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Lego Clara Oswald

La Esposa Enferma del Multimillonario

Una chica pobre nacida con enfermedad cardíaca congénita no tenía muchas esperanzas para el futuro, pero su vida da un giro brusco cuando un apuesto y rico hombre le propone matrimonio después de su trasplante de corazón. Fue lo más sorprendente que le sucedió en sus 22 años de vida. Abigail nunca había pensado que Cristóbal Sherman, un joven empresario multimillonario, se acercaría a ella y expresaría su deseo de casarse con ella. Estaba eufórica y aceptó su propuesta. Pero poco sabía que el guapo hombre de 32 años tenía una razón secreta para querer casarse con ella. Abigail entró en su mundo con mucha esperanza en su corazón. Pero casarse con él no fue el final feliz. Solo fue el comienzo. ¿Podrá mantener su corazón intacto? ¿Qué sucederá si descubre su verdadero motivo? ============= —La vida era fácil antes de casarme contigo —dijo Abigail con dolor en sus ojos—. Me estaba muriendo, pero era feliz. —¿Qué quieres decir? —Cristóbal le sujetó el brazo—. Deja de decir tonterías y toma la medicina —siseó, colocando una tableta en su palma. Bajo su mirada ardiente, Abigail se encogió. —¿Te resulta difícil cumplir con mi exigencia de tener un bebé? Han pasado dos años, Cristóbal. No respondió a su pregunta. Todo lo que hizo fue mirarla, actuando mudo. —¿Por qué siento que no te importan mis sentimientos? —preguntó Abigail—. ¿No me amas? Su silencio fue la respuesta clara. ============= Un agradecimiento especial a Aurora, mi editora, por sus útiles sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la sinopsis.
Angelica2511 · 382.2K Views

A Esposa Doente do Bilionário

Uma menina pobre nascida com doença cardíaca congênita não tinha muitas esperanças para o futuro, mas sua vida dá uma guinada acentuada quando um homem rico e bonito a pede em casamento após seu transplante de coração. Foi a coisa mais surpreendente que aconteceu em seus 22 anos de vida. Abigail nunca imaginou que Christopher Sherman, um jovem empresário bilionário, se aproximaria dela e expressaria seu desejo de se casar com ela. Ela estava extasiada e aceitou sua proposta. Mas mal sabia ela que o belo rapaz de 32 anos tinha um motivo secreto para querer se casar com ela. Abigail entrou em seu mundo com muita esperança em seu coração. Mas casar-se com ele não era o final feliz. Era apenas o começo. Será que ela conseguirá impedir seu coração de se partir? O que acontecerá se ela descobrir seu verdadeiro motivo? ============= "A vida era fácil antes de eu me casar com você", disse Abigail com dor nos olhos. “Eu estava morrendo, mas eu estava feliz.” “Como assim?” Christopher agarrou seu braço. “Pare de falar besteiras e tome o remédio”, ele sibilou, colocando um comprimido em sua mão. Sob seu olhar ardente, Abigail se acovardou. "Você acha difícil atender ao meu desejo por um bebê? Já faz dois anos, Christopher." Ele não respondeu à sua pergunta. Tudo o que fez foi encará-la, agindo como mudo. “Por que sinto que você não se preocupa com meus sentimentos?” Abigail perguntou. “Você não me ama?” Seu silêncio foi a resposta clara.
Angelica2511 · 258.4K Views


