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Imaizumi Gal

O Toque Mech

Depois de obter o Sistema de Designer de Mechs, Ves visa criar os melhores mechs da galáxia! No futuro distante, a civilização humana galáctica entrou na Era dos Mechs. Os inúmeros poderes menores da humanidade passaram a adotar mechs como suas principais armas de guerra. Apenas um pequeno número de humanos possui a aptidão genética certa para pilotar essas máquinas de guerra destrutivas do tamanho de prédios. Nascido em uma família militar na periferia da galáxia, Ves Larkinson é uma das muitas pessoas que não possui o talento para ganhar glória na batalha. Em vez disso, ele se tornou um designer de mechs. Ajudado por seu pai desaparecido, Ves obteve o misterioso Sistema de Designer de Mechs que pode ajudá-lo a ascender na galáxia e além. Seus mechs baseados nos princípios da vida rapidamente o permitem ganhar destaque. Poderosos e altamente compatíveis com pilotos de mechas, seus produtos têm o potencial de conquistar o mercado. No entanto, o sucesso não vem facilmente, e inúmeros desafios atrapalham sua capacidade de vender seus mechs para um mercado ávido por inovação! Com os pecados da raça humana na arena galáctica gradualmente chegando, Ves deve navegar pelos perigos do mercado de mechs ultra-competitivo e manter o controle sobre sua crescente organização de desajustados. Esta é a era de ouro dos mechs. Esta é a era de ouro da humanidade. A questão é, isso vai durar? "Qualquer desafio pode ser superado contanto que eu projete o mech certo!" --Participe do servidor Discord extraoficial de The Mech Touch!
Exlor · 129.5K Views

Sr. Presidente: O senhor é o pai dos meus trigêmeos

"M... Marissa! São meus filhos?" Os olhos de Rafael não se desviavam do rosto adorável das crianças. "Não, Rafael. Eles não são," disse Marissa com um sorriso falso, "Eles não são seus. Lembra?" ela piscou os cílios de maneira bem dramática, "Nunca fomos casados!" A irmã mais velha de Marissa Aaron, Valerie Aaron, abandonou seu namorado cego no dia do casamento e fugiu. Para salvar a aparência, a família de Merissa implorou para que ela se casasse com Raphael Sinclair. A ironia? Ela não podia dizer ao seu marido cego que não era Valerie, mas sim Marissa Aaron. No dia da bem-sucedida cirurgia de olhos de Raphael, Marissa ficou sabendo que Valerie havia voltado para tomar seu lugar de direito como nora dos Sinclair. Marissa tentou explicar ao marido que era ela quem havia se casado com ele, mas ele não acreditou. Em vez de tentar mais convencê-lo, a desolada Merissa decidiu deixar a cidade sem contar seu segredo. Raphael Sinclair era a clássica definição de galã e o único herdeiro do Grupo Sinclair de Indústrias. O que ele faria ao descobrir que todo esse tempo a mulher que lhe ofereceu amor e seu corpo não era Valerie, mas sim sua irmã mais nova Marissa Aaron? Como ele reagiria ao saber que era o pai dos bebês que Marissa estava esperando? Ele iria atrás de Marissa e reconquistaria seu amor? E a pergunta de um milhão de dólares! Marissa seria capaz de perdoá-lo e amá-lo novamente?
JessicaKaye911 · 1.5M Views

