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Tatouage Sabre

All Systems Are Broken

Liel Leinster – formerly named Will Leinster – was not a believer in the system. Throughout his life, the system had always been against his favor. From rejecting his job applications just because he was in prison once to ruling his girlfriend Naomi Gardner's deadly hit and run as a simple accident due to the driver being the Minister of Law's son. He took rightful revenge by killing Erik Fowler – Naomi's murderer. Dying alone, he was welcoming the cold embrace of death when– [Congratulations!] [You have been chosen randomly to receive a 1 month's free trial of the System.] Liel found himself free-falling from the sky with an incessant System trying to help him navigate his so-called second chance at life. He refused to accept it at first. However, with the knowledge that Erik was also there using his very own System, Liel had no choice but to accept. Driven by his deep-rooted hatred, Liel vowed to kill Erik once again and for all. It should be easy, but it wasn't. Aside from the fact that Erik chose an avatar and entirely became a different person – while he refused to live here, the System insisted that it broke because of him. [Error.] [Failed to draw Stormguard Sabre.] [Poor you. Better luck next time.] [You want to draw Blazefury Battle Scythe instead?] "Just give me a damn weapon!" [Okay, chill, buddy. No need to get your knickers in a twist.] [Drawing Blazefury Battle–] [Error.] [Drawing Scorchvine Wand.] "A fucking wand in a sword fight? Seriously, you wanker?!" The only highlight? Naomi was still alive. At least Naomi's counterpart of this universe. To keep her so, Liel tagged along in her journey to search for Celestia Shifting Frost – a water fountain the legend said was capable of purifying every curse known. Thus, he had two objections. First, make Naomi falls in love with him again by finding the water fountain to purify the village. Second, serve his revenge on Erik and kill him for all. However, one question remained unanswered. What would happen once the System's one-month free trial ran out of time?
Aliast · 37.3K Views

System, Reincarnator, Gamer, vs Agent

Norman Heinze is a shut in okatu. Who dies after fighting off several armed criminals. Though dead, his life turns around. In a world full of new magic and amazing mythical beasts. He will don a system and rise to the very top of the world. With his system, he is invincible! Yang Kingston is an unorthodox noble. She is infamous around the Realm, she's known as the 'Benevolent Princess,' but she was too weak to hold that title. Scammed and tricked by many, and her own family, she died at the hands of her deranged bother. But she gets another chance as she is reincarnated twelve years earlier. With information limitless, she will bring forth a new era! Her own era. Rosa June is a famous gamer. Known for her amazing MMORPG skills and FPS skills, she would die a very tragic death at one of her own crazed fans. Though, she would be transmigrated into another world, all of her gamer skills transferred over as well. A smug smirk on her face, she will take the world by storm! Smokey is an experienced killer. For all of his life, he's been taking on a devilish threat known as 'demons.' He is also one of the strongest members of the Secret Shadow corps. One day, injured in combat, he would be enhanced and sent on another mission. This one was to takeover an entire world, and find an ancient relic lost in history. Sabre in hand, the Agent of Sabre prepares to begin a new bloodbath. Four main characters. But one throne. Whether they come out on top or they fall like many before them is up for debate. However, one thing we can agree on is... let's watch these people kill each other.
Vincent_Gamzing · 2.5K Views

