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Pato Pollo

Companheiros Pecaminosos

Morando em seu carro em seu local de trabalho, a vida de Imogen estava longe de ser boa. Com uma mãe doente, um emprego exigente e lutando com a falta de moradia, além de estar completamente falida pelas despesas hospitalares. Ela não achava que as coisas pudessem piorar. Mas o destino gostava de chutá-la enquanto estava caída; justo quando pensou que havia atingido o fundo do poço, ela descobre que os homens para quem trabalha são seus companheiros e ela é sugada para um mundo do qual não quer fazer parte, ela valoriza sua humanidade e eles se recusam a desistir dela, em vez disso, eles oferecem resolver todos os seus problemas, mas há apenas um problema: humanos eram proibidos em seu mundo, então, para ficar com eles, ela deve desistir da única coisa que lhe resta, sua vida. Justo quando ela pensa que tomou uma decisão e sente que pertence, ela descobre que eles tinham mais segredos e agora ela não quer nada mais do que escapar de suas garras e seguir em frente com sua vida. Quando sua vida começa a ficar fora de controle e eles a levam, ela resistirá ao vínculo e desistirá de sua vida? Ela sabe que nunca estará livre deles e, sendo humana contra um licantrópio e um vampiro, ela pode muito bem ser um pato sentado, presa fácil e agora deve encontrar uma maneira de resistir aos impulsos do vínculo que nunca soube que existia, resistir à tentação que eles são, mas mais do que tudo descobrir quem ela realmente é, porque sua família tem seus próprios segredos e esses segredos surgem causando um mundo de dor e ainda assim dando-lhe uma vontade de sobreviver.
Jessica Hall · 37.5K Views

PASSIVE: A Tale Of Outlaws

Why won't you just... ... kill me? Have I... not bled enough for you? You... In me, you have broken all that there is to be broken, blackened all that could be considered bright, tortured my entire being from inside out.. Time and time again, you kill me. Endlessly, I suffer. What more do you want from me?.. You won't let me live, you won't let me die. Do you enjoy it?.. Watching me suffer, does it fill you with some kind of satisfaction?.. You... With whatever remains I have left, I swear to you, I will become a curse, the very plague that brings about your ruin. May you face the same darkness you've wrought upon me, and may your conscience be as haunted as mine has been. Born into a world where humans thrive on an Earth that is still recovering from a past disaster that threatened humanity's existence, Vonn Black is a victim of immense pain, hardship, betrayal, and discrimination. He swears vengeance upon the world after he gains access to a mysterious power. Along with his newfound accomplices, Vonn becomes the most wanted man on Earth. With a power that is more of a curse than a blessing, Vonn is willing to wreak torture upon his enemies even if meant torture to himself, as well. In the end, the truth of justice is just a matter of one's personal truth. Even those who wield sufficient power to overcome all opposition towards their pettiest of convictions become incarnations of justice. NOTE: PATO contains extreme gore, mature/harsh languages, and sexual violence. Not for younger readers!! Author's note: "As a creative artist and novice author, I, Zikky, am excited to introduce my debut novel, PATO. I'm eager to share my work with you and embark on this literary journey together. As for PATO, don't be surprised if it turns out to be the best work of fiction you'll ever read. I'm not aiming to come across as arrogant, but I do want to warn you that PATO will draw you in and refuse to let go. But first, you have to be willing to take the leap and read it! If you pride yourself on being a reader, then I challenge you to dive into PATO's world and see where it takes you. (Be warned, though: once you start, it's hard to escape!) My inspirations for PATO are rooted in the incredible works of Hajime Isayama, specifically Attack on Titan, as well as the captivating world of Japanese manga and anime. I have immense respect for Isayama's masterful storytelling and complex character development. Additionally, I draw inspiration from the unpredictable and often twisted nature of Tatsuki Fujimoto's works. So, I ask you: Are you ready to embrace the PATO experience?"
ZikkyCent · 60.1K Views


