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Taki Taki Paroles

Odyssée du Dieu Aveugle

``` Dans un monde désolé où les humains sont au bord de l'extinction, conquérant d'innombrables donjons, luttant contre des bêtes féroces, qu'advient-il de quelqu'un d'aveugle et sans pouvoir ? Le destin glorieux de Nial lui fut ôté lorsqu'il n'avait que trois ans, le laissant aveugle et sans la moindre trace de mana. 15 ans plus tard, il endurait toujours l'humiliation d'une société corrompue qui favorisait les puissants. La société faillit lui voler son innocence et sa luminosité, le forçant à mûrir, lui donnant une volonté inflexible. Cependant, tout changea au moment où il éveilla son Origine. Il dévora des Malédictions Anciennes et massacra des Dieux et des Diables! Des Anges ? Il les fera mettre à genoux ! Des Diables et autres ? Tous seront dans son étreinte ** Bien que je sois aveugle, je vois plus que quiconque ! Je dévore les Malédictions et prends le contrôle des ténèbres. Retenez bien mes paroles… [Ce sera vous tous qui devrez vous agenouiller devant moi !] Venez m'affronter, Dragons, Anges, Diables et Dieux… si vous l'osez ! Sinon, ma montée sera votre perte ! Suivez l'odyssée d'un jeune ordinaire et aveugle vers la divinité alors que son destin, autrefois retiré, lui sera rendu. Témoignez de sa douleur et de son évolution vers une existence crainte même par les Dieux Anciens et les Démons des temps primordiaux ! ** [N/A : Le comportement du MC au début du roman sera différent de ce que suggère le Synopsis. Veuillez prendre note de cela en lisant :D] ```
HideousGrain · 60.2K Views

I Was Reborn and I Think I Love the Villainess

Calder Monroe Llyr Kaimana couldn't stop his hands from sweating. He wasn't even sure how he was even holding everything together. He didn't even know how he found the courage to speak up but he did and he did it during his older brother's coronation celebration. Taki Hamako woke up in the Kingdom of Mariella and to his horror in someone else's body. Worse, he heard some names that sounded way too familiar. The name of the body he was in, the body's older brother crown prince Esai Asher Blake Kaimana, Britille Freyer and Syria Trent. "It can't be! It's all the same!" He thought as he watched from the sidelines. They were the names of the last novel his company's star author wrote! Taki couldn't believe his eyes or ears but everything was the same and he couldn't let them die. "Why did her boyfriend break up with her?! Then this novel's ending wouldn't be a blood bath!" Taki now Calder cried inside his heart. "Oh no it's happening!" He cried again. The Baron Freyer is bringing up his daughter alongside Count Trent while Chancellor Graham is leading them. Calder needed to stop the event from happening. "My King!" Chancellor Graham started but Calder interrupts. "My dear King I want these women as my bride candidates!" Now he's done it. "Sure!" His brother proclaims. Calder pales, he didn't think before he acted, worse THE KING KNEW HE WAS BAD WITH WOMEN! Past or present he sucked. That's why Taki's parents arranged his marriage! What's he to do now? He wanted to save everyone but will he save both Villainess and Heroine? Choose a sex fiend or dominatrix? He just wanted to bang his newly wedded wife back in his own world and live a normal, happy life! What the hell happened?!
Scarlettbunny · 344.1K Views

Mes deux Alphas et moi

Aelia avait été désignée pour être la compagne de Jason, l'alpha dominant, une union imposée par les anciens de leur meute. Depuis ce jour, elle s'était vue condamnée à une relation qui oscillait entre indifférence et mépris. Jason la considérait comme faible, une ombre dans son monde impitoyable où seul le pouvoir comptait. Ce qu'il ignorait, c'était que la vraie puissance d'Aelia était encore tapie, attendant le moment opportun pour se révéler. Pourtant, malgré le mépris qu'il affichait ostensiblement, Jason était obsédé par elle. Chaque mouvement, chaque parole d'Aelia semblait déclencher en lui une possessivité féroce. Une obsession qu'il refusait d'admettre, la confondant souvent avec son besoin de contrôle. Mais plus Aelia s'efforçait de rester invisible, plus la rage de Jason grandissait, alimentée par des sentiments qu'il ne parvenait à définir. Les choses prirent un tournant irréversible le jour où Bastien, un autre alpha, fit son entrée lors d'un événement officiel. Puissant et charismatique, il était tout ce que Jason n'était pas : bienveillant, respecté pour sa sagesse autant que pour sa force brute. Lorsque les yeux de Bastien se posèrent sur Aelia, une étincelle s'alluma. Pour la première fois, quelqu'un la voyait autrement que comme un simple pion. Le sourire qu'il lui offrit n'échappa pas à Jason, qui sentit une colère glaciale monter en lui. Ce n'était pas seulement de la jalousie - c'était une guerre qui venait de commencer. Une lutte de pouvoir, où les désirs se mêlaient à la domination, et où Aelia, malgré elle, devenait le centre d'une séduction enflammée entre deux alphas prêts à tout pour la posséder.
