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Paige Evans

Nécromancien Des Ombres

"J'aurais dû rester à la maison et jouer à des jeux vidéo." C’était la dernière pensée de Ray avant que l'obscurité ne l'engloutisse après avoir été percuté par une voiture. Mais, de façon surprenante, au lieu de se retrouver devant les portes de l'enfer après sa mort, Ray découvrit qu'il avait été transmigré dans un autre monde. Le monde dans lequel Ray avait été transmigré s'appelait le Monde Arora, un endroit où l'on pouvait utiliser différentes sortes de compétences, de magie, et même acquérir des classes puissantes. Ray se retrouva dans le corps d’un jeune garçon nommé Evan, qui étudiait dans une académie de chasseurs après avoir éveillé ses capacités à l’âge de quatorze ans. Au début, Ray était heureux d'avoir été transmigré dans le corps de quelqu'un qui avait éveillé ses capacités et pouvait utiliser la magie qu'il avait toujours voulu utiliser. Cependant, à mesure que Ray parcourait les souvenirs d’Evan, il se rendit compte que tout n'était pas aussi simple qu'il l'avait espéré. Evan possédait un physique unique qui ne lui permettait pas d'augmenter sa puissance comme les autres personnes. À cause de ce physique unique inutile, Evan était le chasseur le plus faible de toute l'académie. Et ce n'était pas tout ; plus Ray examinait les souvenirs d’Evan, plus il réalisait à quel point sa situation était problématique. "Je sais que je suis entré dans ce corps sans acheter de billet, mais n'est-ce pas trop?" dit Ray d'une voix déprimée après avoir parcouru les souvenirs d’Evan. Ray parviendra-t-il à survivre dans ce nouveau monde ? Le physique de son nouveau corps est-il vraiment inutile ? Rejoignez Ray dans son aventure pour le découvrir. --------------------------------------------------
Zero_writer · 60K Views

Reclamando a Mi Posesivo Esposo CEO

El rumor decía que Xaviera Evans tenía una constitución débil: una belleza enfermiza. El rumor decía que gastaba una fortuna cada día en medicamentos, devorándolos como dulces. El rumor decía que diez sirvientes la atendían en su cama todos los días: una carga para todos. Todos estaban esperando que la familia Evans devolviera a Xaviera Evans al campo y la dejara valerse por sí misma. Xaviera Evans: —Todos dicen que soy débil y que no puedo cuidar de mí misma. Al parecer, gasto dinero de manera imprudente también. Miró su camisa andrajosa y se sintió exasperada. Xaviera Evans: —¿Estás diciendo que esta familia adinerada deja que su hija use ropa andrajosa todos los días? ¿La hija rica de la familia Evans? ¡Había tenido suficiente! ¡No sería más esa persona! Por lo tanto... El tipo despreciable: —Sin la familia Evans, no eres nada. Xaviera Evans: —Si me echan de la familia Evans, estoy acabada. La chica despreciable: —Hermana, no te desanimes demasiado. Mientras trabajes duro, serás elogiada algún día. Xaviera Evans: —Cállate, no conozco a una traidora como tú. El tipo y la chica despreciable: —¿¿¿??? El rumor decía que el hijo más joven de la familia Mamet, Caleb Mamet, se casó imprudentemente con una mujer que no tenía nada más que su apariencia. Xaviera Evans: —¿Alguien me está subestimando? Un día, Xaviera Evans vio a uno de los empleados de Caleb Mamet rompiéndose la cabeza con una serie de números en la pantalla de la computadora. Como ella estaba libre, decidió echar una mano. ¿Acaba de romper el cortafuegos creado por los esfuerzos conjuntos de los hackers élites? Caleb Mamet se acercó poco a poco: —Xaviera, ¿qué más me estás ocultando? ¿Hmm? Xaviera Evans: —¡Oh, no! ¡Me siento mareada de nuevo! Soy tan débil. ¡Este cuerpo mío es demasiado débil!
Qiaoqiao · 1.2M Views

Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband

Rumor had it that Xaviera Evans had a weak constitution—a sickly beauty. Rumor had it that she spent a fortune every day on medications—eating them like candy. Rumor had it that ten servants waited on her by her bed every day—a burden to everyone. They were all waiting for the Evans family to toss Xaviera Evans back to the countryside and leave her to fend for herself. Xaviera Evans: "They're all saying that I'm weak and can't take care of myself. Apparently, I spend money recklessly as well.” She looked down at her tattered shirt and was exasperated. Xaviera Evans: “Are you saying that this wealthy family lets their daughter wear tattered clothes every day?” The Evans family's rich daughter? She had enough! She would not be it anymore! Therefore… Scumbag guy: "Without the Evans family, you're nothing." Xaviera Evans: "If I'm kicked out of the Evans family, I'll be done for." Scumbag girl: "Sis, don't be too disappointed. As long as you work hard, you'll be praised one day.” Xaviera Evans: "Shut up, I don't know a traitor like you." The scumbag guy and girl: "???" Rumor had it that the Mamet family's youngest son, Caleb Mamet, rashly married a woman who had nothing but looks. Xaviera Evans: "Is someone looking down on me?" One day, Xaviera Evans saw one of Caleb Mamet's employees racking his brains over a series of numbers on the computer screen. Since she was free, she lent a hand. Did she just crack the firewall created by the joint efforts of top elite hackers?! Caleb Mamet inched closer with every step. "Xaviera, what else are you hiding from me? Hmm?" Xaviera Evans: "Oh, no! I feel dizzy again! I'm so weak. This body of mine is just too weak!"
Qiaoqiao · 4.3M Views

Anspruch auf meinen besitzergreifenden CEO-Ehemann

Gerüchten zufolge hatte Xaviera Evans eine schwache Konstitution - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Familie Evans Xaviera Evans zurück aufs Land schickte und sie sich selbst überließ. Xaviera Evans: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Xaviera Evans: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Evans? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Familie Evans bist du nichts." Xaviera Evans: "Wenn ich aus der Evans-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Xaviera Evans: "Halt die Klappe, so eine Verräterin wie dich kenne ich nicht." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Mamet, Caleb Mamet, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nichts als Aussehen hatte. Xaviera Evans: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Xaviera Evans, wie sich ein Angestellter von Caleb Mamet den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hatte sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsame Arbeit von Top-Elite-Hackern entstanden war? Caleb Mamet kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Xaviera, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Xaviera Evans: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindelig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 219.4K Views

The Mistress Is Reborn As The Fiancée

The jeers followed her like a persistent shadow. "Murderer!" the crowd screamed, their faces contorted in a grotesque parody of the adoration she once commanded. Just months ago, they had screamed her name, their voices a deafening roar as she shimmied across the stage, a beacon of light and pop perfection. Now, their cheers had morphed into venomous hisses, their eyes burning with a hatred that chilled her to the bone. Noelle clutched her lawyer's arm, his face a mask of grim determination. The cameras flashed, capturing her every move, every tremor of fear. The headlines screamed: "Pop Princess Plummets: Noelle Accused of Murder." The irony wasn't lost on her. Her life, once a carefully constructed fairytale of fame and fortune, had become a grotesque tragedy. The trial was a circus. The whispers, the sneers, the relentless scrutiny – it was a constant assault on her senses. Her once loyal fans, the ones who'd plastered her face on their bedroom walls, now reveled in her downfall. They devoured every salacious detail, every whispered accusation, every tear she dared to shed. The verdict was a foregone conclusion. Guilty. Noelle watched the judge pronounce the sentence, her mind a whirlwind of disbelief and despair. Death by lethal injection. ‘At least they did not give me the electric chair’ she thought to herself in a poor attempt at humor. * Months later, a solitary figure knelt at her grave, the wind whipping at his hair. Rain lashed down, mirroring the tears that streamed down his face. "I'm sorry, Areum," he sobbed, his voice hoarse with grief. "I'm so sorry I was too late." He clutched a single, wilted rose, its petals stained crimson, a poignant reminder of the life that had been brutally extinguished. * Noelle is a bright star who has the world at her feet, she feels no guilt about being the other woman coming between a husband and his wife. After all, Evan had been in love with her since they were teenagers. The only reason he married Ma-Ri was because his family demanded it, if he had a choice he would surely have picked her… When she gets wrongfully accused of murdering Ma-Ri, she loses everything and is sentenced to death, everyone including Evan turn against her and she is left to die a miserable death. She is reborn and this time she faces the humiliation of being the woman who is being cheated on. She is determined to end the cycle and not let the future she had seen come to pass, she decides to step out of the picture and focus on her career. In doing so, everything changes, Evan clings to her and refuses to let her go, a mysterious stranger who has been studying her also steps in and decides to fight for a chance to be with her.
SukieWrites · 8.3K Views

