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Reth Palia

Jatuh Cinta dengan Raja Binatang

[LENGKAP] Reth bergerak mendekati Elia, dagunya rendah sehingga bayangan dari rahang kerasnya membelah kerah bulu tebal di rompinya. Rambutnya jatuh menutupi matanya dalam perkelahian, sehingga ia menatapnya melalui rambutnya seperti singa di dalam rumput. Setiap langkahnya, langkah anggun dan bergulir mengingatkannya pada pemangsa yang mengendap-endap mendekati mangsanya. Meskipun lantai hutan penuh dengan ranting dan daun, ia tak membuat suara sedikitpun. “Si-siapa kamu?” Elia tergagap, mundur sambil mengangkat tangan. Dia mengikuti langkah demi langkahnya sampai Elia menabrak pohon di belakangnya—dan tidak berhenti sampai ia menjulang di atasnya, begitu lebar bahu dan dada Reth membentuk dinding di depannya. Dia bisa merasakan panas yang terpancar dari kulit Reth dalam udara malam yang sejuk. “Saya adalah Raja Leonine.” Suaranya adalah kerikil yang dalam dan serak. Di belakangnya, paduan suara desah, auman, dan cuitan persetujuan meningkat dari orang-orang yang menonton. “Dan kamu adalah?” “Elia,” ia berbisik. “Elia,” ia mendengus, mendekat lebih jauh, membawa dengan dirinya aroma pinus dan hujan serta musk yang khas dari sesuatu yang sangat maskulin. “Saya Reth.” Ia mengucapkan namanya dengan gulungan aneh di tenggorokannya. “Saya adalah Raja Binatang. Saya adalah Pemimpin Klan, dan saya adalah Alfa dari WildWood.” Beberapa geraman muncul dari kerumunan di belakangnya saat itu, namun ia mengabaikannya. Elia menelan ludah ketika ia mendekat sampai rambut kasar di dagunya menggesek pipinya. “Saya adalah Raja,” katanya, “Dan kamu akan menjadi pasangan saya.” Hutan di belakangnya meledak. ****** Elia adalah seorang mahasiswi miskin sampai malam ketika ia dibawa ke dunia Anima—diperintah oleh manusia yang jantung kuno mereka berdetak dengan darah binatang. Di sana ia dipaksa mengikuti pertarungan sampai mati. Tapi ketika Elia selamat, dan menolak untuk membunuh lawannya yang terakhir, Raja harus membunuh Elia sendiri, atau mengambilnya sebagai pasangan. Reth, Raja Binatang yang brutal dengan darah singa, mengejutkan semua orang ketika ia memilih Elia yang lemah, manusia, untuk menjadi Ratu-Nya. Ia menjanjikan semua kemewahan dari kekayaan dan posisinya—tapi ia jelas: Elia tidak akan menghangatkannya di tempat tidur. Ia memilihnya untuk mengalahkan mereka-mereka yang mencoba membuatnya terjebak dengan menggabungkan garis keturunan Leonine-Nya dengan Serigala. Elia memerlukan bantuan dari Anima untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan memerintah mereka dengan baik. Namun, Serigala yang dendam hanya melihat manusia lemah yang telah membuat mereka malu. Saat Elia dan Reth semakin dekat, Serigala bertekad untuk menghancurkannya. Apakah Reth dan Elia mengakui perasaan mereka satu sama lain tepat waktu untuk berjuang demi Kerajaan—dan nyawa mereka—melawan suku serigala yang jahat? Ataukah Serigala akan membunuh Elia dan merebut tahta? [Konten matang - tidak ada kekerasan seksual] Cover Art digunakan dengan izin hak cipta berbayar. Diilustrasikan oleh Aenaluck--lihat lebih banyak seni menawan dan dukung mereka di
AimeeLynn · 23.2K Views

