Pains In My Heart
In the bustling city of Tokyo, where dreams and destinies intertwine, two souls find solace in the quiet melodies of fate. Hikari Sato, a cheerful and visually impaired university student, crosses paths with Yuuto Fukuyama, a reserved and aspiring artist struggling with his own inner demons.
Their worlds collide when Hikari accidentally bumps into Yuuto while navigating the crowded streets, setting off a series of events that draw them closer. As their unique connection blossoms into a tender friendship, Hikari's radiant spirit begins to illuminate the shadows surrounding Yuuto's troubled past.
Yet, their journey is fraught with challenges. Hikari's increasing health issues cast a looming shadow over their time together, forcing them to confront the fragility of life and love. Yuuto, haunted by a tragic incident from his past, grapples with self-doubt and fear of opening his heart to another.
As the seasons change, so does the tone of their tale. The sakura blossoms witness the fleeting nature of their affection, and the beauty of their shared moments becomes bittersweet. Amidst the cherry blossoms' fall, Hikari's health deteriorates, leaving Yuuto desperate to create lasting memories before the inevitable farewell.