“Shhhh, don’t make a sound, baby.” Her mother’s voice trembled as she knelt before her. Her eyes help an emotion that Clara didn’t quite understand. All she knew was that she needed to listen to mommy. “You need to be very silent baby” Her hand caressed her shoulders; somehow it felt like she was trying to soothe herself and not the little girl. “You’re going to go straight and follow the path daddy showed you,” her mother met her eyes now looking very serious.” Don’t let anyone see you, nobody can see you.” Her face had herded now showing ow imperative it was that she should not be seen. “You can do this for Mommy, right?” The mother was now on the brink of tears. The little girl nodded her head, her big eyes still holding a hint of confusion. She would do as Mommy asked, even if she didn’t know why. Suddenl,y a pair of strong hands lifted her up, her father’s hand, he gave her a tight hug before pushing her into the vent. The last thing she saw was her mother’s trembling smile as mettle began to flow from her mother’s hand and sealed the ventilation shaft permanently. The couple shared a glance before rushing away at inhuman speed. Clara lingered before following the instructions of her mother. That was the last she saw of her parents. She always blames herself for what happened. If only she was strong enough. So she chose to follow her mother’s word She would be silent at least until she was strong, strong enough to avenge them. Till then, she’ll be silent, watching, plotting for the demise of her enemies.  
Grace_Lenchiro · 2.5K Views

Marido Com Benefícios

``` Nora fica devastada um mês antes de seu casamento quando descobre a traição de seu noivo. Enquanto lida com essa traição, ela descobre um profundo ardil para impedi-la de reivindicar sua legítima herança. Desolada, mas determinada, Nora dá um passo ousado para retomar o controle de sua vida. Surge Demétrio 'O Demônio', como é conhecido por aqueles que o conhecem, um homem imponente pouco conhecido por ela, que lhe oferece proteção e apoio em troca de um casamento por contrato para satisfazê-lo. Em uma reviravolta do destino, Nora se casa com Demétrio para reivindicar sua herança e lutar contra aqueles que conspiraram contra ela. Mas, enquanto ela batalha contra sua própria família e os muitos rivais de Demétrio, será que ela conseguirá evitar se apaixonar pelo homem conhecido por esmagar as pessoas sob o calcanhar de suas botas. Excerto: Ela havia esquecido que o homem era intimidador e o desafiou diretamente. Em vez de falar, Demétrio se levantou de sua cadeira e se aproximou dela deliberadamente. Embora fossem apenas alguns passos, o tempo pareceu se esticar para Nora. Quando ele estava quase ao alcance do toque, sua mão pousou gentilmente em seu joelho, deslizando-o para o lado. Seu toque se moveu com um indício de carícia, e ele se colocou entre as pernas abertas dela. Nora ficou lá em silêncio congelado, os olhos arregalados como um veado capturado pelos faróis de um carro. Segurando seu queixo entre os dedos, ele inclinou o rosto dela para cima e falou sem pressa, "Você é minha esposa." Ela acenou lentamente com a cabeça em afirmação enquanto o polegar dele lentamente percorria seu lábio. "Eu lhe dei tempo para reunir suas emoções." Mais um aceno. O nervosismo de Nora a fez lamber os lábios, extremamente consciente do olhar intenso dele fixo neles. "Sua razão para o casamento foi garantir sua herança e se libertar da influência de sua mãe." "Sim..." Nora sussurrou confusa. Sua confusão não era sobre a declaração dele, mas sobre as sensações desconcertantes que percorriam seu corpo. O que estava acontecendo com ela? "Está na hora de você cumprir sua parte no contrato, não é?" Ele continuou. "Sim," Nora sussurrou sem fôlego. Por que ela estava sem fôlego? O nível de oxigênio da casa havia diminuído? O ar de repente estava ficando rarefeito? De repente, a mão dele deixou o rosto dela, e ela observou enquanto ele se aproximava ainda mais. Foi então que Nora compreendeu o que estava se desenrolando. Todos aqueles beijos tentadores e que faziam o coração acelerar que ela havia lido sobre em romances estavam prestes a possivelmente se tornar sua realidade. Mas o beijo antecipado não aconteceu. Em vez disso, ele parou perto dela e ordenou, "Beije-me." ```
har_k · 1.1M Views

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 293K Views

La Séduction de la Couronne

