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MMORPG: Der Aufstieg des Ur-Gottesschmieds

"Hätten wir doch nur früher gemerkt, was da passiert..." "Wenn wir nur stärker wären..." "Dann wäre das alles nicht passiert." Bedauern. Valyr empfand großes Bedauern, als er sah, wie die Welt vor ihm ins Nichts zerfiel... Nur weil sie die letzte Schlacht verloren hatten. Obwohl er das Ergebnis bereits akzeptiert hatte, fühlte er, dass es falsch war. Er klammerte sich an seinen letzten Hoffnungsschimmer und beschloss, in seinem letzten Moment dem Himmel zu wünschen, dass er eine zweite Chance bekommen würde. Eine zweite Chance, bei der er dafür sorgen würde, dass ihre Seite gewinnen würde, wenn alles so ausgehen würde wie bisher. Zum Glück für ihn... Der Himmel hat zugehört. Wiedergeboren in dem Spiel, in dem alles begann und alles endete, wurde Valyr schnell klar, dass er nicht als Spieler wiedergeboren worden war. Stattdessen war er nun ein NSC. Ein NSC des Spiels namens Greater Beyond. Zunächst verwirrt, begann Valyr sich allmählich an seine neuen Umstände zu gewöhnen und beschloss, den Weg des Schmiedens, den er in seinem vorherigen Leben gewählt hatte, weiterzuverfolgen und ihn zu nutzen, um größere Höhen zu erreichen. Dabei würde er dafür sorgen, dass sie alle für die letzte Schlacht gerüstet waren. Werden Sie Zeuge von Valyrs Reise zum Gipfel, wo er schließlich zum... Der Ur-Gottesschmied des Größeren Jenseits. ---------- Zusätzliche Kapitelziele: Erreiche die Top 100 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 1 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 80 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 2 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 50 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 3 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 100 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 1 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 80 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 2 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 50 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 3 Bonuskapitel Schenke dem Roman ein Schloss - 2 Bonuskapitel ---------- Gewöhnliche Kapitelveröffentlichungsrate: 2/Tag (ohne Bonuskapitel) Du kannst gerne dem Discord beitreten:
TrueDawn · 86.1K Views

Kämpfen, Fliehen oder Erstarren: Die Geschichte der Heilerin

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie es wäre, in einem Körper aufzuwachen, der nicht der Ihre ist? In einem viel, viel jüngeren Körper? Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich jemals darüber nachgedacht habe. Das war so, bis eines Nachts ein Patient die Notaufnahme betrat, in der ich arbeitete, und mir aus nächster Nähe in den Kopf schoss. Wenn er eine zweite Meinung wollte, brauchte er nur zu fragen. Aber das ist nicht der Punkt... Auf irgendeine Art und Weise lande ich in einem fremden Krankenhaus, wo eine Frau, die meiner Mutter verdächtig ähnlich sieht, meine Hand hält und weint. Vor lauter Freude, sie zu sehen, brauchte ich ein paar Minuten, um zu begreifen, dass ich nicht mehr der 25-jährige, erfolgreiche Arzt in einem der renommiertesten Krankenhäuser der Welt war. Nein, ich war ein 6-jähriges Mädchen, das einen Moment lang... seine Mutter wollte. Wenn die Apokalypse kommt, ist jeder auf sich allein gestellt. Ich habe drei Möglichkeiten: Kämpfe ich für das, was ich will? Werde ich wegrennen und mich verstecken, oder werde ich erstarren, wenn die Dämonen meiner Vergangenheit zurückkommen und mich heimsuchen? Du kennst mich vielleicht als die Heilerin, aber dies ist meine Geschichte, die ich erzählen muss. ------ Kampf, Flucht oder Erstarren ist der zweite Roman der Reihe Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse, in dem diesmal die Heilerin im Mittelpunkt steht: Wang Tian Mu und ihre Männer. Man muss den ersten Roman nicht gelesen haben, um diesen zu verstehen, und sie wird nicht die ganze Zeit über ein Kind bleiben. Li Dai Lu und ihre Leute werden gelegentlich auftauchen, aber dies ist ausschließlich die Geschichte von Wang Tian Mu! Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß! Andere Romane: Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse: Das dritte Mal ist ein Glücksfall (abgeschlossen) Star's Ships (Abgeschlossen) Mit Monstern tanzen (Fortlaufend) Leise wie eine Maus (laufend) Finde mich auf Discord: devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289)
Devilbesideyou666 · 15.1K Views

Vergessene Legende der blutigen Blume

"Lebe diesmal das Leben, das du willst." Eine unvergleichliche Attentäterin, Codename: Hua, hat ihre Karriere schon als Kind begonnen. Ihre Missionsbilanz war perfekt, und jeder, den sie für ihren Feind hielt, starb, ohne zu wissen warum. Als der Krieg zu Ende war, wurde sie in eine Anstalt geschickt, wo sie streng überwacht wurde. Der behandelnde Arzt gab ihr einen gewöhnlichen Wuxia-Roman zu lesen. Nachdem sie die Lektüre beendet hatte, brach eine Lawine los. Als sie aufwachte, hatte sie sich in Nan Hua verwandelt, die junge Frau einer mächtigen Militärfamilie aus dem Roman, den sie gelesen hatte. Das Mädchen war auch die Verlobte der ehemaligen Hauptfigur, die sterben würde, weil sie die Liebe der Hauptfigur behindert hatte. Wer würde es jetzt, da sie die Macht übernommen hatte, wagen, sich in ihrer Nähe so anmaßend zu verhalten? Sie würden nie erfahren, wie sie so unglücklich endeten! Aber... Hauptfigur, was treibst du dich in ihrer Nähe herum? Solltest du dich nicht auf den drohenden Krieg und die Rettung deiner weiblichen Hauptfigur konzentrieren? Warum versuchst du stattdessen mit allen Mitteln, sie zu gewinnen, ach? ... Die Geschichte spielt in einer fiktiven Welt mit einer ähnlichen Kultur wie im alten China. Tritt dem Diskurs bei, um mit dem Autor und anderen Lesern zu chatten: ... P.S.: Diese Geschichte ist auch bei Amazon veröffentlicht, wenn ihr sie dort lest, lasst bitte eine Rezension da. Dankeschön ^^ ... Sequel: Astralblume [in Arbeit] ... Andere Romane: -Blumen blühen auf dem Schlachtfeld [vollständig] - Unter dem Schleier der Nacht [vollständig] - 7 Pfad der Lilien [auf lange Pause] - 1 Jahr des Beginns [vollständig] - Villain Lady [vollständig] - Wissenschaft und Fantasie [vollständig] - 2 Jahre des Neubeginns [vollständig] - Die stille Kaiserin [in Arbeit] - Die kleine Katze des Schurken [in Arbeit] ... Folge mir auf IG: @sora100518
Sorahana · 53.1K Views

