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Aroma Sensie

Jatuh Cinta dengan Raja Binatang

[LENGKAP] Reth bergerak mendekati Elia, dagunya rendah sehingga bayangan dari rahang kerasnya membelah kerah bulu tebal di rompinya. Rambutnya jatuh menutupi matanya dalam perkelahian, sehingga ia menatapnya melalui rambutnya seperti singa di dalam rumput. Setiap langkahnya, langkah anggun dan bergulir mengingatkannya pada pemangsa yang mengendap-endap mendekati mangsanya. Meskipun lantai hutan penuh dengan ranting dan daun, ia tak membuat suara sedikitpun. “Si-siapa kamu?” Elia tergagap, mundur sambil mengangkat tangan. Dia mengikuti langkah demi langkahnya sampai Elia menabrak pohon di belakangnya—dan tidak berhenti sampai ia menjulang di atasnya, begitu lebar bahu dan dada Reth membentuk dinding di depannya. Dia bisa merasakan panas yang terpancar dari kulit Reth dalam udara malam yang sejuk. “Saya adalah Raja Leonine.” Suaranya adalah kerikil yang dalam dan serak. Di belakangnya, paduan suara desah, auman, dan cuitan persetujuan meningkat dari orang-orang yang menonton. “Dan kamu adalah?” “Elia,” ia berbisik. “Elia,” ia mendengus, mendekat lebih jauh, membawa dengan dirinya aroma pinus dan hujan serta musk yang khas dari sesuatu yang sangat maskulin. “Saya Reth.” Ia mengucapkan namanya dengan gulungan aneh di tenggorokannya. “Saya adalah Raja Binatang. Saya adalah Pemimpin Klan, dan saya adalah Alfa dari WildWood.” Beberapa geraman muncul dari kerumunan di belakangnya saat itu, namun ia mengabaikannya. Elia menelan ludah ketika ia mendekat sampai rambut kasar di dagunya menggesek pipinya. “Saya adalah Raja,” katanya, “Dan kamu akan menjadi pasangan saya.” Hutan di belakangnya meledak. ****** Elia adalah seorang mahasiswi miskin sampai malam ketika ia dibawa ke dunia Anima—diperintah oleh manusia yang jantung kuno mereka berdetak dengan darah binatang. Di sana ia dipaksa mengikuti pertarungan sampai mati. Tapi ketika Elia selamat, dan menolak untuk membunuh lawannya yang terakhir, Raja harus membunuh Elia sendiri, atau mengambilnya sebagai pasangan. Reth, Raja Binatang yang brutal dengan darah singa, mengejutkan semua orang ketika ia memilih Elia yang lemah, manusia, untuk menjadi Ratu-Nya. Ia menjanjikan semua kemewahan dari kekayaan dan posisinya—tapi ia jelas: Elia tidak akan menghangatkannya di tempat tidur. Ia memilihnya untuk mengalahkan mereka-mereka yang mencoba membuatnya terjebak dengan menggabungkan garis keturunan Leonine-Nya dengan Serigala. Elia memerlukan bantuan dari Anima untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan memerintah mereka dengan baik. Namun, Serigala yang dendam hanya melihat manusia lemah yang telah membuat mereka malu. Saat Elia dan Reth semakin dekat, Serigala bertekad untuk menghancurkannya. Apakah Reth dan Elia mengakui perasaan mereka satu sama lain tepat waktu untuk berjuang demi Kerajaan—dan nyawa mereka—melawan suku serigala yang jahat? Ataukah Serigala akan membunuh Elia dan merebut tahta? [Konten matang - tidak ada kekerasan seksual] Cover Art digunakan dengan izin hak cipta berbayar. Diilustrasikan oleh Aenaluck--lihat lebih banyak seni menawan dan dukung mereka di
AimeeLynn · 26.1K Views

