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Pathfinder Haste

Cronus' system: Against the gods

If you're reading this, then chances are you're drawn to tales of Greek mythological characters and monsters . Update schedule: 2-3 chaps per day Ding {System notification} God of War, Ares, hath been vanquished {+one million exp points} "What the heck! I just defeated a god and I got only a million exp? Cronus, you stingy ancient relic! I’ll get you for this!" Rex yelled. "Verily, thou hast bested but the god of mere skirmishes, Ares. Prithee, speak not of billions in reward 'til thou doth lay low Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades. Until then, relish thy modest crumbs, mortal!" "Talk normally!" Rex screamed You’ve merely vanquished the god of brawls, Ares. When you manage to take down Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades, then we can talk about real rewards. Until then, enjoy your pocket change!" "Okay, now I even hate it when you speak normally!" Rex facepalmed ************** Pandora's box has been opened! Woe unto humans!! The entertainment of the gods has just begun!!! Years after the titans were defeated at the hands of the Olympians, humanity started to awaken abilities that made them accomplish feats that would have been only possible in Superhero movies. Yet "evil must accompany good," as monsters also began to emerge on Earth. Amidst all of this, an orphan boy named Rex fails to awaken anything, as if this isn’t enough, a pitiful end soon follows him, but it seemed as if fate hadn’t forsaken him yet, as the very depths began call for him, ***Young one, You have inherited my will*** But great power comes at a great cost
ARCADIAN · 114.4K Views

Der Verlobte des Teufels

Eine Liebe, die von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteilt war, eine verlorene Sache, ein verlorener Kampf - und doch sind beide Herzen nicht bereit, bis zum Ende loszulassen. ----- Arlan Cromwell, der Inbegriff des perfekten Kronprinzen. Alles was er will, ist ein normales Menschenleben zu führen, aber das Leben eines Drachen ist alles andere als normal. Er hat nur ein Ziel - seine entlaufene Verlobte zu finden und sie zu enthaupten. Was passiert, wenn er herausfindet, dass die Frau, die sein Herz erobert hat, diejenige ist, die er zu töten geschworen hat? Oriana, eine Schwarze Hexe, die sich als Mann verkleidet hat, war ihr ganzes Leben lang auf der Flucht, ohne zu wissen, wovor sie wegläuft. Als die Geheimnisse ihrer Vergangenheit sie langsam einholen, hat sie niemanden, an den sie sich wenden kann ... außer Arlan. Doch als sie erfährt, dass der Mann, dem sie ihr Herz geschenkt hat, derselbe ist, der sie töten will, wie kann sie da die grausame Karte akzeptieren, die ihr das Leben zugedacht hat? Zwei Menschen mit Geheimnissen, die es zu bewahren gilt, Identitäten, die es zu verbergen gilt, und Antworten, die es zu finden gilt. Wird der Drache in der Lage sein, seine Gefährtin zu beschützen, wenn die Dunkelheit droht, Oriana zu entführen? ----- Auszug- "Hätte ich gewusst, dass du meine Verlobte bist, hätte ich dich gleich bei unserer ersten Begegnung getötet." Arlans Blick verfinsterte sich hasserfüllt. "Hätte ich gewusst, dass ich mit dir verlobt bin, hätte ich mich umgebracht, bevor du mich umgebracht hast!" Oriana spiegelte die gleichen Gefühle wie er. Er zog einen Dolch heraus und bot ihn ihr an. "Es ist noch nicht zu spät. Schneide dir damit einfach die Kehle durch und du wirst schmerzlos verbluten." Sie nahm das Messer an, ihre Finger umklammerten den Griff fest. Im nächsten Moment wurde er gegen die Wand gepresst und das Messer befand sich auf der rechten Seite seines Halses. "Wie wäre es, wenn ich es zuerst an dir ausprobiere, mein Verlobter?" "Du kannst es gerne versuchen. Aber wenn du versagst, wird dieses Messer erst das Blut deines Großvaters kosten und dann deins." Zorn stieg in ihren Augen auf, und im nächsten Moment floss Blut durch die rechte Seite seines Halses. Sie hatte tief genug geschnitten, um ein wichtiges Blutgefäß zu verletzen. "Du hättest mich nicht herausfordern sollen", höhnte sie und trat zurück, um zu warten, bis er zusammenbrach. Er schmunzelte nur und strich mit dem Finger über die tiefe Wunde an seinem Hals. "Sieht aus, als hättest du versagt." Sie sah zu, wie die Wunde an seinem Hals von selbst verheilte, und war bis auf die Knochen erschüttert. "Du... was bist du?" "Raten?" -----
Mynovel20 · 61.1K Views