The Female Bullies Eat Me Up

[Disclaimer: Explicit Content and Profanity +18] Author: 인생뉴비 -------------------------------- OnlyFans. It's a platform where famous influencers sell exclusive content for money. Could be photos, videos, or even drawings. While it was originally used for all sorts of things, it’s now mostly known as a place to sell explicit adult material at a premium. "I hear people are making bank on OnlyFans these days." "Really?" I had no idea why they were talking about this. I stayed glued to my corner, trying not to draw attention to myself. Who knows what they’d do if they noticed me. I needed to be invisible. I am air. I am air! ""But who would they even shoot it with?" "Well, you need a guy, right? Some dude to be in it." "A guy? Hmm..." Who, though? The gal bullies started brainstorming, trying to figure out where they could find a guy for this. Then the conversation died. Uh oh. What’s with the sudden, creepy silence? "Hold on… don't we have one right here?" "Oh shit, yeah." Every single eye in the group turned to me. Ice ran down my spine. "This loser's a guy, right?". --------------------------------------- This work is a personal translation of the original novel "여자 일진들이 나를 먹음" authored by 인생뉴비. The book cover isn't the original set by the author, but an AI generated one mimicking the original. The real cover was denied by Webnovel, but you can check it out by searching the novel Korean name. #ModernFantasy #UrbanFantasy #Harem #Sliceoflife #Delinquents #TteokFantasy #Schoollife #smut #+18 #koreannovel #bulliedMC #LuckyMC #Beauties #Campus #Fantasy #Romance #Romancy #genuisMC
Somebooty · 134.2K Views

El Imperio De La Humanidad

Después de siglos de conflictos y guerras devastadoras, la familia Vespasian emergió como la fuerza dominante que unificó a la humanidad bajo un único gobierno global. Esta dinastía poderosa y enigmática impuso su voluntad sobre los gobiernos del mundo, ya fuera mediante manipulación política o fuerza bruta. Su visión para la humanidad se centraba en la eficiencia y el progreso, y bajo su liderazgo, la sociedad experimentó una transformación sin precedentes. A lo largo de los milenios, la tecnología avanzó a pasos agigantados, impulsando a la humanidad en su expansión por el cosmos. Los Vespasian, a medida que consolidaban su poder, se convirtieron en una especie de deidad, venerados por generaciones futuras como los arquitectos de un nuevo orden mundial. Así nació el Imperio de la Humanidad, una vasta entidad que abarca innumerables sistemas estelares. En medio de esta época de expansión galáctica, conocemos a Viktor Rhysling, un joven de 22 años destinado a convertirse en uno de los almirantes más destacados del Imperio. A pesar de su juventud, Viktor posee una serenidad y una inteligencia táctica extraordinarias. Su lucha interna contra la monotonía y la depresión contrasta con su innegable atractivo y carisma natural. Con su cabello gris oscuro y su porte distinguido, Viktor irradia una fascinación y un misterio que no pasan desapercibidos. Mientras el Imperio de la Humanidad se embarca en su búsqueda por dominar la galaxia, Viktor se encuentra en el epicentro de un conflicto cósmico que pondrá a prueba no solo sus habilidades militares, sino también su comprensión del verdadero propósito del Imperio y su lugar en él. En un universo lleno de intrigas políticas, poderosos enemigos y tecnología avanzada, Viktor Rhysling se enfrenta a su destino con determinación y coraje, dispuesto a dejar su marca en la historia del Imperio de la Humanidad. Con cada decisión y batalla, Viktor desentrañará secretos oscuros y desafíos que podrían cambiar el curso de la humanidad para siempre. [Algunos personajes hechos con IA:]
Itlen_tc · 3.2K Views

Système de Péché: Harem Démoniaque Après la Réincarnation

Réincarné pour découvrir deux beautés reposant sur ses genoux, Jake découvrit qu'il était un Baron Démon sans lignée. Exilé de l'Enfer vers le monde des humains, Jake fut laissé avec un petit donjon et ses deux serviteurs, avec presque aucun monstre sous ses ordres. Juste au moment où il pensait que les choses n'étaient pas bonnes pour lui, il entendit soudainement une voix féminine dans sa tête. [Ding! Bienvenue hôte dans Le Système du Péché.] [Veuillez faire tourner la Roulette du Pécheur pour déverrouiller votre premier Sin.] « C'est... » Alors que Jake touchait instinctivement le disque sombre apparu devant ses yeux, le disque se mit à tourner et s'arrêta cinq secondes plus tard. Il entendit à nouveau la voix du système. [Ding! Félicitations, vous avez déverrouillé le Péché de Luxure.] — — — Tags supplémentaires : Mc mauvais - Mc intelligent - Mc effronté - Mc fourbe - Pornographie - Pas de Yuri - Pas de NTR - Mais contient du Netori - Loli légal - Succube - Elfe - Ange - Vampire - Filles chat - Filles dragon - Filles renard - Filles monstre - Esclaves - Milf - Princesse - Belle - YANDERE - Seinen - Mature - R18 - 18 - Histoires de sexe - Bestialité - Hentai - NSFW - Grossesse - Inceste - Jeux de domination - Contrôle des émotions - Manipulation de lignée - Corruption des personnages vertueux - Péchés - Gore - Transmigration - Mana - Diable - Démon - Nécromancien - Mort - Donjon - Évolution — ー ー Avertissement : Veuillez lire ceci avec prudence. En tant qu'auteur, je vous recommande de NE PAS montrer ceci à vos enfants. Si vous avez le cœur sensible, n'ouvrez pas ce livre.
FireEngine · 91.4K Views