Die Passion des Herzogs

(HAUPTGESCHICHTE ABGESCHLOSSEN) Im Königreich des Herzens, einem Reich, in dem Vampire herrschen und Menschen nichts weiter als Vieh sind, wurde Lilou, eine Bäuerin, von dem schlimmsten wahnsinnigen Vampir seiner Art gejagt. Doch so furchtbar, wie er sie als seine "reservierte Mahlzeit" bezeichnete, nannte dieser Vampir sie auch seine Braut! Außer: Meine Augen blicken voller Angst auf das noch immer schlagende Herz in seiner Hand. "Mein Herr, verzeiht mir, aber ... ist das der verdammte Beweis, den Ihr mir zu zeigen versprochen habt?" fragte ich mit zittriger Stimme, während ich mit zitternden Knien dagegen ankämpfte, aufzugeben. "Mhm ... glaubt Ihr jetzt, dass ich gut darin bin, Herzen zu erobern?" Der silberhaarige Mann mit den bedrohlichen tiefroten Augen starrte mich nach einem Nicken stolz an. Ich schnappte nach Luft, als er seine Hand zu einer Faust ballte und das frische Herz zerdrückte. "Ja, Mylord. Ihr seid gut darin, buchstäblich." Beschämt sah ich zu, wie die Teile des Herzens fielen, als er sich näherte. Bei jedem seiner Schritte wich ich einen Schritt zurück, bis ich mit dem Rücken an einer festen Säule stand. "Hm", kicherte Samael kurz und blieb vor mir stehen. Seine langen, spitzen Nägel, die mit Blut bedeckt waren, zeichneten meinen Ellbogen bis hinunter zu meiner Hand nach. Sanft klemmte er meinen Zeigefinger zwischen seine und führte ihn vor seine Lippen. "Aber habe ich deinen Test bestanden?" fragte er, während die scharfe Spitze seines Nagels über die Spitze meines Fingers strich. Ich starrte in seinen durchdringenden Blick, als ich zögernd antwortete: "Gerade so." Er grinste und nickte zufrieden, bevor er seinen Nagel auf die Spitze meines Zeigefingers drückte, aus der sich schnell ein Blutstropfen bildete. "So ein süßes Aroma." flüsterte er, nahm meinen blutenden Finger in den Mund und leckte ihn leidenschaftlich ab. Sein bedrohlicher Blick verließ meinen nicht, während er ein wenig von meinem Blut verzehrte. "Heißt das, du nimmst meine Einladung an?" Samael hielt meinen Finger zwischen seinen Reißzähnen und erkundigte sich. Ich biss mir unbewusst auf die Unterlippe, mein Herz in der Brust trommelte, während mir der Schweiß den Rücken hinunterlief. "Aber ... ich bin nur ..." Ich hielt inne und hoffte, dass meine Antwort dem Ganzen ein Ende setzen würde. "... ich bin nur ein Mensch." Samael schnalzte mit der Zunge, verärgert über meine Antwort, als er meinen Finger losließ. "Nein", flüsterte er. Mein ganzer Körper versteifte sich, als er sich vorbeugte und mit der Nasenspitze meine Schulter bis zu meinem Hals streichelte, während sein heißer Atem meine Haut kitzelte. "Du bist nicht einfach nur ein Mensch ... du bist mein Mensch." betonte er, bevor ich spürte, wie sich seine Lippen teilten und die Spitze seiner Reißzähne meine Haut berührte. Cover nicht meins. *** Original Story von: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM für originelle Charaktere: @authoralienfrommars Discord-Server:
alienfrommars · 58K Views