Die Liebe eines Lykaners

ABGESCHLOSSEN! Schnipsel: Vor einem Jahr wurde Raine aus der Nervenheilanstalt entlassen und musste im Waisenhaus leben. Es war nicht der beste Ort. Zumindest nicht für jemanden wie sie. Bis sie eines Abends auf ihn traf. *** Er hielt den Wagen an. Sie klammerte sich fester an die Decke und Raine fragte sich, ob sie etwas falsch gemacht hatte. Sie konnte es spüren, als Torak seine Hand nach ihr ausstreckte. Wird er mich schlagen? Raine schauderte bei diesem Gedanken. Torak zog ihr den Kapuzenpulli vom Kopf und strich ihr sanft das Haar hinter das Ohr. "Tu das nicht." Sagte er fest, "Ich will dich sehen, versteck dich nicht..." ************** "Der Geist des Schutzengels wird dem Menschenkind neues Leben einhauchen. Drei Schutzengel werden wieder in die irdische Welt hineingeboren werden und ihr drei werdet ihre Beschützer sein." "Beschützer!!!?" Jedrek schnaubte. Schließlich blieb er stehen, drehte der Mondgöttin den Rücken zu und blickte sie aus der Ferne an, seine Augen glitzerten rot vor Zorn. Seine Wölfin war wütend. "Warum glaubst du, dass wir dir helfen werden?" fragte Kace und verengte seine obsidianschwarzen Augen, während sein Wolf die Kontrolle über ihn übernahm. Er war der Jüngste der drei und der am wenigsten temperamentvolle unter ihnen. Die drei waren von Selene verflucht worden, weil sie mit ihrer Wildheit die höchste Macht und Autorität anstrebten. Die Mondgöttin segnete sie zur Strafe für ihr grausames Verhalten nicht mit einer Gefährtin und zwang sie, sich an diesem tödlichen Krieg mit den Dämonen zu beteiligen. "Ihr wollt uns zu Sklaven für diese kränklichen Kreaturen machen!?" fragte Torak ungläubig. "Habt ihr keine Angst, dass wir sie in zwei Hälften reißen?" Der Schutzengel war so zerbrechlich und sie als Lykanthropen wussten die Schwächen nicht zu schätzen. "Nein, das werdet ihr nicht." sagte Selene geduldig. "Du wirst nicht ihr Sklave sein und sie nicht verletzen, du wirst sie in jeder Hinsicht wertschätzen." Jedrek lachte bedrohlich, als er das hörte, die Wiederauferstandenen der Bestie waren ihnen egal, sobald sie ihr Territorium betraten, mit oder ohne Schutzengel, würde er ihren Körper in Stücke reißen. "Ich werde der letzte Mensch sein, den sie sehen werden, wenn ich sie finde." Er bezog sich sowohl auf den Schutzengel als auch auf den Dämon. Aber die nächste Stimme von Selene war von Heiterkeit durchzogen, als sie sprach. "Du wirst deiner Gefährtin nicht wehtun." ============================ Sitzung 1 (Kapitel 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (abgeschlossen). Sitzung 2 (Kapitel 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (abgeschlossen) Sitzung 3 (Kapitel 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (abgeschlossen) Session 4 (Kapitel 1084 - in Arbeit) : Nebengeschichten ============================ Dies ist eine Werwolfgeschichte und natürlich eine Fantasy! Da jeder seine eigene Version des übernatürlichen Lebens hat, versuche ich hier, meine zu schreiben. Wenn du schon andere Werwolfgeschichten gelesen hast, wirst du wissen, dass es Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede gibt. ============================ ***Vorsicht! Englisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, daher besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie grammatikalische Fehler finden (ich habe es nicht absichtlich getan), wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen, damit ich es korrigieren kann. *Du bist gewarnt worden ^^ Jede konstruktive Kritik ist sehr willkommen! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Schau dir meine anderen Geschichten an: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: am liebsten durch die Zeit **DIE GESCHICHTE DER DÄMMERUNG
jikanyotomare · 182.9K Views