Reincarnated Hero System

It was just a game; one Evan played way too much, but it was still a game in the end. At least it that’s what it was supposed to be... However, on the day the main quest ended, he discovered it was more than just a game. The world of Aidos was real and the demon threat was even more so. He was sent to be the leader of the new generation of heroes and save the world from the demon invasion by the god who made the game. Unfortunately, nothing was as simple as it may have seemed. As the truth behind the invasion and the previous Seven Heroes was slowly revealed, he began to have second thoughts about his choices. He began questioning if the demons were truly the enemies of Aidos. Even more so, when he discovered a new truth. That he may not actually be who he thought he was. #wsa2022 WSA 2022 Entry [Check out my other stories from my profile: Godslayer’s Legend, Reincarnated Hero System & Beyond the Bloodline] ◇ ◇ ◇ Discord Link: ◇ ◇ ◇ Support Me: ◇ ◇ ◇ I'm new to writing so I hope you all will support me on this journey. I'm hoping for your review on what you think about the book. Constructive criticisms are allowed too. Cover by KingU ◇ ◇ ◇ DISCLAIMER! This novel is a work of fiction and though it draws inspiration from historical places and events, it is by no means meant to be a realistic representation of any current or historical events, places cultures, or people. The story may contain themes and events that may be disturbing to some people and if you are "triggered" by pretty much anything at all, It may not be suitable for you as I will not limit myself in terms of themes, events, or topics while writing.
_michael · 1.7M Views

Revenge Best Served Hot; The divorced Billionaire Wife.

Melissa, a daughter of a multi billionaire, disguised herself as a poor woman and married Evans Reynolds, a wealthy business man on an agreement that when ever his late mentor's daughter Cathy Hudson needed blood, Melissa would be available. However, Evans used to send money to her, whenever she donates blood. making it look like a transaction. Melissa hoped that one-day, may be, Evans would learn to love and care for her, like she does. But that didn't happen. while at home, Maria, Evans mother and sister, Ann Reynolds seized any opportunity to belittle Melissa, often reminding her of her 'unknown background.' She was the perfect target, a trophy wife whose worth was measured solely by her ability to serve their needs. But one day, she decided to take her own life, she committed sucide when she saw a harsh message and photo sent by Cathy Hudson. However, luck was on her side , when she met a time keeper, who gave her a second chance to live again . She divorced Evans Reynolds, and become a successor of a mult billion campanies,ready to give a payback to those who mocked and mistreated her. And when asked on an interview, why she divorced Evans Reynolds. "I have a multi-billion wealth to success,” she declared during a press conference “Was my wealth not enough for you?” Evans sneered, stepping into the gathering from behind. Join me as we dive into a twisted romance; batrayal, passion, deception and power.
THE_LIGHTER_166 · 12.5K Views

Claimed by the Alpha Professor

My 19th birthday was supposed to be perfect. Instead, it became the day my world fell apart. Picture this: Me, walking in on my boyfriend Darian tangled up with Scarlet, my so-called best friend. Talk about a birthday surprise, right? Heartbroken and furious, I ran into the woods, desperate to escape. That's when things got really strange. It was time for my werewolf transformation, but something went terribly wrong. Pain ripped through me as I got stuck halfway between human and wolf. There I was, alone and scared, thinking this was how I'd die. But then he showed up. A massive gray wolf with eyes that seemed to look right into my soul. I couldn't believe it. Niko Kaine Silverbane, the Alpha King in the flesh. Kaine helped me complete my shift, but that was just the beginning. Something sparked between us, a connection I couldn't explain. It was electric, intense, and a little bit terrifying. Next thing I know, I'm trying to save my ex friend, enrolled at Banes Academy, surrounded by other young werewolves. That's where I learned the truth: Kaine and I are destined mates. Me, the orphan girl, fated to be with the most powerful Alpha in the country. It sounds like a fairy tale, right? Wrong. Turns out, being the Alpha King's mate comes with a target on your back. Enemies are everywhere, including faces I once trusted. And Kaine? He's got secrets darker than a moonless night. Now I'm racing against time to master my newfound powers and stand beside Kaine against the forces trying to tear us apart. But as the danger grows, so do my feelings for him. Will I find the strength to become the Alpha Luna I'm meant to be? Or will the darkness consume us both?
May_Evans · 9.9K Views


