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Crux Terminatus

Jardín del Veneno

``` —Cuando Anastasia y su hermana Marianne son capturadas y enviadas a través de los mares por piratas, se convierten en mercancías para ser vendidas en una tierra distante. Marianne es tomada como cortesana, mientras que Anastasia apenas escapa a un destino terrible fingiendo ser muda —. Se ve obligada a ingresar al nivel más bajo de los sirvientes en el palacio real, donde soporta una vida de servidumbre y crea hermosas obras de arte para enmascarar su dolor. —A pesar de que pasan los años, Anastasia nunca ha olvidado la promesa de su hermana de regresar juntas a su familia. Sin embargo, con su movimiento restringido y los guardias vigilantes, la huida parece imposible. —Cuando Anastasia entra en contacto con el Príncipe Abandonado, su vida se descontrola y desencadena un Crux de proporciones increíbles. Ahora, luchando contra sus propios demonios interiores mientras navega por la traicionera política de la corte real, Anastasia debe enfrentarse a la verdad sobre el destino de su hermana y tomar una decisión que podría alterar el rumbo de un reino entero. [Volumen 2: Emily Blackthorn] —La vida de la Princesa Emily da un giro turbulento cuando es rechazada, dejando su corazón roto y su alma al borde de la corrupción. En un intento desesperado por salvarse, emprende un viaje hacia el Oeste. —Entra el Príncipe de la Tormenta, un archidemonio carismático de llamativos ojos azules, con una sonrisa similar a la de un santo. Emily había esperado haberse despedido de él por última vez, pero el destino tiene otros planes. ¡Como si no fuera suficiente con su alma muriendo, alguien quiere robarla! —Atrapada entre los pretendientes y las pesadillas que la han atormentado desde la infancia, Emily comienza a ver a Raylen bajo una nueva luz. El demonio de ojos azules puede no ser el monstruo que ella alguna vez pensó. ```
ash_knight17 · 81.4K Views

The Legends of the Constellar Kings

The universe brings forth billions of stars that shine and continuously increase like shimmering sands that sparkle so bright. A mighty celestial being arose toward the pinnacle of the universe to sprinkle seeds among the stars and planets, those seeds manifest the perfection of their creator. The stars become the shelter of those seeds that eventually turn into celestial creatures and living elements. Years passed, and they evolved and became powerful. The evolution of their genetic origins has exceeded the expectations of the mighty celestial being. Turned out, they are like gods that abode supernaturally across the Universe. Soon, they called themselves the Constellar beings that seem dominant among living beings in the galaxies and carry significant roles and responsibilities to maintain balance in the universe. However, greed and an ambitious desire for power and authority brought chaos and unrest to everyone. Some seeds were corrupted by evil Constellar beings and turned into dark entities hiding in every shadow on the planet, including Earth. However, the Light side ordered to eradicate them due to their rapid growth that seemed contiguous. But then, even with how many times they killed them, they still grow abundantly. The chaos in the universe became serious and intolerable, the rampant of those dark entities brought imbalance to the cosmic energy that seemed the dark energy distracted the flow of lights energy to maintain its foundation. The Draco led his troops to challenge the Crux, known as the Divine light that gives hope and inspiration to all good beings. The Crux is one of the most important Constellar beings who protect the souls of every creature in the universe. This Constellar was capable to purify them and empower them with divinity. But, the Draco knows what is the counter of Crux. So, Draco led with the Triangulum to nullify the existence of the divine light, empowering the darkness and summoning other entities through the use of triangular teleportation that enables them to pass through space without consuming time. This makes them accessible to any attack strategy. However, the Crux rightful authority encouraged other constellar beings to ally against the dark intentions of Draco's invasion. The warrior Orion is a tactician sworn to fight alongside light orders. Orion's soldiers were powerful and weapon's master warriors who used swords, shields, spares, and other rudimentary weaponry but also capable of enduring long fights and wars without rest. The Crux's power burst directly amid crowded dark entities that tried to enter the gates of light realms. But, still not enough to eradicate those aggressive creatures that devour every living creature in the realm that reached their claws and fangs. Although the Draco suppressed the Light through the voltaic eruption raining toward the very heart of the realm. Many lives could be killed as soon as it landed, but the Aquila sent a stormy wind to repeal it. Many of Draco's allies, like Corvus as Draco's messenger, Hydra, the sea serpent with many heads that breath water, lava, mud, and acids, and freezes anything by exhaling air. The giant Cetus controls sea organisms from different seas in the galaxies and summons them to attack. Although some of them were under Draco's mind control, they manipulated their mind by altering them into a dark mentality that ferociously attacked whatever Draco commanded. Only Crux can destroy the mind control of Draco through purification and the power of enlightenment, which guides all stellar beings to an ethical decision. Crux aimed for the salvation of the universe because it was contaminated by the dark entities' energy that absorbed and devoured star souls to create a formidable Universe. A lifeless universe will be a forbidden fate— called shadows of death! read full at the introduction.
