Paragon Academy
In a world where only a rare few are born with superpowers, Shinju Fabien is an ordinary teen gifted with hyperintelligence. When he secures a scholarship to Paragon Academy, the most elite government school for superpowered youth, he steps into a realm where the future heroes of society are forged. These schools, found only once on each continent, were established by the government to harness the potential of these gifted few and prepare them to protect the world.
At Paragon, Shinju is surrounded by peers whose abilities are far more overt and powerful than his own. But while others rely on their strength and flashy powers, Shinju’s sharp mind and strategic thinking could be his ticket to the top. As he navigates the academy’s rigorous training, he uncovers hidden truths about the school’s purpose, his own potential, and a growing threat that could shake the very foundation of society.
In a place where every student is a potential hero, and every challenge is a test of survival, Shinju must outthink, outmaneuver, and outlast rivals who see him as nothing more than an underdog. With dark forces lurking in the shadows and the eyes of the world on Paragon, the pressure is on to prove that intellect can be the greatest power of all. The stakes have never been higher, and the clock is ticking, can Shinju rise to the challenge and claim his place among the world’s next generation of heroes, or will he be overshadowed by those born with powers more traditional and terrifying?