Carrie Evans, a driven and optimistic 21-year-old university student, receives a life-changing full scholarship to TerraNova University, the most prestigious institution in Canada. For Carrie, it’s not just an academic opportunity—it’s a chance to start fresh, leave her past behind, and chase her dreams. Upon arriving, she’s thrilled to reunite with her childhood best friends, Leo and Ava, whose unwavering support feels like a beacon of familiarity in her new world. But things take an unexpected turn when she meets Chang Jae-wook, popularly known as Alex, a cold, enigmatic, and wealthy friend of Leo. With his sharp words and intimidating presence, Alex seems to be everything Carrie should avoid. Yet, despite his aloof demeanor, there’s something hauntingly intriguing about him that she just can’t ignore. As the days turn into weeks, Carrie finds herself drawn into Alex’s life—a world filled with secrets, scars, and a mysterious past he has carefully hidden from everyone. Unintentionally, she stirs up emotions and memories he had long buried, breaking through the walls he’s spent years building. But meddling with Alex’s personal life comes at a cost. The deeper Carrie delves into his past, the more she realizes the depth of his pain and the ripple effect of her actions. Now, it’s up to her to mend what she has unintentionally fractured. Will she rise to the challenge, confronting not only Alex’s demons but her own fears and insecurities? Or will she let her instinct to run away take over, leaving behind yet another unfinished story?
Ari_Lee_ · 5.6K Views


THE UNFORGETTABLE CRUSH THAT SHOOK MY SOUL.       HEATHER'S POV; I'm Heather Morgan Claus the daughter of a middle class family from Brooklyn. I was born a typical brainiac the smartest of all my family members and most definitely the only child of my parents. I was born with what I call average beauty a blue eyes,golden afro hair due to my distant African gene, an average height of 6,4 feet a big boob and buttocks and also a slender curve with big hips that made me feel insecure.  Being lonely was a normal thing for me was a normal thing because I had no friends except my overprotective cousins Kyle and Jules. They made me feel special and loved more than anything in the world and I was thrilled to be with them. Boys never came along to date me basically because it's either I'm too tall for their liking or I'm too robust or too perfect and studious or even much of a nerd who can't match their tastes. Kyle and Jules made sure I was okay and boy did they beat the shit outta those knuckle heads who dared to mock me for my appearance. Soon enough all these fantasies all came to an end because while I was in tenth grade and they were in their twelfth grade they both fell in love with some girls from the neighbouring school and I was soon discarded and left out to fend on my own. I became an object of mockery and taunts from all sides. Years passed but the bullying didn't stop and soon afterwards some stupid bimbo and their boyfriend all came to join what they called fun by bullying me. Jake the leader of the zeals was by far the most handsome and he had an emerald green eyes, lovely red hair, kissable lips and a fine body and he was more of a greek god's personality. He had a commanding presence that sent shivers down my spine. I thought he was an epitome of beauty but like the saying goes beauty comes from within. He was a tyrant and he made my life a living hell with every given chance he got. Belle his girlfriend a blond haired girl with brown eyes and long slender legs always taunted me relentlessly. One day while I was heading to my locker I was bumped into by belle and her friends Chloe and Charis. They gave me a hard time and without mercy they shred my clothe and made me an object of perpetual laughter while they made fun of my SpongeBob underwear, Evans and Michael Jenkins popularly know as MJ tired to cover my naked body but Jake ordered them no to do so. He stared at my body with lust and contempt in his eyes making me wonder what I had ever done to him to deserve all the hate. The shame was too much to bear and when I was went home I scrolled through the school platform and it was all over the media and I fell into a complete depressed stage. Days turned to weeks and weeks to years and then one day after the prom prank I had endured I decided to jump from the third floor of the venue. The pain was too much to bear as crismon liquid surrounded me like a pool. The pain felt like home and after several minutes of comfort I felt like my consciousness was slipping into the abyss surrounded by darkness.
ACETECH2605 · 2.6K Views

