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Surah Amana Rasul

Demon Hunter: The Sand in the War Cogs

"And in the final days, filled with hatred and destruction, God shall gift the cities of Men with a Gun that shall signal final victory in the War between Man and Demon. He shall be named Rasul, the Messenger of light and Hunter of all evildoers and smite all evil. His birth shall be marked by the falling of the stars, giving way to the Sun that is soon to rise." So says the Book of the Moon, the holy book of the Shamic Temples in the Shamza Khalifate, last bastion guarding the walls of Man in the West against the Demon threat at their doors. In the year 2035, the products of the arms race between the two warring species threaten to obliterate the last kingdom standing in the way of Demonkind. Desperately clinging to the hopes of salvation, the Shamzese and the Protected Nations look toward the prophesied child to turn this deadly stalemate and bring an end to the war with victory for Mankind. One cold night in the month of Tammuz, a child was born in the slums of Dubhe amid a meteor shower. Adopted by the High Priest of the Temple, he has been taught the ways of Demon Hunters and the princely Art of War. 17 years later, a battle sparks at the border of the Khalifate, ending the tenuous peace between the two Races. But how will Jamil al-Rasul bring forth the end of the war? What does it mean to bring victory? Join our young Hunter on his adventure as he searches for answers, and leads the way towards The Age of the Sun!
brotherbear · 6.1K Views

Aranya and her beloved

What will they do to protect her this time??? “How could they do this to me!!!” she yelled. “I don’t want to be here!!! I want them I want them back” her body started shaking her face was smeared in tears she threw all the furniture and objects she could manage to move in her current weakened state. the door of the huge room she was in opened. She didn’t care to turn and look at the person she kept on breaking things and yelling. “Stop! you are hurting yourself. I know you are hurt and in so much pain, but I can’t allow you to exhaust yourself” he said walking close to her. She turned and looked at the man, but her vision was blurry thanks to the unshed tears. “ Who in the world said I need your permission…… I will kill them, I will make them all wish for their death, I will kill them all, they will regret every pain they inflicted on my parents I will make them pay!!!!!!!!!!!!” She yelled “but I can’t bring them back, Can I?” She added in a broken voice. Her body was shaking even more. She just stood there curling her hand into a fist her knuckles turned white. He couldn’t stay standing seeing her breaking in front of him. He walked closer to her. He hugged her tightly but was careful not to hurt her. She was trembling in his arms and he started creasing her hair gently “Ara, stop exhausting yourself you haven’t recovered yet.” He said softly he continued “I know you are in pain darling, but we are here for you. Ask me anything that can make you feel better. I will be sure to give you. We will help you to take revenge, but on one condition” He felt that she was less tense now and she didn’t resist his hug anymore she kept on crying. “ what is the condition ….. I.. I will do anything” she sobbed. What she said broke his heart she is still the same the girl who would die to protect it brought painful memory Meet the reborned Aranya Amanai that is pampered and loved by her rich parents. Her father Dr. Lan Amanai is the CEO of one of the largest and powerful companies Amanai international's, but his wife Carla Amanai is the one who does the real deal as her husband loves to spend his time in the operating room of their main hospital. Her parents are actually mellenas old and they are former king and queen of another realm of supernaturals. They have been given a daughter and son by God. She and her brother are mated to other siblings who are prince and princess of their friend 's empire. But now it's not the same because Aranya doesn't know about all this. What will happen once she remembers? I promise that you will love the characters dear readers this is my first ever work and the story is worth sharing. In this book you will see family love, romance and pure friendship when it comes to the main characters and they will face challenges after some chapters. There is some comedy added like a spice, like bantering between families, which I hope you will enjoy. Give me feedback. I will try posting daily until my school break ends and every week once I go back to school I am a boarding school student, but I will try my best to post at least 2 chapters a week. I hope you will enjoy reading!! >^_^ The cover is not mine this Is till I finish creating one that will satisfy me and I would love to here from you don’t be shy contact me at discord ; Mystic grey huntress #3258
Mysticgrayhuntress · 7.2K Views

