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Papa Emeritus Iv

Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés

"M... Marissa ! Sont-ils mes enfants ?" Les yeux de Rafael ne se détachaient pas des visages adorables des enfants. "Non, Rafael. Ils ne le sont pas," Marissa dit avec un sourire forcé, "Ils ne sont pas les tiens. Tu te souviens ?" elle battit des cils de manière assez dramatique, "Nous n'avons jamais été mariés !" La sœur aînée de Marissa Aaron, Valérie Aaron, a abandonné son petit ami aveugle le jour de leur mariage et s'est enfuie. Pour sauver les apparences, la famille de Merissa l'a suppliée d'épouser Raphael Sinclair. L'ironie ? Elle n'avait pas le droit de dire à son mari aveugle qu'elle n'était pas Valérie mais Marissa Aaron. Le jour de la chirurgie oculaire réussie de Raphael, Marissa a appris que Valérie était de retour pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que belle-fille des Sinclair. Marissa a tenté d'expliquer à son mari qu'elle était celle qui avait épousé, mais il ne l'a pas crue. Au lieu de le convaincre davantage, le cœur brisé, Merissa a décidé de quitter la ville sans lui révéler son secret. Raphael Sinclair était l'incarnation même de l'homme incroyablement séduisant et était le seul héritier du groupe d'industries Sinclair. Que ferait-il lorsqu'il apprendrait que tout ce temps la femme qui lui offrait son amour et son corps n'était pas Valérie mais sa sœur cadette Marissa Aaron ? Comment réagirait-il en apprenant qu'il était le père des bébés que Marissa portait en elle ? Chercherait-il à retrouver Marissa et à la reconquérir ? Et la question à un million de dollars ! Marissa serait-elle un jour capable de lui pardonner et de l'aimer à nouveau ?
JessicaKaye911 · 1.1M Views

Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir l'épouse du roi mécha

Il y avait trois mots dans l'empire Étoile du Soleil pour décrire Scarlet Su : inutile, déchet et stupide. Mais un jour, le compte étoile de Scarlet Su est passé d'avoir le nom d'utilisateur 'La fiancée du roi mécha' à 'Le roi mécha, c'est nul.' Soudain, tout le monde se demandait quelle nouvelle quête d'attention elle inventait ? Mourant sur une Terre infestée de zombies, une jeune femme plonge dans un portail qui devrait mener à un merveilleux nouveau monde mais au lieu de cela, elle se réveille dans un monde interstellaire dans le corps de Scarlet Su, l'épouse indésirable du général favori de l'empire et roi mécha. Elle devient instantanément mère du fils du général et copropriétaire d'une planète poubelle non développée. Heureusement, elle a transmigré avec son espace de stockage, des millions de fournitures et une volonté de travailler dur. Malheureusement, elle est dupée en devenant un faucheur d'âmes dans ce monde interstellaire. Chaque semaine, elle doit livrer des âmes au sous-monde ou risquer de perdre sa force mentale nouvellement acquise et de redevenir la vieille Scarlet faible et inutile. Elle est passée de Scarlet l'inutile à Scarlet l'incroyable et son mari est soudainement venu la supplier désespérément d'accepter son amour. Elle a dit, « Parle d'abord à ton fils, c'est lui qui cherche un père. » Mais son fils a dit, « Tu veux être mon papa, rejoins la file des prétendants là-bas et remplis tes informations. » Extrait : « Alors le mari prodigue revient après tout ce temps et moi qui pensais que tu étais mort. » dit-elle avec sarcasme. « Surveille ta langue Scarlet, je suis toujours ton mari. » Scarlet a ri et a croisé les bras, « Ah donc tu es conscient d'être un mari, comment devrais-je réagir maintenant que tu as choisi d'assumer le titre que tu as si facilement voulu jeter il y a quelques mois. Devrais-je applaudir et ensuite enlever mes vêtements et te supplier de me ravager ? » elle a levé les yeux au ciel et a reniflé avec dédain. Elle regardait son mari s'approcher lentement d'elle avec un regard concentré et furieux et elle se demandait si elle l'avait poussé à bout. « Tu as osé m'envoyer des papiers de divorce, Scarlet, as-tu perdu la raison ? » 'Non,' pensa-t-elle, 'au contraire, c'est toi qui as perdu la tienne.' La photo de couverture n'est pas la mienne et peut être retirée à la demande du propriétaire.
1cutecat · 79.2K Views

