Ji oh Joey saga
The Ji oh Joey Saga offers us a glimpse into life in a mysterious and perilous world. While New York City is often portrayed as a bustling metropolis, the city that never sleeps, it hides countless secrets and enigmas beneath its streets. The saga delves into a world where intelligent AI-powered robots aim to replace humans, shifting the technological balance, while creatures thrive beneath a vast, advanced civilization stretching from New York City to the Atlantic coastline and the heart of the Pacific.
These creatures encompass a wide variety of species, from humanoid reptiles that closely resemble humans to hybrid Yokai beings with diverse appearances and personalities, reminiscent of the world of Undertale.
One of the most prominent races is the demons, who ruled the earth for over a thousand years in "The Great Rift" beneath the surface.
In the Ji oh Joey Saga, adventure, excitement, mysteries, and intricate conspiracies unfold, reducing living beings to mere pawns in a vast, complex game. It’s a journey into the depths of human nature and psychology.
If this piques your interest, we invite you to join on these journeys. We promise to make every effort to keep it engaging, even though it will undoubtedly be a long ride.