fofolgirls · 295 Views

Parallel Cosmos

Fujiwara Taki is an ex-bully high school boy who was an outcast in his school rejected by everyone. The summer came and it was time for a school trip. Hopping along the school's bus, him and his classmates are headed to another city for a touring trip. But almost as if time itself has skipped forward, he suddenly finds himself in an ambulance, blinded and unable to speak.... He didn't know what happened to him and was dumbfounded when he heard the paramedics besides him saying that all his classmates had died and he is about to as well. Finally succumbing to his injuries, he fell unconscious once again. When he wakes up again, he mysteriously finds himself in the body of a baby girl called "Kyrielle Buffet," with a new set of parents and in an entirely different country... He was japanese, but now he is european, and he is also no longer a boy. But that is not all... He was reincarnated into a world with people that has superhuman feats, monsters that are inherently part of nature just like animals, and sentient monsters called "demons" which are mysterious and unknown to even the humans of this world. Furthermore, he finds out that there is a primordial dragon hidden inside of his body.... Regaining a chance to live out his life again, he who is now a she will try her best shot at having a fulfilling life, doing the utmost she can in everything from magic to studying. How will her life proceeds onwards? How will she deal with the stress of having her gender be swapped? How will she get over the past trauma on earth and how will her knowledge on Earth affect her in this world? Only fate can answer these questions.... _______________ Author's note : This novel is a slow burn, seinen, isekai fantasy that technically fits into these genre : Gender Bender, Coming of Age, Action and Weak to Strong. I don't expect my readers to be underaged, but most of my story is safe enough for every audience. It's targeted for people aged 16 to 30, but it is fine for all age to read so don't be discouraged if you are young. Also, this novel will be FREE, I am writing this project as a hobby, not for income. Expect 2 or 3 chapters a week, I'll try to be as consistent as possible. However I'm a student with a hectic schedule, so please be understanding when I can't keep up with the uploads. YouTube channel : Twitter :
TATchMe · 202.3K Views

Die kühne Frau des Mr. Tycoon

"Bleib bei mir, und ich werde dir alles geben, was dein Herz begehrt. Für dich, mein Liebling, würde ich die Berge spalten, das Meer teilen und die Erde in Aufruhr versetzen, nur um dich zu haben." - - - - - In jeder Liebesgeschichte gibt es immer eine rachsüchtige und bösartige Verlobte, die mit dem reichen und gut aussehenden CEO verlobt war, der sich in die arme, aber sanfte und unschuldige Hauptdarstellerin verliebt hat. In seiner Gier nach ihrer Liebe brach er seine arme Verlobte, deren Liebe sie an den Rand des Wahnsinns trieb. Niemand kümmerte sich je um die Gefühle der Verlobten. Zhao Lifei wurde ihr ganzes Leben lang darauf vorbereitet, einen Mann zu heiraten, aber plötzlich wurde sein Herz von einer anderen erobert. Sie wurde geohrfeigt, zerstört und verleugnet, weil sie Zheng Tianyi liebte. Sie war bereit, ihre Jugend, ihre Zeit und ihr Herz für diesen Mann zu opfern, aber alles, was sie bekam, war Schmerz und Verzweiflung. Es dauerte zwei harte, aber erweckende Jahre, bis Zhao Lifei die Fehler, die sie in der Vergangenheit gemacht hatte, endlich verstand. Nach ihrer Erlösung war es nun an Zhao Lifei, eine Liebe zu erleben, die größer war als die der Hauptdarstellerin. Zhao Lifei war klüger, kämpferischer und geistreicher und wusste, wie man in der grausamen, verräterischen und rauen Gesellschaft der Oberschicht überleben konnte. "Ein betrügerischer Verlobter, der mir das Herz gebrochen hat? Scheiß auf ihn, ich finde einen reicheren!" "Alle meine Freunde haben mich verlassen? Egal, ich werde bessere finden!" "Meine Eltern haben mich verstoßen? Das ist in Ordnung, mein Großvater