Revenge of The Primordials
The Novel follows the story of Kai Grier, a peasant boy from the village, who lives in the lands of kings, lords and noblemen.
Kai was born in the Kingdom of Leventis, a well-known location on the western continent of Drusa. He often works in the Capital City Aurora, helping his father, the part time cook of the Keep.
The King of Leventis, Eris Lambros, the strongest body refiner in the Kingdom, and the head of the House Lambros, has just concluded a two year long war with the Kingdom of Leon. He had achieved a resounding victory.
However, when the peace treaty was signed, a peculiar outcome had occurred. King Eris had taken no land, only a few spoils, and was swiftly returning to his Kingdom.
Everyone in the Kingdom was aware of King Eris’s infamous personality, so none believed things to be so simple. But, most paid no heed to it.
There were even some elusive rumours, relating the peace treaty, to the mythical immortals of the east, which the commoners perceived as fiction.
But in the backdrop of Leventis, there were many plots unfolding.
When Kai Grier encounters an opportunity that will change his life, he must dare to enter the wretched, yet fantastical worlds of refiners, immortals and primordials.