``` [Attention : contenu fortement mature r18+/adulte] Il est son salut. Elle, sa perte. Pourtant, il refuse de la laisser partir... Mineah, la plus jeune Princesse d'Ebodia, fut maudite dès sa naissance pour rester innocente et apporter le malheur autour d'elle. Cette prophétie plane sur elle comme un nuage sombre, grandissant chaque année sans se réaliser. Elle existe dans des rumeurs étouffées comme une figure pitoyable - fragile, docile, indésirable. Sous ce masque se cache une renarde forte et fière digne d'être reine. Et cette future reine a jeté son dévolu sur la brisure de sa malédiction, même si cela signifie tromper le vampire le plus rusé jamais né. Nikolai, bien que reclus et énigmatique, est vénéré par le Royaume de Valcrez comme un souverain sage et puissant. À l'insu de ses fidèles sujets, son image de perfection est une toile de mensonges qui, si elle était révélée, pourrait faire s'effondrer leur royaume et tout ce qui leur est cher. Quand ces deux-là voient leurs chemins se croiser dans une alliance matrimoniale, le jeu de la Séduction de la Couronne commence. Mais qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie ? ******** Extrait : « Pourquoi te déshabilles-tu devant moi ? » demanda-t-elle avec un froncement de sourcils, ne faisant peu pour cacher son irritation dans sa voix. Son objectif était de capturer seulement son cœur, pas tout son corps ! « Ne suis-je pas autorisé à prendre un bain avec ma femme ? » répliqua-t-il d'un ton froid. « J'ai spécialement demandé une grande baignoire pour être sûr que nous deux y rentrions ensemble. » Elle soupira, sans détourner son regard de lui tandis qu'elle reprenait son calme. Le voyant sourire en coin, elle se força à se mettre à l'aise tandis qu'il parlait. « C'est mieux ainsi. Tu l'as dit toi-même, personne ne t'a forcée à m'épouser. Au contraire, tu t'es proposée et t'es portée volontaire de toi-même, alors je m'attends à ce que tu sois assez confiante pour partager un bain avec ton mari », déclara confiant Nikolai. « Après tout, nous ferons bien plus que cela sous peu. » Sans gêne... Se retenant de lever les yeux au ciel, elle parvint à lui adresser un sourire en disant, « Ne me blâme pas si tu meurs alors. » **** Note : Volume 1 : Histoire Principale Status - Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 403) Volume 2 : Histoire Annexes Status - Terminé (Chapitres 404 à 472) Volume 3 : Histoire Annexes Status - **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée possédée par l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser ! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 111.8K Views

BELLA; Una historia para aprender a vivir.

Aprendiendo a Vivir narra la historia de Bella Serrano Bracamontes, una joven que crece en un entorno marcado por la violencia, el abandono y la pobreza. Nacida el 05 de julio de 1995, Bella es la hija menor de una familia disfuncional. Su madre, Ana Lucía, la desprecia y marca una clara diferencia entre ella y sus hermanos mayores, mientras que su padre, Hermedes, está atrapado en un círculo vicioso de adicción a las drogas, lo que le impide ser un verdadero apoyo para sus hijos. A lo largo de su infancia y adolescencia, Bella se enfrenta a la soledad y el desprecio, buscando consuelo en su muñeca vieja y el sueño de algún día mejorar su vida. A pesar de las dificultades, su resiliencia se refleja en su deseo de cambiar su destino, aprendiendo a vivir en un mundo que parece haberle dado la espalda. A través de una serie de eventos trágicos y reveladores, Bella enfrenta la cruel realidad de su hogar, incluyendo el abuso y la indiferencia de su padre, quien incluso la echa de su casa sin escuchar su versión de los hechos. Sin embargo, Bella no pierde la esperanza. Con la ayuda de su amigo de la infancia, Luis, la joven comienza a visualizar un futuro diferente, uno en el que pueda alcanzar sus sueños y encontrar su lugar en el mundo, lejos de las sombras de su pasado. Aprendiendo a Vivir es una emotiva historia de lucha, superación y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de circunstancias adversas, donde la bondad, la nobleza y la esperanza se convierten en las fuerzas que impulsan a Bella a continuar adelante, a pesar de todo lo que le ha tocado vivir.
bella_7758 · 480 Views

