to create a machine that could track down the killer drugs Cocaine with a three month deadline. Bella is able to help but does a huge mistakes which leads to her father almost going bankrupt not been able to hold his anger and frustration her father disowns her and she is forced to leave Boston on her own. Her bestfriends shows no support and shows her what it means to be betrayed and backstabbed. She finds herself on Los Angeles were she vows to help her dad rise again but her heart has been shattered to bits she have been broken by people she trust. In Potters College she has no chance for love but can she really not love again or will he make her realise that she can again. Who is he? He is Harrison Dummond the most handsome and perfect human on earth i know its an exaggeration but it suits him, at first he finds her rude and her attitude stupid but that changed in a day. How did ot get changed? How did this once broken girl find love again?
Divine_Favour_7721 · 1.8K Views


"I love you" She heard him whisper, looking up into his blue eyes. Those blue eyes which constantly makes her feel vulnerable and powerless no matter how much she hated this man. Those blue eyes that made her fall head over heels in love with him over and over again. Those blue eyes which haunted her and made her miss him no matter how much she tried to stop the feelings. Those ocean-strong blue eyes. She could not believe she heard him say that, she could not believe that he could say that to her. She never even thought that they would meet ever again, even though they meet no matter how much she tries to hide from him. But now he was here......he was standing right in front of her telling her he loved her. She does not know if she should believe him ot not, but for some reason, he awakened once more the love she had buried twice because of him. She could not stop herself from feeling loved once again even if it was the third time he was telling her that, when she knew who he was and if it was possible he was lying to her yet again. No....she had to try to not fall for stay away from him.....and to nurse her recovering heart before he shatters it to pieces which might never be put together....for the third time. She could hardly describe how this made her feel. She knew she had to run away from this beast.....she knew that no matter what she does or no matter how much she loves this man, he would never ever tell her he loves her. Why the sudden change? What happened to the cold hearted Justin she fell in love with? Her tears which she had tried so hard to not shed...not anywhere right in front of him was hard to hold back anymore. Why can't she just walk away and tell him on his damn face that he stinks?...that he is worthless.... That he is a monster? But she had no strength or will to say that, she just wanted to give him a chance. It wasn't him anymore, but 'us'. "I love you too" She said, as tears fell freely from her eyes. She could not ever deny the truth. She loves him....she damn loves him. And even after all he did to her, after all the lies, cheating and giving her a reason to hate the world....she still wanted to be with him. She wanted him to love her. She wanted to be in those arms of his and cry her hearts out. Even after she had acquired everything that could make life comfortable, even after she is known as the youngest woman billionaire the world has ever known, she still wanted to love. She wanted a man who would love and care for her. Maybe that is the reason why she wanted to risk breaking her heart again for the third time, by the same person. All he had done were still fresh in her her memory. But it is not enough for her to stop loving him....not now Not ever. But he would break her heart again, because he always does.
beautifulpieces123 · 5.7K Views
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