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Nuclear-powered Sword Immortal

By the coast, a hundred-meter Star Gate shimmered with flowing light. Beyond the Star Gate, an army forged of steel stretched as far as the eye could see. Above the Sky Dome, squadrons of fighter jets streaked across, weaving an iron curtain. In the distant ocean, scores of aircraft carriers, destroyers, and frigates dotted the seascape, ready for action. All cannons were aimed at the figure who emerged from the Star Gate. "In the name of the Federation Command Center, I order you to stand down, or what awaits you is total war," said the voice. "War?" Gu Jinlai took a step forward, and his form swelled against the wind, in an instant growing from less than two meters tall to a colossal Chaos Demon God thousands of kilometers high, emitting the brilliance of a white dwarf star from his being, his own gravity causing thunder and lightning, as well as tsunamis and tides within a thousand-mile radius. He looked down... At the war weapons that seemed like toys. He reached out, and a hydrogen bomb fell into his hand. Within him, the electron-degenerate star core released Helium, Helium elements expanded, and the terrifying high temperature instantly caused Deuterium and Tritium, Hydrogen's isotopes, to fuse, the energy bursting forth, forming a blazing white brilliance on the ocean's surface that was like igniting a sun. Before this sun's energy could be released, he clapped his hands together, and the dazzling white, mixed with heat in the billions of degrees, was compressed and sealed within his palms, not a fragment escaping. "I think, you should choose peace." he suggested.
Ride the Wind with Sword Control · 294K Views

La Fiancée du Diable

Un amour condamné dès le début, une cause perdue, une bataille vaine — et pourtant, aucun des deux cœurs n'est prêt à lâcher prise jusqu'à la toute fin. ----- Arlan Cromwell, l'incarnation même du Prince Héritier parfait. Tout ce qu'il désire, c'est vivre une vie normale d'humain, mais la vie d'un dragon est tout sauf normale. Il n'a qu'un seul but — retrouver sa fiancée en fuite et la décapiter. Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'il découvre que la femme qui a conquis son cœur est celle qu'il a juré de tuer ? Oriane, une Sorcière Noire, déguisée en homme, a passé toute sa vie à fuir sans savoir ce qu'elle fuit. Lorsque les mystères de son passé commencent petit à petit à la rattraper, elle n'a personne vers qui se tourner… sauf Arlan. Mais quand elle apprend que l'homme à qui elle a donné son cœur est le même homme qui veut la tuer, comment peut-elle accepter la cruelle carte que la vie lui a distribuée ? Deux personnes avec des secrets à garder, des identités à cacher et des réponses à chercher. Lorsque l'obscurité menace d'emporter Oriane, le Dragon pourra-t-il protéger sa compagne ? ----- Extrait - « Si j'avais su que tu étais ma fiancée, je t'aurais tuée dès le premier moment où nous nous sommes rencontrés. » Le regard d'Arlan se teinta de haine. « Si j'avais su que j'étais fiancée à toi, je me serais tuée avant même que tu ne le fasses ! » Oriane reflétait les mêmes émotions que lui. Il sortit un poignard et le lui offrit. « Il n'est pas trop tard. Tranche-toi simplement la gorge avec ça et tu saigneras sans douleur. » Elle accepta le couteau, ses doigts serrant fermement sa poignée. L'instant suivant, il était plaqué contre le mur et le couteau était sur le côté droit de son cou. « Que dirais-tu si je l'essayais sur toi en premier, mon fiancé ? » « Essaie si tu veux. Mais quand tu échoueras, ce couteau goûtera d'abord au sang de ton grand-père, puis au tien. » La colère monta dans ses yeux, et l'instant d'après, du sang coulait sur le côté droit de son cou. Elle avait coupé assez profondément pour trancher un vaisseau sanguin important. « Tu n'aurais pas dû me provoquer, » ricana-t-elle en reculant, attendant qu'il s'effondre. Il se contenta de sourire en coin et passa son doigt le long de la blessure profonde sur son cou. « On dirait que tu as échoué. » Elle regarda la blessure de son cou se cicatriser toute seule et resta choquée jusqu'au plus profond d'elle-même. « Toi... qu'est-ce que tu es ? » « Devine ? » ----- Instagram- mynovel.20 Facebook- Auteur mynoveltwenty