sejarah nabi Muhammad Saw

Maulid Nabi sendiri adalah peringatan hari lahir Nabi Muhammad SAW, yang jatuh pada tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal (kalender Islam). Sebagai umat Islam, tentu saja kita semua wajib mengetahui tentang sejarah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Termasuk bagaimana kisah perjalanan hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga beliau wafat. Kisah kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW bukan hanya untuk dibaca atau didengarkan saja, tetapi juga dapat dijadikan sebagai contoh dalam menjalani kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Kisah hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW memang penuh dengan hikmah. Meskipun beliau adalah seorang Nabi dan Rasul pilihan Allah SWT, namun ternyata hidupnya tidak lantas selalu bahagia dan mudah. Nabi Muhammad SAW juga tetap menerima cobaan dan tantangan dalam berdakwah untuk menyebarkan agama Islam. Berikut ini sejarah Nabi Muhammad SAW sejak lahir hingga wafat yang menarik untuk diketahui. Garis Keturunan Nabi Muhammad SAW Nabi Muhammad SAW mempunyai nama lengkap Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib bin Hasyim bin Abdi Manaf bin Qushayi bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka’ab bin Luayy bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nadhar bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma’ad bin ‘Adnan dan selanjutnya bertemu garis keterunan beliau dengan Nabi Ismail as. sementara garis keturunan beliau dari sisi ibunya adalah muhammad bin aminahbinti wahab bin abdi manaf bin zuhrah bin kilab. dengan demikian, garis keturunan beliau dari sisi ayah dan ibu bertemu pada kakek beliau, yaitu kilab. Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW Menurut pendapat yang paling kuat, Nabi Muhammad SAW dilahirkan pada hari Senin, malam 12 Rabiul Awwal di Makkah bertepatan dengan awal Tahun Gajah. Nabi Muhammad SAW dibesarkan di Makkah sebagai anak yatim, karena ayahnya, Abdullah wafat di Madinah dua bulan sebelum Nabi Muhammad SAW lahir. Pada waktu itu ayah Nabi Muhammad sedang berdagang di Syam dan singgah di Madinah dalam keadaan sakit, kemudian wafat di rumah pamannya dari bani Najjar. Saat itu ayahnya tidak meninggalkan apa-apa kecuali 5 ekor unta dan sahaya perempuan. Pada tahun keenam dari umur Nabi Muhammad SAW, ibunya membawanya pergi ke Madinah untuk menemui paman-pamannya di sana. Namun ketika baru sampai ke desa Abwa, yaitu suatu desa yang terletak antara kota Mekkah dan Madinah, Aminah meninggal dunia. Maka Nabi Muhammad SAW diasuh oleh Ummu Aiman di bawah tanggungan kakek beliau yaitu Abdul Muthalib, dan ini berlangsung selama dua tahun. Pada tahun ke delapan dari umur Nabi Muhammad SAW, Abdul Muthalib meninggal dunia, sehingga Nabi Muhammad SAW diasuh oleh paman beliau yaitu Abu Thalib. Tatkala Nabi Muhammad SAW mencapai usia 12 tahun, beliau dibawa berniaga oleh pamannya, yaitu Abu Thalib ke negeri Syam, dan ini merupakan perjalanan beliau yang pertama. Kemudian ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW mencapai usia 25 tahun, beliau pergi ke Syam untuk kedua kalinya dengan membawa barang dagangan milik Khadijah binti Khuwailid. Setibanya di Mekkah dari perjalanan dagang tersebut, Nabi Muhammad SAW menikah dengan Khadijah binti Khuwailid, yaitu dua bulan sesudah kedatangannya. Setelah itu Nabi Muhammad SAW pindah ke rumah Khadijah. Dari pernikahan itu lahirlah 3 orang putra yaitu Al Qasim, Abdullah, dan Thayyib, yang semuanya meninggal di waktu kecil, serta 4 orang puteri yaitu Zainab, Ruqayyah, Ummu Kultsum, dan Fatimah. Banjir besar terjadi dan menggoyahkan bangunan Ka’bah beberapa tahun sebelum nubuwwah. Nabi Muhammad SAW juga ikut aktif dalam perbaikan Ka’bah. Kemudian pada tahun ke empat puluh, Allah SWT memuliakan Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan ditetapkannya sebagai Nabi dan Rasul dengan turunnya Malaikat Jibril kepadanya, di mana sebelumnya beliau menyendiri beruzlah dan beribadah dengan memilih tempat di Gua Hira yang berada di sebelah atas Jabal Nur.
Della_Puspita_3314 · 7.1K Views
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