Die ungewollte Braut des maskierten Vampirkönigs

(Reifer Inhalt R-18+ Enthält Blutvergießen, kein Drama um eine zweite Frau oder Vergewaltigung). Meine Liebe kennt kein Ende, kein richtig oder falsch. Denn wenn ich liebe, möchte ich, dass du genauso mein bist wie ich dein - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "Ich habe dir gesagt, dass ich dich ruinieren will", sagte er, während er sie an die Wand drückte und ihr den Kiefer umschloss. "Und du hast genug getan. Jetzt gehe ich", schnauzte sie zurück. "Du hast meine Worte nicht verstanden, Prinzessin", spottete er kalt. "Wenn ich sage, dass ich dich ruinieren will, dann will ich dich an mein Bett binden und dich ausfüllen, bis dein Duft eins mit mir wird und jeder verdammte Mensch auf dieser Welt weiß, wer du bist... Dass du verdammt noch mal mir gehörst!" Er drückte sie gegen die Wand und küsste sie leidenschaftlich. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, die uneheliche Tochter des Königs von Heart Moon City mit der Blutlinie eines Jägers, will in ihrem Leben nur eines: ihre leibliche Mutter kennenlernen. Unschuldig und schön, ist Elliana oft ein Opfer der Intrigen ihrer Stiefmutter und Stiefschwester. Sebastian Marino, der berüchtigte, maskierte Vampirfürst, wird von allen um ihn herum nur gehasst. Alle fürchten ihn, denn er hat eine Macht, mit der man nicht rechnen kann. Nachdem sie ein Jahr lang für ihre Stiefschwester im Gefängnis gesessen hat, ist Elliana überrascht, dass sie auf Kaution frei kommt. Ihre Freude wird jedoch getrübt, als sie erfährt, dass sie den Vampirprinzen anstelle ihrer Stiefschwester heiraten soll. Elliana weiß nichts von den Vampiren, und Sebastian hasst alles, was mit diesen bösen Menschen zu tun hat. Was würde sie tun, wenn sie mit dem namensgebenden Monster der dunklen Welt verheiratet wird, das ohne Gnade nimmt und jagt? "Bist du nicht neugierig, wie ich aussehe?" Er griff ihr schmerzhaft ans Kinn. "Zeig mir dein Gesicht, wenn du mir vertraust", lächelte sie sanft. 'Das wird nie passieren', dachte Sebastian. Für ihn war sie nichts weiter als ein Werkzeug, um sich an den Menschen zu rächen. Für sie war er mehr als alles, was sie zu Gesicht bekam, sogar mehr als die Wahrheit ihrer Existenz. Es gibt eine Macht, die noch größer und mächtiger ist als alles andere, und diese Macht heißt Schicksal. Werden sie in der Lage sein, gegen ihr Schicksal anzukämpfen, um zusammen zu bleiben, oder werden sie ihm erliegen und alles verlieren? Die Geschichte der tödlichsten Hexe, die als Mensch verkleidet ist, und des gefährlichsten Wunderprinzen, der sich von Vampirblut ernährt. Disclaimer- Das Buch ist in einer magischen Welt und reiner Fantasie angesiedelt. Die Romanze wird dir Schmetterlinge im Bauch bescheren, während einige Szenen dich an der Vernunft in Sachen Liebe zweifeln lassen könnten. In den ersten 50 Kapiteln wird die Welt um das Buch herum aufgebaut. Ich verspreche dir, wenn du bleibst, wirst du das Buch lieben, bis es nicht dein Genre ist. ~~~~~~ Folgen Sie mir auf meinen sozialen Medien. Facebook - Autorin Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj
AngelinaBhardawaj · 216.7K Views