Mynovel20 · 72.6K Views

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 219.5K Views

L'animal de compagnie du Tyran

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Une princesse du petit royaume de Rikhill qui était aimée de tous. Avec sa beauté qui était enchantement réservée et un esprit avisé, elle avait attiré beaucoup d'attention et conquis les cœurs de nombreux. L'un d'entre eux était le séduisant prince héritier de l'Empire de Maganti. Submergé par le désir de la posséder et son intérêt pour la terre du petit royaume, le prince héritier dudit empire ne reculerait devant rien. Les chevaliers de l'Empire de Maganti marchèrent à travers les masses et s'emparèrent du royaume de Rikhill vieux de quatre cent ans. Le royaume de Rikhill tomba en ruine en une nuit. Le prince héritier ne laissa aucun membre de la famille royale en vie à part son trophée de guerre, Aries. Après avoir souffert entre ses mains, Aries trouva la chance parfaite de s'échapper. C'était lorsqu'il l'emmena au sommet mondial. Un rassemblement de chaque souverain de chaque royaume et empire pour des pourparlers de paix. Là, elle rencontra l'empereur de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé. Submergée par le désespoir, Aries le supplia de l'accueillir. C'était trop tard lorsqu'elle réalisa que l'homme à qui elle demandait de l'aide était bien plus cruel, tordu et carrément diabolique que le prince héritier en la prenant pour son... animal de compagnie! EXTRAIT : Avec une paire d'yeux cramoisis planant au-dessus d'elle, Aries retint son souffle. Quand le coin de ses lèvres se leva diaboliquement, elle ne put réagir rapidement alors qu'il inversait leur position avec agilité. Elle ne le réalisa que lorsqu'elle le chevauchait, fixant Abel, les yeux écarquillés. « Personne n'est au-dessus de moi dans cet empire et même au-dehors — pas même la loi, mais regarde-toi, » dit-il avec un sourire diabolique. « Me toisant... si intimidant. » Aries mordit sa lèvre, posant sa paume sur sa poitrine marquée d'encre. « Votre Majesté... » « Comprends-tu maintenant le pouvoir que tu détiens, ma chérie ? » Abel enroula doucement ses doigts autour de son poignet, enchanté par sa réaction. « Seulement toi, Aries, peut être au-dessus de moi et la seule personne dans ce monde qui peut me toiser. Personne d'autre. » Il leva un bras et passa ses doigts dans le côté de ses cheveux, posant sa paume sur l'arrière de sa tête avant de la tirer vers le bas jusqu'à ce que son visage soit à une paume de distance du sien. « Tu ferais mieux d'utiliser cela à ta discrétion, » murmura-t-il, inclinant la tête tandis qu'il la soulevait pour réclamer ce qui est à lui. ELLE. Faites la connaissance d'Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé, le tyran sadique, qui régnait sur un empire avec un poing de fer. Avec la présence croissante de son animal de compagnie, Aries, dans sa vie ennuyeuse et sombre, il était prêt à la tuer. Mais hélas, à chaque fois qu'il pensait prendre sa vie, il se retrouvait à changer d'avis. Plus il la gardait à ses côtés, plus il devenait difficile de s'en débarrasser. Et plus il aspirait à quelque chose de plus profond et plus sombre... cela le rendait fou. Avec un secret qu'il lui cachait, que ferait Abel si Aries découvrait la vérité pourrissante derrière l'empire et l'empereur ? La tuerait-il ? Ou l'embrasserait-il ? Peut-être l'enfermerait-il ? Et si elle découvrait qu'Abel n'était pas juste un humain normal, essayerait-elle de s'échapper ? Ou accepterait-elle qu'il n'était pas juste une incarnation de démon ? Dans un monde compliqué qui les teintait de noir, l'amour était-il même possible de fleurir entre un animal de compagnie et son maître ? Regardez comme ces deux-là jouent le jeu dangereux et insensé de l'amour et du désir. Qui serait le maître et l'animal de compagnie ? Qui était la proie ? Lisez pour en savoir plus. --------- Histoire originale par : alienfrommars SUIVEZ-MOI SUR INSTAGRAM pour les arts des personnages originaux : @authoralienfrommars Serveur Discord : Avertissement : Couverture non mienne. Prise sur Pinterest. Credits à l'artiste.