Israel_P_Villareal · 8.7K Views

Garden Of Poison

[Volume 1: Dante Blackthorn] When Anastasia and her sister Marianne are captured and shipped across the seas by pirates, they become commodities to be sold in a distant land. Marianne is taken as a courtesan, while Anastasia barely escapes a terrible fate by pretending to be mute. She is forced into the lowest ring of servants at the royal palace, where she endures a life of servitude and creates beautiful artwork to mask her pain. Despite years passing, Anastasia has never forgotten her sister's promise to return to their family together. However, with her movement restricted and the guards vigilant, escape seems impossible. When Anastasia comes into contact with the Forsaken Prince, her life spirals out of control and she triggers a Crux of incredible proportions. Now battling her own inner demons while navigating the treacherous politics of the royal court, Anastasia must confront the truth about her sister's fate and make a choice that could alter the course of an entire kingdom. [Volume 2: Emily Blackthorn] Princess Emily's life takes a turbulent turn when she is rejected, leaving her heartbroken and her soul at the brink of corruption. In a desperate bid to save herself, she journeys to the West. Enter the Storm Prince, a charismatic archdemon with striking blue eyes, with a saint-like smile. Emily had hoped she'd seen the last of him, but fate has other plans. As if her soul dying isn’t enough, someone wants to steal it! Caught between the suitors and the haunting nightmares that have plagued her since childhood, Emily begins to see Raylen in a new light. The blue-eyed demon may not be the monster she once thought.
ash_knight17 · 4M Views

Trapped Destinies

“The fragrance of your love always flows in my veins,” Asher said coming dangerously closer to Louisa “How do you?” Louisa asked shocked. For some unexplainable reason her heat skipped the rhythm listening to those lines “Babygirl from now on you will only be answering my questions” Asher spoke caging Louisa in his arms “The past is gone just like the water under the bridge, you can’t get a second back; what matters is ‘now’ the right now and where will we go from here” he whispered into her ears smiling viciously The way he said those lines contemplated something in her mind “Why do his eyes look like the ones I knew?” she thought trying to get out of his tight embrace which is making her feel suffocated. “I am loving this Babygirl, where I can see you out but you can’t see it; It’s giving me inevitable pleasure,” he said leaning towards her lips but she pushed him away “Babygirl; if you are still thinking of running away, you better give up that silly idea of yours. You don’t have any other way than this as we had our destinies trapped together,” Asher said following her -------------- Synopsis: Louisa Miller: Born with a silver spoon in the affluent Miller family. She is strong, independent, and talented. Some memories were engraved deeper into her heart than the tattoos on her body. Life was never easy for her but she knows how to beat the hurdles and rise against the odds Asher Carter: Mystery runs in his blood. He is like the brightest moon, who still have a darker side which scared him about the worse things it can do and one day everything he was scared of happening, happened and it changed everything. __________________________ This novel has a mix of all the emotions ranging for happiness to mysteries, with the unexpected twists and turns I believe that the story can keep you hooked. The starting chapters maybe a little lousy but every chapter is important for the main crux of the story. I hope you will shower the love, feel free to comment, and correct my mistakes. The cover doesn’t belong to me and was downloaded from pinterest and was edited by Sree_Exol#1214