On the brink of death:A werewolf and human love story

Clara Wilson the heiress to Diamond Group got engaged to the love of her life Isaac Hartford the heir to Starlight Group, due to an unforeseen betrayal, Clara Wilson on the brink of death on the night of full moon, Alpha and his pack hunting for prey, rescues Clara and turned her to a werewolf through an Alpha's bite. will she survive from the Alpha's bite? Excerpts: The ambient sound of waves gently lapping against the hull, coupled with the distant hum of the ship's engines, only amplifies her thoughts. She forces a smile, raising her glass in a toast, masking her emotions with practiced ease. The couple clinks their glasses with hers, their happiness an unspoken contrast to the quiet yearning in her heart. "I'll go inside the suite and rest now you guys enjoy." She said making her way to the suite. "Babe I need to get something inside the suite." Isaac said. "Alright don't keep me here waiting, I can't do without seeing you for a second." "Really that's my girl." He said, kisses her forehead and left. Isaac didn't go to their suite but he went to Jacqueline's suite he pushed opened the door. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "Why didn't you knock on the door before coming in what if I'm undressing." "Sighed softly it's not like this is the first time I'm seeing you undressed should I get rid of your night gown." He said kissing her collar bone. She didn't reject his offer, wrapped her arms around his neck he kissed her thin lips vigorously. Few minutes passed Isaac had not returned yet, she decided to go and check on him, she checked their suite he was not there, she headed to Jacqueline's suite to ask her If she had seen Isaac. She opened the door to Jacqueline's suite and then, her eyes flickered tears rapidly streamed down her face a pang of shame stabbed at her watching her best friend and the love of her life together on bed exchanging intimacies. "! How could you do this to me? What are you two doing together on bed?" Both of them stared at her without any sigh of remorsefulness. "It's just like what you're seeing right now" She moved closer to the bed drags the sheet off Jacqueline exposing her nakedness grabbed her brown hair hitting her head against the cluttered table beside the bed. Jacqueline stretches her hand reaching for the wine she held it and hits Clara's head with the wine bottle, the glass shattered against Clara's head. The sharp crack echoed in the tense silence and crimson blood began to seep, dripping onto the plush carpet and pooling under the shards of broken glass, Clara fainted. The room descended into chaos, the once romantic moments now marred by betrayal and violence. "Oh my goodness what have you done Jacqueline." "Is she dead?" She asked curiously in fear. "What are we going to do now?" "I don't think she is dead yet she fainted probably." He said.  "I know what to do." He carried her heading to the edge of the ship Jacqueline followed him , Isaac pulled off his shirt soaked with blood used it to clean the blood stain on his hand and neck. He folded the shirt and throws it into the sea. Jacqueline standing at the edge of the ship bitting her fingers  panicked about the situation. "Please don't kill me, help me I promise not to cause any trouble for both of you, I will forgive and pretend nothing happened here." Clara muttered in pain. "So you're finally awake"
Hira_pen1 · 4.7K Views