alienfrommars · 81.2K Views

Le Roi Vampire Masqué et sa Mariée Accidentelle

``` (Contenu mature R-18+ Contient du gore, pas de drame de la seconde femme ou de viol.) Mon amour ne connaît ni fin, ni raison ni tort. Car quand j'aime je veux que tu sois à moi autant que je suis à toi - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "Je t'ai dit que je voulais te détruire," dit-il en lui tenant la mâchoire tout en la plaquant contre le mur. "Et tu as déjà assez fait. Maintenant je m'en vais," répondit-elle sèchement. "Tu n'as pas compris ce que je veux dire, Princesse," ricana-t-il froidement. "Quand je dis que je veux te détruire, je veux te lier à mon lit et te remplir jusqu'à ce que ton parfum se confonde avec moi et que chaque putain de personne dans ce monde sache qui tu es... Que tu es putain de à moi !" Il la heurta contre le mur, l'embrassant passionnément. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, la fille illégitime du Roi de Cité Lune Cœur avec la lignée des chasseurs, ne veut qu'une chose dans sa vie ; connaître et rencontrer sa mère biologique. Innocente et magnifique, Elliana est souvent la victime des complots de sa belle-mère et sa demi-sœur. Sébastien Marino, le tristement célèbre Prince Vampire masqué, n'a connu que la haine de tous ceux qui l'entourent. Tout le monde le craint puisqu'il possède un pouvoir incommensurable. Après avoir purgé un an de prison à la place de sa demi-sœur, Elliana est surprise d'être libérée sous caution. Cependant, sa joie est de courte durée lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle doit épouser le prince vampire à la place de sa demi-sœur. Elliana ne sait rien des vampires, et Sebastien déteste tout ce qui a trait à ces humains maléfiques. Que fera-t-elle lorsqu'elle épousera le monstre notoire du monde obscur qui prend et chasse sans pitié ? "N'es-tu pas curieuse de savoir à quoi je ressemble ?" Il lui prit le menton douloureusement. "Montre-moi ton visage quand tu auras confiance en moi," sourit-elle doucement. 'Cela n'arrivera jamais,' pensa Sébastien. Pour lui, elle n'était rien de plus qu'un outil pour se venger des humains. Pour elle, il était plus que tout ce qu'elle avait vu, même plus que la vérité de son existence. Il existe une puissance encore plus grande et plus puissante que tout, et cette puissance s'appelle le destin. Seront-ils capables de combattre leur destin pour rester ensemble ou y succomberont-ils et tout perdre ? L'histoire de la plus mortelle des sorcières déguisée en humaine et du prince prodige le plus dangereux qui survit grâce au sang de vampire. Avertissement - Le livre est construit autour du monde magique et de la pure fantaisie. La romance vous donnera des papillons dans l'estomac tandis que certaines scènes pourraient vous faire remettre en question la rationalité autour de l'amour. Les 50 premiers chapitres construiront le monde autour du livre. Je promets, si vous restez, vous allez adorer le livre, à moins que ce ne soit pas votre genre. ~~~~~~ Suivez-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux. Facebook - Auteure Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 210.5K Views

Beau PDG, chère épouse

"Tu es le clair de lune qui éclaire l'obscurité de la nuit~" "Tu es la pluie qui adoucit les terres asséchées~" "Tu es le souffle qui maintient mon coeur en vie~" "Haha, mon chéri, tu deviens meilleur pour me flatter" "Tant que c'est pour toi, je peux devenir meilleur dans tout ce que tu veux, ma chère petite femme." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - En fuyant pour sauver leur vie, elle se sacrifie pour laisser s'échapper son bien-aimé. Hua Lan se réveille dans une chambre luxueuse et inconnue, incapable de se souvenir de qui elle est. Apprenant que toute information sur son existence a été effacée et qu'elle doit se méfier des gens qui lui en veulent, Hua Lan commence une nouvelle vie sous une nouvelle identité. Entourée de son mari attentionné et beau, ainsi que de sa famille aimante, Hua Lan (maintenant Mu Lan) s'adapte à sa nouvelle vie. Mais désormais, dans ses rêves, elle entend une fille murmurer : "Jusqu'à ce que tu me dises 'Je t'aime', garderai nos souvenirs. Adieu, mon amour." Mu Liang sait qu'il se passe quelque chose de mystérieux autour de lui. Elle a des antécédents mystérieux et des capacités déconcertantes. Mais il ne se soucie pas de qui elle était dans le passé et pourquoi ils continuent de l'attaquer. Tout ce à quoi il peut penser, c'est l'aimer, la chérir, la garder auprès de lui pour qu'elle ne retourne jamais à son passé. Parce qu'il sait qu'il ne pourra pas vivre un instant sans elle. Ils essaient de résoudre le mystère concernant Hua Lan. Mais elle a besoin de retrouver sa mémoire. Le meilleur médecin ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne se rappelle de rien. Cependant, en regardant une paire d'yeux cruels, sa tête lui fait mal. Puisqu'elle ne peut pas retrouver sa mémoire, ils doivent choisir une autre manière de résoudre ses énigmes. Mais que fera-t-elle après avoir retrouvé ses souvenirs ? Quelqu'un et certaines personnes devront recevoir une gifle. Mais qui recevra la gifle ? Et qui sera capable de rire à la fin ? ~BIENVENUE AU PREMIER LIVRE ORIGINAL DE PDG SUR WEBNOVEL~ ***C'est l'histoire d'une fille qui se bat pour elle-même et les gens qu'elle aime. Elle essaiera de découvrir qui elle est après avoir perdu sa mémoire et les gens autour d'elle l'aideront à résoudre les mystères qui l'entourent. ***en cours de révision. si vous trouvez des erreurs, veuillez nous en faire part*** **AVERTISSEMENT : NE PAS PLAGIER OU PUBLIER CET OUVRAGE SUR UN AUTRE SITE. SI VOUS AIMEZ LE TRAVAIL, DITES AUX AUTRES DE LIRE SUR WEBNOVEL.COM __________________________________ Série de livres : 1. Beau patron chéri de l'épouse 2. Ma femme est une déesse: 99 Baisers secrets 3. Bonheur Perdu 4. Le Cobra Autres livres : 1. Mon Aimé 2. Emmêlé par le destin __________________________________ Discord serveur- Instagram: Page Facebook: Flow07 Soutenez-moi- Patron : Achetez-moi un café:
Flow07 · 215.6K Views

The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Senior student Victoria Winner is the campus queen and the heiress of her father’s empire, her name and beauty give her the strength to feel she owns the world. She is the hottest girl on campus, yet she doesn't want to date because, for her, no one is above her, and she is too beautiful to date just with anyone. And too proud of herself that no boys have ever kissed her. Girls envy her while she can toy the boys with her fingers. Until one day, a new guy on campus ruined her reputation by kissing her. Oliver Prize is the handsome and hot Alpha of the Valiant Pack, the most feared pack in the entire werewolf community. He was devastated when the elders asked him to watch over his mate from the Sterling Pack since he doesn’t believe in falling in love, and having a mate; for him, it was only a waste of time and energy. Oliver was forced to pretend as a high school senior student transferee at Zenith Academy, and his bad-boy yet mysterious aura made the girls fall for him except with one girl, Victoria. Excerpt: “How dare you steal my first kiss from me?" Victoria hissed as she looked daggers at Oliver. "And why do you ever feel so stressed about it when I can feel you enjoyed that kiss so much? It was just a kiss, Victoria. Besides, you don't even know how to kiss." Oliver replied with a smirk that made her angrier. "If you want, I can give you a kissing tutorial for free." He said and left her without taking a second glance, and that is why Victoria hated him with all her heart. He was the only guy on campus who got the courage to mess with the school queen by kissing her. He hated everything about her especially her guts, but he couldn't deny himself that the kiss he shared with Victoria was the best kiss he ever had. During Victoria's eighteenth birthday, she discovered what she truly is, a secret she can't even tell her best friend. And she realized the world she knew was all lies. Victoria couldn't accept what she was, and she found refuge in the arms of her mortal enemy, Oliver Prize. Victoria realized her archnemesis was her only salvation to survive in the new world full of mysteries and wickedness where she thought she would never belong. Can Victoria protect her heart from falling in love with the boy she hated the most? Is the Alpha going to deny or accept to himself that love exist and it is real when he realizes Victoria Winner, the mate he wanted to reject, captured his heart? (Warning: Contain mature content on the later part of the story.)
sirenbeauty · 284.9K Views

Win My Husband Over to Find My Child

Witty FL x Adorkable ML + a cute bun + a talking crochet fox ---------- After the sudden death of her boyfriend, Leslie Song has been single-handedly raising her precious little daughter Calliope. It’s a difficult life, but it’s a happy one. A freak accident puts an end to that. As Leslie lies dying on the road, watching Calliope breathe her last, she curses her helplessness. Calliope’s crochet fox seems to hear her. It opens its mouth and asks, “Do you want to see your daughter again? If so, follow me. Her soul has already left for another world.” Leslie agrees. That’s the last thing she remembers before losing consciousness. When she opens her eyes again, she finds herself—or rather, her soul—standing beside her unconscious body on a hospital bed. “How is this supposed to help me find Calliope!” she exclaims. “This is not your body. Your body is dead. This is my original host, Charlene Li,” explains the toy fox. “You can possess her body to find Calliope, but if you do, you must finish her uncompleted mission for her.” “And what mission is that?” “To marry the second most eligible CEO in the city.” ‘This,’ Leslie concludes, ‘is a scam.’ But she has no other choice. ********** Meanwhile, the second most eligible bachelor in the city, Calix Xu, is patting himself on the back for thwarting his grandmother’s attempts to marry him off. After exhausting all of his tricks and excuses, he has resorted to marrying the comatose daughter of the Li family. Calix smiles, pleased with himself, "Aren't I smart? Grandmother can do nothing now." But… why is he seeing his newly-wedded wife hovering beside her own body? Before he can react, his wife—the moving one—floats towards him. "Husband! Help me find my child!" “Your child?” Calix asks weakly before doing the only reasonable thing he can do in such a situation. He faints. ---------- WSA 2024 entry! Commissioned cover and character images by yuuri_e (Instagram)
hansora · 1.2M Views

Tried to Kill Myself, Ended Up In the Last Place I Expected

