Echoes of Starlight
In the year 2275, humanity has spread across the stars, but life in space is cold, isolated, and often lonely. Iris, a talented astrophysicist, has dedicated her life to studying mysterious cosmic echoes—signals from the edge of the known universe that defy explanation. One day, her research leads her to a discovery: the echoes aren't random—they’re messages. Strange, poetic messages that seem to be written just for her.
Determined to uncover the sender, Iris embarks on a journey aboard the spaceship Stellar Winds, where she meets Kian, a brooding ex-pilot with a tragic past and a heart closed off to the world. Together, they chase the origin of the echoes, exploring uncharted regions of space while navigating the growing tension—and attraction—between them.
As they venture deeper into the void, Iris and Kian uncover a startling truth: the echoes are tied to a forgotten interstellar civilization, one that holds the key to their futures. But with rival factions hunting them down and a universe full of dangers, their love may be the only thing that can keep them alive.