A Heart of flame

Skylene Kythe, Daughter of Richard Kythe, Alpha of the Crescent pack. Amber is a curious gal, she loves to explore places she never had seen before, but her father never allows her to leave the pack grounds. She never knew why, she doesn't see the danger in the actions she wishes to make. She was always pissed at her father and locks herself in her room. Her father always tried to explain to her but she completely shuts him down. Her father always felt guilty but he knew the consequences if he lets her daughter goes out alone. Especially outside the border, he isn't well known by the even the highest Alpha Leaders. He always kept himself mysterious among others. He is known as the Shadow Alpha of the Crescent pack, he is one of the Strongest packs to ever exist. Their pack started to become hidden using a barrier spell eversince the War 200million years ago. No one in their new generation ever knew about the specifics of the war as it was always kept confidential. But somehow Amber feels the need to get in trouble just to get such details on this War and what really happened... But then she meets a young man that just could be the key to once again open the pack to all.. PLAN TO LEAK Skylene tiptoes around quietly, hoping no one would hear her faint footsteps.. She continued her quiet steps til she reached her father's office. She twists the doornob hoping her father did not lock it, "Dang it, where did he hide the spare key??" she whispers frustratingly. her face lit up as she remembers her father's office was not the only thing off limits.. The storage room upstairs too, she had hopes this wasn't locked. But she had doubts especially because if there is a confidential file in that room, they wouldn't be so careless and leave it unlocked. she went up the stairs as slow as a snail carrying her weight as the wooden stairs make a disturbing creak. when she finally reaches the room, her face lit up as she saw the key hanging from the door know still inserted. she turned the key to open the door and she was shook, "I know we live in a mansion and all but.. even with all the riches my father has, it's impossible this is 'THAT' big of a room" she whispered in disbelief. "This will take ages.." she groans, so she slowly closed the door slightly, and started her search.. She flipped every page of every file, she opened every drawer til it's almost sunrise. She got frustrated and sleepy from her fail to find such information. She almost gave up til she saw a hidden door behind a bookshelf peeking after she took a book to take a break. She went to the entrance of the room and closed, relocked it. She tried pushing the bookshelf, but to no avail. She panics as she hears her father's footsteps and tries harder and harder. But soon she gave up and hid in one of the empty boxes..
Cha_Hayven2 · 1.1K Views

Les Cinq Ombres de l'Évolution"