Davina Dubois is a 27 year old virgin who has been working minimum wage jobs her entire life. Her current dead end job is a cashier at a drug store. Her life's trajectory is zero and she has long since given up on trying for anything better. All she can do now is drown her sorrows every time her heart starts to dream and remind her that she is a failure. She is a habitual procrastinator who lives a life of social isolation. When she's not at work, she's by herself. When she goes to mall, she's by herself. When she goes to a restaurant, she's eating for one. Her adult life has been filled with nothing but daydreaming, feeling bitter, struggling to control her anger, being selfish and living like she's an old lady in retirement. Her thoughts are her worst nightmare. They've brought her down to her knees and killed her spirit. She is always lacking sleep and always taking two steps back the moment she takes one step forward. Finally, the depression becomes too much for her. Filled with regret, fear and doubts she decides to take a leap for a bridge. Rafael Hunt is a 30 year old global popstar. He has toured all over the world and enchanted millions with his hypnotic voice and dance. He tops the Billboard charts with each new album, has sold millions of copies of his music, holds 3 Platinum certificates and two Grammy Awards. His face grazes nearly every celebrity magazine and he is the hot topic of discussion on every music show nationally and internationally, known as the next Michael Jackson. He's the brand ambassador for countless clothing lines, has his own perfume and has starred in commercials for everything from handbags to fast food. He has donated to countless charities, opened up a hospital and even met the president. Unfortunately, his life away from the spotlight is filled with misery. Growing up, he was treated as nothing more than a tool by his parents. He was expected to always deliver the best vocals and the most sharp choreography or he would get beaten up by his father and placed on a strict diet by his mother. Rafe was also the child of a highly dysfunctional marriage. The only person who cared for him was his grandfather, who admired his grandson for being very disciplined and filial. So much so, that he decided to rewrite his will in Rafe's name only. Rafe's grandfather considers his son and daughter-in-law to be nothing more than leeches with no real value and an utter disgrace to the Hunt name. Naturally, he wants Rafe to carry the bloodline forward. Being treated as a windup toy expected to dance to satisfy his heartless parents greed took a huge toll on his mind. As a coping mechanism, he developed an addiction to cocaine. After secretly acquiring a large quantity from his secret dealer, Rafe snorts it all with the hopes of dying. Both Davina and Rafe have a near brush with death before ending up in the hospital expected to survive. Waking up, they cry and curse their circumstances before realizing that they're not where they're supposed to be. Davina looks at her herself and sees a skinny handsome man where her body should be. Rafael wakes up and sees a full some, curvaceous beauty staring at him from the mirror. Worlds apart, these two would never cross paths normally. Only a supernatural intervention could bring them together. But as they navigate their newly acquired identities, they realize that misery isn't the only thing that binds them together. Davina and Rafe are actually long lost siblings.
Lady_Venom · 475 Views

The Strongest Curse Master

Born into a lower middle class family, Ace Lander grew up being told there was a simple formula for success: get an education, graduate, and work hard to build a prosperous future. But that formula failed him during the final stretch of his senior year when a local gang targeted him, putting everything he had and was building towards at risk. Trapped and desperate, Ace felt his life spiraling out of control—until Ria Hart, a fellow classmate, discovering Ace's innate aptitude to become a Curse Master, a being capable of wielding curse energy and abilities but haunted by Curselings, took pity and introduced him to the secret world hidden beneath the mundane surface of their world, the World of Curses. Awakening as a Curse Master, Ace discovers he possesses an extraordinary innate curse tool: the Cursed Toybox. This tool comes with a unique class, Toymancer, granting Ace powers unlike any curse master the world has seen before. The Cursed Toybox allows him to animate and actualize toys, transforming them into powerful, living beings bound to his will. From overpowered heroes to legendary gods, any toy that falls into Ace's Cursed Toybox springs to life with powers beyond one's imagination but bound to him in eternal servitude. Armed with his Toy Summons, Ace must navigate the perilous world of curses, protect his loved ones, and reclaim control of his destiny before the gang—and the darkness of the hidden world—consume him entirely. [ — Status Screen — > Your Cursed Toybox is animating the doll 'Silicone Sailor Stella' as a toy summons… > Your Cursed Toybox has animated the doll 'Silicone Sailor Stella.' > Toy summon 'Silicone Sailor Stella' added to your toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Sailor Stella. Summoning Toy Summons... Name: Stella Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Silicone Sailor Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy Actualization, Seamanship, Armed Security, Adult Gratification. Toy Actualization: Bring Toy Summons' original character design and skills to existence when they are animated based on their individuality stats. Addition Effect: Toy Physiology. Seamanship: Expertise in navigation, sailing, and ship handling alongside wilderness survival, first aid, and emergency procedures. Armed Security: Proficiency in the use of small arms and other naval weaponry with training in close quarters combat, surveillance, and counterintelligence. Adult Gratification: Creatively addressing emotional, mental, and physical needs of Toymancer till gratification.] "Cursed armies, Curselings, and Curse slaves are nothing—I've got a Toy legion of overpowered action figures and unrealistically beautiful silicone goddess." ~Toymancer Join the saga of the Toymancer's rise to become the Strongest Curse Master.