Apaixonando-se pelo Rei das Feras

[COMPLETO] Reth avançou em direção a ela, queixo baixo, fazendo com que a sombra projetada por sua mandíbula rígida cortasse a espessa gola de pele de seu colete. Seus cabelos haviam caído sobre seus olhos durante o confronto, então ele a espreitava por entre eles como um leão na grama. A cada passo, seu andar gracioso e ondulante a fazia lembrar de um predador perseguindo sua presa. Apesar do chão da floresta estar coberto de galhos e folhas, ele não fazia nenhum som. “Qu-quem é você?” Elia gaguejou, recuando, com as mãos para cima. Ele acompanhou cada passo dela até que ela bateu forte contra a árvore atrás dela — e não parou até que ele pairasse sobre ela, tão largo que seus ombros e peito formavam uma parede à sua frente. Ela podia sentir o calor emanando de sua pele no ar fresco da noite. “Eu sou o Rei Leonino.” Sua voz era um cascalho escuro e rouco. Atrás dele um coro de sibilos, uivos e chilreios de concordância se levantou do povo que observava. “E você é?” “Elia,” ela respirou. “Elia,” ele rosnou, inclinando-se mais perto, trazendo consigo o aroma de pinho e chuva e o almíscar de algo distintamente masculino. “Eu sou Reth.” Ele disse o nome com um estranho rolar gutural na garganta. “Eu sou o Rei das Feras. Eu sou o Líder do Clã, e eu sou Alfa de WildWood.” Vários rosnados se ergueram das multidões atrás dele, mas ele os ignorou. Elia engoliu enquanto ele se inclinava até que o cavanhaque em sua mandíbula roçasse sua bochecha. “Eu sou o Rei,” ele disse, “E você será minha parceira.” A floresta atrás dele irrompeu. ****** Elia é uma estudante universitária pobre até a noite em que é levada ao mundo dos Anima — governado por humanos cujos corações antigos pulsam com o sangue dos animais. Lá ela é forçada a um combate até a morte. Mas quando Elia sobrevive, e se recusa a matar seu último oponente, o Rei deve ou matar Elia ele mesmo, ou tomá-la como sua parceira. Reth, o brutal Rei das Feras com o sangue de leões, surpreende a todos quando escolhe a fraca humana Elia para se tornar sua Rainha. Ele promete a ela todo o conforto de sua riqueza e posição — mas deixa claro: Ela não aquecerá sua cama. Ele a escolheu para derrotar aqueles que tentavam pressioná-lo a mesclar sua linhagem Leonina com os Lobos. Elia precisa da ajuda dos Anima para se tornar mais forte e governá-los bem. Mas os Lobos vingativos veem apenas uma humana fraca que lhes trouxe vergonha. Conforme Elia e Reth se aproximam, os lobos estão determinados a destruí-la. Reth e Elia admitirão seus sentimentos um pelo outro a tempo de lutar pelo Reino — e por suas vidas — contra a traiçoeira tribo de lobos? Ou os lobos matarão Elia e roubarão o trono? [Conteúdo maduro - sem violência sexual] Arte da capa usada com permissão de direitos autorais pagos. Ilustrada por Aenaluck — veja mais arte incrível e apoie-os em
AimeeLynn · 141.4K Views

Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

[COMPLETE] Reth stalked towards her, chin low so the shadow cast by his hard jaw cut across the thick fur collar of his vest. His hair had fallen over his eyes in the scuffle, so he peered at her through it like a lion in the grass. With each step, his graceful, rolling gait reminded her of a predator stalking its prey. Despite the forest floor littered in twigs and leaves, he didn’t make a sound. “Wh-who are you?” Elia stammered, backing away, her hands up. He met her step for step until she came up hard against the tree behind her—and didn’t stop until he loomed over her, so broad his shoulders and chest made a wall in front of her. She could feel the heat rising off his skin in the cool, night air. “I am the Leonine King.” His voice was a dark, husky gravel. Behind him a chorus of wheezes, howls, and chirps of agreement rose from the people watching. “And you are?” “Elia,” she breathed. “Elia,” he growled, leaning in closer, bringing with him the scent of pine and rain and the musk of something distinctly male. “I am Reth.” He said the name with a strange, guttural roll in his throat. “I am the King of Beasts. I am Clan Leader, and I am Alpha of WildWood.” Several snarls rose from the crowds behind him then, but he ignored them. Elia swallowed as he leaned in until the scruff on his jaw rasped her cheek. “I am the King,” he said, “And you will be my mate.” The forest behind him erupted. ****** Elia is a poor university student until the night she's taken to the world of the Anima—ruled by humans whose ancient hearts pulse with the blood of animals. There she's forced into a battle to the death. But when Elia survives, and refuses to kill her final opponent, the King must either kill Elia himself, or take her as his mate. Reth, the brutal King of the Beasts with the blood of lions, shocks everyone when he chooses the weak, human Elia to become his Queen. He promises her every comfort of his wealth and position—but he is clear: She will not warm his bed. He chose her to defeat those that were trying to corner him into blending his Leonine line with the Wolves. Elia needs the help of the Anima to become stronger and rule them well. But the vengeful Wolves see only a weak human that brought them shame. As Elia and Reth grow closer, the wolves are determined to destroy her. Will Reth and Elia admit their feelings for each in time to fight for the Kingdom—and their lives—against the villainous wolf-tribe? Or will the wolves kill Elia and steal the throne? [Mature content - no sexual violence] Cover Art used by paid copyright permission. Illustrated by Aenaluck--see more gorgeous art and support them on
AimeeLynn · 6.8M Views