Ketika Cinta mempertemukan dua manusia berbeda generasi dan menyatukan dua hati yang saling bertolak belakang dengan konflik pada fase yang berbeda Keyal Bryana Aeidel, Gadis berusia 21 tahun seorang pramuniaga di salah satu Mall ternama di kota bahkan negaranya. Dengan paras yang cantik, anggun, jiwa keibuan, body bak gitar spanyol tak lupa rambut hitam lebat miliknya dan bibir yang sexy membuat (Eyal) menjadi incaran manusia berjenis kelamin laki-laki, tapi sayang tak ada yang bisa meluluhkan Eyal.. Namun semua berubah saat Eyal harus di pertemukan bahkan berususan hingga kejenjang pernikahan dengan, Edrick Arvin  Darroll (Ed) seorang remaja berusia 17 tahun yang memiliki sifat seperti remaja pada umumnya urak-urakan, sering berkelahi, pembuat onar, suka bolos bahkan buruknya salah satu incaran guru BK di sekolahnya namun  Ed memiliki paras yang menawan, body superhot dan tak lupa otak berIQ di atas rata rata, sehingga  menjadi incaran semua gadis yang bertemu dengannya tapi sayang Ed tidak bisa hidup hanya berpatokan dengan 1 gadis sehingga di juluki BadBoy spesies lelaki brengsek namun dapat meluluhkan banyak hati. Pertemuan kedua manusia berbeda generasi ini membuat keduanya berada di dalam sebuah mainan takdir yang entah harus dikatakan keberuntungan atau kesialan. Tentu saja kesialan bagi Eyal yang harus pasrah berada di dalam satu kamar dengan bocah urak urakan an seperti Ed, yang sayangnya berparas bak dewa yunani dengan tambahan body hotnya dan Keberuntungan bagi Ed bertemu dengan Eyal gadis berperilaku dewasa dengan paras yang menawan dan tentunya body gitar spanyol yang dimiliki Eyal menjadi poin utama keberuntungan seorang Ed .... ...... ........ "Bocah ingusan kayak kamu bisa jadi pendamping saya? jangan mimpi!" -Keyal "Kaka... bocah ingusan ini yang nyebol gawang kaka pertama kali. So mau gak mau kaka harus jadi istri dede Edrick yang tampan mempesona ini" -Edrick Bagaimanakah kisah sepasang manusia beda generasi ini?  temukan jawabannya dengan memantau setiap part cerita ini, walaupun mungkin cerita seperti ini sudah pasaran wkwkwk Tapi percayalah ini real imajinas serta ada beberapa yang memang terjadi di dalam kisah nyata gw secara tidak langsung... JAN LUPA BINTANG DAN KOMENNYA SAY!!! WARNING ADA KATA² KASAR DAN ADEGAN 18+... bijaklah memahami dan membayangkan alur cerita ini.
bidadarirpwy · 25.1K Views

Compañeros Pecaminosos

Viviendo en su coche en su lugar de trabajo, la vida de Imogen estaba lejos de ser grandiosa. Con una madre enferma, un trabajo exigente y luchando con ser sin hogar y completamente sin dinero por los gastos del hospital. No pensó que las cosas pudieran empeorar. Pero el destino le gustaba darle patadas cuando estaba caída, justo cuando creía que había tocado fondo, se entera de que los mismos hombres para los que trabaja son sus compañeros de alma y se ve arrastrada a un mundo del que no quiere ser parte, ella valora su humanidad y ellos se niegan a renunciar a ella, en cambio, ofrecen solucionar todos sus problemas, pero hay una trampa: los humanos están prohibidos en su mundo, por lo que para estar con ellos debe renunciar a lo único que le queda, su vida. Justo cuando piensa que ha tomado una decisión y siente que pertenece, descubre que tenían más secretos, y ahora no quiere más que escapar de sus garras y seguir con su vida. Cuando su vida comienza a perder el control y ellos la toman, ¿resistirá al vínculo y renunciará a su vida? Ella sabe que nunca se liberará de ellos y siendo humana frente a un licántropo y un vampiro podría ser considerada un pato sentado, presa fácil, y ahora debe encontrar una manera de resistir los impulsos del vínculo que nunca supo que existía, resistir la tentación que son ellos, pero sobre todo descubrir quién es realmente, porque su familia también tiene secretos, y esos secretos emergen causando un mundo de dolor pero también dándole un deseo de sobrevivir.
Jessica Hall · 68K Views
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