The Shadow of Great Britain

“Next, we have the most noble recipient of the Order of the Garter, the Grand Cross of Saint Michael and Saint George, the Grand Cross of the Bath, the Victoria Cross and the lower grades of Knighthood, the leader of the anti-colonial movement, the bell-ringer of the East India Company, the hero of the Crimean War, a Fellow of the Royal Society, a lifelong dear friend of literary giants such as Dickens and Great Dumas, a steadfast supporter of scientific luminaries like Faraday and Darwin, having served as assistant under-secretary, deputy under-secretary, and permanent under-secretary in departments of the Home Office and the Navy Department of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the inaugural Cabinet Secretary and head of the civil service, the first graduate and most distinguished alumnus of our school. Please welcome Sir Arthur Hastings to deliver a speech on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the University of London.” Arthur's gaze swept across the crowd before him, looking at the young faces and murmured, “Agares, what do you think I should say?” The Red Devil's wraith hovered behind him, saliva almost dribbling from the corner of his mouth, “Look at these ignorant souls; they still worship you as a hero. Why not say something they'd like to hear?” Arthur took a deep breath and let out a deafening roar, “Oxford is a bunch of whores' bastards!” “Oh!!!!” The audience erupted into thunderous applause. “Cambridge is the same!” he added immediately. The applause grew even more fervent... (The protagonist, possessed by a devil, travels through 19th-century Britain in a world without magic)
Chasing Time · 148.9K Views

The Ultimate Luna

Even though Ophelia knew that she was a sacrificial bride for a marriage alliance to a strange kingdom and that her husband to be was an arrogant maniac king, she had still agreed to the marriage with her own agenda in mind. If only she had not been in her haste to resolve her issues and had thought about it carefully, she would not have agreed and by the time she did she realised that there was no going back. Afraid that the werewolf king would take revenge on them for the assassination attempt on him.The elders of Alkal had called a meeting to find a solution to the pending doom. During the meeting, the Werewolf king barged in and demanded they let him take Ophelia as his bride. That was just the solution they needed and the king had suggested it himself so they were happy to oblige. No one thought carefully as to why the Alpha king of a faraway kingdom would know of a young woman called Ophelia. Many years later, when they realised that they had been played, it was too late to change things. Nicklaus who was destined from birth to be an heartless and mateless king, had his destiny changed after a near death assassination. Not only did he not die, he had also found his mate and she was the one in a millinia Ultimate Luna. The first among human... He would spent his whole life doting on her Excerpt... "You must be new here. Are you alone?" The animal: .... Looking carefully around, she concluded that the animal was indeed alone, then she said "Were you abandoned?" "...." "Strange, you look strange. I've never seen an animal like you before" "grwwwwl" "oh! you are hurt. Let's threat your wounds" She moved to touch the animal but just as she was about to reach it, she withdrew her hand thinking that the animal might be scared. "I want to threat your wounds so I'll need to carry you. Are you okay with it?" "grwwwwl" "Okay, then I'll carry you now" she carried it and placed it on her lap. She then pulled a small pouch out of her dress brought out some metal bottles, cleaned and dressed the wounds. The animal looked comical after bandages had been plastered on different parts of it's body it looked like a pet wearing rags. By the time she was done. The animal had fallen asleep. She decided to take the little animal to her play house under a tree and hide it there. She would check on it everyday giving it food and water until one day she came one day and it was gone. She had searched for it and gave up after a few days. She was saddened about the animal and began to cry.... Amidst her tears, she was the silhouette of the animal changing form until it became a huge werewolf with bright red eyes. It walked out of the dark shadows towards her. She stood there looking at the werewolf coming walking towards her, she didn't feel fear. Instead, she was happy to see her pet again, eventhough he was a werewolf, she didn't mind as long as he was back home. She ran into his arms and hugged him.
JOLAADE5 · 39.2K Views

