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Luffy Embrasse Nami

Obsesi Kontrak CEO

[Peringatan: Konten Dewasa, R18+] [Selesai] [Gabung dengan server Discord saya untuk melihat lebih banyak foto Amy dan Henri.] Dia bangkrut dan kehilangan segalanya, tersisa tidak ada selain utang dan kewajiban. Dia kaya dan punya segalanya, ahli waris sebuah perusahaan multi-miliar. Dua orang yang berbeda, ditarik bersama oleh kebutuhan mereka ataukah ini takdir? **** Amelia Bell baru berusia 22 tahun ketika orang tua, kakak, dan kakak ipar nya meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil. Keponakan-keponakannya yang terluka kini menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Dia menjual segala yang dimilikinya, dia terlilit hutang yang besar dan yang bisa dia lakukan sekarang hanyalah menangis tersedu-sedu. Dan kemudian terlintas di pikirannya... jawaban atas pertanyaannya... darimana dia akan mendapatkan uang untuk operasi itu? Benar... dia belum melakukan semuanya sejauh ini, dia belum mencoba menjual dirinya sendiri. Itu adalah langkah putus asa tetapi dia tidak punya solusi lain. Dia langsung terlempar kembali dari pikirannya ketika pria itu berteriak. "Ini gila, kualifikasinya sederhana saja tidak mungkin... Sekarang dia meminta saya untuk menemukan seseorang yang murni dan polos kali ini... Meskipun mereka menandatangani kontrak 6 bulan untuk menjadi miliknya, wanita-wanita itu masih jatuh cinta kepadanya meski mereka tahu setelah 6 bulan mereka akan diusir dari hidupnya... ... Saya tidak akan pernah bisa menemukan wanita polos dan murni yang ia cari sekalipun saya menawarkan mereka 5 juta di muka." Tanpa ragu Amy berlari mengejar pria tersebut, naik tangga secepat mungkin. "Permisi, Tuan." "Apa yang Anda butuhkan, Non? Saya sedang buru-buru." "Saya mau pekerjaannya... Kontrak 6 bulan itu, saya bisa melakukannya." "Jadi saya kira Anda juga mendengar bahwa saya membutuhkan seorang wanita yang polos dan murni, bahkan saya sendiri tidak tahu apa maksudnya." "Apakah seorang perawan dihitung? S-saya seorang perawan, mungkin i-itu yang diinginkan bos Anda, kan?" ujar Amy dengan berani. Lalu akhirnya bos, Tuan Welsh, menghadapinya... Dia tidak menyangka dia akan seumuran dengannya, hampir sebaya. Dia membayangkan seorang pria tua atau seseorang yang tidak se-tampan dia. "Anda tidak boleh berhenti bernapas malaikat, itu berbahaya, Anda mungkin pingsan. Siapa tahu apa yang akan saya lakukan pada Anda begitu Anda tidak sadarkan diri." Amy terengah-engah, 'Apa sialan yang baru saja terjadi padaku,' dia mengutuk dalam hati sambil masih menatap pria di depannya. Kemudian dia mendekat kepadanya. "Saya sudah mendengar Anda punya sesuatu untuk saya. Saya tidak sabar untuk menerima hadiahmu, malaikatku. Saya Henri." ******** Cover buku dihasilkan oleh AI dan diedit oleh penulis, tolong jangan gunakan tanpa izin.
Shiroi_Nami · 7.7K Views