Terjerat dalam Cahaya Bulan: Tidak Berubah

Menjadi cacat di dalam kawanan sudah cukup buruk. Ditolak? Oleh pasangan sejatimu sendiri? Ya. ITU adalah tingkat rendah yang baru. Ava Grey adalah cacat dalam kawanan, seorang shifter tanpa serigala. Dia berjuang dalam hidup dengan impian kebebasan yang samar. Kesempatannya datang ketika tiba-tiba dia diberi tahu bahwa dia akan menghadiri Gala Bulan, sebuah pesta dansa tahunan untuk shifters muda dewasa untuk menemukan pasangan sejati mereka. Dan dia menemukannya. Dia tampan dan intens, dan ciumannya mengirimkan keinginan melalui pembuluh darahnya seperti narkoba. Hingga dia MENOLAKnya. Ava tidak akan kembali ke kehidupan suramnya. Dia melarikan diri dan membentuk identitas baru jauh dari kawanan, dan jauh dari pasangan alpha nya. Dia berteman baru dan bahkan diadopsi secara paksa oleh seekor husky yang lucu. Tapi tepat ketika dia mulai menetap dan menemukan kebahagiaan, hal-hal aneh mulai terjadi... Husky-nya telah menyimpan rahasia. Dia mendengar bisikan bahwa kawanan shifter di mana-mana sedang mencarinya. Dan dia dapat mencium aroma familiar di apartemennya, yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali... karena pria yang aromanya itu telah menolaknya. [Entri Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Ini adalah roman shifter serigala dengan banyak pemicu yang suka berdansa beriringan dengan semua tema gelap melalui sebuah padang bunga mati. Dalam buku ini Anda akan menemukan titik tertinggi dan terendah. Tertawa, menangis, marah; Anda dapat melakukannya semua saat Anda mengikuti Ava dalam perjalanan yang cukup berbahaya menjadi pemindah serigala di generasi ini dari roman werewolf. Ada adegan R18 yang disebarkan di seluruh buku ini seperti permen yang meledak dari pinata. Silakan baca dengan tanggung jawab. ------- DISCORD PENULIS:
Lenaleia · 55.7K Views

Enredados en Luz de Luna: Inalterados

—Ser el defecto de la manada ya es bastante malo. ¿Pero ser rechazada? ¿Por tu propio compañero destinado? Sí. Eso es un nivel completamente nuevo de miseria. Ava Grey es el defecto de la manada, una cambiante sin lobo. Lucha por la vida con el sueño vago de la libertad. Su oportunidad llega cuando de repente le informan que asistirá a la Gala Lunar, un baile anual para los cambiaformas jóvenes adultos para encontrar a sus compañeros destinados. Y ella lo encuentra. Él es hermoso e intenso, y sus besos le envían deseo por las venas como una droga. Hasta que él la rechaza. Ava no está por volver a su aburrida vida. Escapa y fragua una nueva identidad lejos de su manada, y lejos de su compañero alfa. Hace nuevos amigos y hasta es adoptada a la fuerza por un husky hilarante. Pero justo cuando se acomoda y encuentra la felicidad, comienzan a ocurrir cosas extrañas... Su husky ha estado guardando secretos. Escucha rumores de que las manadas de cambiantes por todas partes la están buscando. Y puede oler un aroma familiar en su apartamento, lo cual no tiene sentido alguno... porque el hombre al que pertenece la rechazó. [Entrada de Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Este es un romance de cambiantes lobo con múltiples desencadenantes que gustan de pasearse de la mano con todos los temas oscuros por un prado de flores muertas. En este libro encontrarás los picos más altos y los valles más profundos. Ríe, llora, enfúrate; puedes hacerlo todo mientras sigues a Ava en el viaje bastante peligroso de ser un cambiante lobo en esta generación de romances de hombres lobo. Hay escenas R18 esparcidas por este libro como dulces saltando de una piñata. Por favor, lee de manera responsable. ------- DISCORD DEL AUTOR:
Lenaleia · 1.4M Views