Dans un futur lointain, la Terre a atteint un sommet technologique sans précédent. Cependant, ce progrès effréné a entraîné une mutation chez les êtres vivants, leur permettant de capter et de manipuler l'énergie atomique dégagée par les molécules et les atomes des rayons solaires. Cette mutation, surnommée "L'Essence", confère à certains individus des pouvoirs spirituels et physiques inouïs. Les animaux, quant à eux, ont évolué bien plus rapidement que les humains, devenant des créatures d'une puissance dévastatrice. L'humanité, dans sa lutte pour la survie, est forcée de s'affronter à ces bêtes monstrueuses. Mais lorsqu'un groupe d'humains découvre que certaines de ces créatures possèdent un pouvoir spirituel unique, l'humanité réalise qu'elles peuvent être utilisées comme alliées dans la maîtrise de l'Essence. Au fil des siècles, un homme, le premier Empereur, parvient à rassembler les peuples sous une même bannière et à instaurer un empire unifié. Grâce à son pouvoir spirituel sans égal, il surmonte tous les obstacles et atteint un niveau de pouvoir mythique. 500 ans après son règne, l'empire est à son apogée, mais l'équilibre est fragile. Un jeune roturier, Kael, issu d’une famille modeste, découvre qu’il est lié à l'une des cinq créatures spirituelles dotées de conscience qui veillent sur l'équilibre de ce monde. Alors qu’il s’élève dans les rangs de l’empire, il doit maîtriser l’Essence et découvrir son véritable pouvoir. Son destin le mènera à défier les plus puissants adversaires, y compris l’actuel Empereur, et à découvrir la vérité derrière les anciennes prophéties. Les cinq bêtes spirituelles, conscientes et puissantes, jouent un rôle central : chacune représente un aspect fondamental de l’univers, avec des pouvoirs allant du niveau atomique au niveau solaire. Ces créatures, bien que vénérées et craintes, se battent entre elles pour déterminer lequel d’entre elles possèdera la clé ultime du pouvoir divin. Dans cette guerre pour l'avenir de la Terre, Kael devra faire face à des dilemmes moraux, des alliances incertaines, et un ennemi qui, bien plus proche qu'il ne le pense, le guidera vers un choix fatal. Qui, de lui ou de l'empereur, deviendra le nouveau souverain divin ?
Jonathan_Albert_0605 · 444 Views

The Fox Who Cried Intimacy

#Femaleontop#R18 #Midevil #Warriors#Romantic #SimpHusband#HopelessRomantic#Reincarnation#EnergeticWife Rachel Wells is an outgoing College gal who strives to live her 20s to the max. While studying historical concepts she likes to use her free time to indulge in gentlemen's clubs. However, this rubs her father the wrong way. Can't she just live a little? After Rachel reincarnates as Beatrice from the Novel "If I Could Be of Use" " she is placed in an unfortunate situation of the suic*d*l bride. Can she chit-chat her way out of this one? Is she able to keep living normally? Will she try to break free from the marriage or charm her new husband? ______________________________________________________________ *Exclusive glimpse* Beatrice grasped her husband's palm and tugged him along the garden when she realized he was taking his sweet time. "Now, D-dear can't you take it easy for a today?". Lorcan slowly pulled his left hand away from his wife and grabbed her waist with his right hand. She slightly pressed her lips as she searched his eyes for questions he didn't say out loud. "I'm not pregnant, Leo." He clasped his hands with hers and neared to her face. "But we're not absolutely sure yet..." Beatrice inched closer to his face with a cheeky smile "But I am". Lorcan nuzzled closer to his wife's ear and wrapped his hands around her slender waist. "How's this?" Beatrice held back her laugh and whispered in his ear. "That's cause, I'm bleeding, right now." Lorcans face turned from pale, to pink, to the redest wine. Pulling away from his wife he quickly passed himself to the gardens exit. Beatrice burst out laughing which caught the servants nearby off guard. "Leoo!~ Why do you have to act like that?" Lorcan halted his steps and stood in his tracts. "Why... Must you be so vulgure.." Lorcan pressed his cold hands onto his burning cheeks. Beatrice crept up on him and slid her slender arms around his shoulders. "Oh please, there's no need for you to be embarrassed. It's normal." A smile crept on her lips as she brushed her lips onto his ear causing Lorcan to tense up. "Plus, I want you to know I'll be expecting you this Thursday evening, My dear Leo."
DaintyWriter · 1.8K Views

Runaway Romeo

Additional tags: Yandere, Vilianess, anti-hero, enemy to lover. .... In his privous life, Alex was a cruel NTR villain, taking any girl who were attractive, making the lives of these heroes and heroines miserable. But... he was motivated to let these main characters find happiness and love after being given another chance. He wished that no one would feel NTRed or excluded. However, things became strange. Formerly in love couples now harbored hatred for one another. He triked girls to like him in his privous life, but now they were obsessed with him. These crazy gals tied him up and teased him mercilessly all day and night when he only wanted to enjoy a nice loving romance. He attempts to hide, but the girls always manage to capture him. Even if he could fly to another world, it seems like he can't get away! ... 『Ding! 'Minotaur Must Die · Pure Love Link' True Love System version 1.0 is now online』 『It has been detected that host now possesses an unwavering 'pure love heart'. System will begin soul binding with Host after one beep』 『Beep · Congratulations on successfully binding with this Pure Love System. The pure love contract has been generated. Now beginning to retrieve character information….』 『Host: Alex Garland-Sorens (Appearance: Rare in the world · Work of nature · Timeless beauty · One in a billion)』 『Level: Level 0.8』 『Physical Strength: 7』 『Mental Strength: 10』 『Magic Power: 0』 『Magic Resistance: 0』 『Physical Resistance: 0』 『Negative Attribute Resistance: 0』 『Magic Attack Power: 0』 『Physical Attack Power: 0』 『Skills Possessed......』 『......』 "Thank you for letting me know how useless I am." And that's how my new life start...
DrXSamakk · 17.1K Views