Reincarnation: Advent of a Light Mage in a VRMMO

In a futuristic world where technology has exceeded the wildest dreams of humanity, Kayde is caught in a whirlwind of loss and betrayal. Once a brilliant engineer with the world at his feet, his life has spiraled into chaos: his hard-earned achievements stolen by corrupt superiors, his father tragically lost in an accident, and now the remaining threads of his family’s health unraveling due to a broken healthcare system that offers no real solutions. The institutions that once stood as pillars of society have crumbled, leaving him feeling powerless and alone in a society that seems indifferent to his suffering. Desperate for an escape from the pain, Kayde turns to Astrologia Online, a game that promises players the chance to amass wealth and power beyond their wildest imaginations. Lured by the prospect of a better life, he dives headfirst into the virtual world, but in his haste, he falls into a treacherous trap. Bound by a sinister servant contract, Kayde loses not only his freedom but also the last remnants of his family, who vanish into the void he had hoped to escape. Devastated, Kayde retreats to the confines of his room, drowning in regret and despair. The walls, once a refuge, now feel like a tomb, echoing with the ghosts of laughter and love that have been cruelly snatched away. Just as he contemplates the depths of his despair, a voice emerges from the shadows, piercing through his sorrow: “Would you like to go back?” In an instant, Kayde is thrust back to the moment before his life took a dark turn. This unexpected second chance ignites a flicker of hope within him. Armed with knowledge of his past mistakes, he embarks on a new journey, not just within the game but also in his own life. Each decision he makes carries weight, as he seeks to rewrite his destiny and reclaim what was lost. As Kayde navigates the intricate and perilous landscape of Astrologia Online, he discovers that the virtual world is a reflection of his own struggles—a place where every choice can lead to salvation or doom. Alongside a diverse group of allies, each battling their own demons, Kayde immerses himself in the game’s mysteries, confronting not only formidable enemies but also the painful truths about himself and his family. With every victory, he learns the true meaning of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice. As Kayde evolves from a broken man into a powerful player, he begins to unravel the dark secrets behind his family’s downfall, seeking not just revenge but also a path to redemption. The game becomes more than just an escape; it is a battleground for his heart and soul, where the stakes are life and death, and the choices he makes ripple across both realities. Kayde’s quest leads him through treachery and unexpected alliances, revealing that while he has lost much, the power to change his fate resides within him. As he confronts the forces that conspired against him, he also discovers the resilience of the human spirit, learning that love and hope can endure even in the darkest of times. In a reality where every decision can reshape the future, Kayde embarks on a transformative journey to reclaim his life and honor the memory of those he lost. The battle for his future becomes a quest to find his place in a world that has all but forgotten him, and to emerge victorious against the tide of darkness that threatens to consume him. With determination burning in his heart, Kayde vows to rise from the ashes of despair, proving that even in a world fraught with betrayal, redemption is possible—and that true strength lies not just in power, but in the bonds we forge along the way..
Cade_Hill · 42.7K Views