IGotStones · 677.9K Views

Defy The Alpha(s)

Two centuries after the Great War, peace between humans and werewolves was finally achieved, or so everyone believes. Werewolves reign like gods, and humans remain blissfully unaware of their true place in the new world order. To maintain this fragile balance, each year, a handful of "lucky" humans are selected from various districts to attend Lunaris Academy, a prestigious institution that promises glory, status, and a chance to mingle with the elite. Those chosen are hailed as the lucky few, destined to marry powerful alphas and rise as luna. This year, Violet Purple is among the chosen, much to everyone's surprise. For an orphaned girl adopted by a disgraced prostitute, this is a golden ticket to a better life or so she's told. But Lunaris Academy isn’t the paradise it’s painted to be. Everything Violet and her fellow humans have been taught is a lie. Humans are far from equal; they're pawns in a much larger game. The academy is nothing but a gilded cage, and the students are lambs led to slaughter, playthings for the alphas to toy with in their ruthless games. To make matters worse, Violet catches the attention of the most dangerous players in this game, the Terror Four: the Alpha of the North, Alpha of the South, Alpha of the East, and Alpha of the West. Each one is more dangerous, more twisted, and more powerful than the last. But even among themselves, the alphas are divided, each with their own deadly ambitions. Yet, they all have their eyes on her. They expect Violet to play along, to fall in line like the others who worship at their feet, to break under their games. But Violet isn’t like the others. She refuses to bow. She’ll defy them all. *********** With a grin that made her uneasy, he handed the application to her. “Approve this one.” Principal Jameson’s curiosity got the better of her as she took the paper from him, her eyes scanning the text. Almost immediately, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. “What the...?” “It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Asher’s voice was almost gleeful. Fucking psychopath! Jameson could hardly believe what she was reading. “Mr. Nightshade, with all due respect, this applicant….this girl just admitted to—” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, still horrified at the explicit nature of the application. Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I’m sorry, but I cannot approve this.” “She’s issued me a challenge,” Archer said, a dark gleam in his eyes. “What?” “‘Wait till you see me in bed,’” he repeated the bold line from the application, his grin widening. “And I can’t wait to find out.” “Mr. Nightshade—” He stood up, cutting off her protest as he fixed her with an intense stare. “Approve the application. I won’t ask again.” Without waiting for her response, Asher strode out of the office, confident she would follow his orders. He always got what he wanted. Archer Nightshade walked down the hall, a spring in his step. For the first time in a long while, he felt alive, his blood pulsing with excitement. The other Cardinal Alphas had no idea what he was up to, but it would soon hit them. He’d just set the game in motion. And the target was Violet Purple. It was game on. Note : This is not your average werewolf story. Eveything you think you know about werewolves would be challenged in this book. And yes, it is reverse harem. Do give the book a try.
