The Revolution Series I: The Uprising
‘The Revolution Series I: The Uprising’ is a dystopian fiction novel written in the first-person point of view and divided into twenty-five chapters. It is set in a fictional country called Sapagna where an authoritarian government rules corruptively in order to benefit the upper-class citizens, most of whom live in the capital city, Mentrish. The lower classes live in the different counties in Sapagna and their main objective is to provide the citizens of Mentrish with all the goods they need. In exchange for their work, the inhabitants in the six counties—Whiteland, Seashoreland, Windland, Scentland, Mercyland and Rockland—can keep a minor part of the production.
As a way to keep the inhabitants of the counties amused and unaware of how the Sapagnist society really works, the leader of the country—Christopher Oldus—created a new sport when he became the leader. Several arenas were built throughout the country in order to celebrate combats where two or more fighters fought to death in exchange for a substantial quantity of money. Such fighters were named black stings, who trained in and fought for the so-called ludclubs. The term ‘ludclub’ referred to a company managed by a Lord that took on as many men as he could, and who owned facilities where the black stings had everything they needed for their training. On the other hand, many bookmakers were set up and the citizens were encouraged to bet on black sting contests. Moreover, the government started to announce that becoming a black sting was the easiest way to make a fortune in a short period of time; therefore, the youngest male citizens started to look up on the black stings in such a way that turning into one was the only thing they could dream about.
The ‘Revolution’ series tells the story of Exeus Wildfred, a Windlander black sting who fights for Lord Ben Centric’s ludclub in Mentrish. Exeus becomes the national champion in the 2666 season after defeating the champion of Lord John Lawyer’s ludclub—the other ludclub in the capital of Sapagna—and meets Leader Christopher Oldus after such a win when, unexpectedly, the Leader shows up at the gates of his house. The Leader tells him about a secret plan that will let Exeus make a big name for himself if he agrees to help the Leader. Sapagna is getting ready for an international war and Oldus wants Exeus to lead an army of black stings that will win that war for Sapagna; however, Exeus denies and dares to defy the Leader, which will unleash a series of events that will cause trouble for the main character of this story.