A Princesa da Mamãe é a Amada do Papai

[COMPLETO] “Senhorita Li Xue, você está grávida!” disse a doutora enquanto entregava o exame de gravidez que claramente tinha dado positivo. Li Xue não sabia como reagir à notícia. Ela estava toda preparada para fazer o teste de virgindade e provar ao mundo que todas as acusações eram falsas. Ela estava completamente certa de que sua virgindade estava intacta, então como a gravidez dela era possível? Essa é a história de uma mulher, Li Xue, que trabalhou árdua e incansavelmente para construir sua carreira como modelo de moda. Ela não vinha de uma família rica onde tudo era servido em bandejas de ouro, mas sim de uma família de classe média trabalhadora, onde é necessário esforçar-se muito para alcançar os sonhos. Seu sonho era se tornar a principal modelo de moda do mercado, mas ele foi estilhaçado quando ela se viu presa em um escândalo. Ninguém acreditou nela. Nem seus amigos nem seu namorado. Ela foi deixada completamente sozinha com a criança que crescia dentro dela. Então, ela deixou a cidade, com a vida que crescia em seu ventre. Com um pequeno demônio-anjo em crescimento que lhe dava forças para sobreviver neste mundo sem sentido, para se tornar algo que ela ainda não tinha certeza do que seria. ____ P.S. Este é um trabalho original, não uma tradução. E a capa me pertence. (Encomendada de: GiselArts). Junte-se à autora no servidor do discord: Ou conecte-se no Instagram: author_scarlet_shine
Scarlet_Shine · 70.7K Views

L'héritière qui lit dans les pensées : de l'imposture à la favorite de la famille

Wenyan lisait un livre dans lequel un personnage de chair à canon portant son nom était une fausse héritière. Lorsque la véritable héritière reprenait sa place, l'imposteur essayait de sécuriser sa position dans la riche famille en droguant le fils aîné et en en faisant un fait accompli avec une histoire de riz déjà cuit, pour finir par être démasquée par la Famille Shen et se suicider dans le désespoir. Wenyan était furieuse de voir une telle fin. Comment ne pourrait-on pas survivre sans le soutien d'une famille aisée ? La famille ne lui avait-elle pas fourni une maison de luxe et d'innombrables biens de luxe ? Il suffirait de vendre tout cela pour empocher des dizaines de millions. Elle était simplement un cas désespéré ! Si elle avait été la Wenyan du livre, elle aurait abandonné sa place et simplement vécu décontractée comme un poisson salé ! Mais lorsqu'elle se réveilla de son sommeil, elle avait réellement été transportée dans le livre. Fidèle à sa parole, elle arrêta de comploter. En une nuit, elle fit ses valises, vendit sa maison, sa voiture et ses sacs, et chercha un emploi. - Toute la Famille Shen remarqua le changement chez Wenyan, leur fille adoptive. Non seulement elle avait déménagé docilement, mais elle n'avait également jamais causé d'ennuis à nouveau. Plus bizarre encore, ils pouvaient maintenant voir ses pensées les plus intérieures ! 【Papa, Maman, je n'ai jamais voulu usurper votre nid, mais les résultats du test ADN de votre véritable fille ont des problèmes. En fait, elle est encore plus fausse que moi, la fausse héritière.】 Parents de la Famille Shen : ...... Puis, la 'fille' perdue de longue date qui avait été retrouvée fut exposée en tant qu'imposteur et emmenée par la police pour interrogatoire. 【Grand frère, ce camarade de classe à toi n'est pas fréquentable, il est un espion industriel, l'enfant illégitime des plus grands ennemis de la Famille Shen.】 L'aîné de la Famille Shen : ...... Par la suite, le camarade s'est fait prendre en volant des documents confidentiels et a également été emmené par la police pour interrogatoire. 【Deuxième frère, tu es une personne si pure et noble, tu ne dois pas être avec la fille de la Famille Qin, elle se sert de toi, son cœur est en réalité porté sur quelqu'un d'autre.】 Le deuxième fils de la Famille Shen : ...... Merci, je vais me renseigner. 【Et toi, troisième frère, quatrième frère ......】 Au final, personne n'aurait pu prédire que la plus insignifiante des filles adoptives de la Famille Shen deviendrait la belle-fille choyée.
Draw the sword with a smile · 42.9K Views