Thelost_soul7 · 637.3K Views

Before Now

What happens when you discover your entire life has been nothing more than a lie? Elicia Zeh, a young 19 years old American teen and a physiology first year student in New York University discovers that the life she has been living for over 19years has been nothing more than a lie. .................... How could you mother?,she asked. How could you set father on fire?. Jace I trusted you and you did this to me. Shut up already elicia,jace shouted. I lived for 18 years without my parents just because of you and you say I am your best friend,what a joke,Jace said angrily. But why mother?elicia asked. Your father left everything in your name and we needed you to sign it over to us.We thought by keeping you with us and sending jace away you would love us. Our love didn't even move you,so we got jace to drug you to get your signature. Who would have thought you would have sex with a random man?diamond said.Elicia cleaned the tears on her face and walked to jace and slapped her. What the heck elicia!!!jace shouted. She then turned to Mr Zeh and Mrs Zeh,"You guys may have taken over my father's properties from me but mark my words today I would take back everything you guys took and more. A life for a life!!,".She then left the Zeh Mansion. Father I promise to take revenge on all those who were behind your death and I wouldn't spare anyone but right now I need to be enabled. She then picked up her phone and called sandra.Hey ,sandra I need your help. Revenge has something similar to drug,the both can be addictive. Would elicia's drive for revenge be stronger than love?,or will love stop her from taking revenge?
Cindy_Crux · 11.7K Views

Jardim do Veneno

[Volume 1: Dante Blackthorn] Quando Anastásia e sua irmã Marianne são capturadas e transportadas através dos mares por piratas, elas se tornam mercadorias a serem vendidas em uma terra distante. Marianne é levada como uma cortesã, enquanto Anastásia mal escapa de um destino terrível fingindo ser muda. Ela é forçada a entrar no mais baixo nível de servos no palácio real, onde suporta uma vida de servidão e cria belas obras de arte para mascarar sua dor. Apesar dos anos passarem, Anastásia nunca esqueceu a promessa de sua irmã de retornarem juntas para a família. No entanto, com seus movimentos restritos e a vigilância dos guardas, a fuga parece impossível. Quando Anastásia entra em contato com o Príncipe Abandonado, sua vida sai fora de controle e ela desencadeia um Crux de proporções incríveis. Agora, lutando contra seus próprios demônios interiores enquanto navega pela traiçoeira política da corte real, Anastásia deve confrontar a verdade sobre o destino de sua irmã e fazer uma escolha que poderia alterar o curso de um reino inteiro. [Volume 2: Emily Blackthorn] A vida da Princesa Emily toma um rumo turbulento quando ela é rejeitada, deixando seu coração partido e sua alma à beira da corrupção. Em um esforço desesperado para salvar-se, ela viaja para o Oeste. Entra o Príncipe da Tempestade, um arquidemônio carismático com olhos azuis marcantes e um sorriso que parece de santo. Emily tinha esperança de que o tinha visto pela última vez, mas o destino tem outros planos. Como se não bastasse sua alma estar morrendo, alguém quer roubá-la! Presas entre os pretendentes e os pesadelos que a assombram desde a infância, Emily começa a ver Raylen sob uma nova luz. O demônio de olhos azuis pode não ser o monstro que ela pensava ser.