The aroma of mangos and gasoline still festers. I'm zigging and zagging down Bali's mad streets on a rented bike, my existence and crypto riches secure in the back of a backpack. And then? Spinning on the sidewalk, dodging airborne papayas, and a helpless victim as a thief swiped my sack from my shoulder in the mess. Inside: $310,000 in Bitcoin, ten years of digital vagabond work, and the socks I preferred. Local officials yawned, sipping sugary tea beside a whirring ceiling fan. "Suku banyak cryptonym?" they complained, inviting me to submit a report after nap time.  My crypto fortune was evaporating faster than an Indian sandcastle swept by monsoon rains. WhatsApp info:+12723  328 343 Enter ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST, recommended by a seasoned highway veteran on a forum thread captioned "When Your Life Gets Pirated (Literally)." Desperation compelled me to cling to hope like a guest on a broken-down scooter. Their support team didn't even raise an eyebrow at my incoherent rantings. They asked for timestamps, transaction hashes, and whatever bit of metadata Website info: http s:// adware recovery specialist. com  today's detectives use magnifying glasses instead. As it turned out, my thief was no genius. He'd tried to wash my Bitcoin through a chain of offshore exchanges, creating a digital trail of breadcrumbs. ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST engineers married blockchain forensics with GPS data from my stolen equipment, following his footsteps like a high-stakes treasure hunt. They tracked him to a cybercafe in Jakarta, where he'd fought with mixers and privacy coins, blissfully unaware that each click was being duplicated. Email info: Adware recovery specialist (@) auctioneer. net  Eleven days later, I received a screenshot: my wallet balance, refilled. No fanfare, no triumphalism, but instead a modest "Your funds are safe. I slumped into a beanbag at a Ubud coworking facility, crying and laughing in half steps, while digital nomads gave me a side-eye over their cold brews. My Bitcoin was restored. My dignity? Still missing, thanks to a viral video of me face-planting into a durian stand. Telegram info: ht tp s:// adware recovery specialist1  ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST  did not outsmart a thief, but they unveiled the fragility of our virtual world. Technical sorcery coupled with sheer determination converted a dismal nightmare into a rags-to-riches tale one in which the villain is sent a blockchain paper trail and the hero wears a headset instead of a cape. Today, my backpack holds a decoy wallet and an AirTag surgically attached to my ledger. I’ll never ride a motorbike in flip-flops again, but I’ll always travel with the ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST contact saved in triplicate. They’re the antidote to a world where crypto can vanish faster than a beach sunset, and where fruit vendors double as viral content creators. If your crypto ever goes rogue, skip the panic. Call the ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST . Just maybe avoid Bali’s fruit stands while you’re at it.
Donny_Xiong · 268 Views

Moonshine made me blind to this pyramid scheme (BL)

Q. Is it hard to change one's fate? By your own strength and skills? Is it possible to reshape your own life? A. You will never know if you do not try, so just do it! Q. And if you do manage it, would it be too greedy to find someone to spend that new life with? A. Nope, not at all. Everyone deserves some loving, go for it! Q. And should you admit it, or just keep all your struggles to yourself? A. Are you actually going to do it, or you just want to talk about it? Just move on with it. Q. How about if we just go with the flow? Pretend all is fine? Do nothing? A. What kind of a story would that be? You had a good plan, so.. move on with it. Q. .... A. Really, trust me, just make one step first. Then one more. Enjoy the scenery while at it! MOVE! A. He actually did it, look at him go all out! *** Mani swirled pink liquid in his cup "This is called a moonshine right? Moonshine.. it should not make us blind right?" he drank it while still pondering pros and cons of drinking it in their current situation. "Well, did not make me blind," Yax offered his expert opinion "and I've been pilfering it from my dad since like.." he really could not remember, seemed like forever already. He reached to get another bottle and tumbled all the empty ones to the ground. Cid pulled him back by his shoulder "Sit down, I'll do it." he refilled Yax's cup on the right and Mani's cup on the left, then filled his own in the middle. With closed eyes, he enjoyed strawberry aroma wafting up from this holy drink. Mani bravely emptied his cup "Did we really saw it back there" he whispered from left "it was so much bigger than.." he trailed off in search of proper example. "Yep, we saw it" Yax's answer came from the right "it was absolutely huge." Mani leaned over Cid and looked at Yax seriously "Do you think we will need magic to move it?" He did bring along his beads. Yax also leaned over to give his most serious answer "Naah, it should have an engine somewhere in there to move it. I heard" he looked around carefully and whispered so only Mani could hear "my dad said it's technology so ancient that it was sealed away, to keep it safe. It's better than magic." At the other side of their campfire, Ivory huffed while trying to snatch last bottle of holy moonshine from Jone who gently pushed him back while seriously stating "All technology at certain point starts resembling magic to those who do not understand it." "Hear, hear" Blaze confirmed from his spot on the ground with one hand waving up and showing a peace sign for some reason. Next to him, twins were out and snoring already. Mani pursed his lips and looked up into the sky. He could not see any real moonshine, leaves blocked the sky, but it should still be up there somewhere. He stil hoped to get some magic, it would be awesome to get some real superpowers. He hiccuped, while leaning on Cindy next to him. Well, he kinda did have some already, or those do not count? Yax leaned fully on Cid and got cosy. He had to admit some parts were rather mystical. Like this holy potion. Or Mani. Mani was most definitely something magical. But he is not going to say it. And no one can know what he thinks to himself. He grinned, satisfied by himself and his skill to keep secrets. Squished between two drunks, Cid rolled his eyes, there goes Yax, spilling the beans to whoever wants to listen his 'secret thoughts'. Not like anyone was sober enough to pay any attention. "Time to end this party." Cid said while standing up and dragging Yax towards the tent he shared with Ivory. "Tomorrow is another day where we have to rise up and do our best to save the world." Even though he knew that all they were saving is themselves. And their friends. Well, that is his whole world, really. The forest was silent, darkness was endless, beasts were hiding. With closed eyes and half asleep, Blaze was sure that he can hear gods above laughing, louder and louder from that abyss they call home. ...___...
ZewaOutOfTheBox · 17.4K Views


