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Seohyun Naver

In Love with a Klepto

(NOTE: COVER ISN'T MINE. CREDIT TO THE REAL OWNER @CARRIE FROM NAVER.) ****** "You're nothing but a thief" He whispered seductively into her ears. She snapped out of the daze she had been into, to look into his eyes as she handed over his wristwatch back to him. "I'm sorry" she apologized shamefully. He chuckled as she handed over the wristwatch to him and turned to leave, he quickly held her hand and dragged her back to himself. "You returned just one of the two things you stole from me" he said with an amused smile. "What? I took just you wristwatch, and I'm sorry. Whatever else is missing you'll have to search for it elsewhere. I don't mind you asking someone to pat me down" she offered feeling very embarrassed. "Unfortunately I doubt it'll be found on you. I know you're with it" He said with twinkling eyes which shone with amusement. "What is it that you have lost? I will get it back to you, and buy it if it'll save me from this embarrassment" She said with a flushed face. "I don't want it back. But keep it safe... My heart" he said and chuckled when her eyes widened in shock. ONLY A KLEPTOMANIAC WAS CAPABLE OF STEALING WANG YUN'S HEART. "Henceforth, whatever you pick I will buy in bulk. If it is something edible, I will watch you eat it all up while I pay for it. If it is a book, you will read it. If it is a phone, I will buy you a dozen and make sure you carry it everywhere. So if you don't want me to go bankrupt you better don't pick up very expensive things." Yun warned before reminding her to pick up her 'gifts'. Lijuan stood there looking at him with her mouth widely opened in surprise. "What if it's a car?" She asked him. He thought about for a while before answering.. "Your father will pay for it." ~~~ MEI LIJUAN: Second Young Mistress of Mei Corporation. WANG YUN: Vice Chairman of Wang Motors. ***** Authors: ThatAmazingGirl Miss_Behaviour. (NOTE: COVER ISN'T MINE. CREDIT TO THE REAL OWNER @CARRIE FROM NAVER.)
ThatAmazingGirl · 2.4M Views

뭔가(Mwonga): Sesuatu

Lee Shi Wan (Siwan), Ia adalah Reporter di Daily News dan Ia mempunyai Adik yang bernama Lee Yoo Cha (Yoocha). Yoocha, Ia adalah Adik dari Siwan dan Ia adalah Anak Indigo yang juga mempunyai Kemampuan Multitalenta, selain itu Ia juga bisa melihat Makhluk Gaib dan Menggambar kejadian yang Ia lihat di terawangan ya itu serta Ia juga bisa berbicara dengan Makhluk Gaib. Siwan dan Yoocha juga Anak dari Orang Kaya yang berada di Seoul dan Siwan dan Yoocha mempunyai Apartemen di Seoul. Yoocha adalah Pegawai di Perusahaan Ayahnya itu. Sejak beberapa Minggu kemudian... Siwan sudah naik Jabatan yaitu menjadi Pembawa acara berita di Studio 6 Daily News serta Siwan ditemani dengan Yoona di acara berita tersebut. Beberapa Bulan kemudian... Akhirnya Siwan menikahi wanita yang lain yaitu Kim Ha-Sol (Hasol) dan setahun kemudian... Hasol melahirkan Anak kembar perempuan dan laki-laki yang bernama Son-Ah (Sona) serta Yoon-Sil (Yoonsil). 10 Tahun Kemudian... Sona dan Yoonsil sudah berumur 10 Tahun dan Sona dan Yoonsil sudah Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar. Namun Hyeonga mengalami Krisis rumah tangga yang sangat Hebat akibat suaminya itu berpacaran lagi dengan Wanita lain dan sampai Akhirnya Hyeonga dengan sangat terpaksa menceraikan suaminya itu karena Suaminya ingin mencari Wanita yang lebih kaya darinya. 10 Tahun Kemudian... Yoonsil dan Sona sudah berumur 20 Tahun dan Mereka saat ini sedang Kuliah. Siwan sudah membeli Apartemen itu dan mengambil Alih menjadi Bos di Perusahaan Ayahnya itu. Hasol saat ini sudah menjadi Anggota Dewan Perwakilan rakyat perwakilan dari Busan dan Hasol masuk dalam Partai Demokrat sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu dan Hasol saat ini juga sudah bekerja di Parlemen Korea Selatan itu. Siwan mengubah nama Perusahaan Ayahnya menjadi CEO Lee Shi-Wan serta Apartemen itu di ubah juga namanya oleh Siwan dan nama yang sekarang Apartemen itu adalah Apartment Residence Lee Shi-Wan. Sekarang ini Siwan yang memiliki Apartemen itu. 3 Tahun Kemudian... Yoonsil dan Sona Akhirnya lulus Kuliah. Yoonsil menikahi wanita yang bernama Suzy sedangkan Sona menikahi pria yang bernama Jungso. Tak lama beberapa bulan kemudian... Akhirnya Suzy dan Sona hamil di hari yang sama. 9 Bulan Kemudian... Lahirlah anak laki-laki dari Suzy yang bernama Jungsa dan lahir juga anak perempuan dari Sona yang bernama Seohyun. Jungsa dan Seohyun lahir di hari yang sama dan waktu yang sama. 4 Tahun Kemudian... Akhirnya Jungsa dan Seohyun tumbuh bersama dan Saat ini Jungsa dan Seohyun sudah memasuki sekolah Kelas A di Taman Kanak-kanak yang berada di Busan. Saat ini Siwan sudah tidak menjadi pembawa Acara berita lagi dan Siwan saat ini bekerja menjadi Politisi biasa di Parlemen Korea Selatan dan Siwan saat ini bekerja juga di Partai Demokrat.
YasminZulfas_ · 19.1K Views

