Cyber Heart
In the neon-lit streets of futuristic Neo-Tokyo, Rei Kuroda, a haunted bounty hunter, and Aiko Saito, a skilled hacker with ties to a powerful corporation, cross paths in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Once lovers torn apart by a devastating war, they now find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens to unravel the city’s delicate balance of power. As they are forced to confront their past, their rekindled feelings complicate their missions, drawing them into a high-stakes battle against a rogue AI and the dark forces controlling Neo-Tokyo.
With every encounter, the line between love and duty blurs, leading them to a final confrontation where they must decide whether to protect the world they once knew or to forge a new future together. Neon Sakura is a gripping tale of romance, action, and redemption, set in a world where technology and humanity collide.