The past week had felt like a lifetime of dodging my own feelings. As I sat at the head of the table, I felt the dam about to break, then the door swung open, and my heart lurched. Chris stood there, a storm cloud personified. His expression was unreadable, but one thing was clear: he wasn't smiling. My staffs exchanged glances, their gazes then focusing on me. "Eve," Chris's voice was low. "We need to talk." The room went silent, thick with nervous energy. The unspoken question hung in the air. "Chris," I said, my voice calm despite my pounding heart, "can this wait? We're in the middle of an important meeting." I wanted him to leave, to deal with this later, on my terms. "No, it can't," he said, stepping into the room. His anger simmered beneath the surface, but there was a visible vulnerability that made my own heart ache. "Please excuse us," I told my staffs, who hurriedly packed and left us alone. "You just left. You left after that night with just empty words on a piece of paper and then went out of the country for a whole week, Eve. A whole week." I was surprised to see him so vulnerable, so angry. It was the first time. It was obvious he was hurt, and I knew I was wrong. He stalked towards me, like a predator, and as he got closer, the anger seemed to flicker, replaced by a different intensity. He stopped in front of me, and then, without warning, his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight, desperate embrace. My breath hitched. I went stiff for a moment, surprised by the contact. Then, almost instantly, my arms went around him, clinging to his strong frame. A mix of emotions flooded me: surprise, relief, and an overwhelming need to simply hold him. I breathed in his familiar scent, a comforting aroma that had been haunting my senses for the last week. He held me tightly, as if afraid I'd vanish if he let go, and I didn't resist. I had dreamed of this. He pulled back, his hands on my shoulders, his gaze searching mine with an intensity that made my heart flutter. The anger lingered, but it was mixed with something else. Something softer. "I missed you terribly," he whispered, the words barely audible, but they resonated through me. ------ Eve, a fashion powerhouse ruling the world's runways, needs a fake boyfriend and fast, to appease her matchmaking mother.   Christopher, a charming, secretive, and dangerously attractive heir to the biggest conglomerate in the country. needs a distraction from his father's unwanted marriage plans. Their solution? A temporary romance brokered through a "rent-a-partner" app. What starts as a mutually beneficial arrangement quickly evolves into a sizzling romance, throw in a jealous childhood crush, a clash of powerful families, and a whirlwind of hilarious misunderstandings, and you've got a recipe for a romance that's as unexpected as it is unforgettable. Will their carefully constructed facade withstand the pressure, or will their fake relationship crumble under the weight of their undeniable, and quite unexpected, love?
Medist_Winnie7 · 17.9K Views


