Five hundred years ago, the idyllic Kingdom of Mevidal was shattered by a cataclysmic asteroid strike claiming 90% of its population leaving only whispers of survival. Amidst the chaos, the King and his three sons survived, touched by the power of ancient medallions, emerged as unlikely saviors. But at what cost?
Centuries later........Corruption has festered, Mevidal, once a beacon of hope, is now ruled by a tyrant who enslaves his own people. Exiled to the depths of the forbidden forest, he becomes known as the Black Wolf, a legend whispered in fear. But the past is never truly buried...
Ten Years Later... A chilling prophecy arrives: "The Blackwolf returns." Panic erupts. A new King, a prisoner turned usurper, prepares for war against the monstrous forces unleashed by the banished tyrant.
But this is no ordinary war.
The prophecy foretells of a coming war, a clash between the forces of light and an army of darkness led by Lord Luv, Lucifer's most loyal servant. The Black Wolf, consumed by vengeance, joins this unholy alliance as they threaten to consume Mevidal.
But Hope remains. A chosen few rise to defend Mevidal: The Wind Lord, the Monstrous Demon, the Twin Wolves, and the Three Legendary Tiers of Vision – the Fire Lord, the Unknown Warrior, and the Ultimate Unknown Savior – shall rise to defend Mevidal. The Unknown Warrior, a fearsome Dragon Warrior, will stand against the darkness, while the Ultimate Unknown Savior, the Divine Lord of Lightnings, will ultimately sacrifice himself to save the kingdom.
But at what cost?
The Blackwolf must fall. The Divine Lord of Lightnings will perish. And even then, victory is uncertain.
Mevidal faces annihilation.
Prepare for war.
Prepare for an epic battle. Prepare for sacrifice. Prepare for the end of days.
The Black Wolf is coming.
WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!