Billionaire's Matchmaker

Chloe Hastings is New York City’s most sought-after matchmaker, known for creating perfect love stories for the elite. She has built her career on helping others find love, but her own love life has always taken a back seat. Bound by her strict professional rule—never date a client—Chloe has mastered the art of keeping her personal feelings separate from her work. That is, until billionaire tech CEO Ethan Cole walks into her life. Ethan Cole is the epitome of success, running a global empire with a cool, calculating demeanor. His life is built on efficiency and control. But when it comes to romance, Ethan is completely out of his element. Not only is he too busy for dating, but he’s also notoriously bad at it. Known for being distant and even rude, he has no idea how to connect with women on a personal level. After several failed matches, Chloe realizes the real issue isn’t that Ethan can’t find the right woman—he simply doesn’t know how to be romantic. Determined to help him, Chloe makes a bold decision: she will teach Ethan how to woo a woman. From planning thoughtful dates to showing him how to express his feelings, Chloe takes on the challenge of transforming Ethan from cold CEO to a man capable of romance. But as she coaches him on how to be the perfect partner, their professional boundaries begin to blur. Just as their secret romance ignites, fate throws an unexpected curveball—Chloe discovers she’s pregnant with Ethan’s child. But there’s more at stake than just their budding relationship. Ethan was still technically her client when they crossed the line, and Chloe knows that the scandal could destroy her reputation as a professional matchmaker. Can she risk everything she’s worked for, or will she lose the man she never expected to fall for in the process?
Reyana_Segal · 3.2K Views

lady Isadora

Capitolo 1 Lady Isadora, un'affascinante giovane aristocratica, passeggiava nel giardino di Kensington, circondata da aiuole fiorite e alberi secolari. Il sole del pomeriggio filtrava tra le foglie, creando un gioco di ombre sul sentiero. Isadora amava quel luogo; era il suo rifugio segreto, dove poteva sognare e riflettere lontano dagli sguardi curiosi della sua famiglia. Ma oggi, la sua mente era occupata da pensieri contrastanti. Da un lato c'era Lord Nicholas, un giovane affascinante con un sorriso disarmante e un'intelligenza acuta. Dall'altro, c'era Hastings, il potente duca di Waverley, noto per la sua determinazione e il suo carattere tenace. Entrambi erano su pretendenti, entrambi avevano catturato la sua attenzione. “Isadora!” chiamò una voce, interrompendo i suoi pensieri. Era Lady Margaret, la sua migliore amica, con un'espressione vivace sul volto. “Ho sentito voci di un ballo a palazzo la prossima settimana. Dovremmo andarci!” “Un ballo?” rispose Isadora, i suoi occhi brillavano di curiosità. “Senza dubbio, sarà l’occasione perfetta per incontrare Lord Nicholas e il duca.” Margaret, divisa tra l'eccitazione e la preoccupazione, smise di camminare. “Spero che tu non scelga Hastings. È affascinante, ma è anche molto ambizioso. Potrebbe non essere il partito giusto per te.” Isadora sorrise, ma il suo cuore batteva forte. “Nicholas è un gentiluomo, ma c’è qualcosa in Hastings che mi attrae; la sua forza, la sua presenza… è difficile da spiegare. Ma come posso scegliere, quando entrambi gli uomini sembrano interessati a me?” Lady Margaret, prendendo la mano di Isadora, lo fece con affetto. “Ricorda, cara amica, che non è solo il tuo cuore a dover decidere, ma anche la tua mente. Ascolta ciò che senti veramente.” Mentre le due ragazze si allontanavano verso casa, Isadora sentì un misto di emozione e incertezza. La danza tra il dovere e il desiderio era appena cominciata.*
DaoistcgQX7C · 3.4K Views

The Necronomicon

Nezra is a young witch seeking to expand her powers and knowledge of the arcane arts. While cataloging texts in her coven's hidden library, she discovers a mysterious tome known only as The Necronomicon. Drawn to its dark secrets, Nezra attempts a risky summoning ritual detailed within its pages. However, in her haste and inexperience, Nezra makes a mistake that has unintended consequences. Instead of the lesser demon she intended to contact, she conjures the mighty Azrel, Lord of Lies and one of the most powerful denizens of the infernal realms. Azrel is furious at being pulled from his abyssal domain by a mere human spellcaster. Yet rather than destroy Nezra where she stands, Azrel's curiosity gets the better of him. He proposes a wager - if Nezra can pass three tests devised by the demon, her abilities and life will be spared. But should she fail even one task, her soul will be forfeit to dwell forever in Azrel's domain. Nezra accepts, seeing no other choice left to survive this catastrophic error. What sinister trials will the Lord of Deception subject Nezra to in order to test her resolve and magic? And as the two spend more time together, will their initial antagonism transform into something deeper, as Nezra impresses Azrel with her brave spirit and he finds himselfDrawn to her fire? Only by surviving Azrel's challenges will the young witch discover her true fate - and perhaps learn the feelings growing between an unexpected pair may not be so easy to deny.
Nyx_369 · 2.7K Views