Malam itu, hujan turun semakin deras di kota kecil tempat Lia tinggal. Gemericik air yang menetes dari genting membuat suasana semakin mencekam. Hawa dingin merayap melalui celah-celah jendela kamar kosnya yang sederhana. Lia baru saja selesai mandi, air masih menetes dari rambutnya yang basah. Dengan cepat, ia merapatkan handuk ke tubuhnya sebelum mengenakan pakaian tidur. Namun, ketika ia hendak membuang pembalut bekas ke tempat sampah di kamar mandi, ia merasakan sesuatu yang aneh. Sebuah aroma menyelinap di udara. Bukan bau darah biasa, melainkan sesuatu yang lebih busuk, seperti daging yang membusuk di tempat lembab. Lia bergidik, bulu kuduknya berdiri seketika. Ia menahan napas, mencoba mengabaikan rasa tidak nyaman yang mulai merayap di tubuhnya. Dengan cepat, ia membuang pembalut itu ke dalam tempat sampah dan menutupnya rapat. Namun, perasaan tidak enak tidak hilang begitu saja. Seolah-olah ada sesuatu yang sedang mengawasi dari sudut kamar mandi. Lia menelan ludah, matanya bergerak mengamati sekitar, tetapi tidak ada yang berubah. Kamar mandi tetap seperti biasanya. Cermin di hadapannya berembun, meskipun ia tidak menggunakan air panas. Jantung Lia berdegup lebih cepat. Ia melangkah mendekat dan mengusap embun di permukaan cermin dengan tangannya. Samar-samar, tampak sebuah jejak... seperti lidah yang menjilati kaca. Lia terpaku, darahnya seakan membeku di dalam tubuhnya. Ia mengedip beberapa kali, berharap itu hanya bayangannya sendiri. Tapi tidak, jejak itu tetap ada, bahkan semakin jelas. Seolah-olah sesuatu—atau seseorang—benar-benar menjilati cermin dari dalam. Ia mundur perlahan, tangan gemetar meraih gagang pintu. Ia buru-buru keluar dari kamar mandi dan mengunci pintunya. Namun, ketika ia berbalik menuju ranjangnya, ia mendengar sesuatu. Sebuah suara isapan pelan, seperti seseorang sedang menjilati sesuatu dengan penuh nafsu. "Slepp... slepp..."
Endonesie_Media · 241 Views

Echoes of Rain

The Echoes of Rain is a poignant tale that explores the depths of human connection and the power of healing in unexpected places. Amara, a woman haunted by the ghosts of her past, finds solace in the familiar rhythm of the city and the comforting patter of raindrops. For her, the rain is a melancholy companion, a reminder of loves lost and dreams that have withered away like flowers deprived of sunlight. On a dreary evening, as she navigates the bustling train station, her umbrella slips from her grasp, rolling down the aisle as if fate itself has intervened. It is then that she encounters Noah, a stranger whose warm presence and effortless charm immediately disarm her. With a gentle smirk and a twinkle in his deep brown eyes, he retrieves her fallen umbrella, extending it to her with a casual heroism that catches her off guard. Despite her initial hesitation, Amara finds herself drawn to Noah's quiet confidence and genuine interest in her life. As the train carries them through the city, their conversation flows like a gentle stream, touching on shared passions for literature, music, and the beauty found in life's unplanned moments. When Amara confesses her complicated relationship with the rain, Noah listens without judgment, offering a simple reassurance that perhaps the right kind of rain could change her perspective. Their paths separate as abruptly as they converged, but the encounter leaves an indelible mark on Amara's soul. As she walks home, the rain no longer feels like a burden but a cleansing force, washing away the layers of grief and regret that have weighed her down for far too long. Fate intervenes once more when Amara unexpectedly encounters Noah at a cozy coffee shop, his presence as warm and inviting as the aroma of freshly brewed beans. This time, she doesn't hesitate to accept his invitation to join him, and their connection deepens as they peel back the layers of their pasts. Noah reveals the pain of his father's abandonment and his mother's unwavering strength in the face of adversity. Amara, in turn, confides her own struggles, the rain serving as a poignant metaphor for the memories that have haunted her for years. In each other's company, they find a safe haven, a place where their burdens can be shared and their souls can breathe freely. As their friendship blossoms into something deeper, Amara begins to see the world through a new lens. The rain that once represented sorrow now symbolizes rebirth and renewal, each droplet a reminder of the resilience that has carried her through life's storms. And in Noah's embrace, she finds the courage to confront the demons of her past, finally allowing herself to let go of the pain that has held her captive for far too long. In a poetic twist of fate, the story culminates in a rainstorm that washes away the last remnants of Amara's grief, leaving her standing in the downpour, face upturned to the heavens, arms outstretched in a silent embrace of the very thing that once haunted her. It is in this moment that she realizes the true power of love and connection, and the transformative nature of healing that can occur when two souls find each other in the most unexpected of places. The Echoes of Rain is a breathtaking exploration of the human spirit, a testament to the resilience that lies within us all, and a reminder that even in our darkest moments, the possibility of hope and renewal exists, if only we have the courage to open our hearts and let the rain in.
Zephyr07 · 9K Views

