Demons On Mission
Demon King "How it is? "
Demon minister " The God is angry"
Demon King "why? it just small mistake, my son still on training,he just release a thousan siner"
Demon minister " Yes my king, but princes release them and erased their Hell mark"
Demon king " i know, but he not yet 2 milion years old, he still child?"
Demons minister "yes my king, but the God already give his judgement,the demon prince must go to human world and recapture the lost siner"
Demon king" Damn that old man, some day will go to heaven and beat him up"
Booooooom Sudenlt come a voice from sky
God " fuck you are Oldman,come here i will kick ur ass"
Demon king "damn it i forgot he can hear"
God " Just let he go to human world, i know its hard,he was my nephew too, but rules is rules
Demon king " hais,okay okay i will send Lucio to Human world"