Arran Ember the last of the Dra'ghoul Bloodline

850 years have passed since Zargorwarths defeat and the Vermillion Empires sudden surge in power over the Multiverse. Victor Silvertounge the last of the Guardians of Light, stood overseeing the balance to ensure that it did not fall into the darkness. Victor could feel a change coming soon, the balance had been shifting and he did not know why but could sense that a Dra’ghoul was about to be born the first one since Draco Dra’ghoul Emma Silvertounge a Syeer far stronger than any other seen before while only at the young age of sixteen walked pieces of her crimson hair fell in front of her sea-blue eyes and her freckled checks “ Father, Who is Lupine Riddle ?” She asked Victor froze all time stood still, “ My child. Who told you about him? Victor said slowly his voice trembling with fear Emma replied “ No one I had a dream and his name popped into my head as did Angel born and Wolfkin. What do they mean?” Victor did not respond for a moment “ Tell me Emma did you see a Sword of Crimson Fire, a Spear of Golden Light, and an Ax with a wolf's head engraved on the hilt?” She nodded slowly Victor sighed “ I feared as much. One last question was there a child with a dragon tattoo on his right arm?” Emma nodded Victor refined from cursing “ my child it would seem that you are somehow linked with this new Dra’ghoul and those you saw in your vision. Do you know where he will be born?” Emma replied, “ Haven Valley his mother Ashi Ember was just pronounced pregnant.” Victor picked up his staff and said “ good then we will go and live in Haven Valley post haste.” Emma replied, “ but what about the balance?” Victor paused and said “ There is nothing I can do to prevent what will happen. The Balance will fall to darkness if I am here or not. Victor turned to Emma who was looking out at the ever-expanding Space-Time Contium the images of her vision burned into her mind never to leave. Victor placed a hand on her shoulder "We must leave post-haste the sooner we can get to the mother the better." Emma nodded before they left she went and packed a medium sized bag with cloths, a leather bond book named Tales of Tylingariea by Damion Vixen Dorima and secered a silver blaclet onto her right wrist with a loud click the braclet clamped around her wrist buzzing and turning a dark blue.. she picked up her bag and meet Victer in front of a massive green portal that lead to the Haven. Taking one last look back at the Bridge of Reality Emma walked into the portal and the Wheels of Destiny for her and others were set into motion
Brandongould · 54.6K Views

Miss Shen is Actually A Bigshot in Witchcraft

Shen Chun was a bigshot in mystic arts. During a riot, she was severely injured after being set up by someone. While rescuing a population of several tens of thousands in a small town during a dire situation, she died in the line of duty. She thought her soul would be crushed. To her surprise, she was reborn as someone with the same given name and surname in the wealthy Shen family. The original Shen Chun was a young lady from a bankrupt family. Her parents died in an accident. Someone pushed her into the river on her way home after the funeral, so she also passed away. When the original Shen Chun was born, her parents went to a fortune-teller. The fortune-teller said she would bring bad luck to her future husband. If she wanted to live long, she'd have to find a suitable man and get married before her twentieth birthday. Otherwise, her life would be at risk. Shen Chun was barely reborn for a few days when the fiance, hand-picked by her family, called off the wedding because her family went bankrupt. Shen Chun was a bigshot; she knew that the fortune-teller was accurate. The original Shen Chun's twentieth birthday was an obstacle, and she was destined for a great disaster. Meanwhile, the right man was hard to find. Shen Chun needed to make haste. Just as she scratched her head for a solution, she met the man who was the most suitable candidate for the original Shen Chun. This man had an extremely noble aura. She could tell from one look that he possessed a lot of power and influence. However, this man would bring bad luck to his wife! Not long after that, shocking news spread throughout the upper class. Master Zuo, the man who was known to bring bad luck to his wife, had a flash marriage with the young lady of the bankrupt Shen family! Everybody mocked them. "Who would end up getting the other killed first?"Surprisingly, the two of them not only lived long lives but also loved each other dearly!
Mountain Springs · 1.4M Views