Tomber Amoureux du Roi des Bêtes

[COMPLETE] Reth avançait vers elle, le menton bas afin que l'ombre projetée par sa mâchoire sévère tranche à travers le col fourré épais de son gilet. Ses cheveux étaient tombés sur ses yeux dans la bagarre, ainsi il la guettait à travers comme un lion dans l'herbe. À chaque pas, sa démarche gracieuse et ondulante lui rappelait celle d'un prédateur traquant sa proie. Malgré le sol de la forêt jonché de brindilles et de feuilles, il ne faisait aucun bruit. « Qui-qui êtes-vous ? » bégayait Elia, reculant, les mains levées. Il suivait chacun de ses pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle bute brusquement contre l'arbre derrière elle—et il ne s'arrêta pas avant de se dresser au-dessus d'elle, si large que ses épaules et sa poitrine formaient un mur devant elle. Elle pouvait sentir la chaleur émanant de sa peau dans l'air frais de la nuit. « Je suis le Roi Léonin. » Sa voix était un gravier sombre et rauque. Derrière lui, un chœur de hoquets, de hurlements et de gazouillements d'assentiment s'élevait du peuple qui regardait. « Et vous êtes ? » « Elia, » souffla-t-elle. « Elia, » grogna-t-il, se penchant encore plus près, apportant avec lui le parfum du pin et de la pluie et le musc de quelque chose d'indiscutablement masculin. « Je suis Reth. » Il prononçait le nom avec un roulement guttural étrange dans la gorge. « Je suis le Roi des Bêtes. Je suis Chef de Clan, et je suis l’Alpha de WildWood. » Plusieurs grondements s'élevèrent alors de la foule derrière lui, mais il les ignorait. Elia déglutit tandis qu'il se penchait jusqu'à ce que la barbe hirsute sur sa mâchoire râpât sa joue. « Je suis le Roi, » dit-il, « Et vous serez ma compagne. » La forêt derrière lui explosa. ****** Elia est une étudiante universitaire pauvre jusqu'à la nuit où elle est emmenée dans le monde de l'Anima—régi par des humains dont les cœurs anciens battent avec le sang des animaux. Là, elle est forcée de participer à un combat à mort. Mais quand Elia survit, et refuse de tuer son dernier adversaire, le Roi doit soit la tuer lui-même, soit la prendre pour compagne. Reth, le brutal Roi des Bêtes au sang de lions, choque tout le monde quand il choisit la faible humaine Elia pour devenir sa Reine. Il lui promet tout le confort de sa richesse et de sa position—mais il est clair : Elle ne réchauffera pas sa couche. Il l'a choisie pour contrer ceux qui tentaient de le coincer en mêlant sa lignée Léonine avec celle des Loups. Elia a besoin de l'aide de l'Anima pour devenir plus forte et les gouverner bien. Mais les Loups vengeurs voient seulement une humaine faible qui leur a fait honte. Alors qu'Elia et Reth se rapprochent, les loups sont déterminés à la détruire. Reth et Elia admettront-ils leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre à temps pour lutter pour le Royaume—et leurs vies—contre la tribu de loups malveillante ? Ou les loups tueront-ils Elia et s'empareront-ils du trône ? [Contenu mature - pas de violence sexuelle] Couverture utilisée avec l'autorisation de copyright payée. Illustrée par Aenaluck—voir plus de magnifique art et les soutenir sur
AimeeLynn · 133.3K Views