La Novia Destinada del Dragón

Ten cuidado con las traiciones del destino. —Los llameantes ojos rojos de Sterling taladran la aterrorizada mirada de Faye. —Pequeña mariposa, ¿no entiendes? Una vez que un dragón recibe algo precioso, nunca lo dejará ir. Faye Montgomery es una joven noble de bajo rango atrapada en un juego de traición imperial y muerte. Poco después del inoportuno fallecimiento de su madre, a Faye le informa su padrastro alcohólico y depravado que, a cambio de las crecientes deudas de su familia, ella será vendida en un matrimonio de contrato. Su nuevo esposo es el más celebrado y temible comandante de caballeros en el Imperio Eastcarin... el Duque Evan Sterling Thayer de Lago Stanhall. En su primer encuentro con el severo y glacial guerrero, Faye comprende que su situación es mucho peor de lo que originalmente pensaba. Se da cuenta de que ha encontrado al Duque en el pasado. La joven novia ahora cree que la muerte habría sido preferible antes que ser vendida a esta despiadada unión con el antiguo adversario de su familia y el hombre responsable de sus actuales desafortunadas circunstancias. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, incluso mientras lucha por liberarse de este abominable hombre, Faye descubre que sus rojos hilos del destino están más íntimamente entrelazados de lo que una vez imaginó. Ambos se han convertido en marionetas involuntarias del imperio. Con las muchas agendas ocultas y secretos de aquellos en el poder que los rodean, tendrán que dejar de lado sus diferencias y formar una alianza si desean sobrevivir. ¡Esta novela fue mi entrada en el Concurso WPC de julio de 2023! El apoyo que todos han mostrado es muy agradecido. ¡La historia está llena de giros inesperados que seguro disfrutarás! ... {ADVERTENCIA: Material de contenido maduro R-18} EL CONTENIDO SEXUAL COMIENZA DESPUÉS DEL CAPÍTULO TREINTA. Aviso legal: ESTO ES UNA OBRA DE FICCIÓN. TODOS LOS NOMBRES, PERSONAJES, ORGANIZACIONES, LUGARES Y EVENTOS SON PRODUCTO DE LA IMAGINACIÓN DEL AUTOR O USADOS DE MANERA FICTICIA. El arte de la portada es mío, así que no lo uses. correo electrónico:
The_Sweet_Sparrow · 116K Views

His ill will

Evan was the CEO of his father's company Heretage Enterprises and was forced by his parents to marry his mother's friend's first daughter after the death of his lover which led him to shut everyone out of his life for 6 months even his parents too. He hated his arranged wife because she was obsessed with him and when he found out that she was involved in his lover's death he hated her more. But his fate was not with her. He was fated to marry her sister instead and from there the event took a turn. He was possessive and controlling and hated his wife because of her sister, he was determined to make her life miserable while his wife turned out to be independent and feisty. She hated him thinking that her sister's tragic death was caused and plotted by him. She agreed to marry him only to hate him for the rest of her life but she has yet to confront him about her sister's tragic death. Their relationship was strained and difficult full of bittersweet but yet in the end both find at each other arms and embrace. This is my first ever Webnovel story so if I have any mistakes and mostly English is not my first language so don't come after me. If you are a person who doesn't tolerate any kind of grammar mistake then I suggest you not to read it but i will try to improve it... This story has been on my head for a long time and I pull it out from my imagination to reality... So the story is about Evan Lancaster who is very stubborn and dominant and Ella is not less from him she is feisty and independent. They have to marry each other because of their parents and all etc etc...So let's see their life journey and the mystery which will fold out... I don't claim any image or picture used in this to the rightful owners and source And I will try to update properly on time anyway pls give a lots of love to Evan and Ella if you like the story and don't forget to vote and comment. Now gonna walked off, bye. Start: 02-02-25 End: not yet confirmed
Danheeli · 1.7K Views
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