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General Shao

General, Ihre Frau bittet um Ihre Rückkehr nach Hause, um dort Landwirtschaft zu betreiben

# FAMILIENLEBEN Su Xiaoxiao hielt ein Nickerchen, öffnete aber die Augen, um festzustellen, dass sie sich verwandelt hatte und nun den Körper eines molligen Mädchens hatte. Von einer ehrwürdigen Militärärztin war sie nun eine Vielfraßin und Faulenzerin. Außerdem terrorisierte sie zusammen mit ihrem Vater und ihrem Bruder oft die Leute im Dorf. Aus diesem Grund war weit und breit niemand bereit, sie zu heiraten. Obwohl es ihrer Familie gelang, eine Heirat mit einer angesehenen Familie zu arrangieren, lief der Bräutigam am Tag der Hochzeit weg. Als ihr Vater sagte, er würde ihr einen Ehemann besorgen, erwartete sie nicht, dass er dies buchstäblich tun würde, indem er Wei Ting mit einem Sack gefangen nahm, nachdem er vom Kampf gegen Banditen erschöpft war. Su Cheng lächelte seine Tochter geheimnisvoll an. "Papa hat eine gute und eine schlechte Nachricht. Welche willst du zuerst hören?" "Beides." "Ich habe einen Ehemann für dich gefangen. Er sieht hundertmal besser aus als He Tongsheng! Du wirst ihn bestimmt mögen!" "Und was ist die gute Nachricht?", fragte sie verwirrt. Su Cheng beschloss, mit dem Strom zu schwimmen und änderte seine Worte. "Die gute Nachricht ist, dass du nicht mehr gebären musst! Mein Schwiegersohn hat uns bereits Kinder geschenkt!" Nach ihrer Heirat führte Su Xiaoxiao ein arbeitsreiches Leben, in dem sie ihren Gangster-Vater und ihren jüngeren Bruder zum Besseren veränderte, das Leben ihres prächtigen Mannes rettete und ihre drei Racker aufzog... Außerdem wurde sie unerwartet zu einer der mächtigsten Frauen der Yan-Dynastie!
Pian Fangfang · 40.9K Views

Return of the General's Daughter

This is the story of Lara, a young woman from modern times, raised with one purpose: to exact revenge on the family of the general who destroyed her own. But fate had other plans. On her way to carry out her mission of vengeance, a twist in the plan led to disaster. Lara was struck by a military truck escorting the very general she intended to assassinate. When she awoke, she found herself in an entirely different world—one where her identity and purpose were starkly different from the life she had known and how she had been molded to be. Abducted by human traffickers, she outsmarted them and escaped. Then, she encountered a mysterious martial arts master whose ancient skills far surpassed her own. For two years, she trained with him in the remote mountains.  One fateful day, while staying deep in the jungle of Mount Ourea, Lara stumbled upon the Prince of Northem, disguised as an ordinary commander. He was gravely injured while pursuing a notorious group of bandits. Lara saved him and found herself entangled in the war that raged for two years. Lara, disguised as a soldier, volunteered to deliver a very important message to the generals of the Northem army, embroiled in a fierce battle against the bandits, the rebels, and soldiers of Estalis in the Alta-Sierra mountain range. Amid the chaos, Lara was swept onto the battlefield. During the battle, fate played another cruel hand. Lara came face to face with General Odin and his sons—only to discover that General Odin was the spitting image of the general she had been trained to assassinate. Could the man from her world be a descendant of this brave general? Torn between her mission and her newfound reality, Lara faced an impossible question: How could she kill her biological father? Her internal conflict deepened when she uncovered an elaborate plot to frame General Odin and his sons as traitors. The true culprits? His subordinates and trusted allies. In an ironic twist of fate, Lara found herself becoming the 'protector' of the family that, in modern times, she was supposed to ruin. After the war, Lara returned as a hero, ready to reveal her identity to General Odin, but she learned of another betrayal. Her cousin, Mira—the orchestrator of her abduction—had taken over her identity. Mira lived in her home under the guise of comforting Lara's grief-stricken mother because of the death of her only daughter. Not only that, she also did a lot of scheming and eventually claimed Lara's betrothal to Prince Alaric. With her identity stolen and her mission turned upside down, Lara faced a new challenge: reclaiming her life and honor and protecting her new family.
Azalea_Belrose · 195K Views