Mari avec avantages

Nora est anéantie un mois avant son mariage lorsqu'elle met au jour la liaison trompeuse de son fiancé. Alors qu'elle gère cette trahison, elle découvre un complot profond pour l'empêcher de réclamer son héritage légitime. Dévastée mais déterminée, Nora prend une mesure audacieuse pour reprendre le contrôle de sa vie. Entre en scène Démétri 'Le Démon' pour ceux qui le connaissent, un homme redoutable qu'elle connaît à peine, qui lui offre sa protection et son soutien en échange d'un mariage contractuel pour le satisfaire. Dans un retournement de destin, Nora épouse Démétri pour revendiquer son héritage et lutter contre ceux qui ont comploté contre elle. Mais alors qu'elle affronte sa propre famille et les nombreux rivaux de Démétri, sera-t-elle capable d'éviter de tomber amoureuse de l'homme connu pour écraser les gens sous le talon de sa botte. Extrait : Elle avait oublié que l'homme était intimidant et l'avait directement défié. Au lieu de parler, Démétri se leva de son siège et s'approcha d'elle délibérément. Bien que ce ne fût que quelques pas, le temps semblait s'étirer pour Nora. Lorsqu'il fut presque à portée de toucher, sa main se posa doucement sur son genou, l'écartant sur le côté. Son toucher glissait avec un soupçon de caresse, et il s'inséra entre ses jambes ouvertes. Nora restait là, en silence glacé, les yeux grands ouverts comme un cerf pris dans les phares. Attrapant son menton entre ses doigts, il inclina son visage vers le haut et parla sans hâte, "Tu es ma femme." Elle hocha la tête lentement en affirmation alors que son pouce traçait lentement sa lèvre. "Je t'ai donné du temps pour rassembler tes émotions." Un autre signe de tête. La nervosité de Nora la fit lécher ses lèvres, tout à fait consciente de son regard intense fixé sur elles. "Ta raison pour le mariage était de sécuriser ton héritage et de t'échapper de sous le pouce de ta mère." "Oui..." murmura Nora dans la confusion. Sa confusion n'était pas au sujet de sa déclaration, mais à propos des sensations déroutantes qui la traversaient. Que se passait-il avec elle ? "Il est temps pour toi de remplir ta part du contrat, n'est-ce pas ?" Il continua. "Oui," souffla Nora à bout de souffle. Pourquoi était-elle à bout de souffle ? Le niveau d'oxygène dans la maison avait-il baissé ? L'air devenait-il soudainement plus rare ? Soudainement, sa main quitta son visage, et elle le regarda se rapprocher. C'est alors que Nora comprit ce qui se déroulait. Tous ces baisers palpitants, à vous faire battre le cœur, qu'elle avait lus dans les romans, étaient sur le point de devenir peut-être sa réalité. Mais le baiser tant attendu n'eut pas lieu. Au lieu de cela, il s'arrêta près d'elle et ordonna, "Embrasse-moi."
har_k · 658.1K Views

Die Vertragsbesessenheit des CEO

[Warnung: Reifer Inhalt, R18+] [Abgeschlossen] [Tritt meinem Discord-Server bei, um mehr Bilder von Amy und Henry zu sehen.] Sie ist pleite und hat alles verloren, hat nur noch Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten. Er ist reich und hat alles, Erbe eines Multi-Milliarden-Unternehmens. Zwei unterschiedliche Menschen, die durch ihre Bedürfnisse zueinander finden - oder ist es Schicksal? **** Amelia Bell war erst 22 Jahre alt, als ihre Eltern, ihr Bruder und ihre Schwägerin bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kamen. Für die verletzten Kinder ihres Bruders ist sie nun verantwortlich. Sie hat alles, was sie besitzt, verkauft, ist hoch verschuldet und kann sich nur noch die Augen ausweinen. Und dann fiel ihr die Antwort auf ihre Frage ein: Woher soll sie das Geld für die Operation nehmen? Richtig... sie hat noch nicht alles getan, sie hat noch nicht versucht, sich zu verkaufen. Es war ein verzweifelter Schritt, aber sie hatte keine anderen Möglichkeiten mehr. Sie wurde sofort aus ihren Gedanken gerissen, als der Mann rief. "Das ist Wahnsinn, seine Qualifikationen sind einfach unmöglich... Jetzt verlangt er von mir, dass ich ihm dieses Mal eine reine und unschuldige finde... Selbst wenn sie einen 6-monatigen Vertrag unterschrieben haben, um ihm zu gehören, haben sich diese Frauen immer noch in ihn verliebt, obwohl sie wussten, dass sie nach 6 Monaten aus seinem Leben verschwinden würden... ... Ich werde nie die reine und unschuldige Frau finden, die er sucht, selbst wenn ich ihnen 5 Millionen im Voraus biete." Ohne zu zögern rannte Amy dem Mann hinterher und kletterte so schnell sie konnte die Treppe hinauf. "Entschuldigen Sie, Mister." "Was brauchen Sie, Miss? Ich bin in Eile." "Ich will den Job... den 6-Monats-Vertrag, ich kann ihn machen." "Ich nehme an, Sie haben auch gehört, dass ich eine reine und unschuldige Frau brauche, auch wenn ich nicht weiß, was das bedeutet." "Zählt eine Jungfrau? I-ich bin eine Jungfrau, vielleicht d-das ist, was Ihr Chef will, nicht wahr?" erklärte Amy kühn. Dann endlich stand der Chef, Mr. Welsh, vor ihr... Sie hatte nicht erwartet, dass er so jung ist, vielleicht fast so alt wie sie. Sie hatte sich einen alten Mann vorgestellt oder jemanden, der nicht so gut aussieht wie er. "Du solltest nicht aufhören zu atmen, Engel, das ist gefährlich, du könntest ohnmächtig werden. Wer weiß, was ich mit dir machen werde, wenn du erst einmal bewusstlos bist." Amy keuchte: "Was zum Teufel ist gerade mit mir passiert?", fluchte sie innerlich, während sie immer noch den Mann vor sich anstarrte. Dann lehnte er sich näher an sie heran. "Ich habe gehört, dass du etwas für mich hast. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dein Geschenk zu erhalten, mein Engel. Ich bin Henry." ******** Das Buchcover ist KI-generiert und von der Autorin bearbeitet, bitte verwenden Sie es nicht ohne Erlaubnis.
Shiroi_Nami · 10.5K Views