ist reicher und mächtiger als sie beide zusammen!" Das genaue Gegenteil des schnippischen Zhao Lifei war der unglaublich reiche und mächtige, aber unbarmherzig kalte Yang Feng. Yang Feng, der König des Wirtschaftsimperiums, war ein Mann, den man fürchten musste. Ein Herz aus Eis, Augen aus Stein, unbarmherzig, aber verführerisch gut aussehend, gab es keinen einzigen Menschen auf dieser Welt, der es wagte, ihn zu beleidigen. Viele haben es versucht, aber keiner hatte es geschafft, seine Aufmerksamkeit zu erlangen. Das heißt, bis sein Weg unerwartet mit Zhao Lifei zusammenstößt. Es wird zu Herausforderungen kommen, das Chaos wird beginnen, und es wird ein Drama geben. Aber was ist schon eine Liebesgeschichte ohne Unruhe? Man sagt, Liebe ohne Konflikte sei nur eine einfache Schwärmerei, und die Geschichte von Zhao Lifei und Yang Feng war alles andere als das. - - - - - Status des Romans: Abgeschlossen. Hinweis: Dies ist eine Originalgeschichte von mir (xincerely) und keine Übersetzung :) Dieses Buch ist ausschließlich auf zu finden. Bitte NICHT repost es irgendwo anders. Story-Diskord: Instagram der Autorin: xincerely_author Redakteure und Korrekturleser: Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, and littlebakergirl
Xincerely · 83.8K Views

Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

"Stay with me and I will give you everything your heart desires. For you, my darling, I would part the mountains, split the sea, and cause havoc on Earth just to have you." - - - - - In every love story, there's always a vengeful and venomous fiancée who was engaged to the rich and handsome CEO that fell for the poor, but gentle and innocent female lead. In his greed for her love, he broke his poor fiancée whose love drove her to the brink of insanity. No one ever cared about how the fiancée felt. Zhao Lifei was prepped her entire life to marry one man, but suddenly, his heart was captured by another. She was face-slapped, destroyed, and disowned for loving Zheng Tianyi. She was willing to sacrifice her youth, time, and heart for the man, but all she got was pain and despair. It took two harsh, but awakening years for Zhao Lifei to finally understand the mistakes she has made in the past. After her redemption, it was now Zhao Lifei's turn to experience a love grander than the female lead. Smarter, feistier, and wittier, Zhao Lifei knew how to survive the cruel, backstabbing, and harsh upper-class society was. "A cheating fiancé that broke my heart? Screw him, I'll find someone richer!" "All of my friends have abandoned me? Whatever, I'll find better ones!" "My parents disowned me? That's fine, my grandfather is wealthier and more powerful than both of them combined!" To the polar opposite of the snarky Zhao Lifei, was the incredibly wealthy and powerful, yet ruthlessly cold Yang Feng. Yang Feng, the King of the Business Empire, was a man to be feared. Heart of ice, eyes of stone, merciless but enticingly handsome, there was not a single person in this world that dared to offend him. Many have tried, but none had succeeded in garnering his attention. That is, until his path unexpectedly collides with Zhao Lifei. Challenges will arise, chaos will commence, and drama will ensue. But then again, what is a love story without disturbance? They say love without conflict is just a simple crush and the story of Zhao Lifei and Yang Feng was anything but that. - - - - - Novel Status: Completed. Note: This is an original story by me (xincerely) and not a translation :) This book is found exclusively on Please DO NOT repost it anywhere else. Story Discord: Author's Instagram: xincerely_author Editors and Proofreaders: Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, and littlebakergirl
Xincerely · 45.5M Views

The Rise of Xueyue