The Tower of Destiny

The Legend of the Seven Fates… There once was an ancient library filled with all the knowledge in the world. The keepers of that library were the fates.       The fates were named Regalia, Clara, Melodie, Amara, Mia, Desirae, and Gailia. The fates were tasked with knitting scarves for the destiny of all mortals with plain material like wool, cotton, and yarn. One day the fates get an anonymous gift and the youngest fate, Gailia opens it.       Since Gailia is a fabled fate, fearless and immortal, she pulls on the string of the glowing box without caring to read the letter that was sent along with it. Gailia sees a glittering purple silk laying in the box and quickly stops knitting her boring destinies to make her new masterpiece.       As Gailia knits her new scarf Desirae, the sixth fate, takes note and decides she wants a masterpiece too. So Desirae stops knitting her plain cotton destiny and chooses a sparkling sapphire silk instead.      Mia, the fifth fate, walks by while knitting her almost finished yarn scarf and is drawn to a fiery looking carnelian. Mia sits down next to her two sisters and starts to finish this nearly finished scarf with the new and energetic carnelian.      But the fourth fate, Amara, is tired of not getting enough attention as the middle most fate. So Amara plans to knit her next mortal destiny as well as she can manage with a strong deep black diamond silk.       Melodie, the third fate, gasps at her sister’s neglect in knitting mortal destinies and grabs a deep emerald silk to show her older sisters. But the power in the silk overwhelms her and she instead collapses on the ground. Not knowing what else to do she skillfully knits a complex and delicate pattern into her newly acquired powerful jade silk.      Clara, the sixth fate, walks by and notices her sisters knitting something beautiful with a strange new material. Clara knows she’s never seen anything like these materials so she shouts for her eldest sister. Regalia, the oldest, knows what has happened and instantly goes over towards her younger siblings.       Regalia hopes that she can make it in time to stop Clara from falling into this trap as well. But as Regalia bursts into the library her skin turns pale. All of her younger siblings are knitting part of their lives into mortal destinies.  Even Clara is standing a few feet in front of Regalia knitting a destiny out of shining gold and silver. Regalia nods because her sisters have already chosen their paths.      Regalia wakes her sisters and picks up a dull and colorless grey silk that pulses with raw potential. The sisters know their mistake and follow Regalia as they knit a prophecy over top of the silks.       The seven fates knit a faith-filled prophecy out of the stable earthly silk and connect this to a place they call The Tower of Destiny. They write down that one day the chosen will unseal the library of knowledge at the top of The Tower.      They can only hope that whoever does this will be kind enough to revive them so that they can continue knitting mortals in order to save the world. Though as the sisters take their last breath before slumber that can’t help but have faith.
The_Ninth_Fate · 690 Views


Aprendiendo a Vivir narra la historia de Bella Serrano Bracamontes, una joven que crece en un entorno marcado por la violencia, el abandono y la pobreza. Nacida el 05 de julio de 1995, Bella es la hija menor de una familia disfuncional. Su madre, Ana Lucía, la desprecia y marca una clara diferencia entre ella y sus hermanos mayores, mientras que su padre, Hermedes, está atrapado en un círculo vicioso de adicción a las drogas, lo que le impide ser un verdadero apoyo para sus hijos. A lo largo de su infancia y adolescencia, Bella se enfrenta a la soledad y el desprecio, buscando consuelo en su muñeca vieja y el sueño de algún día mejorar su vida. A pesar de las dificultades, su resiliencia se refleja en su deseo de cambiar su destino, aprendiendo a vivir en un mundo que parece haberle dado la espalda. A través de una serie de eventos trágicos y reveladores, Bella enfrenta la cruel realidad de su hogar, incluyendo el abuso y la indiferencia de su padre, quien incluso la echa de su casa sin escuchar su versión de los hechos. Sin embargo, Bella no pierde la esperanza. Con la ayuda de su amigo de la infancia, Luis, la joven comienza a visualizar un futuro diferente, uno en el que pueda alcanzar sus sueños y encontrar su lugar en el mundo, lejos de las sombras de su pasado. Aprendiendo a Vivir es una emotiva historia de lucha, superación y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de circunstancias adversas, donde la bondad, la nobleza y la esperanza se convierten en las fuerzas que impulsan a Bella a continuar adelante, a pesar de todo lo que le ha tocado vivir.
Ruler_of_the_abyss · 249 Views