Glimmy · 356K Views

Crazy Blood Demon

Just a warning the first few chapters may be worse because I wrote them when I couldn't write well but in my opinion 18+ chapters will be much better than the previous ones, please give it a chance. Bob Reloud was a strange kid—psychopathic, autistic, and introverted. On the surface, he didn't fit the typical image of a psychopath, but when he got angry, he became something else entirely: a bloodthirsty predator, driven purely by instinct. The first sign of his violent nature emerged in kindergarten when he was just five. A classmate destroyed his favourite toy car, a cherished gift from his grandfather. Enraged, Bob's face turned red, and foam gathered at the corners of his mouth. In a fit of uncontrollable fury, he gouged the boy's eye, causing severe injuries that left the child hospitalized for a week. His parents, horrified, took him to a psychiatrist who reviewed footage of the incident. But when the psychiatrist met Bob, he found a calm, seemingly ordinary autistic boy. After weekly sessions revealed nothing abnormal beyond his autism, the psychiatrist concluded that it was an isolated incident—a strange, unexplainable outburst. However, Bob's parents remained cautious, assigning him a special tutor and treating him with apprehension, afraid to provoke another violent episode. One evening, his father came home drunk, as he often did, and began his habit of throwing insults at Bob's mother. Bob had grown accustomed to these rants. Afterward, his father sat down to watch football. Bob, fiddling with a stolen phone, accidentally blasted music at full volume. Bob’s dad started beating him, and his mom tried to calm him down, but it was too late. Bob became extremely angry, went into his psycho mode, and murdered his parents. Officer Danzel responded to the call. Breaking down the door, he was met with a chilling scene: a boy covered in dried blood, sitting calmly on the couch, the decomposing corpses of his parents beside him. "Don't move, or I'll shoot!" Danzel barked, his hand on his gun. Bob raised his hands. Danzel covered up the murders, taking Bob under his wing. Over the years, he moulded Bob into a spy and assassin—a tool for his purposes. Bob excelled at killing, but he despised espionage, finding it tedious. Worse still, Danzel kept him trapped, threatening to expose his past if he ever tried to leave. Eventually, Bob devised a plan to free himself. Over months, he deliberately botched missions, creating enough trouble to provoke Danzel's wrath. Finally, Danzel snapped. Now, Bob stood on the subway platform, a grin on his face and a backpack on his shoulders. For the first time, he felt free. Boarding the train, Bob heard the powerful voice of the demon. The apocalypse was about to begin, and his story could finally unfold.
Morfus · 62.4K Views

The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen's Consort

Hey, imagine this—you're a prince, but instead of ruling a kingdom, you just want to watch anime, collect bugs, and do whatever you want. Sounds great, right? Well, that’s exactly how Mikhailis Volkov lives. He’s the eccentric prince of Ruslania, obsessed with insects, AI, and doing anything except royal stuff. But one day, just as he's about to make a huge discovery with a rare insect called the Chimera Ant, bam—he gets summoned to another world! Now he’s in the magical forest kingdom of Silvarion Thalor, ruled by Queen Elowen Nyphara. Here's the twist: she doesn't want him to do any royal duties. She just needs him to be her prince consort and, well, father her child. That’s it. After that? He’s free to live exactly how he wants—no responsibilities, no pressure! Mikhailis can play, experiment, and laze around all day in a world full of magic. Plus, there’s the chance to meet all kinds of fantasy girls—something he’s always dreamed about! It’s like paradise for him. But with all this freedom, what could possibly go wrong? If you love quirky characters, magical worlds, and a lot of romance with great build-up, dive into this story and see where Mikhailis’s wild adventure takes him! You will follow Mikhailis that brought his AI to another world, making his chimera ant stronger by giving it other foods, and laid various kinds of ant soldiers that could even look like an elephant! What if he gave it a dragon!? Follow Mikhailis's lazy and quirky journey as he entered this unusual fantasy world, where residue of wars from various kingdoms still lingered around the place. But careful. As quirky and eccentric he is, as despite of his demeanor, he still won't let anyone touch his dear queen. But well, he does touch other women. In this story, you'll get 3 kinds of exciting stories: 1. The kingdom-building of chimera ants! 2. The life of a lazy prince consort that wooes not just the queen but other important figures as well! 3. And the Crazy Adventure of the eccentric Entomologist turned into an Entomancer! Let's go and give the story a try! ___ Daily Update 2 Chapters = 14 chapters/week Some Friendly Rewards 100 Powerstones = +2 chapters in that day 200 Powerstones = +4 chapters in that day 50 Golden Tickets = +4 chapters in that day 1 Gift = +4 chapters in that day Warnings: R18||Heavy Netori Elements(Mc stealing other people's woman) [Note]: 1. None of the heroines will cheat on MC 2. It does involve MC stealing other people's partners - (Netori) 3. Any support especially gifts, golden tickets, votes, etc = more updates more frequently 4. Please let me know about any grammatical errors in any chapter through the comments. 5. Complaints about anything that I've already warned about in the 'warning' section will be ignored. Connect with me here to keep up with the story's progress: Discord: Soon ___ One of the King of Kings Series Other Tags: #r18 #Harem #Romance #Smut #Artiscrocy #Royals #First-time #AI #TallProtagonist #ManipulativeProtagonist #Special Abilities #Toys #TransportoAnotherWorld