ash_knight17 · 50K Views

Jardin du poison

[Volume 1 : Dante Blackthorn] Lorsque Anastasia et sa sœur Marianne sont capturées et emmenées par-delà les mers par des pirates, elles deviennent des marchandises destinées à être vendues dans une terre lointaine. Marianne est prise comme courtisane, tandis qu'Anastasia échappe de justesse à un terrible destin en prétendant être muette. Elle est contrainte au plus bas échelon des serviteurs au palais royal, où elle endure une vie de servitude et crée de magnifiques œuvres d'art pour masquer sa douleur. Malgré les années qui passent, Anastasia n'a jamais oublié la promesse de sa sœur de retourner ensemble dans leur famille. Cependant, avec ses mouvements restreints et la vigilance des gardes, l'évasion semble impossible. Lorsque Anastasia entre en contact avec le Prince Déchu, sa vie bascule hors de contrôle et elle déclenche une Crux d'incroyables proportions. Désormais en lutte contre ses propres démons intérieurs tout en naviguant dans la politique perfide de la cour royale, Anastasia doit confronter la vérité sur le sort de sa sœur et faire un choix qui pourrait changer le destin d'un royaume entier. [Volume 2 : Emily Blackthorn] La vie de la Princesse Emily prend un tournant tumultueux lorsqu'elle est rejetée, laissant son cœur brisé et son âme au bord de la corruption. Dans une tentative désespérée de se sauver, elle entreprend un voyage vers l'Ouest. Entre en scène le Prince de la Tempête, un archidémon charismatique aux yeux bleus, avec un sourire semblable à celui d'un saint. Emily avait espéré ne plus jamais le revoir, mais le destin en a décidé autrement. Comme si voir son âme se mourir ne suffisait pas, quelqu'un veut la lui voler ! Coincée entre les prétendants et les cauchemars hantant qui l'ont tourmentée depuis l'enfance, Emily commence à percevoir Raylen sous un nouveau jour. Le démon aux yeux bleus n'est peut-être pas le monstre qu'elle pensait.
ash_knight17 · 51K Views

Taman Beracun

[Volume 1: Dante Blackthorn] Ketika Anastasia dan saudarinya Marianne diculik dan diangkut melintasi lautan oleh para bajak laut, mereka menjadi komoditas yang akan dijual di tanah yang jauh. Marianne diambil sebagai gundik, sementara Anastasia hampir tidak luput dari nasib buruk dengan berpura-pura menjadi bisu. Dia dipaksa masuk ke jajaran pelayan terbawah di istana kerajaan, di mana dia menjalani kehidupan sebagai pelayan dan menciptakan karya seni yang indah untuk menyembunyikan sakit hatinya. Walaupun bertahun-tahun berlalu, Anastasia tidak pernah lupa janji saudarinya untuk kembali ke keluarga mereka bersama-sama. Namun, dengan pergerakannya yang terbatas dan penjaga yang selalu waspada, tampaknya mustahil untuk melarikan diri. Ketika Anastasia bertemu dengan Pangeran Terlupakan, kehidupannya berputar di luar kendali dan dia memicu Crux dengan proporsi yang luar biasa. Kini berjuang melawan iblis dalam dirinya sendiri sambil mengarungi politik kerajaan yang penuh bahaya, Anastasia harus menghadapi kenyataan tentang nasib saudarinya dan membuat pilihan yang bisa mengubah jalannya sebuah kerajaan. [Volume 2: Emily Blackthorn] Kehidupan Putri Emily berubah menjadi gonjang-ganjing ketika dia ditolak, membuatnya patah hati dan jiwanya di ambang kejahatan. Dalam upaya yang putus asa untuk menyelamatkan diri, dia melakukan perjalanan ke Barat. Masuklah Pangeran Badai, seorang setan agung yang karismatik dengan mata biru yang menawan, dengan senyum yang seperti orang suci. Emily berharap itu adalah pertemuan terakhir mereka, tetapi nasib memiliki rencana lain. Seolah jiwa yang sekarat tidak cukup, ada seseorang yang ingin mencurinya! Terjebak di antara para pelamar dan mimpi buruk yang telah menghantuinya sejak kecil, Emily mulai melihat Raylen dalam cahaya baru. Setan bermata biru itu mungkin bukanlah monster yang dulu dia pikirkan.
ash_knight17 · 23.5K Views
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