The Halloway Secret

When Violet Rowe accepts a tutoring position at the grand yet isolated Halloway estate, she expects a quiet job teaching the youngest siblings, Clara and Theodore. Instead, she steps into a house haunted by the shadows of its past—whispers of a family tragedy, cold gazes from the remaining heirs, and a lingering sense that something is terribly wrong. Two years ago, Lysandra Halloway was found dead in her bedroom—murdered, the family claims, by an intruding burglar. Shortly after, Eleanor Halloway, the children's mother, wasted away from grief. Yet as Violet settles into the mansion, she notices something unsettling: no one speaks of the deceased with love. There is no mourning, only an eerie absence of sorrow. Theodore, ever the devoted brother, is protective of Clara—too protective. Clara, fragile and anxious, seems burdened by a secret too heavy to bear. Felix and Everett, the older brothers, are aloof, always watching but never saying too much. Ophelia, sharp-tongued and temperamental, treats the past as a nuisance best forgotten. And Augustus Halloway, the formidable head of the family, warns Violet to keep her curiosities in check. But as Violet begins to notice strange behaviors, unspoken tensions, and gaps in the family's carefully told history, she realizes the Halloways are hiding something. The deeper she digs, the more dangerous the truth becomes. Because in this house, the past never stays buried. And someone is watching.
TheGreyyLadyy_ · 3K Views

Transcendence: A Father's Second Chance

Marcus Branford was once a revered general, known for his victories on the battlefield and feared by his enemies. But in his final moments, he was betrayed by his closest friend, General Reinar Vandel, and left to die with nothing but regret weighing on his soul. He had devoted his entire life to war, sacrificing love, family, and peace in his quest for power and glory. In his dying breath, Marcus is offered a chance for redemption—a second life, free from the bloodshed and destruction he once embraced. He awakens as Elias Marlowe, a mild-mannered scholar and father of two in a peaceful village far from the ravages of war. Now living the life of a man who has struggled to connect with his wife and children, Marcus must learn to navigate a new world filled with love, responsibility, and the consequences of choices made before he arrived. But this second chance comes with challenges. As Elias, Marcus must rebuild relationships he never truly earned, all while grappling with his inner demons and violent past. His wife, Clara, harbors long-buried pain, and his children, Kael and Sylvie, hardly know the man he has become. Slowly, Marcus realizes that this new life requires a different kind of strength—one that has nothing to do with swords and warfare, but everything to do with healing the heart. Can a man born for battle learn the ways of a peaceful life? And will the shadows of his past allow him to protect this new family, or will history repeat itself in a different form? Transcendence: A Father's Second Chance is a story of redemption, love, and the difficult path to truly becoming the man—and father—one is meant to be.
Nutsss · 43.5K Views

A Woman Without a Mask

At 28, Clara Hayes has mastered the art of wearing masks. To her colleagues, she’s the perpetually cheerful graphic designer who never misses a deadline. To her overbearing mother, she’s the dutiful daughter hiding her anxiety behind polished smiles. To the world, she’s a woman who “has it all together”—except she’s crumbling inside. Clara’s life unravels during a corporate presentation where a panic attack strips her façade raw. Humiliated and exhausted, she flees to a quiet coastal town, renting a cottage owned by an eccentric, free-spirited potter named Marisol. There, Clara stumbles upon a dusty journal in the attic, its pages filled with haunting sketches and anonymous confessions from a woman who once lived there decades earlier. The entries mirror Clara’s own suffocating duality: “I paint myself in colors the world approves of, but my soul is a grayscale.” As Clara tentatively befriends Marisol and a reclusive widower, Eli, who runs the town’s crumbling bookstore, she begins confronting the lies she’s told herself for years. Through their unconventional guidance—and the journal’s cryptic wisdom—she starts shedding her masks one by one. But vulnerability comes at a cost: her corporate career teeters, her mother’s disapproval intensifies, and a buried trauma from her teenage years resurfaces, threatening to drown her newfound courage. When Clara’s raw, unfiltered artwork—created in secret—goes viral, she faces a choice: return to the safety of her old illusions or step into the terrifying freedom of living unapologetically. But the journal hides a final secret, linking Clara’s journey to the cottage’s mysterious past, forcing her to question whether true authenticity is a rebellion… or a homecoming.
Daoist5CDTxH · 1.7K Views
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