Enamorándose del Rey de las Bestias

``` —¿Quién-quién eres tú? —balbuceaba Elia, retrocediendo, con las manos levantadas—. Él igualaba su paso a paso hasta que ella se estrelló contra el árbol detrás de ella—y no se detuvo hasta que se alzó sobre ella, tan ancho que sus hombros y pecho formaban un muro frente a ella. Podía sentir el calor que desprendía su piel en el fresco aire de la noche. —Yo soy el Rey Leonino —su voz era un oscuro grava ronca. Detrás de él, un coro de jadeos, aullidos y chirridos de acuerdo se elevaba de la gente que miraba—. ¿Y tú eres? —Elia —ella suspiraba. —Elia —gruñía él, inclinándose más cerca, trayendo consigo el aroma a pino y lluvia y el almizcle de algo distintivamente masculino—. Yo soy Reth —dijo el nombre con un extraño y gutural rodar en su garganta—. Yo soy el Rey de las Bestias. Yo soy el Líder del Clan, y yo soy el Alfa de WildWood —varios gruñidos se elevaron de la multitud detrás de él entonces, pero los ignoró. —Yo soy el Rey —dijo, y tú serás mi pareja. El bosque detrás de él estalló. ****** Elia es una estudiante universitaria pobre hasta la noche en que es llevada al mundo de los Anima—gobernado por humanos cuyos corazones antiguos palpitan con la sangre de animales. Ahí, se ve forzada a participar en una batalla a muerte. Pero cuando Elia sobrevive, y se niega a matar a su último oponente, el Rey debe o matar a Elia él mismo, o tomarla como su pareja. Reth, el brutal Rey de las Bestias con sangre de leones, sorprende a todos cuando elige a la débil humana Elia para convertirla en su Reina. Promete darle todas las comodidades de su riqueza y posición—pero es claro: Ella no calentará su cama. La eligió para derrotar a aquellos que intentaban acorralarlo para mezclar su línea Leonina con los Lobos. Elia necesita la ayuda de los Anima para hacerse más fuerte y gobernarlos bien. Pero los Lobos vengativos ven solo a una humana débil que les trajo vergüenza. Mientras Elia y Reth se aproximan más, los lobos están decididos a destruirla. ¿Admitirán Reth y Elia sus sentimientos el uno por el otro a tiempo para luchar por el Reino—y sus vidas—contra la villana tribu de lobos? O ¿matarán los lobos a Elia y robarán el trono? [Contenido maduro - sin violencia sexual] Arte de portada utilizado con permiso de derechos de autor pagado. Ilustrado por Aenaluck—vea más arte hermoso y apóyelos en ```
AimeeLynn · 103.7K Views

Verliebt in den König der Bestien

[Reth pirschte sich an sie heran, das Kinn gesenkt, so dass der Schatten, den sein harter Kiefer warf, den dicken Pelzkragen seiner Weste streifte. Sein Haar war ihm bei dem Handgemenge über die Augen gefallen, so dass er sie dadurch wie ein Löwe im Gras ansah. Mit jedem Schritt erinnerte sein anmutiger, rollender Gang sie an ein Raubtier, das sich an seine Beute heranpirscht. Obwohl der Waldboden mit Zweigen und Blättern übersät war, gab er keinen Laut von sich. "Wer bist du?" stammelte Elia und wich mit erhobenen Händen zurück. Er kam ihr Schritt für Schritt entgegen, bis sie hart gegen den Baum hinter ihr stieß - und blieb erst stehen, als er über ihr aufragte, so breit, dass seine Schultern und seine Brust eine Wand vor ihr bildeten. Sie konnte die Hitze seiner Haut in der kühlen Nachtluft spüren. "Ich bin der Leonische König." Seine Stimme war ein dunkler, heiserer Schotter. Hinter ihm erhob sich ein Chor aus Keuchen, Heulen und zustimmendem Gezirpe von den Zuschauern. "Und du bist?" "Elia", hauchte sie. "Elia", knurrte er, lehnte sich näher heran und brachte den Duft von Kiefernholz und Regen und den Moschusgeruch von etwas eindeutig Männlichem mit. "Ich bin Reth." Er sagte den Namen mit einem seltsamen, gutturalen Räuspern in der Kehle. "Ich bin der König der Bestien. Ich bin Clanführer, und ich bin der Alpha von WildWood. Aus der Menge hinter ihm ertönten mehrere Knurrlaute, aber er ignorierte sie. Elia schluckte, als er sich zu ihr hinunterbeugte, bis seine Kinnlade ihre Wange berührte. "Ich bin der König", sagte er, "und du wirst meine Gefährtin sein." Der Wald hinter ihm brach aus. ****** Elia ist eine arme