Demon Awakening: The Path to the Throne
In a world filled with magical powers, demons, and other mystical creatures, a young boy named Yuuto dreams of becoming the king of all demonkind. Though he is unaware of his own inner demon, he possesses a unique power that draws the interest of powerful and nefarious individuals.
As Yuuto embarks on his journey towards becoming the Demon King, he meets various strong individuals that become his allies and enemies. Along the way, he discovers the truth about his own origins and the reason why so many people are interested in his power.
As his power and influence grow, Yuuto must navigate through lethal threats, political machinations, and the consequences of falling in love while pursuing his goals. But as he becomes stronger, darker and more malevolent forces emerge, willing to do whatever it takes to crush the Demon King and gain power over the world.
Will Yuuto overcome these challenges and take his rightful place as the king of all demonkind, or will his ambition consume him and lead to his downfall? Find out in "Rise of the Demon King.