Nachdem ihr alles weggenommen wurde, kehrt sie als Gott zurück

[Süß, befriedigend und leidenschaftlich; Gruppenverwöhnung; Folter-Casanovas] Si Fuqing öffnete die Augen und musste feststellen, dass ihr Glück gestohlen worden war. Alle wollten sie aus der Unterhaltungsbranche raus haben. Nachdem sie eine zweite Chance im Leben bekommen hatte, wollte sie dieses Mal einfach nichts tun. Doch einige Leute, die nicht wussten, wo sie hingehörten, versuchten immer wieder, ihren Ruhm für sich zu beanspruchen, ohne dass sie echte Talente vorweisen konnte. Das reichte nicht aus. Sie musste etwas gegen sie unternehmen. Si Fuqing kniff sich ins Handgelenk und ergriff Maßnahmen. Danach schimpfte das Internet über sie, weil sie schamlos genug war, Yu Yao den Hof zu machen, und dass ihr Privatleben unanständig sei, aber... Eine internationale Songschreiberin: Dass ich heute hier stehen kann, verdanke ich Qingqing. Ein hochkarätiger männlicher Prominenter: Bleib weg von meiner Schwester #YuYao Ein offizieller internationaler Sportsender: Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Si Fuqing zum Gewinn der 13. persönlichen Goldmedaille. Zunächst schenkte Yu Yao Si Fuqing keine Beachtung. Aber als er später die Wahrheit erfuhr und es bereute, sogar auf die Knie gegangen zu sein, damit Si Fuqing wieder in seine Richtung schaut, konnte er nur einen Status in den sozialen Medien posten: [#SiFuqing, Hallo, neunte Tante]. An diesem Tag war das Internet wie gelähmt. In den Aufzeichnungen der Geschichte erlangte Kaiser Yin schon in jungen Jahren Ruhm. Er war perfekt, mächtig und wohlwollend. Dennoch starb er im Alter von 27 Jahren an einer Krankheit, nachdem er nur ein kurzes Leben ohne Frau und Kinder gelebt hatte. Für viele war er ein unerreichbarer Adonis. Niemand wusste, dass er, als er seine Augen wieder öffnete, in der Zukunft aufwachte, wo 1500 Jahre vergangen waren. Diesmal sah er hohe Gebäude, die er sich zuvor nur eingebildet hatte. Kurz darauf wurde die Identität von Kaiser Yin aufgedeckt. Als Si Fuqing erfuhr, dass ihr Idol zum Greifen nahe war, war sie so beeindruckt, dass sie... Si Fuqing: Ich werde hart arbeiten! Kaiser Yin: Vergelte es mir mit deinem Körper. Si Fuqing: ??? Ich versuche hier, hart zu arbeiten, aber du willst mich stattdessen? Ein Multitalent und eine wunderschöne Göttin x Ein entschlossener und edler Kaiser Von der Verhöhnung im Internet bis zur Krönung zur Nummer eins, während sie gegen ihren Adonis im Einzelkampf kämpfte.
Qing Qian · 19.2K Views

Die Braut des Werwolfkönigs

Warnung: Erwachsener Inhalt Auslöser-Warnung: Missbrauch, Trauma, Psychologisch *Es ist voll von roten Fahnen. Sagt mir nicht, ich hätte euch nicht gewarnt. Blue Learley, ein siebzehnjähriges Mädchen, lebte mit ihren Eltern und zwei Brüdern in einer Kleinstadt. Alles lief wie immer, bis zu jener schicksalhaften Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer veränderte. Demetrius Easton, der gnadenlose Werwolfkönig, hatte ein Auge auf sie geworfen und wollte sie als seine Braut. Als ihre eigenen Eltern sie an ihn verkauften, hatte sie keine Möglichkeit, ihm zu entkommen und niemanden, an den sie sich um Hilfe wenden konnte. *** "Ich möchte nicht zu lange wegbleiben. Manchmal habe ich Angst, der Vogel könnte wegfliegen." "Der Vogel hat kein Zuhause. Die Außenwelt ist für ihn gefährlich. Außerdem hat der Vogel drinnen schon seine Freiheit gefunden", sagte ich. "Der Vogel wird nicht wegfliegen." Du brauchst ihm also nicht die Flügel abzuschneiden, weil sie ihm gar nicht gewachsen sind. Das ist schon in Ordnung. Der Vogel mag den Käfig sowieso.' *** Unterstützen Sie meine anderen Werke: *Silence*- Es ist ein Krimi-Roman mit einer blühenden Romanze zwischen zwei Teenagern. Es geht um Liebe, Freundschaft und Verrat. Glauben Sie mir, die Wendungen werden Sie in Atem halten. Die Maske des Monsters, wo du die Liebe zwischen einem menschlichen Mädchen und einem furchterregend aussehenden Monster lesen kannst Das Cover ist nicht von mir. Quelle: Devianart
Proteety_Promi · 189.8K Views

