Thousands of years ago, the first 4 entities, known as monsters to the world, named Pyron, Aqualia, Gaian, and Saharos, walked the earth before any human, creating entities as their lives continued. But as humanity continued to take over, they faded into the distance, not to be seen again. Skip to the present, and these entities are now the most dangerous creatures in the world, along with their children. Team ENTITY, consisting of Kevin, Gerald, Samantha, Spooky, Michael, and Alex, proceed to help out civilization and follow their dreams: defeat every pristine entity in the world! But, of course, some obstacles stand in their way...
This book started on May 23, 2024 and is still ongoing.
Every 100 chapters = 2 chapters daily for 15 days
Every 300 chapters = 4 chapters daily for 10 days
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