Shadows of the Blue-Eyed Phantom

In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where magic flows through the air and ancient creatures roam the lands, a child is born under extraordinary circumstances. Alex Marquis, the third prince of Aranthia, enters the world with snow-white hair and piercing blue eyes, marking him as someone destined for greatness. From a young age, Alex displays remarkable magical abilities, mastering the elements and forming a bond with a mystical dragon named Drakon. As Alex grows, he is trained by his parents, King Alaric and Queen Seraphina, and his siblings, the formidable warrior Prince Cedric and the wise healer Princess Elara. His journey takes him to the prestigious Royal Academy of the Empire, where he joins other gifted students to hone his skills and uncover the secrets of his destiny. At the academy, Alex forms deep bonds with his roommates—Marcus, the fiery warrior; Elara, the graceful mage; and Liora, the mischievous rogue. He also catches the eye of the Empire’s first princess, Isabella, whose beauty and intelligence captivate him. Together, they navigate the challenges of their studies, uncover ancient mysteries, and face the looming threat of a dark force rising in the shadows. Whispers of the Demon Army’s return spread fear throughout Eldoria, and Alex realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the fate of the realm. With the power of the Guardian’s Heart and the support of his friends and loved ones, Alex must confront the darkness and become the beacon of hope that Eldoria desperately needs. “Shadows of the Blue-Eyed Phantom” is a tale of magic, friendship, and destiny, filled with intrigue, adventure, and the timeless struggle between light and darkness. Join Alex on his journey as he discovers his true potential and fights to protect the world he loves.
Luffy_KuN · 2.2K Views