Eine wilde Nacht

Lucinda Perry, ein sozialer Einsiedler und Workaholic, nimmt sich vor, an ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag so richtig die Sau rauszulassen und sich sogar einen One-Night-Stand zu gönnen, wenn sie auf der Arbeit ihre längst verdiente Beförderung erhält. Wenige Tage vor ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag wird sie nicht nur in eine höhere Position befördert, sondern auch in die Hauptverwaltung in einer anderen Stadt. Da sie ihre Geburtstagsnacht in einer neuen Stadt verbringen muss, geht sie in einen Club, wo sie einen sehr gut aussehenden Fremden, Thomas Hank, kennenlernt, der ihr anbietet, ihr One-Night-Stand zu sein, nachdem er einen Blick auf ihre "Dare-to-Do"-Liste geworfen hat, auf der auch ein One-Night-Stand stand. Thomas Hank, der in der Vergangenheit von mehreren Frauen ausgenutzt wurde, ist fest entschlossen, die Frau seiner Träume zu bekommen, die ihn um seiner selbst willen liebt und nicht wegen seines Reichtums. Als er im Club die süße und naive Lucinda Perry kennenlernt, beschließt er, ihr seine wahre Identität vorzuenthalten und herauszufinden, ob sie es wert ist, ihn zu halten. ***Auszug*** Was gibt es Unterhaltsameres als eine verrückte Nebenfigur? Begrüßen Sie Sonia und Bryan. Sonias Herz hörte für eine Sekunde auf zu schlagen, und dann schossen ihr im selben Moment verschiedene Gedanken durch den Kopf. Bryan Hank? Ihr prominenter Schwarm kniete direkt vor ihr und bat sie, seine Frau zu werden? Hatte er sie mit jemandem verwechselt? War es möglich, dass es sich um einen Sketch handelte, oder vielleicht um einen dieser Prominentenstreiche, bei denen Kameras darauf warteten, sie dabei zu erwischen, wie sie sich zum Narren machte? Oder träumte sie vielleicht? fragte sich Sonia, als sie sich umschaute, aber alles, was sie sah, waren Schaulustige. "Bitte! Werden Sie meine Frau und machen Sie mich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt", sagte er mit sehr lauter Stimme, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich zog. Ihr Redakteur, auf den sie seit über einer Stunde wartete, weil er versuchte, einen Vertrag mit einem Filmproduzenten abzuschließen, der sich für eine ihrer Geschichten interessierte, tauchte in diesem Moment auf: "Sonia, Sie kennen Bryan Hank?" fragte ihr Redakteur erstaunt, als er die Szene vor ihm sah. Es schien eine Stunde vergangen zu sein, seit Bryan auf die Knie gegangen war, aber es war nur eine Minute gewesen. Bryan wusste, dass keine Frau so verrückt wäre, einen solch verrückten Vorschlag anzunehmen, und selbst wenn, wäre es ein Leichtes, sie zu bezahlen und die ganze Sache abzublasen, denn alles, was er wollte, war der Skandal, der daraus entstehen konnte. Die Schlagzeilen würden entweder von seinem abgelehnten Heiratsantrag oder von seiner angeblichen Verlobung handeln, was ausreichen würde, um Sophia vom Haken zu lassen. "Ja!" sagte Sonia, während sie aufgeregt mit dem Kopf wippte und ihm den Finger reichte, damit er ihr den Ring anstecken konnte. "Ja?" fragte Bryan verwirrt, als er ihre Antwort hörte. "Ja! Ich werde deine Frau sein und dich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt machen!" sagte Sonia kichernd und wackelte mit ihren Fingern, bis Bryan den Ring auf ihren Finger schob. Überraschenderweise hatte der Ring genau ihre Größe, und er saß an ihrem Finger, als wäre er nur für sie gemacht worden. Um sie herum ertönte Applaus, als Sonia mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht aufstand und Bryan umarmte, bevor sie ihn direkt auf die Lippen küsste. Bryan war von ihrer Dreistigkeit etwas überrascht, erholte sich aber schnell wieder, denn dies war sein Spiel, und er musste mitspielen. Schließlich war er derjenige, der sie zuerst angesprochen hatte. Als sie also versuchte, den Kuss zu unterbrechen, hielt er ihr Kinn und knabberte langsam an ihrer Unterlippe, bevor er ihre Lippen mit seiner Zunge teilte und neckisch daran saugte, was Sonia ein Stöhnen entlockte. Sonia fühlte sich schwindelig. Das war zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Es musste einfach ein Traum sein. Wie sonst sollte sie sich erklären, dass sie in einem Moment in der Lobby eines Hotels saß und auf ihren Redakteur wartete, und im nächsten Moment mit ihrem prominenten Schwarm verlobt war und ihn hier auf offener Straße küsste? (PS: Das Foto stammt von mir, das Bild von @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 126.7K Views

The Queen Morgana's Daily Life

May God bless the persons who read this novel. I don't know who you are, but I wish you all the best in your life and all the luck in the world. Wishing you a happy new year. This story is a tale of a Goddess and a mix of low sci-fi and low fantasy. First Arc: This story would focus on the main character Morgana's first week with daily fun schedule from nine to five. During the first week from December 25th to December 31st, Morgana would strengthen empire's military power and host Red Wine Brew Contest, Music Contest, Dance Contest, and Thriller Storytelling Contest. Second Arc: This would focus on the main character Morgana's second week. During the second week from January 1st to January 7th, Morgana would host Talent Show Contest, Costume Dressing Design Contest, Unicorn Riding Contest, Car Racing Contest, Statue Carving Contest and Romance Storytelling Contest. Third Arc: This would focus on the main character Morgana's third week. During the third week from January 8th to January 16th, Morgana would host Piano Performance Contest, Poetry Writing Contest, Painting Contest, Shooting Contest, Taming Contest and Fantasy Storytelling Contest. Book Status 56 chapters 1.0 is completed 56 chapters 2.0 is ongoing 56 chapters 3.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 4.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 5.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 6.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 7.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 8.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 9.0 is coming soon 56 chapters 10.0 is coming soon Author's Status Depression How to contact me Allpoetry: Discord: Email: Facebook: X:
Amoureax_Amant · 1.9K Views

