In the gritty streets of Varane, Aris scrapes by as a skilled pickpocket, dreaming of bigger scores. When a lucrative opportunity arises to steal a peculiar amulet from a merchant's cart, Aris seizes the chance, unaware of the powerful forces he's about to unleash.
During his daring heist, the amulet's ancient magic awakens within Aris, triggering a violent confrontation that leaves him branded a murderer. Miraculously, the soulbound artifact attunes itself to Aris, making him its new master. Fleeing from the city guards, Aris finds himself apprehended by mysterious figures from the elite Mage Academy.
To his astonishment, Aris has inexplicably manifested magical abilities, a phenomenon only permitted among the offspring of distinguished mages. The academy reluctantly admits Aris, setting him on a tumultuous path to unlocking the amulet's secrets and his own hidden heritage.