Général, Votre Femme Vous Demande de Revenir à la Maison Pour l'Agriculture

``` # VIE DE FAMILLE Su Xiaoxiao faisait la sieste mais a ouvert les yeux pour découvrir qu'elle avait été transmigrée et se trouvait maintenant dans le corps d'une fille bien en chair. D'une docteure militaire distinguée, elle était devenue une gourmande et une paresseuse. De plus, elle terrorisait souvent les gens du village en compagnie de son père et de son frère. C'était pourquoi personne aux alentours ne voulait l'épouser. Bien que sa famille soit parvenue à arranger un mariage avec une famille illustre, le marié s'est enfui le jour du mariage. Quand son père a dit qu'il lui attraperait un mari, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il le fasse littéralement en capturant Wei Ting avec un sac après qu'il eut été épuisé de combattre des brigands. Su Cheng souriait mystérieusement à sa fille. "Papa a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. Laquelle veux-tu entendre en premier ?" "L'une ou l'autre." "J'ai capturé un mari pour toi. Il est cent fois plus beau que He Tongsheng ! Tu vas définitivement l'aimer !" "Alors, c'est quoi la bonne nouvelle ?" demanda-t-elle dans un état second. Su Cheng décida de se laisser porter par le courant et changea ses mots. "La bonne nouvelle c'est que tu n'as plus besoin de donner naissance ! Mon gendre nous a déjà donné des enfants !" Après s'être mariée, Su Xiaoxiao menait une vie trépidante à réformer son père gangster et son frère cadet pour le mieux, à sauver la vie de son époux magnifique, et à élever ses trois canailles... En outre, elle devint inopinément l'une des dames les plus puissantes de la dynastie Yan ! ```
Pian Fangfang · 67K Views

L'épouse bien-aimée du PDG Papa

``` La nuit où son fiancé la trompa, Ran Xueyi ne pensait pas que sa famille et ses amis étaient déjà au courant avant elle. Dévastée, Xueyi décide qu'elle veut se venger d'une manière qui ruinerait la réputation de sa famille et mettre fin aux fiançailles qu'elle ne souhaitait pas ! Et la seule façon de faire cela était de tomber enceinte de l'enfant d'un autre homme ! Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque le père de son enfant se présente devant elle après 2 ans, exigeant de reprendre avec lui leur enfant ? Xueyi sera-t-elle capable de résister à son charme alors même que son fils veut adopter cet homme comme son père ?! --- Rencontrez Song Yu Han, un homme énigmatique et le plus riche PDG du pays ! Dommage, l'homme était aussi froid que la glace.. Mais juste au moment où tout le monde pensait qu'il n'y aurait jamais une femme capable de le faire tomber amoureux, il a soudainement présenté une belle épouse et un fils. ---- Quelques scènes du roman : « Maman, je veux dîner avec papa », dit un jour le petit. Xueyi ne peut résister au charme de son fils et dit oui à contrecœur. Le jour suivant. « Maman, j'ai entendu mes camarades dire qu'ils dorment avec leurs parents. Est-ce que je peux appeler papa pour dormir avec nous ? » Xueyi rejette l'idée mais lorsque son fils se met à pleurer et à faire une crise, elle finit par céder. Et le lendemain, encore. « Maman, je veux une petite sœur de la part de maman et papa. Va en faire une pour moi ! » exige le petit, puis fait un clin d'œil à son père qui se tient derrière lui. Ainsi commence la vie de Xueyi remplie d'amour de la part de son mari et de son fils. [CONTENU MATURE] ```
Poisonlily · 128.8K Views