On the brink of death:A werewolf and human love story

Clara Wilson the heiress to Diamond Group got engaged to the love of her life Isaac Hartford the heir to Starlight Group, due to an unforeseen betrayal, Clara Wilson on the brink of death on the night of full moon, Alpha and his pack hunting for prey, rescues Clara and turned her to a werewolf through an Alpha's bite. will she survive from the Alpha's bite? Excerpts: The ambient sound of waves gently lapping against the hull, coupled with the distant hum of the ship's engines, only amplifies her thoughts. She forces a smile, raising her glass in a toast, masking her emotions with practiced ease. The couple clinks their glasses with hers, their happiness an unspoken contrast to the quiet yearning in her heart. "I'll go inside the suite and rest now you guys enjoy." She said making her way to the suite. "Babe I need to get something inside the suite." Isaac said. "Alright don't keep me here waiting, I can't do without seeing you for a second." "Really that's my girl." He said, kisses her forehead and left. Isaac didn't go to their suite but he went to Jacqueline's suite he pushed opened the door. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "Why didn't you knock on the door before coming in what if I'm undressing." "Sighed softly it's not like this is the first time I'm seeing you undressed should I get rid of your night gown." He said kissing her collar bone. She didn't reject his offer, wrapped her arms around his neck he kissed her thin lips vigorously. Few minutes passed Isaac had not returned yet, she decided to go and check on him, she checked their suite he was not there, she headed to Jacqueline's suite to ask her If she had seen Isaac. She opened the door to Jacqueline's suite and then, her eyes flickered tears rapidly streamed down her face a pang of shame stabbed at her watching her best friend and the love of her life together on bed exchanging intimacies. "! How could you do this to me? What are you two doing together on bed?" Both of them stared at her without any sigh of remorsefulness. "It's just like what you're seeing right now" She moved closer to the bed drags the sheet off Jacqueline exposing her nakedness grabbed her brown hair hitting her head against the cluttered table beside the bed. Jacqueline stretches her hand reaching for the wine she held it and hits Clara's head with the wine bottle, the glass shattered against Clara's head. The sharp crack echoed in the tense silence and crimson blood began to seep, dripping onto the plush carpet and pooling under the shards of broken glass, Clara fainted. The room descended into chaos, the once romantic moments now marred by betrayal and violence. "Oh my goodness what have you done Jacqueline." "Is she dead?" She asked curiously in fear. "What are we going to do now?" "I don't think she is dead yet she fainted probably." He said.  "I know what to do." He carried her heading to the edge of the ship Jacqueline followed him , Isaac pulled off his shirt soaked with blood used it to clean the blood stain on his hand and neck. He folded the shirt and throws it into the sea. Jacqueline standing at the edge of the ship bitting her fingers  panicked about the situation. "Please don't kill me, help me I promise not to cause any trouble for both of you, I will forgive and pretend nothing happened here." Clara muttered in pain. "So you're finally awake"
Hira_pen1 · 662 Views

Chasing And Claiming My Rejected Omega Mate:Alpha’s Severe Regret [BL]

Born an omega in a time where omegas are rare and unwanted, Rory lived a life whereby he was always a second option in every situation. Omegas couldn’t birth pups, so no one wanted to be mated to them, except to fuck them and move on. He thought he was lucky to be betrothed to an alpha who loved him, but after a shocking betrayal, his heart turned to stone. Fleeing for his life led him into the clutches of Jason, a dangerous, ruthless wolf. He loses his virginity to him and the morning after, he realized that this soulless Alpha is his fated mate. But, once again, Rory is reminded of his curse of always being a second option when he got rejected. As if that wasn’t enough, he soon realized his life is in immense danger. Rory then decides to run away and start afresh in a different country. One thing Rory didn’t expect to happen, was for him to end up pregnant weeks after fleeing! ~~~ Years later, Rory now has an adorable son. He wasn’t the timid omega he once was, because he had managed to rise to the very top. Along the line, he managed to open his heart up to Kenny, a cute Alpha who loved and cherished him wholeheartedly, leading him to live a contented life. But when he collides with Jason this time, he wants nothing to do with the alpha who rejected him in the past. Jason, an Alpha of Alphas, felt his wolf wilt away the day he rejected his omega mate. He tried making things right, but the pretty omega who smelled of wildflowers and vanilla had completely disappeared from the face of earth. Now that he had encountered Rory again, he wasn’t ready to receive ‘no’ for an answer, and he was ready to do whatever it takes to get the omega’s forgiveness. However, Kenny wasn’t ready to let go of Rory either! A fight for the omega’s heart, who’s gonna emerge the victor? And what if they decide to share instead? | - | e x c e r p t | -| “Arch for me, pup.” The dark alpha husked and more color rushed into Rory’s face as the order settled in his stomach. For the first time in his life, Rory was completely nude in front of a man. He had assumed losing his virginity was gonna be brisk, and that it was gonna happen in the dark. He never counted on it going down this way, with an alpha whose dark eyes made his weak kneed and tongue tied, whose voice made his insides clench up, and whose touch made slick gush out of him like he was a faulty faucet. He pressed his flushed face into the sandalwood smelling sheets, limbs trembling as he arched his back even more, till his ass was very high and his chest pressed into the bed as well. “There you go, that’s a good boy.” The Alpha growled out, hands reaching out to knead his hips, and when he delivered a spank on Rory’s ass, a stuttered whimper spilled past the pretty omega’s mouth, muffled in the sheets. Moments later, fingers were digging into the omega’s hair, jerking his head up just as another spank got delivered on his second cheek, and this time, there was nothing to muffle the high pitched sound and it filled the air in a melodic tune. “Don’t muffle those sweet sounds, gorgeous. I want to hear every sound you make, I need to hear you as you fall apart from pleasure in my bed tonight, and that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.” * Cover isn’t mine. If owner requests, I’d take it down.
Bree_Airee · 669.8K Views