cinta penawar duka

pada akhirnya apa yang kita sembunyikan akan terbongkar juga, seperti apapun kita berusaha menutupi, menyembunyikan bahkan berbohong tentang sesuatu hal yang membuat sesorang mencurigai kita pasti akan terungkap dengan sendirinya. sama seperti lala pada saat akan berusaha, menjatuhkan teman adalah langkah awal menuju pada penyesalan dan sakit hati yang mendalam. steven yang akhirnya tahu maksud buruk dari lala beranjak bangun dari tempat duduknya tanpa setahu mereka, steven melihat kanan kiri memperhatikan orang-orang yang berlalu lalang melewati meja lala tadi dan pikir steven aman lantas dia menukarkan minuman sari dengan lala. setelah itu steven dengan gaya yang nyentrik saat itu masa bodoh dengan kelakuannya yang menurut dia bagus dan tersenyum, dengan langkah yang santai dan senyum-senyum sambil berjalan meninggalkan ruangan diskotek. tak berapa lama kemudian sari, aryan, dan lala berjalan melintasi para pengunjung dan memapah sari yang kakinya sedang keseleo, tersaruk langkah kaki sari sebab rasa ngilu masih dirasakannya. "masih sakit?" tanya lala. "sudah berkurang" mereka duduk mengelilingi meja seperti tadi lalu lala memberi minum kepada sari dan aryan untuk mengajak tos bersama. "kita rayakan malam persahabatan kita ini  semoga kekal abadi dan tidak ada yang namanya musuh dalam selimut" ujar lala sambil meneguk minumannya sampai habis begitu pula dengan sari dan aryan yang tanpa mencurigai minuman apa yang sedang mereka minum barusan. "seharusnya bukan begitu semboyan kita" sergah aryan. "terus, apa dong?" "begini bunyi semboyannya, hmm semoga antara lala dan aryan menjadi pasangan merpati yang rukun dan bahagia selamanya" kata aryan sambil tertawa " ahhhh, kamu ada-ada aja" gerutu lala manja. sari cuma tersenyum memperhatikan aryan dan lala yang berada didepannya didalam hatinya turut mendoakan seperti apa yang diinginkan lelaki itu , dan semoga saja sama dengan anita yang akan menaruh perasaannya kepada aryan, seperti apa yang dialami aryan juga  sebab sari tahu kalau aryan sudah menaruh hati kepada lala. "kalau kakimu masih sakit sebaiknya kita tidak usah pulang dulu sar, kita nginap saja dihotel aku juga lagi malas pulang ke kemah begitukan baiknya yan?" kata lala yang sudah mulai teler ditempat duduknya dan pikirannya sudah mulai kosong dan melayang-layang. aryan hanya mengangguk sama seperti lala, aryan juga merasakan melayang-layang,kepalanya sakit dan sebentar lagi akan tumbang. "tapi la, aku takut armin akan mencari kita" sahut sari dengan perasaan  gelisah apalagi dilihatnya lala sudah semakin lesu,matanya tambah sayu. "tenang, mala tenang semua itu bisa diatur" balas lala asal mengucap saja, lalu gadis itu merebahkan kepalanya dibahu aryan. "aryan..aku ingin tidur..," desah lala. "nanti saja" ucap aryan melihat aneh tingkah lala. "sekarang aryan, sekarang.." ucap lala keras. "bagaimana dengan mala,laa?" "terserah dia mau ikut atau tidak" suara lala tambah melemah  dan dalam keadaan yang setengah sadar  dia mencoba mengontrol dirinya, namun reaksi obat perangsang itu sangat dasyat bagi tubunya  dan obat tidur itu dapat melemahkan benaknya bahkan sarafnya tidak segampang dia bangun untuk dituruti, untuk sesaat dia merasa jiwanya terombang-ambing dan sentuhan-sentuhan jari tangan aryan yang pada saat memegang pergelangan tangannya dengan mudah membakar pijar-pijar nafsu birahi dalam tubuhnya. "mala, kau tunggu di sini sebentar ya?" kata aryan kepada sari. "kau mau kemana?" "mengantar lala kehotel dulu atau kau mau sekalian ikut?" "aku takut sendirian disini" keluh sari. "ayo ikut saja mala, ayo...,"ajak lala sudah tak sabr lagi. " ngak deh aku mau pulang saja" sari berdiri lalu berjalan deluan meninggalkan ruang diskotik itu, perasaannya jadi kesal karena lala cuma mementingkan kesenangannya sendiri. pada saat sari berdiri tadi aryan memperhatikan wajah sari yang sedang menahan amarah terhadap lala. "sari, tunggu!" teriak aryan tapi sari bejalan dan tidak peduli denngan aryan.
Riany_Silalahi · 46.7K Views