뭔가 (Mwonga): Something

Lee Shi Wan (Siwan), he is a reporter at the Daily News and he has a younger sister named Lee Yoo Cha (Yoocha). Yoocha, he is a sister of Siwan and he is an Indigo child who also has multitalented abilities, besides that he can also see supernatural beings and draw events that he sees in those eyes and he can also speak with supernatural beings. Siwan and Yoocha are also Children of Rich People in Seoul and Siwan and Yoocha have apartments in Seoul. Yoocha is an employee at his father's company. Since a few weeks later ... Siwan has risen to the position of being the bearer of a news program in Studio 6 Daily News and Siwan accompanied by Yoona on the news program. Months later ... Finally Siwan married another woman, Kim Ha-Sol (Hasol) and a year later ... Hasol gave birth to twin girls and boys named Son-Ah (Sona) and Yoon-Sil (Yoonsil) . 10 Years Later ... Sona and Yoonsil were 10 years old and Sona and Yoonsil were already Class 4 Elementary School. But Hyeonga experienced a very severe household crisis because her husband was dating again with another woman and until finally Hyeonga was very forced to divorce her husband because her husband wanted to find a woman who was richer than him. 10 Years Later ... Yoonsil and Sona are 20 years old and they are currently studying. Siwan had bought the apartment and took over to become the boss at his father's company. Hasol has now become a member of the People's Representative Council representatives from Busan and Hasol in the Democratic Party a few years ago and Hasol is currently working in the South Korean Parliament. Siwan changed the name of his father's company to CEO Lee Shi-Wan and the name of the apartment was changed by Siwan and the current name of the apartment was Apartment Residence Lee Shi-Wan. Now Siwan owns the apartment. 3 years later ... Yoonsil and Sona finally graduated from college. Yoonsil marries a woman named Suzy while Sona marries a man named Jungso. Shortly a few months later ... Finally Suzy and Sona got pregnant the same day. 9 Months Later ... Suzy's son Jungsa was born and Sona's daughter, Seohyun, was born. Jungsa and Seohyun were born on the same day and at the same time. 4 Years Later ... Finally Jungsa and Seohyun grew up together and now Jungsa and Seohyun have entered Class A school in kindergarten in Busan. Currently Siwan is no longer a news anchor and Siwan is currently working as an ordinary politician in the South Korean Parliament and Siwan is currently working also in the Democratic Party.
YasminZulfas_ · 18.1K Views

Duty And The Friends

"Do the warriors always fight wars only for the mutual superiority of countries, for the acquisition of a specific region, or against the ruler by overpowering some cruel and oppressive negative thoughts?" "No, the purpose of wars is not only the welfare of the country and the nation but some wars are also fought against the mocking rules of this society. Few warriors in this world have bravely fought against the outdated and painful rituals of the times." "But I have never heard or read about them before." "Seriously...? " "Never have you read a story revolving around more than one LEAD who all stand against some of the ridiculous man-made laws, such laws which robbed countless innocent youths of their beautiful childhood?" "Not really...!" "Oh! Come On...!" "Let's read together, a story revolves around six human beings at the same time." "Six leading characters at the same time? Are you kidding me?" "No, I'm not..." "Naver have you read about some high school students who were enjoying their youth on their basis but suddenly they have to turn into ANGELS?" "ANGELS WHO WORK FOR THE DEVIL." Are you also sick of this judgemental society that has allocated certain self-made rules for each of you to live? SAIM is also tired. Let's break these rules together, let's enjoy our lives on our basis. Does the constant fighting between your parents affect you too? AFSAH is also living under the influence of the same problem. Let's find a solution to this problem together. Do you sometimes regret being too capable? Are you also tired of the unrealistic expectations placed on highly qualified people? WALEED is also fed up with the unfulfilled expectations of people due to his unparalleled talent. Let's find a solution together to get rid of this. Are you also under the influence of hypocrisy and the double standards of this world? SAVERA is also suffering from the same pain. Let's get rid of this hypocritical world and people with double standards together. Have you also crushed yourself in the cycle of keeping others happy? Are you also one of those who sacrifice your happiness for others and are left empty-handed always? MAHIR is also passing through the same proximity. Let's find our happiness together. Do you sometimes feel sad about being a girl? Do you also think that girls do not have the same freedom in this society as the opposite sex? MALEEHA is also going through the same pain. Let's rebel against this outdated society together. Let's laugh together. Let's cry together. Let's take this cruel world down together.
UsamaAli · 10.1K Views
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