The Server's Chronicle: A Fantasy Of Faith

Senior Server Felix stood at the front of the church, his voice steady and solemn as he greeted the congregation. “Our help is in the name of the Lord,” he intoned. “Who made Heaven and Earth,” the people responded in unison, their voices matching his reverent tone. “Today, we initiate new members into this divine and holy Order,” Felix continued. “Today, we welcome new brethren into the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” At the back of the church, Louis sat on one of the few single chairs, his posture slightly slouched as his focus remained on a sheet of music in his hands. The title read, "Brightest and Best – Key of A-flat." 'Why didn’t Gramps give me an F or G? A-flat is so difficult, and I only have three days to finish it,' he grumbled silently, his brow furrowing in frustration. But he dared not voice his complaints. He could already imagine his grandfather assigning him even more difficult pieces—F-sharps and endless A-flats—as punishment. From the front of the church, a serene voice called out, “Harry! Step forward!” Louis glanced up, momentarily pulled from his inner musings. His eyes landed on a girl stepping forward from the pews. She had black hair neatly styled in a bun and striking green eyes that seemed to shine with warmth and composure. Dressed in a modest brown dress and black sandals, with a rosary resting gracefully around her neck, she exuded a calm, dignified presence. Her tanned skin and graceful demeanor only added to the aura of reverence surrounding her, befitting an Altar server. 'Sigh,' Louis thought as he brushed a hand through his white hair, his blue eyes softening with a mix of admiration and envy. 'I wonder what it’s like to be an Altar server. They all seem so pure and divine… and powerful.' Just as he returned his attention to his music, a calm, gentlemanly voice spoke beside him. “You could also be an Altar server, if you’re interested.” “Huh?” Louis blurted out, snapping his head to the side. But no one was there. “What in the name of Jesus is going on here?” he muttered, glancing nervously around. “At least you know my name,” the voice replied again, seemingly amused. “What?” Louis whispered, his heart beginning to race. "I'm certain you will be a good server," the voice said, calm yet enigmatic. Louis narrowed his eyes, still searching for its source. "Who are you?" "I have many personalities. I have many names," the voice replied with an air of mystery. "It’s your choice which one you accept." "You’re not making any sense," Louis muttered, growing more unsettled. "Blessed are those who have not seen but believed…" Before Louis could respond, his vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to melt away. He jolted awake, gasping for air. His hands clutched the crumpled sheet of music, its corners bent from his restless grip. His head teetered precariously over the edge of his bed, a faint ache in his neck reminding him of the awkward position he’d been in. "Holy Mother of Jesus!" he exclaimed as he lost his balance, tumbling off the bed in a heap of blankets and scattered papers.
JuniKelv_ · 2K Views

Secret Wealthy Marriage

He is the genuine diamond bachelor of G City, ranking first in terms of net worth, Everyone knows that he had a deep and unforgettable love, But no one knows that, five years ago, he had a nominal marriage; She is the super nurse of G City People Hospital, with neither wealth nor high education, Everyone knows that she is divorced and has a child in tow, But no one knows that her ex-husband, the father of her child, is the man at the very top of the pyramid. Scene One: On the day she was diagnosed to be pregnant, her husband registered on the marriage certificate came back. The next day, at the breakfast table, an A4 sheet of paper appeared very abruptly by his right hand. "This is a divorce agreement, please sign it." She said, her internal organs trembling. "...Is there someone else?" He put down his chopsticks, looked at her, and asked calmly, his eyebrows almost imperceptibly twitching. He came back because there was something he wanted to talk to her, but now it seemed unnecessary. "...Yes." Having a child should count as having someone else, because from now on, she would love her child. When they got married back then, he had said that if she had a lover, she could ask him for a divorce. "Alright, I understand." He nodded, picked up the agreement on the table, and left. "..." Scene Two: "What's your name?" "Axel Hawkins." "Your last name is Hawkins?" The mother's name is Carolline Ruiz, his ex-wife, and the father's column is left blank, isn't it? "Yes, my dad's name is Bryan Hawkins, he's a Sky Walker." "..." At five in the afternoon, Carolline Ruiz picked up her son from school and saw him standing next to her son; she instinctively turned around and ran. Bryan Hawkins left Axel Hawkins in the Guard Room, warned him not to run around, and then chased after her with his long legs. "Carolline Ruiz, stop." "..." Almost instinctively, she really stopped. He slowly walked over and stood in front of her, a tall and imposing figure blocking all the setting sun. Carolline Ruiz couldn't help but look up, the afterglow of the setting sun illuminating his face, she couldn't see his features clearly at all. "What are you running for? If you dare to secretly love for eight years, do you dare to openly love for a lifetime?" "..."
Plaid Bug · 314.6K Views

My CEO Boss Is A Masked Internet Sensation

There were three rules to working for CEO Karsten Chevalier. First, bring his coffee brimming hot and black like a starless night. Second, park your attitude outside his office door—his broody demeanour has the room covered. Third, never say ‘No’ to whatever he demands. Not even when he asks you to become his fake girlfriend? (Synopsis) Arata's fiance dumped her through a text on the day of their engagement party. The reason? She is too curvy for his taste! He only entertained her because of her prestigious family name. "Do you think men want a fatso like you? You're nothing without your family's name!" A heartbroken Arata sets out on a journey to discover herself without revealing she is the daughter of a billionaire. She moves to another city, away from her beloved family. ‘How dare he insult me? I love my curves and I will show him.’ Arata is not a damsel; her parents have raised her strong, and now it is time to become independent. Her heart is ablaze with newfound goals. One: to see how people will treat her if she acts like an ordinary girl and hides her identity. Two: to bag a bigger fish than her stinking—joke of an ex-fiancé. She will prove that a man will genuinely love her irrespective of her curves and surname! Arata's new life begins as the secretary of Karsten Chevalier, the CEO of a multinational clothing brand who is renowned for his dashing personality and enigmatic persona. Not much is publicly known about this man. Doused in mystery, the man has his own goals and hidden agenda which will topple Arata's world. Unfortunately, Karsten's handsome face becomes a punching bag in Arata's mind because of his ruthlessly demanding personality and ego larger than Mount Everest. Arata eases her frustrations by going to meet Twisted Rider, the currently popular yet mysterious, masked internet sensation. Both tangle under the sheets and he becomes her safe space as she complains and opens up about her boss. "Will you act as my girlfriend?” Karsten's proposal to become a fake girlfriend for his family events surprised Arata! How will Arata juggle the piling demands of her boss, her own heartbreak and the seduction traps of the masked man she loves to watch in her spare time? Will sparks fly between Arata and her colder-than-Arctic ice boss? Or, will she continue to complain to the masked man that her boss probably has a small PP? This is my entry for WSA 2025, please support it with your power stones. The book is a sequel to my previous novel “The CEO of My Dreams Returned To Me.” But it can read as standalone. A special thanks to Author Hansora for the overwhelming support and encouraging me to publish this book and helping me with the book cover. Want to chat or have any questions regarding the book? Find me on Instagram, Facebook and Discord with the same name.
Sunny_Shumail · 1.1K Views

