Eternal Rogue: Ascending to Godhood
In a secluded mountain village, a 999-year-old Taoist faces the end of his life when his stunningly beautiful wife, Bianca, abandons him after nearly a millennium of marriage. Yet, this heartbreaking separation awakens a mysterious system that had lain dormant within him for centuries: the Submerge-Float System.
Bound by an incomplete but immensely powerful Chaos God Physique, the Taoist discovers that the path to immortality lies in conquering the hearts of Fated Women—extraordinary individuals capable of altering destiny. By winning their loyalty, whether through persuasion or force, he can absorb their fortune and unleash the full potential of his divine body.
From humble beginnings to the grand stage of celestial cultivation, the Taoist embarks on a journey brimming with intrigue, power struggles, and a race against time. As he regains his youth and strength, he is faced with moral dilemmas, encounters captivating women with enigmatic pasts, and unravels long-buried secrets about the world—and himself.
Can he surpass his limits and achieve the immortality he craves? Or will his reckless quest for power lead to his ultimate downfall?
This epic tale of ambition, love, and redemption weaves heart-pounding action, cunning strategy, and irresistible romance into a world where destiny is the ultimate prize.
Perfect for fans of cultivation novels, anti-hero protagonists, and gripping moral complexity!