Arkalphaze · 638.2K Views

To His Hell and Back

Sold by her father, Bella short for Arabella, was forced to live a life as a slave that would entertain the guests of the castle. The job of slaves were merely to be humiliated and to have as feast once they became a boring creature toward the guests. Arabella with her fierce attitude had only caused more trouble than good, although that helped her from being feasted by the vampires until her body dried up, the vampires also enjoy in harming her, toying with her, hoping to see that one day she would break. However she had caught the wrong attention by those crimson gaze, eventually being the toy of the one and only Mad Crown Prince of Versailles. Eventually this interest only cause her to be more tangled by the twisted and thorny battle for the Throne. Will eventually Bella concede and accept the Mad crown prince? Or will she finally succeed in running away from his grasp. Why her? *** excerpt*** Arabella felt her wrists stung as the shackle around her wrist jingled from the sudden pull. She then met with the icy red eyes that brood down upon her appearance, drinking into every inch of her figure as if he was studying her, even to how those breaths escaped her lips. "I thought we had bonded over the days we have spent together, Bella," he sang, his bright scarlet eyes betraying the singing tone he had used as it had grown so dark and filled with anger. "Yet you left so quickly as soon as I opened the castle gate." Bella gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring at him as she defiantly shook his hand off her face, "I can remind you if you have forgotten it, Your Majesty, I am kept here against my wish." Cassius' smile faded as he stared at her. The sudden pin-drop silence filled her nerves with tension as she found his smileless face the most terrifying sight. She had always known his fearsome side however, it felt scarier tonight. Bella tried to endure how loud her heart had raced against her chest, gathering her breaths together even though it remained shallow in his presence. "So cold," he muttered, his tone trying to tease her, but she could see the raw anger crossing his eyes. "You cannot run from me. Not after what we've done. Not after what you promised." Her heart faltered. She wasn't supposed to stay in this castle; she knew that the royal palace was filled with those vampire monsters who would kill for their desire, simply to have fun. She knew she should never give her heart to any of these monsters, and she had once believed she would never. But that was until Cassius came. She had made that promise because her heart had betrayed her, and she wished that she had never uttered that promise. Promises she had made to him on the call of love. Yet deep within her, a part of her still crave for him. "You're not the first one I have broken my promises with," she gritted her teeth and looked up at him, "I broke my promise the way you broke yours first, isn't it fair?" "Fair? Then was everything a lie, Arabella?" he murmured, his hands cupping her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You were mine the moment you entered my castle. And you will be mine until the very end." She gulped as his eyes shone underneath the moonlight, his gaze unforgiving over her, exposing his wild hunger. Her breath caught, her pulse quickening. "A human and a vampire should have never stayed together. They were all right." "I don't care," he spoke through his clenched jaw. "You're going to remain here by my side forever."
mata0eve · 3.2K Views

HEARTS OF DIVINE RUIN (The MoonGoddess and The AlphaKing)

BANTER "Damn right, I'm pretty," Luna said with a confident smirk. Her mischievous pride faltered at his response. "I said petty," Alexander's voice was cold but amused, arms crossed over his chest. Her smile sharpened, daring, as she leaned into the banter. "Lucky for you I'm not what I once was, or you'd be spending eternity as my pet puppy." Her words carried a teasing edge, testing him, pushing for a reaction. But Alex's expression darkened, the amusement in his eyes disappearing as he leveled his gaze at her. "Convenient for you gods-twisting the lives of others for your needs." His words, spoken with quiet bitterness, struck a nerve. For a moment, guilt twisted inside Luna as she recalled how those she once called kin-gods, her juniors-had toyed with his life for their selfish desires. Before the regret could settle in, Alexander continued, his tone unwavering. "Maybe that's the reason you're in this condition." The accusation hung heavy between them, cutting through whatever lightness their exchange once held. BREATHLESSNESS In a moment where the tension between them reached its breaking point, Alexander's hand shot forward, grabbing her by the throat. His grip was firm but not cruel-no intent to harm. Instead, he pulled her closer, and before Luna could register what was happening, his lips crashed onto hers. The kiss was deep, forceful, searing through every fiber of her being. She forgot whose air she was breathing, her powerlessness overshadowed by the sheer intensity of his touch, of their connection. In that stolen breath, it was no longer clear who held the upper hand. What happens when a fallen ancient goddess and a love-scarred Alpha collide? When the lines between power, passion, and vulnerability blur, neither can anticipate the outcome. This book , next series of THE ILL FATED LOVERS and its volume THE STAR CROSSED LOVERS brings you the wild, darkly funny, and irresistibly intense tale .Read to see who ends up holding the power-and whose heart gets broken first.
niiraa · 22.5K Views
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