Not A Cinderella Tale

"Aaa!" Cassandra was shocked and screamed as she woke beside a strange man. To make matters worse, the man was shirtless, and she was only wearing underwear. 'What's going on, why is he sleeping with me?' "Morning, sweetheart!" The man beside Cassandra greeted her. Cassandra gasped, shook her head, and pushed the man to the ground. "Hey, what are you doing in my bed? Are you trying to harass me? Get out of here!" Cassandra pointed her index finger at the door. 'I married him? Who is that man? How can I be married to him?' Cassandra thought to herself as she lifted the blanket slowly and saw a red stain on the sheet. "How can we get married? I don't know you at all, and this seems to be our first meeting," asked Cassandra, who still couldn't hide her surprise. Charles looked deeply into Cassandra's green eyes. "Have you forgotten what happened last night? You even went so far as to ask me not to leave." ….……….. Cassandra immediately ran into the house, not caring that she now came with Charles. She also continued to shout Vivian's name because she was worried that something had happened to her half-sister. Cassandra's father slaps her immediately. "Dad, why did you slap me? What did I do?" asked Cassandra while holding her cheeks, which were now burning. Geoffry, Cassandra's father, only glanced sarcastically at his biological daughter. "You still ask what you did? Did I raise and finance you to be a slut?" --------- Cassandra Miller never knew she was being set up by her half-sister Vivian Hartley at a nightclub. Vivian mixed stimulants in Cassandra's drink to get her drunk and ended up in bed with a random guy. Vivian's trap worked, and Cassandra married a stranger in Las Vegas the day they met. This makes her father furious and kicks Cassandra out of the house. But what happens is that Charles Parker, the man who married Cassandra in Las Vegas, takes her to live with him. In exchange, Cassandra had to leave their marriage for two years. Will Cassandra be able to live a two-year life as Mrs Parker and resolve the misunderstandings with her father and Cassandra's fiancé at the time? Is there a conspiracy behind all this? Or is there more to their marriage?
Mia_van_Halen · 260 Views

The wealthy daughter breaks through the situation with wisdom

Standing in the Aristocratic Circle New to the Aristocratic Circle and Subjected to Bullying After crossing over, Dai Shi Ya found herself in a hostile aristocratic family. The housekeeper, Liu, treated her poorly, arranging for her to stay in the servants' quarters and providing her with servant uniforms as "daily clothes." The other servants also held prejudices against her due to her status, making life difficult for her at every turn. Faced with these difficulties, Dai Shi Ya did not choose to confront immediately but decided to take the initiative to try to integrate into the family. She began to help in the kitchen, learning various domestic skills. Although her efforts did not immediately win the recognition of everyone, she gradually won the respect of some of the servants. Shining at the Family Dinner In order to establish herself in the family, Dai Shi Ya decided to take advantage of the family dinner. She meticulously prepared for various aspects of the dinner, including venue layout and menu design. At the dinner, she encountered multiple difficulties from her cousin Dai Yue. Dai Yue first tried to prevent her from attending the dinner by soiling her dress, and then attempted to embarrass her by making her perform piano in front of everyone. However, Dai Shi Ya used her intelligence and skills to defuse the crisis and showcased her embroidery talent and "mind-reading" skills at the dinner, winning everyone's admiration and changing the attitudes of the family elders towards her. Resolving Crises and Consolidating Her Position At the birthday party of the Dai family patriarch, Dai Shi Ya once again became the focus of attention. She not only put in a lot of effort in the preparation process but also skillfully handled various unexpected situations at the party. She exposed Dai Yue's malicious acts of spreading rumors behind the scenes, causing Dai Yue to be embarrassed in front of everyone, while also gaining the recognition and support of the family elders, further consolidating her position in the Dai family. Handling Family Affairs Dai Shi Ya gained the trust of the Dai family patriarch and was asked to handle some family affairs. She took over a land project that had been abandoned for many years and, through her own efforts, resolved a series of issues in the land development process, including the breakage of the capital chain and the resettlement of residents. In the process of handling the land project, she also discovered some clues about the late wife of the Dai family patriarch, which brought her closer to the patriarch and also aroused Dai Yue's jealousy and resentment. Business Competition and the Test of Friendship Business Conspiracy and Counterattack Dai Shi Ya's rise within the family aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some people, making her a target of business competition. The collateral branch of the Dai family, including Dai Qiang, spread rumors behind the scenes, trying to tarnish her reputation and undermine her position in the family. Dai Shi Ya was not knocked down by these rumors. She exposed the conspiracy of Dai Qiang and others through her intelligence and investigative skills, and successfully counterattacked them at the family meeting, maintaining her reputation and position. Friendship Crisis and Resolution Dai Shi Ya's good friend Wei Qing was implicated in her business competition. Wei Qing was threatened by Zhao Lei, forced to distance himself from Dai Shi Ya, and betrayed her in some business affairs. Dai Shi Ya did not give up on Wei Qing. She investigated the truth through her own efforts, exposed Zhao Lei's malicious acts, successfully resolved the friendship crisis with Wei Qing, and also freed Wei Qing from Zhao Lei's threat.
DaoistHTXTfk · 22.9K Views