"What do you want from me?" "Everything. Your soul, your body, your heart, but above all, I want you. Come to me, and you will be sheltered from every storm and hurricane that might come our way." - - - - - Like every pitiful protagonist, Xueyue's life was riddled with unfortunate events. An aloof birth mother? Check. A crazy father? Check. An older sister with a superior complex?Double-check! Through a twist of unfortunate events, Xueyue was sentenced to death by beating. And no, she did not reincarnate to a better life. Offered the opportunity to have a new identity, Xueyue eventually found herself colliding paths with a mischievous and fearsome, but devilishly handsome Commander who'd stop at nothing to acquire her heart. Will he succeed in doing so? Sly. Vicious. Ruthless. The very whisper of his name was enough for soldiers to abandon their weapon and armor in the battlefield. Yet, this merciless Commander found himself on wits-end with a sharp-tongued woman that turned his entire world into beautiful chaos. Many say love is a fleeting emotion, but to them, love is a constant devotion. - - - - - [WARNING: THERE IS MATURE CONTENT IN THIS STORY.] Note: This is an ORIGINAL story, and not a translation. This book is found exclusively on Please do not post it anywhere else. This book is 500+ chapters because it is a combination of the entire volume (4-5 books) in one! All rights reserved. Amazing Editors: Swaning, Ketaki, filledelisle Author's IG: @xincerely_author The book is found exclusively on The cover is commissioned art, all rights belong to me and the artist, Lia Audelia.
Xincerely · 8M Views

La atrevida esposa del Sr. Magnate

—Quédate conmigo y te daré todo lo que tu corazón desee. Por ti, mi amor, apartaría montañas, dividiría el mar y causaría estragos en la Tierra solo para tenerte. En cada historia de amor, siempre hay una prometida vengativa y venenosa que estaba comprometida con el rico y guapo CEO que se enamoró de la pobre, pero dulce e inocente protagonista femenina. En su codicia por su amor, él rompió a su pobre prometida cuyo amor la llevó al borde de la locura. Nadie jamás se preocupó por cómo se sentía la prometida. Zhao Lifei fue preparada toda su vida para casarse con un hombre, pero de repente, su corazón fue capturado por otra. Fue humillada, destruida y repudiada por amar a Zheng Tianyi. Estaba dispuesta a sacrificar su juventud, tiempo y corazón por el hombre, pero todo lo que obtuvo fue dolor y desesperación. Le tomó dos duros, pero reveladores años a Zhao Lifei finalmente comprender los errores que había cometido en el pasado. Después de su redención, ahora era el turno de Zhao Lifei de experimentar un amor más grande que el de la protagonista femenina. Más inteligente, más luchadora y más astuta, Zhao Lifei sabía cómo sobrevivir en la cruel, traicionera y dura sociedad de la clase alta. —¿Un prometido infiel que rompió mi corazón? Que le den, ¡encontraré a alguien más rico! —¿Todos mis amigos me han abandonado? No importa, ¡encontraré otros mejores! —¿Mis padres me han desheredado? Está bien, mi abuelo es más rico y poderoso que ambos combinados! Al polo opuesto de la sarcástica Zhao Lifei, estaba el increíblemente rico y poderoso, pero despiadadamente frío Yang Feng. Yang Feng, el Rey del Imperio Empresarial, era un hombre a temer. Corazón de hielo, ojos de piedra, despiadado pero atractivamente guapo, no había una sola persona en este mundo que se atreviera a ofenderlo. Muchos lo han intentado, pero ninguno ha tenido éxito en captar su atención. Esto es, hasta que su camino se cruza inesperadamente con el de Zhao Lifei. Surgirán desafíos, comenzará el caos y se desarrollará el drama. Pero luego, ¿qué sería de una historia de amor sin disturbios? Dicen que el amor sin conflicto es solo un simple capricho y la historia de Zhao Lifei y Yang Feng era cualquier cosa menos eso. Estado de la novela: Completada. Nota: Esta es una historia original mía (xincerely) y no una traducción :) Este libro se encuentra exclusivamente en Por favor, NO lo republicar en ningún otro lugar. Discord de la historia: Instagram del autor: xincerely_author Editores y correctores: Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, y littlebakergirl
Xincerely · 339.8K Views
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