CEO's Contract Obsession

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] [Completed] [Join my Discord server to see more pictures of Amy and Henry.] She’s broke and lost everything, left with nothing but debts and liabilities. He’s rich and has everything, heir to a multi-billion company. Two different people, drawn together by their needs or is it fate? **** Amelia Bell was only 22 years old when her parents, brother, and sister-in-law died in a car crash. Her brother’s injured children are now her responsibility. She sold everything that she owns, she's in huge debt and all she can do now is just cry her eyes out. And then it struck her… the answer to her question… where will she get money for the operation? Right… she hasn't done everything so far, she hasn't tried selling herself yet. It was a desperate move but she had no other solutions left. She was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when the man shouted. "This is insane, his qualifications are simply impossible… Now he asks me to find him a pure and innocent one this time… Even if they signed a 6-month contract to be his, those women still fell in love with him even if they knew that after 6 months they would be evicted from his life… … I will never be able to find that pure and innocent woman that he is looking for even if I offer them 5 million upfront." Without hesitation Amy ran after the man, climbing up the stairs as fast as she could. "Excuse me, mister." "What do you need miss? I'm in a hurry." "I want the job… The 6-month contract, I can do it." "So I guess you also heard that I need a pure and innocent woman, even I don't know what it means." "Will a virgin count? I-I'm a virgin, perhaps t-that's what your boss wants, right?" Amy boldly stated. Then finally the boss, Mr. Welsh faced her… She didn’t expect him to be this young, perhaps almost her age. She was imagining an old man or someone not as handsome as him. “You should not stop breathing angel, that’s dangerous, you might faint. Who knows what will I do to you once you become unconscious.” Amy gasped, ‘What the hell just happened to me,’ she cursed internally while still staring at the man in front of him. He then leaned closer to her. “I've heard you've got something for me. I can't wait to receive your gift, my angel. I'm Henry.” ******** The book cover is AI-generated and edited by the author, please don't use it without permission.
Shiroi_Nami · 1.7M Views

The Royal Mark

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] Born with a mark that was never intended… Gifted with intelligence and skills far more advanced than her peers. Elsa Morgan didn’t experience the normal childhood that everyone had. Always been haunted by her nightmares and by unexplainable events since she was young. Elsa became a doctor to find answers. Destined to bear sufferings and do what is right for his people… Chris Jorgensen was bound to the woman he had not met yet and marked without knowing what he had done. In order to lead his kingdom to glory and victory, he must find her first no matter what it takes, even if it means crossing the other world. Two worlds apart that defy what is the norm in their worlds. Brought together by the invisible tie that binds them together. Or is it true love that defies all reasons? When accidents turn out to be fate in disguise, will they be able to reject the strong pull towards the person who turned their whole world and everything they worked hard for upside down? ******** “What the hell! I told you not to move!” Elsa shouted while running back to the man, who lifted his head and smirked at her. Elsa screamed when the naked man abruptly pulled her onto his lap and started sniffing her all over her body, especially on her chest, hair, and neck. She heard her dogs growl and come closer to the man but quickly calmed down when he gave them a quick glance, and it absolutely surprised her. “What are you doing!” Elsa pushed the naked man on the chest for she could feel him hard down there and it was making her really uncomfortable. “Your smell… Mmm… Lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine…” The man casually said before burying his face in her neck and sniffing her hard. “You pervert!” With all her strength, Elsa pushed him once again and slapped him so hard that she also hurt her palm, making his head turn to the side on impact. She briskly stood up and shouted, “Nile, tackle! Girls guard!” In a swift move, Nile jumped to the naked man tackling and pushing him to the ground while Ciel, Gaia, and Nuri surrounded him, not removing their gaze from him while growling and showing their sharp teeth and fangs. But then a more powerful force is pulling her eyes beyond the man’s buff chest and deep in her mind she convinced herself that she would do this because she is a doctor and he is her patient– an injured patient, she reminded herself. She would look at him only to see the extent of his injuries and nothing more. She is a doctor… A licensed professional for God’s sake! ‘How can I buckle him up if it’s on the way of the strap? Should I move it to the side?’ Elsa was having a battle in her head ultimately muddled about whether she would touch it or not. From the way he looks, she is sure that he is heavy and she must use the straps properly to be able to securely drag him to her car for both their safety. ******** Chris pretended to be sleeping while he let himself heal, or so he thought. The sedative took a while to have an effect on him. But eventually, he dozed off and was unconscious for real this time. He opened his eyes and saw white walls and someone was holding his right hand. He sat up and saw the red-haired woman’s hand on top of his while her wrist was glowing. Chris’ eyes widened, he held his shoulder and shook her up, “Wake up! There’s a glowing mark on your wrist!” But no matter how hard he wakes her up, she’s not opening her eyes. “You are mine, Elsa. And I am yours.” Chris moved his face closer to hers and planted a soft gentle kiss on her lips. “Whoever you are, Elsa, I will protect you. Even if it’s from the man that you call Dad.” Chris whispered as if someone would hear him. Completed Book: CEO's Contract Obsession ********
Shiroi_Nami · 1.1M Views
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