The Elysian King
In the parallel world known as the Blue Planet, a struggling kingdom named Elysia awaits transformation. Alexander Williams, a shrewd businessman from Singapore, unexpectedly finds himself transported to Elysia, assuming the identity of Arjun Vara, the last surviving member of the Vara royal family.
Arjun, armed with his extensive knowledge and business acumen, becomes determined to uplift the impoverished kingdom of Elysia and establish it as a prosperous and renowned nation on the Blue Planet. With his strategic thinking and innovative ideas, he sets out to revitalize the economy, improve the lives of its people, and put Elysia on the global map.
PS: The system uses water "magic" to catch fish in the sea. He will also have nerfed powers, kind of like Aqua Man.
This is a fictional story. Any specific person, group, religion, or city name has nothing to do with people in real life.