A Garota Sortuda da Fazenda

Depois de morrer inesperadamente, ela renasceu como uma garotinha de dez anos em uma antiga família de agricultores, com poucos cômodos em sua casa e ainda menos hectares de terra, sem contar uma casa cheia de idosos, fracos, doentes e deficientes. Felizmente, os mais velhos da família eram bondosos e honestos, seus irmãos amorosos e bem-naturezados, e os vizinhos harmoniosos e amigáveis. Para Yang Mengchen, que havia sofrido o tormento de seus parentes e suportado todo tipo de zombaria e reprimenda desde jovem, isso foi verdadeiramente uma bênção do céu. Para sustentar a família que amava, ela assumiu resolutamente a pesada responsabilidade de prover para eles. Se ela, uma CEO corporativa moderna que já havia dominado o mundo dos negócios, não pudesse alimentar uma família, então quem poderia? Receitas farmacêuticas, construção de estufas, abertura de lojas... Não só sua família começou a viver uma vida confortável e próspera, mas ela também liderou as aldeias ao redor na criação de uma magnífica cena pastoral! Com dinheiro e fama, conforme cresceu, Yang Mengchen decidiu que era hora de escolher um marido, e assim, jovens talentos de todo o mundo começaram a afluir para ela. Quem diria que um deus da morte de rosto sombrio estaria bloqueando a entrada da Casa da Família Yang? "Você é alto demais, você é baixo demais, você é gordo demais, você é magro demais, você é escuro demais, você é pálido demais, você é ignorante, você é enganoso e astuto... Todos eliminados!" Num instante, a entrada estava vazia, e Yang Mengchen ficou instantaneamente furiosa, "Príncipe, você afugentou todos. Como vou escolher um marido agora?" "Quero ver quem ousa casar com você. Não me importaria em enviá-lo ao Submundo como um noivo!" Yang Mengchen... Um certo Príncipe contava seus méritos nos dedos: "Tenho poder, prestígio e substância, sem concubinas, sem amores secretos, sem devaneios — Eu incorporo os padrões das três obediências e quatro virtudes de um marido... Em resumo, só eu, este homem bom sem igual, sou digno de você!" Os guardas: Ó sábio e valente Príncipe, é realmente bom ser tão deficiente em seu papel de marido?
Lan Shao · 39.4K Views

Gadis Peternakan yang Beruntung

Setelah meninggal secara tak terduga, dia dilahirkan kembali sebagai seorang gadis kecil berusia sepuluh tahun di keluarga petani kuno, dengan hanya beberapa ruangan di rumahnya dan lebih sedikit lagi lahan, belum lagi rumah tangga yang dipenuhi oleh orang tua, lemah, sakit, dan cacat. Untungnya, para tetua di keluarga itu baik dan jujur, saudara-saudaranya penyayang dan berbudi luhur, dan tetangga-tetangga hidup rukun dan ramah. Bagi Yang Mengchen, yang telah menderita siksaan dari kerabatnya dan bertahan dari berbagai ejekan dan omelan sejak kecil, ini sungguh merupakan berkah dari surga. Untuk mendukung keluarga yang ia cintai, ia dengan tegas mengambil tanggung jawab berat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Jika dia, seorang CEO korporasi modern yang pernah mendominasi dunia bisnis, tidak dapat memberi makan sebuah keluarga, lantas siapa lagi? Resep farmasi, membangun rumah kaca, membuka toko-toko... Tidak hanya keluarganya mulai hidup nyaman dan sejahtera, tapi dia juga memimpin desa-desa di sekitarnya dalam menciptakan pemandangan pastoral yang megah! Dengan uang dan ketenaran, saat dia tumbuh dewasa, Yang Mengchen memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk memilih suami, dan dengan demikian, pemuda-pemuda berbakat dari seluruh dunia mulai berdatangan kepadanya. Siapa yang tahu dewa kematian bermuka masam akan memblokade pintu masuk rumah Keluarga Yang? "Kamu terlalu tinggi, kamu terlalu pendek, kamu terlalu gemuk, kamu terlalu kurus, kamu terlalu gelap, kamu terlalu pucat, kamu tidak berpendidikan, kamu licik dan penuh tipu muslihat... Semua gugur!" Dalam sekejap, pintu masuk menjadi kosong, dan Yang Mengchen langsung marah, "Pangeran, kau telah mengusir semua orang. Bagaimana aku seharusnya memilih suami sekarang?" "Saya ingin melihat siapa yang berani menikahi Anda. Saya tidak keberatan mengirimnya ke Dunia Bawah sebagai pengantin pria!" Yang Mengchen... Seorang Pangeran tertentu menghitung kelebihannya dengan jari-jarinya: "Saya memiliki kekuasaan, prestise, dan substansi, tidak memiliki selir, tidak ada cinta rahasia, tidak berkeliaran— Saya mewakili standar tiga ketaatan dan empat kebajikan suami... Singkatnya, hanya saya, pria baik yang tak tertandingi, yang layak untuk Anda!" Pengawal: Oh Pangeran yang bijak dan gagah berani, apakah benar-benar bagus untuk begitu kurang dalam peran Anda sebagai suami?
Lan Shao · 63.3K Views