Legacy of the Greats

[A COLLABORATED PLOT] Raya traces her first few steps in life, in a new body.. Strolling around an unfamiliar forest, feeling like a snail that entered an empty shell. She continues her travels with a new found purpose, to bring together all kinds of beings that are prophesized to be the solution to the end of Galaxia, a place of all dimensions and planets alike. Ordered to assist due to restricted movement of the Bound beings and incapability to enter dimensions and planets. Raya, is chosen to become a messenger, a shifter, a being created to drift into dimensions and planets without any restrictions. Raya reluctantly accepts realizing the danger her newly born child and mourning family would be in if the up coming ominous danger was to continue and succeed. Raya, renamed as Reida, a determined and protective mother will now rediscover hidden facts about the world outside of Earth, and have to learn a new way of living as an extraordinary being. Finding herself entangled in conflicts not of her own, now requiring her to figure out a way to convince a group of extremely powerful beings to work together despite their differences and hatred towards each others kind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {WHAT'S A COLLABORATIVE PLOT?} Well first, it doesn't mean that multiple people works to write this story, no, not at all. I am a one (wo)man team, it simply means I have collaborated multiple book plots into one big story. In more detail, I have combined all my unfinished books into one in order to compromise and finish them all together, with less chances of burn out since I only need to work on one book now. {MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE BOOK} Completely Fantastical, contains slow burn romance sub plot. Has multiple variations of love story stereotypes. Namely, Love triangles, Enemies to lovers, friends to lovers you name it! It also involves a form of Mystery/Thriller and a fair share of Action too as a main plot. This story explores the perspective/ POV(point of view) of the sub-protagonists, as I call them. {WHAT ARE SUB PROTAGONIST?} It sounds awfully like a side character, just an important one. But not exactly, I call them sub protagonists as the story also revolves around their lives. As I said this is a Collaborative plot, so the main characters from my previous books are also included. Though the main character here is Raya/Reida and her journey, there will also be instances where the spot light will be given to the previous main characters and have you explore their journey. So this book will be a roller coaster! You'll be experiencing, reading through the journey of various characters. Each facing different obstacles, Reida here is a Main character as she is the core, she finds herself involved in their journey as she is ordered to bring them together. Often finding herself entangled in their own conflicts, so this will be one heck of a journey. READ AND JOIN THIS ROLLERCOASTER WITH ME!
Cha_Hayven2 · 1K Views

When darkness falls in love

Excerpt* As Cian removed his jacket, revealing a serpent-like tattoo on his chest, a chill ran down her spine. “Who sent you?” she asked, her voice quivering as she clutched the sheets tightly around her. Cian smirked, “Which insignificant creature would dare to command me?” Confused, she glanced at the doors, praying for someone to walk in and save her from this dangerous stranger. “Then why are you here?” she managed to ask, her heart pounding in her chest. Cian casually tossed his jacket onto the nearest chair, revealing his muscular chest and the glowing, serpent-like tattoo that coiled around it. “For you, sweetheart,” he replied, his voice deep and seductive. She stared into his piercing, emerald-green eyes, awed by their luminescence. They seemed to pierce right through her, illuminating her heart and igniting a fire within her that she couldn’t quite extinguish. As Cian moved closer, he bent down to look her directly in the eyes, his gaze penetrating. “Marry me,” he whispered, his voice low and dangerous. She recoiled in horror, pushing his hand away as she tried to back away from him. “Pardon me, my Lord, but I must refuse your offer,” she said, her voice shaking with fear. Cian let out a low, sinister laugh as he pulled off his shirt, revealing the full extent of the tattoo that seemed to writhe and twist on his skin. He crawled onto the bed, pinning her down as he loomed over her. She struggled against him, trying to break free from his grip, but he was too strong. He leaned in close, his breath hot against her skin as he whispered, “Sweetheart, what is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine.” “She froze, her heart racing as she realized the danger she was in and how ridiculously aroused she was getting. Cian, with his piercing gaze and devilish grin, knew exactly what he was doing.
Love_chi_24 · 11.5K Views

Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent [English]-吞噬星空2起源大陆•Tunshi Xingkong

Buy me a Coffee ☕ ______ Luo Feng, accompanied by Boundary Beast Morosa, traversed reincarnation and arrived at the Origin Continent… The Continent of Origin is the origin of the three-thousand-dimensional Universe Oceans. Each Ocean has an Original Universe and a Reincarnation Channel, and the three-thousand-dimensional Ocean is also the foundation of the prosperity of the Origin Continent. The sky of the Continent of Origin is vast and deep, with 'stars' shining brightly. These 'stars' are actually the Miniature Universes of its residents, with the most terrifying stars being the Miniature Universes of the God Kings. The Law of Chaos can be clearly sensed, unlike in the Original Universe. Beings born on the Continent of Origin can usually become True Gods. There are also strange beasts that the God Kings allow to occupy most of the territory of the continent. Cultivators from all races kill these beasts and collect their body materials as resources for cultivation. While the beasts can become incredibly powerful due to their bloodline, they are less intelligent than the cultivators. Beasts who reach the God King level are generally kept in captivity by the other God Kings. Those born on the Continent of Origin has various special bloodlines in their blood, allowing them to follow the Bloodline Cultivation Method to reach the Primal Chaos Sovereign level. Author: I Eat Tomatoes Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi 我吃西红柿 Disclaimer: This is not my original work. I translate official Chinese novel into English and I do not take any credit for it. All credit goes to this novel's official author “I Eat Tomato.” If you are the official publisher of this novel and you want to remove it then I will remove it immediately. Please support the author at: Have a nice day.
Shadow_Knight_AK · 431K Views