Universitätsstudentin, bis zu der Nacht, in der sie in die Welt der Anima entführt wird - regiert von Menschen, deren uralte Herzen mit dem Blut von Tieren pulsieren. Dort wird sie in einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod gezwungen. Doch als Elia überlebt und sich weigert, ihren letzten Gegner zu töten, muss der König entweder Elia selbst töten oder sie als seine Gefährtin nehmen. Reth, der brutale König der Bestien mit dem Blut von Löwen, schockiert alle, als er die schwache, menschliche Elia zu seiner Königin erwählt. Er verspricht ihr alle Annehmlichkeiten seines Reichtums und seiner Stellung - aber er ist sich sicher: Sie wird nicht sein Bett wärmen. Er wählte sie aus, um diejenigen zu besiegen, die ihn in die Enge treiben wollten, um seine Leonische Linie mit den Wölfen zu vermischen. Elia braucht die Hilfe der Anima, um stärker zu werden und sie gut zu regieren. Doch die rachsüchtigen Wölfe sehen in ihr nur einen schwachen Menschen, der ihnen Schande gebracht hat. Während Elia und Reth sich näher kommen, sind die Wölfe entschlossen, sie zu vernichten. Werden Reth und Elia sich ihre Gefühle füreinander rechtzeitig eingestehen, um für das Königreich - und ihr Leben - gegen den bösartigen Wolfsstamm zu kämpfen? Oder werden die Wölfe Elia töten und den Thron an sich reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt - keine sexuelle Gewalt] Titelbild mit bezahlter urheberrechtlicher Genehmigung verwendet. Illustriert von Aenaluck - sieh dir mehr wunderschöne Kunst an und unterstütze sie auf
AimeeLynn · 101.4K Views

The Family Star Movie Download in Hd for Filmyzilla

Watch Here Download Here "07 minutes ago — [woɹᙠɹǝuɹɐZ] While several avenues exist to view the highly praised film The Family Star online streaming offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to upThe Family Star communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits The Family Star ed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of The Family Star ? Don't miss out! #The Family Star Movie The new The Family Star prequel The Family Star will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Lionsgate and the NBC Universal streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slighThe Family Star y more complex matter Typically Lionsgate movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to reThe Family Star n for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Lionsgate makes an official announcement However if you wish to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz Warner Bros. is continuing to beat out Warner Bros. and Warner Bros,, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “The Family Star ” now rising above “The Color Purple” and “The Family Star ” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season. The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on The Family Star y, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns. Though it slid into second place for The Family Star y with $6.75 million, Warner Bros. “The Family Star ” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget. Taking a close third place, Illumination and Universal’s“The Family Star” is The Family Star ntaining its footing with $6.7 The Family Star y after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “The Family Star” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last The Family Star y reThe Family Star ns encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million. However,Here’s when you can bring The Family Star of AThe Family Star antis into your home. Where and Can I Stream The Family Star ? Is The Family Star Be Streaming? Where Can I Stream the Original The Family Star Movies in the Meantime? In the meantime you can currenThe Family Star y stream all four original The Family Star movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of The Family Star movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability How To Watch The Family Star In English Online For Free:
Dino_James · 35.1K Views
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