Villain: Surviving the Yandere Academy with a Gun

[Tl;dr- World ruled by women, MC that sleeps around and refuses to bow down to anyone, OP but with a twist, smut with backstory Also, this is NOT a genderbender novel, please read the story carefully before deciding] Boredom pushing him to jump to the afterlife, Ana is transmigrated to his cherished freedom. (Which just so happens to be the popular dating game he has no idea about) "That's right. My name is Ana. Don't ask why." Now, notwithstanding the fact that he is excessively manipulative and cold hearted, he faces a slight problem of having to survive in a world where magic is the mainstream form of earning since there are dungeons with monsters popping up everywhere. "Weird, dude. I thought a gal would be coming so I got no strong male body for ya." And also a slight problem of not having the means to carry on with his afterlife in peace. "Plus dude, ya do know that you're just a side character in this game, right?" "..." A side character in the dating game he was too lazy to ever pay attention to. It was exactly how Ana imagined his afterlife would be. "Well, atleast the women here seem nice." "Yeah about that..." Follow Ana as he makes his way into forbidden territory by swooning women who carry more than just knives. ------------------------------------------- Additional Tags: No Yuri, No Netorare, ONLY PURE NETORI (plus vanilla ofcourse), Battles using men as pets --------------------------------------------- Refer to the FAQs given in my review if you have any doubts or just ask them in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------- Read my other works if you're interested in the verse: Delusion: Ray's Deception Villain: Girlfriend Thief ---------------------------- None of my works are dropped, and I'll update all of them. But! Like a particular series and want me to update it more than the others? Just let me know in the comments!
Ani_On_Fire · 354K Views

Isekai Maniac: Villain in Another World

What happens when a bully is given authority greater than kings? Or when a victim loses all that keeps them sane… Where one transmigrates, the other instills something deep within them. A testament to their new found conviction, from a history they won't soon forget. Transmigrated into another world, a land of fantasy, with swords and magic, castles and monsters, demons and heroes. In a land where the gifted prevail and the talentless are trampled upon, doomed to serve and become manipulated by higher powers. Another life is forged in the talentless body of a boy once despised as less than. Given a fresh start by a beautiful Goddess with her own agenda, follow the adventure as Leoghan, the used to be heir of a swordsmanship family; carves his path onto the world, in his endeavor to never. Ever. Become condemned as less than, again. … My pen holds my conviction, an edge that burrows deep into the depth of my page. Why am I like this? I’m still in synopsis mode. Be prepared for an edgy MC, the villain tag ain’t fo’ show. But will his edge be sharpened, or lose its luster? Consume my porridge of words to find out. Hi guys and gals, this is my first time writing a novel, that I kind of started on a whim. That being said I’ll start with uploads transpiring every other day that I'll fit between work and other things to maintain a certain weekly rate. But this novel was made because I wanted to explore a darker MC, one that doesn’t always get along with people, one that has his traumas and perhaps grows over time. Then again, I love villainous characters the most, so maybe he won’t be doing as much growing in the traditional sense… But as this is my first time, feel free to give me props for any grammatical mistakes, sentence structure, or even plot holes. Might not be able to fix them all, but I’ll try my root-tooting damndest! Oh and yes, there be lemons, do enjoy. Though the first few times may feel a little… Forced. Part of the reason I’m hesitant to delve deep in the poetry of romance.
AlModem · 46.9K Views
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