Hundertfaches Einkommensmultiplikator-System

Jack Alfonso, das siebte Kind der jüngsten Generation der Familie Alfonso aus Crystal City, hat zu Hause eine Menge Ärger. Seine Mutter stirbt, als er noch fünfzehn Jahre alt war. Dann wird es noch schlimmer, denn er wird von seinen älteren Halbgeschwistern schikaniert. Schließlich beschließt er, dass die Familie Alfonso ihm in diesem Leben nicht mehr helfen kann und er sich selbst einen Weg suchen muss. Er beschließt, das wenige Geld, das er seit seinem dreizehnten Lebensjahr bis zu seinem neunzehnten Lebensjahr gespart hat, zu verwenden. Er verlässt die Stadt Crystal, die ganz unter dem Einfluss der Familie Alfonso stand, und geht in eine rückständige Stadt, die Stadt Inchoate, wo er ein kleines Geschäft eröffnet. Wer hätte gedacht, dass er, als er sein erstes Einkommen erhält, eine Aufforderung erhält, die ihn erschreckt. [Ding! Glückwunsch zur Aktivierung des Hundertfachen Einkommensmultiplikators.] [Ding! Sie haben dreihundert Dollar verdient. Multiplikator angewandt. Sie haben dreißigtausend Dollar erhalten.] [Ding! Erstes Einkommen. Als Belohnung erhalten Sie eine Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Erstes Einkommen: Als Belohnung erhalten Sie einen maßgefertigten Bugatti Veyron.] [Ding! Das System kann Ihnen helfen. Sie werden mit professionellen Fahrkünsten belohnt. Sie müssen jedoch eine Aufgabe erfüllen, die Ihnen innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeitspanne gestellt wird. Wenn du die Aufgabe nicht erfüllst, verlierst du nicht nur die Fähigkeit, sondern wirst auch vom System bestraft]. [Als Belohnung erhältst du einen Eurocopter EC135.] [Erstes Monatseinkommen, belohnt mit dem Glaze Hotel.] .... Damit änderte sich sein Leben sofort zum Besseren. Er wusste nicht, wie es weitergehen würde, aber er hatte einen neuen Traum. Er wollte reicher werden als die Familie Alfonso. Auf diese Weise würden sie wenigstens bereuen, dass sie sich nicht um ihn gekümmert hatten. Aber das wäre noch nicht alles, er würde dafür sorgen müssen, dass die Familie untergeht. Der Grund dafür war ziemlich einfach: Er hatte den Grund für den Tod seiner Mutter herausgefunden! ..... Hallo Leute. Diese Geschichte hat hauptsächlich mit Romantik zu tun und man kann sagen, dass es einige fiktive Teile gibt. Aber ich hoffe, dass euch die Geschichte gefällt. Leute, für jeweils 100 Kraftsteine gibt es ein zusätzliches Kapitel. 200PS= 1 Extra-Kapitel 100GT= 2 Extra-Kapitel und so weiter. Die Bonuskapitel werden zu Beginn eines jeden Monats veröffentlicht. Also bitte, wenn ihr mehr Kapitel wollt, dann steckt diese Powersteine und goldenen Tickets ein, den Rest überlasst mir.... .... Ihr könnt mir eure Meinung sagen; Sie können meine anderen Romane unterstützen, ein Fantasy-Genre, 'Der goldene Stern', 'Das Seelensystem in der Apokalypse', 'Das Bodyguard-System', 'Zwillinge mit System: Beende die Mission'
Alan_Wafula · 84.5K Views

Ascension of the Goddess of Decay

Hello, everyone. If you're reading this, you may have read my other stories. I'm starting this one as a bit of a "getting back into it" story. (The synopsis will be further down) Both stories I've written will continue in the near future. (I have to re-read them because I've experienced a massive bout of memory loss.) Apologies for those of you waiting, but I had unavoidable circumstances that impeded my writing experiences. The cover isn't mine but it's been lightly photoshopped. If you want it taken down, tell me. (Signed by Author on April 25th, 2023) Anyways, time for the synopsis: Lia was a simple girl in her previous life. Well not really, considering she was the hit woman for the largest mafia organization that operated within the United States. Over the years, her exceedingly high kill count, and overall success rate was something to be afraid of. Her personality was something akin to pure confidence, bordering on arrogance. She dealt with people the same way she did her enemies. By ruining their lives in the most horrific ways. IE: Setting them up for FBI investigations, having their houses repossessed by the government, or even having them framed for a serious crime. Lia was someone that no one wanted to ever cross. If you did cross her, you might as well have signed your own death certificate! That was until she was smacked in the head by a falling piano. While following through on a hit, no less! I mean, come on! A piano?! that's unfathomably crazy. Well, despite getting hit by a literal piano, she still managed to finish the job. But the very next day, she choked on a sandwich and nearly died! Her luck seemed to have literally bottomed out. This "streak of bad luck" had continued in her life for years! Literal years! She had come so close to dying so many times that she was genuinely confused as to how this could happen to someone! From falling down a flight of stairs to nearly breaking her neck during a cartwheel (despite having so much experience that she could do them with her eyes closed.) Lia had experienced so many near-death experiences that she had become entirely immune to the weird circumstances happening around her. Eventually, the bad luck did catch her. She was minding her own business, walking through the streets of Seattle when a coin rolled across the ground and tripped someone else, who dropped an umbrella, which she tripped over. Her fall had her land directly into the flow of moving traffic. She was then hit by a small square-body pickup truck. It had a small sticker of a smug smiling face attached to its front bumper. Lia had died because of what was essentially a coin. A coin had actually managed to kill a human being. Not just any human, but one of the most feared people within the US. Warnings for all readers: -This novel will (at some point) contain lesbian sex scenes. -System tag doesn't mean in the most literal way. (you'll find out more if you read it.) -This may become a Yuri harem novel (haven't decided.) -Will contain very strong LGBTQ+ themes
Rhasha_Trulin · 180.6K Views

A tale from Tokyo to Kyoto <<1>>

Die Geschichte folgt Akiro, einem 16-jährigen Jungen aus einem abgeschiedenen Dorf, das von Legenden und Relikten eines alten Krieges geprägt ist. Das Dorf verehrt die mystische Gottheit Tokyo, obwohl viele jüngere Bewohner diese nur als Mythos ansehen. Akiro ist von einer tiefen Verbindung zur Natur geprägt und lebt nach strengen Prinzipien von Harmonie und Respekt gegenüber allem Leben. Eines Tages besucht er den alten Tempel Tokyos, wo er seltsame Visionen hat. Ein Gespräch mit dem Geschichtenerzähler Argon über die Helden vergangener Tage enthüllt, dass Opfer und alte Rituale eine zentrale Rolle in der Vergangenheit spielten. Akiro beginnt, diese Mysterien zu hinterfragen, während er gleichzeitig Hiori Sora begegnet, einem geheimnisvollen Fremden, der scheinbar eine Verbindung zu den Legenden des Dorfes hat. Während Akiro mehr über die alten Geschichten und seine eigene Rolle erfährt, zeigt sich, dass er eine tiefere Verbindung zur Vergangenheit hat. Durch Visionen und Begegnungen mit der Gottheit Tokyo wird er mit dem Schicksal der früheren Helden konfrontiert. Das Schicksal von Akiro scheint eng mit dem Kampf gegen eine uralte Dunkelheit verbunden zu sein, die das Dorf bedroht. Die Geschichte verbindet Elemente von Mythologie, persönlichem Wachstum und der Suche nach der eigenen Identität. Sie spielt in einer Welt, die reich an spirituellen und kulturellen Symbolen ist, und untersucht, wie alte Legenden das Leben der Menschen prägen können.
Kyototsukishiro · 558 Views
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