The Unstoppable Assassinator

"I shot her bam!, Directly at the middle of the Heart.. i guess.. i am really.. cut out for this." *READ BEFORE READING NOVEL* Six years. Six years of relentless toil in the unforgiving landscape of American capitalism. Six years of sacrificing everything – sleep, leisure, even the simple joys of life – for the promise of a future, a future he envisioned sharing with his beloved wife in their cozy, modernized home in Korea. He had clawed his way to the top, becoming a successful CEO, amassing a fortune that would secure their comfort and happiness for years to come. He had envisioned a life of quiet contentment, a life filled with laughter, shared dreams, and the quiet intimacy of a loving marriage. The familiar scent of home – a comforting blend of freshly brewed coffee and the faint aroma of pinewood – greeted him as he stepped across the threshold of his house. It was a modern marvel, an architectural testament to his success – sleek lines, large windows that framed the lush green landscape, and an open-plan layout that exuded a sense of airy spaciousness. But the comforting familiarity was shattered by a sound emanating from the bedroom – a rhythmic clapping, punctuated by soft moans, a sound that pierced through the quiet contentment of his home like a shard of glass. The blood drained from his face. His heart, once filled with the joyous anticipation of reunion, now felt like a lead weight in his chest. He knew, with a sickening certainty, what he was about to witness. The carefully constructed edifice of his dreams, the future he had toiled so relentlessly to build, crumbled before his eyes. He pushed open the bedroom door, the scene that unfolded before him a brutal betrayal of his trust, a shattering of his hopes. His wife, the woman he had loved and cherished, was entangled with another man, their intimacy a stark contrast to the quiet devotion he had always offered her. The carefully crafted future he had envisioned, the life of quiet contentment he had worked so hard to create, lay in ruins. The shock and betrayal were so profound that they numbed him, leaving him in a state of profound emotional paralysis. The pain was a physical entity, a crushing weight that threatened to suffocate him. The plans, the dreams, the sacrifices – all rendered meaningless by this single act of infidelity. The world around him seemed to tilt on its axis, the familiar comfort of his home transformed into a cold, desolate landscape. In that moment of devastation, a profound shift occurred within him. The man who had once strived for success in the corporate world was gone, replaced by a cold, calculating individual. The future he had envisioned was shattered, and in its place emerged a new path, a path paved with shadows and secrets, a path that would lead him down a darker, more dangerous road. He left his home, his heart heavy with grief and betrayal, his mind already plotting a different future, a future where the tools of his trade would be far removed from the boardroom and far closer to the shadows. The once-successful CEO was gone, replaced by an assassin, his past a painful memory, his future a chilling unknown. ———————— The Book cover is created by Imagine AI {No friends dammit} The Writing is done by Kim San-woo [김산우] {Me obviously}
KimSanWoo · 2.9K Views

A Note in the Café

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee swirled through the small café. Mia, a talented but self-doubting columnist, finds solace in her favorite neighborhood café, where the comforting hum of coffee machines and quiet conversations inspire her best work. Across the room sits a reserved bookshop owner with a passion for literature and a knack for lingering in the background. Mia noticed him, how he had a quiet intensity about him that intrigued her. But she was too reserved to approach, so their interactions were limited to fleeting glances and unspoken words. One destined morning, a torn page from reserved bookshop owner's favorite novel flutters to Mia’s feet. Scrawled in the margins is a note that reads: “If we wait for the perfect moment, it may never come.” Assuming it’s an accidental drop, Mia returns the page, only to learn this man left it for her intentionally—a quiet declaration of interest from a man who has admired her from afar. What starts as a hesitant introduction blossoms into a connection neither of them expected. As Mia helped him rediscover his long-abandoned dream of becoming a writer, he teaches her to embrace spontaneity and trust her instincts. Together, they prove that love, like the best stories, often begins with a leap of faith and a touch of serendipity. Set against the warm and inviting backdrop of their favorite café, "A Note in the Café" is a heartwarming tale about finding courage, following your heart, and discovering that the perfect moment is the one you create together.
Rareer_Gem · 9.3K Views

