Birth Of The Vampire Lord
In the year of 2025, on new years day the world was in chaos when a blue box appeared in everyone vision stating that every human alive, will be transported to a new world named Verra. Our protagonist 'Draven the Craven' as he was called by the people around him. "Verra huh?", Draven stared into the mirror at his contorted face as anger welled up within him. With a weak body, and small frame, he was always picked on and made fun of throughout his life, they called him the craven because he never fought back, he knew he couldn't win so he never even tried. "10 seconds till transfer" A robotic voice rang out in Dravens head. The world went black and shifted instantly. In a white room Draven appeared, "You have been chosen to be lord on the World of Verra, roll to choose your starting race." the robotic voice stated. A huge wheel of fortune popped up, with a fantasy array of races ranging from, humans to elves, wolfmen, lizardmen, all different types of humanoids, even monster types like goblins and orcs. Dravens face changed into a malicious smile with the thought of being something other than human. Draven made his roll, "Ding! Your selected starting race is human!" the robotic voice rang out once more. "HUMAN?" Draven yelled with rage. "Roll for your starting item, the item ranks are, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic". Draven on his knees looked up at the wheel of fortune and spun it once more. "Ding!, your selected item is the Heart Of Darkness. Check your inventory to inspect it". "How do i check my inventory? " asks Draven. He waits a minute and no response is given. Draven closes his eyes says in his head 'This disgusting robot voice wont tell me how to check my inventory', After inventory is said in his head a blue box pops up in his face displaying his inventory with the heart of darkness in his first slot. 'Inspect', the heart of darkness presents a description of itself.
Rank: Mythic
Description: Ripped from the chest of the God Of Death, by the God Of Life in the war of the gods, a millennium ago.
Use: One time consumable
Effects: Unkown