Complete martial arts attributes (traduction française)

Les failles dimensionnelles relient la terre au continent Xingwu. C'est l'aube de l'ère des arts martiaux ! Serai-je inutile si je ne pratique pas les arts martiaux ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, j'ai un système qui me permet de récupérer des attributs. Lorsque d'autres personnes font tomber des attributs pendant leur entraînement, je peux les récupérer en secret. Hein? Vous venez de dire que frapper les gens leur fera aussi perdre des attributs ? Dans ce cas… Vous avez vaincu un génie du sabre. Il a laissé tomber Compréhension × 2, Talent d'épéiste × 1… Vous les avez ramassés. Vos connaissances se sont améliorées et vous avez acquis un talent d'épéiste de niveau débutant ! Vous avez vaincu un talent de compétence de lame. Il a laissé tomber Technique de combat à la lame × 1, Intention de lame malveillante × 1… Vous les avez ramassés et avez appris une technique de combat à la lame rare ! Vous avez également compris l'intention de la lame malveillante et êtes devenu extrêmement féroce ! Vous avez vaincu un talent physique. Il a laissé tomber Technique physique ×1, Physique de sang sacré ×1… Vous les avez ramassés et avez appris une nouvelle physique de haut niveau ! Vous êtes exceptionnellement chanceux d'avoir reçu le Physique de sang sacré. Cela peut complètement changer votre physique et vous avez gagné un titre de niveau divin "Point de vie infini". Quelqu'un a tué une puissante bête étoilée et a laissé tomber Vision Spirituelle × 1 et Attributs Vides × 60… Vous les avez récupérés secrètement et recevez un talent d'œil spirituel ainsi que 60 points à ajouter à l'un de vos attributs actuels! Vous battez de nombreux adversaires dans votre vie. Vous tuez accidentellement un démon innocent et divisez l'univers en deux lorsque vous pratiquez vos techniques de lame à la maison. Vous explosez le soleil avec votre poing et le monde est englouti dans les ténèbres… C'est là que tu réalises... que tu es invincible !
Foliore · 12.8K Views

Star Wars: Inquisidora

Capa feita por @Killius_Catrence Lay-la Kapter, ex-jedi. Uma beleza estonteante, um olhar tão frio quanto seu coração, pois nada além do ódio reside, após a queda dos jedi, ela foi capturada e trazida para o lado sombrio através de tortura e manipulação, tornou se então uma inquisidora e passou longos anos caçando os traidores jedi como a escória que eram, sua única companhia na solidão do seu sofrimento era a força, seu único consolo eram as vidas traidoras que havia ceifado, a mulher que ela uma vez fora estava morta. Lay-la agora era a décima terceira irmã, assassina de jedi. A verdade é que ela nunca foi uma deles, não depois de ter seu coração partido, Dolsyn Roy, é o nome do jovem padawan que o partiu em pedaços, ambos eram inseparáveis, eles haviam construído seus sabres juntos, treinaram lado a lado, e mesmo assim a jovem Lay-la foi rejeitada. O rapaz dos olhos claros era fiel ao código jedi e por tanto jamais poderia retribuir os sentimentos da garota, dês daquele dia ela jamais foi a mesma, apesar de ser considerada uma excelente padawan, ela jamais fora uma jedi, o ódio em seu coração jamais a permitiria. Após o expurgo, os dois se separaram e nunca mais se viram, sabendo que o outro provavelmente havia morrido, a única diferença era que o coração de Dolsyn se enchia de tristeza ao pensar nisso, já o dela era indiferente ao fato, e no fundo até mesmo esperava que Dolsyn tivesse sofrido muito antes de seu fim. Porém a força parecia ter outros planos para os dois, na busca por um jedi escondido em Bogano, Lay-la, sentiu a presença de Dolsyn. Aquele verme ainda estava vivo!
Carl_Saints · 6K Views
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