Golden Son
Fundamentally speaking, everything that has happened so far is completely Impossible.
Scientifically speaking, it's just super improbable.
But honestly?
This whole evolution shtick is kinda cool.
Even if it changes things.
June 1st, 20th year of the 3rd millennium.
"On this day, the world changes. History has been written, the world has been reshaped!" - Bagman, Political Dissident
A Viral outbreak was always a dangerous thing, thing is we always thought we could monitor theses things, control them, fight back against them.
We thought wrong.
Our numbers, our analysis our logic failed.
The whole world had already been infected, the death toll was only so low because it was meant to change humans, not kill them.
The Virus Triggered a change in the human genome, an activation of chaotic probability hidden within our genetic code.