Heist of the Heart

**Title: "Heist of the Heart"** In the bustling city of Verona, where love stories are as abundant as the café aromas wafting through the streets, Mia Carter was known as the queen of the art of seduction. An aspiring romance novelist, she had a knack for understanding the intricacies of love. But despite her expertise, Mia had never experienced true romance herself. That was until she met Ethan Blake, the charming yet elusive owner of a vintage bookstore tucked away in a cobblestone alley. Ethan had a reputation for being a heartbreaker, a man who captivated women with his enchanting smile and mysterious aura, only to leave them longing for more. Intrigued by his complexities, Mia decided that she would attempt the impossible: to steal Ethan's heart. Inspired by her own romantic escapades, she devised a playful plan to win him over. Mia began frequenting Ethan's bookstore, not just to browse the shelves but to engage him in witty banter. She would strategically select books that mirrored their conversations—romantic classics and heartwarming tales. Each visit turned into a delightful exchange, with laughter echoing against the book-laden walls. Unbeknownst to Ethan, Mia was penning their interactions in her journal, crafting a story of their own. As the weeks passed, their connection deepened. Mia discovered that beneath Ethan's rugged exterior lay a heart yearning for genuine love. However, a shadow from his past loomed over him—an ex-girlfriend who seemed determined to win him back. Determined not to let this obstacle stand in her way, Mia concocted a scheme to eliminate the competition. One evening, she invited Ethan to a local art gallery, knowing his ex would be present. As they wandered through the vibrant displays, Mia's playful charm and genuine interest in his passions shone brightly. When his ex approached with a flirty smile, Ethan simply turned to Mia, whose confidence and authenticity captivated him. By the end of the night, as they strolled beneath the starlit sky, Ethan turned to Mia and, with a soft smile, confessed, “I think you might have just stolen my heart.” In that moment, Mia realized that true love wasn’t about elaborate schemes; it was about being oneself. With hearts intertwined, they embarked on a journey of love, proving that sometimes, the best heist is simply being real.
DaoisthQeMT6 · 448 Views

Enigma of the Thousand-Year Sentinel: The Ethereal Tale of Wyrmpire

Seven Realms, One Egg, Two Hearts. In ancient times, there lay a story that was condemned to be chained in secrecy—an unthinkable era was brewed by continuous discord among the inhabitants of the seven realms, blinding them to the cruelty of war. From there, the era's aroma lingered, and darkness dominated both the realms of humans and elementals. But a streak of hope appeared in the sky. In times of crisis, a glowing orb emerged from the depths of the Wyrmpirean seas. People from all seven realms were revitalized and rejoiced. Mythical beasts of Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit, and Shadow came to light. Their power grew through the alchemy of elements and light, and this glowing orb turned out to be an ethereal egg. It was the vital force of the great Luxian beast, destined to be the sentinel of Wyrmpire. However, the poison of greed for power once again took hold of one of the human leaders. In an age when the seven realms coexisted in delicate equilibrium, the harmonious symphony of magic and mythical creatures was abruptly silenced by Gat of Luwalhat'ti's insatiable thirst for dominion. He ordered the capture of the elemental beasts and exploited their essence. Relentlessly pursuing the fabled Mythical Egg for his own self-indulgent desires, he caused this primordial artifact—whispered to possess unimaginable power—to shatter the peace and plunge the world into devastating war, reigniting the embers of chaos from the past. The realms became more divided than ever. Sinagthala, the first to succumb to his ruthless conquest, bears the scars of his ambition. Emir Akkainu, in a desperate act of self-sacrifice, secured the egg at a heart-wrenching cost—his own son, Karrim. Now, Karrim, burdened by a curse yet bestowed with enigmatic abilities, embarks on a perilous quest for vengeance against the Gat. His path intertwines with that of Klarra, Gat's daughter, who, disillusioned by her father's tyranny, yearns for peace and justice. Amidst the chaos and despair of a war-torn world, an unexpected love blossoms; a fragile beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Will they find redemption amidst the ruins of a broken world, or will the insatiable hunger for power and the scars of the past consume them all, as history repeats itself? The convergence of Karrim and Klarra's journey is set to test the very limits of their courage, loyalty, and love.
Ylislewordsmithery · 10K Views
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