The Gamers of Blitzkreig
March, 2020 - World of Tanks Blitz has celebrated more than 6 years of life. Many legends and myths have come and gone, with clans such as (PURPL), (RA1D), and (PR4MO) having all but died out.
The world, in need of a new legend, gladly accepted (1NC3P) as the one to lead the world, but little did they know, one would usurp them.
[Gamer Tag: FloofyButter34] Joined the game on theday of the 6th anniversary of Blitz. Little did he know that he'd knock the rockers of many fans... Just not in this timeline.
This story revolves around the game World Of Tanks Blitz. (I would do the PC version, but I cannot play it for authenticity of this novel, so Blitz will be used.) I will be using real data, and names. (Tags. not IRL names.) Please keep in mind that this is a novel, and my opinions are only opinions. Also, once I have caught up to the version, I will make a decision to either wait and just keep the version normal, or put my own thoughts into this and add fictional updates. I'll try to keep this as grounded as possible, but the events that happened IRL may not all happen.