Thian Omnach | Qilarians' Legacy : Explorer era

Prologue In the vastness of space, nestled in the Andromeda galaxy, lies the colossal planet Gigaterra Prime, known as Giga or G-1. This monstrous world, 185,000 times the size of Imperial Earth, has always been shrouded in mystery and potential. Shielded by a mysterious energy barrier and natural atmospheric quirks, Giga stayed a well-kept secret until recent breakthroughs by human explorers. Years ago, a gang of space pirates stumbled upon Giga. Their attempts to breach its formidable energy barrier failed, but they discovered a temporary gap that allowed exploratory drones, called "Pathfinders," to break through. These Pathfinders sent back data revealing Giga's breathable atmosphere, stable climate, and abundance of unique minerals, flora, and wildlife. Massive trees with glowing leaves lit up the night, and rivers rich in unknown minerals flowed through lush valleys. Exotic creatures roamed freely. The sale of this information triggered a wild era of exploration, like a cosmic gold rush. Settlers, mercenaries, and corporations scrambled to stake their claim on the untamed new world. Amid this turmoil, ancient Qilarian ruins surfaced, revealing relics of immense power and wisdom. In the uncharted expanses of Gigaterra, humanity entered a new era of colonization, driven by extraordinary advancements in bioengineering and cybernetics. The Federation and Mars spearheaded these innovations, creating hybrids like the nimble nekomimi and robust reptilians, while seamlessly integrating cybernetic implants to enhance physical and cognitive abilities. These breakthroughs paved the way for humanity to explore and settle new frontiers, transforming the fabric of human existence. The Corporate Sector, with its affluence and technological prowess, dominated the landscape. Sky-High edifices and cutting-edge facilities showcased their influence, while the Settler Sector, with its improvised habitats and struggling populace, lagged far behind. This disparity created a distinct devide between the high-tech environments of the elite and the dirty, graffiti-covered lower levels where settlers fought for survival. In this era, bioengineered hybrids and cybernetically augmented individuals became commonplace among those who could afford them. On planets like Haven, where the lines between humanity and technology blurred, extreme modifications became a mark of status and power. At the heart of this transformative period stood the Explorer Committee, led by the formidable Zhen Wu Long. Operating independently but under the oversight of the governing Council, the Committee spearheaded the exploration and colonization of Gigaterra Prime. Their mission attracted support from the Federation, Mars, and major corporations, uniting them in a relentless pursuit of discovery and expansion. This MOD Era allowed humans to become anything they desired, combining biological and cybernetic enhancements. Zhen Wu Long, a seasoned mercenary with a knack for leadership, saw the need for order. Under his guidance, the newly formed Explorer Committee stepped in to regulate the chaos, ensuring fair access to Giga's resources. The Committee aimed to harness the planet's potential while maintaining peace between organizations, guiding humanity's expansion into this new frontier. Tihan Omnach, a thirty-year-old citizen of Haven from the first settlers wave and low-level corporate worker who had resigned to start a new life as a VR player. One day, while idly scrolling through news feeds, he stumbled upon an announcement about the Explorer Committee’s establishment and recruitment. This New Explorer Era on Gigaterra marks a defining chapter inhuman history. His heart raced as he read the details. Here was a real chance for change, a tangible escape from the digital confines of his four walls and money problems. Drawn by the promise of adventure and the chance to uncover the mysteries of Giga, Tihan seized the opportunity without hesitation.
Oni_9980 · 3.2K Views
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