GOT: House Zedrhys
The story revolves around House Zedrhys, a noble family with a rich history and a seat of power at Eldithril Castle. After a devastating war against the gods, House Zedrhys is humbled and forced to rebuild. However, they are given a second chance by Eru, the Great Architect, who grants them the power to heal and protect the land.
As House Zedrhys rises from the ashes, they are joined by their loyal vassal houses, including House Astreidis, House Anarion, House Pevensie, and House Fëanor. Together, they form a powerful alliance that seeks to restore balance and harmony to the world.
NOTE: I own nothing in Game of thrones, Dune, Narnia, and lord of the rings except for my own character the original works belong to the rightful owners.