Zither Emperor

Nine-tiered zither notes shake the cosmos, who dares not know their master upon hearing? Rainbow-colored magic represents ranks, heroically raising the grand curtain. The Zither Emperor, bringing revolutionary changes to this continent. Accompanied by the emergence of the once in eternity Pure Qinxin, a generation Zither Mage, is born quietly in the blue sky and sea. This is the story of an innocent boy gradually becoming the emperor of zithers, pioneering Music Magic, overturning prior settings. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet - the rainbow-grade becomes the standard of measurement for all martial skills and magic. A profession once considered as useless as chicken ribs, because of his emergence, becomes an immortal legend and myth. He, on the other hand, is like a dazzling new star making it impossible for anyone to ignore his radiance. Even the nearly invincible dragons cannot lift their arrogant heads in front of the Zither Emperor, for before them is someone god-like... Pioneering Music Magic, overturning prior settings, the rainbow-grade will become the standard of measurement for all martial skills and magic. Dragons are no longer invincible creatures, this will be a novel high with dragons. The Divine Music Master, a branch of the Spirit Mages, the most noble but useless profession on the Ryuzakinus Continent. But, is it really useless? The once in eternity Pure Qinxin, a generation Zither Mage, is quietly born in the blue sky and sea. This is the story of an innocent boy gradually becoming the emperor of zithers. But, is he really just the emperor of zithers?
Tang Jia San Shao · 420.3K Views

The Lucky Farm Girl

After dying unexpectedly, she was reborn as a ten-year-old little girl in an ancient farming family, with barely a few rooms in her house and even fewer acres of land, not to mention a household of the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Fortunately, the elders in the family were kind and honest, her brothers loving and good-natured, and the neighbors harmonious and friendly. For Yang Mengchen, who had suffered from her relatives' torment and endured all sorts of mockery and scolding since she was young, this was truly a blessing from heaven. To support the family she loved, she resolutely took on the heavy responsibility of providing for them. If she, a modern corporate CEO who had once dominated the business world, couldn't feed a family, then who could? Pharmaceutical recipes, building greenhouses, opening storefronts... Not only did her family start living a comfortable and prosperous life, but she also led the surrounding villages in creating a magnificent pastoral scene! With money and fame, as she grew up, Yang Mengchen decided it was time to choose a husband, and thus, young talents from around the world began to flock to her. Who knew a grim-faced god of death would be blocking the entrance to the Yang family's home? "You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, you're too dark, you're too pale, you're uneducated, you're deceitful and sly... All eliminated!" In a moment, the entrance was empty, and Yang Mengchen was instantly furious, "Prince, you've driven everyone away. How am I supposed to choose a husband now?" "I would like to see who dares to marry you. I wouldn't mind sending him to the Underworld as a groom!" Yang Mengchen... A certain Prince counted his merits on his fingers: "I have power, prestige, and substance, no concubines, no secret love affairs, no gallivanting— I embody the standards of a husband's three obediences and four virtues... In short, only I, this unparalleled good man, am worthy of you!" The guards: Oh wise and valiant Prince, is it really good to be so lacking in your role as a husband?
Lan Shao · 1.2M Views

The general’s obsession

Title: The General’s Forbidden Obsession Overview: In the heart of a war-torn Japan, where power is held by ruthless generals and noble bloodlines teeter on the edge of ruin, one sheltered aristocratic son makes a single, devastating mistake—he steps beyond the walls of his family’s protection. Naïve, docile, and unaware of the world’s dangers, he longs for a taste of freedom, a single night beneath the city’s lantern-lit sky. But beauty like his is a curse, drawing hungry eyes and grasping hands. When a brothel lures him in with promises of wonder, he stumbles into the clutches of men who see him as nothing more than a delicate prize to be claimed. Watching from the shadows is the nation’s most feared general—cold, ruthless, and entirely captivated. At first, he only observes, drawn in by the boy’s ethereal beauty and oblivious innocence. But when another man dares to touch what he has silently claimed, his restraint shatters. With a single command, the general takes him. Not out of mercy, but out of possessive desire. He tells himself it’s only for a night, that he’ll let the boy go. But obsession, once ignited, is a fire that does not burn out. As the aristocratic son’s family desperately searches for him, the general refuses to release his new obsession. And the boy, so naive to the world’s cruelty, doesn’t yet understand—he has just been caged by the most dangerous man in the empire. Will love bloom from possession, or will he remain nothing more than a treasured captive?
Thatcrazyzino22 · 12.1K Views

I Became The Rich Second Generation Villain

Wang Haoran transmigrated into a parallel world of urban-genre novels and became a rich second-generation son. As a fated Villain, in the near future, the Protagonist will seize his beloved girlfriend and tens of billions of his family’s property. Fortunately, the plot has yet to begin… ---------------------------------------------------------- [Power Stones and Golden tickets are massively appreciated. I want this novel to be read by many people. And stones and Tickets will help a lot for that cause. Also **Every 50 Power stones=1 extra chapter** **Every golden ticket= 1 extra chapter** The release schedule will be 1 chapter every 2 days, after I finish the 1st 40 chapters that I have finished roughly. Thank you! TL note: This is a novel that goes against the routine. Are you tired of the same brain dead protagonists who salivates after the heroine like they are hungry dogs. Protagonists whom after you read about, you are losing brain cells? Characters that you angry af?? You want a somewhat sensible villain type protagonist that actually is not dumb, and can use common sense? Then this novel is somewhat for you. It should click most of the things that you want. This novel had a lot of translators, but none of them completely finished it. I read the whole thing and I am kind of satisfied with this novel. So I wanted to give other readers the same satisfaction. Major shout out to my predecessors. Especially Demonic TL(Formally known as devil heart translations). I hope you will give this a chance. I will keep trying to translate this. it may take some time as this is a solo job. So, thank you for your patience!
Not_a_mango · 8K Views

The Next General

"Have you heard of him?" A small boy tugged at a woman's skirt, his tiny finger pointing at the large portrait of a man clad in a minister’s robe. "Shhh! Don’t say its name!" The woman hushed him, glancing around anxiously. She knew the boy was only curious about the drawing, yet the inscription beside it spoke of someone else entirely. Still, the credit had been given to the man in the portrait. "Why?" "We just... don’t say it." "Are you talking about The Next General?" A man dressed as a scholar interjected, inserting himself into the conversation. "Everyone is talking about it. After a hundred years, it has returned. I can't decide whether that fills me with hope or dread." His words were meant to impress, to showcase his knowledge, but the woman only tightened her grip on the boy, scooped him up, and hurried away like a hunted animal sensing danger. The scholar let out a single sharp laugh. "A chaotic rhythm… and marvellously extraordinary times are upon us," he murmured, before turning and walking away. --- Disclaimer This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to real events is purely coincidental. The views and opinions expressed by the characters do not necessarily reflect those of the author. This book contains content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Reader discretion is advised. ------- Author-Sama is here with another one, been planning this for quite a while but laziness and procrastination keeps holding me down but now I am free. Here is another exciting historical novel, please enjoy.
RainhaAsha · 38K Views

The General's Wife Wants to Leave

Experiencing a suffocating marriage with the man whom she was arranged to marry made Joanna want to leave him. But it was a failure as she died as the wife of the man who abandoned her and her son before they divorced. On the verge of her death, she made a wish to not encounter him again if there was a next life. She wished for the end of their fate only in this lifetime. She wanted to forget everything about him. However, when she opened her eyes again, she found herself in the room of the mansion of the man she just married. She was awakened by a dream that seemed to be a nightmare of her past life. She didn’t remember completely everything that had occurred in her past life and the dream was fragmented. But deep inside her heart, she only felt one thing. She was adamant about leaving him, to be far away from him. Therefore, she left his mansion just before she met him in person in the present lifetime. However, what she didn’t expect was that the so-called husband pursued her, not allowing her to leave him. Would Joanna be successful in leaving the man in this lifetime? Would fate play the same tragedy as her past life? --- As he pulled his finger away from her soft, warm lips, he said, “It is good you stopped winding up, Joanna. Otherwise, I would have used the other method to make you stop blabbering over the same, boring topic endlessly.” When he noticed the stubborn woman was about to prove herself to be stubborn, the man leaned forward in a swift movement, facing the woman’s stupefied face which was an inch away from his. “Continue to blabbering, don’t blame me if I apply my other method right now,” the man murmured above her breath, trailing his gaze from her quivering eyes to her lips before moving it back to her now widened eyes. --- *Cover doesn’t belong to the author. Credit to the artist/owner.
g_ara · 710.9K Views
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