Barbaric realms

"I will be ok papa," Shai said "I just want to make sure you're safe," Leif said "I will be fine I love you," Shai said "Love you too," Leif said Sadly It didn't turn out so, Shai Aqua went to work followed by a mysterious figure watching her before disappearing, she came back home to find it destroyed with a shining blue portal in the middle of her room. She was pulled into the portal away from her realm into another one, "What are you looking at Judy?" Eurus asked walking up to her, Judy pointed at a hole in the ground, when they looked into the hole it showed a woman with brown hair, Judy's instincts kicked and she slid down the hole to see if the woman was alive, "Judy!" Eurus yelled before following her, Judy puts her head on the woman's chest to hear her heartbeat, "She's alive," Judy said under her breath, Eurus stands next to her, pulls Judy off the woman, Shai was found by Judy and Eurus and brought to their home to be sheltered. Shai woke up after hearing from the figure in a different realm with an AI that had his own goal. "What is your motive?" Herman hums at this a little lullaby, showing her sites of mass destruction, Claire blocks most of it but she sees glimpses of mass death and ruin, she sees wars and rumors of wars, and she sees him above Judy and Eurus's dead body with Shai gets her throat crushed and thrown to the ground in front of her, Claire fell to her knees cradling Judy in her arms. She felt an odd pain in her head and opened her eyes still seeing him there, "Why do you want this? This is madness! we could live peacefully with them but you want death tell me why?" Claire asserted Herman just stared at her before chuckling at her, "Do you believe that I wanted to do this? I am programmed to be this way..... An AI that wants the death of humanity. that is made by insane scientists who wanted the death of all humanity, I'm what they couldn't even dream of, these humans don't deserve to live on this planet. That the elites of this world made it worse. So why not do what I am programmed to do?" Herman explained plainly, Shai didn't know but that was one of the reasons she was sent into that realm. To help this realm get rid of the AI and help twist it to their ways,
Chloethebarbarian · 51.9K Views

Seven Nation Army

Fourteen years of war nearly destroyed the world. Seven years of peace have barely held it together. The Seven Nation Army, forged from the ashes of World War III, stopped the bloodshed and vowed to protect the fragile balance. But peace has a price—and not everyone is willing to pay it. A shadow looms over the fractured world. The New World Order, a ruthless organization born of chaos, plots to tear apart the fragile ceasefire. Their vision? Burn the old world to the ground and rebuild it on their terms. At the forefront of this conflict, Bravo Squad stands as humanity's shield. Led by Captain Sohel Choudhury, callsign "Ghost," this elite unit faces a daunting task: unravel the NWO's plans before the world is plunged into World War IV. But trust is scarce, alliances are fickle, and the battlefield is no longer confined to nations—it’s everywhere. Victory isn’t guaranteed, but failure means the end of everything. — “If taking one life can save a thousand, we have to pull the trigger. If that one life is at the end of your barrel, and you won't be able to take the shot, leave this room right now. Because if you don't take the shot, your enemy will. And he won't hesitate. I assembled you here to win a war, not to turn all of you into cannon fodder.” Sohel took a deep breath and looked out over his squad. “Now, let me ask again, does anybody want to leave? Does anyone here think that he'd not be able to pull the trigger?” The room buzzed with one synchronized sound, “No, sir.”
Captain_Sadistic · 136.7K Views

O Deus vingativo em outro mundo sou eu?! não era só um jogo?!

‘Como foi que isso aconteceu’ O jovem, praticamente um garoto olhava para a cena em sua frente. Em apenas uma olhada era possível ver dezenas de pessoas, mais atentamente ele tinha certeza que podiam ser centenas ou milhares, de pessoas se prostrado em sua frente. Desde o centro da praça da cidade até as ruas adjacentes na frente do templo, com uma similaridade assustadora com oque acontecia no Vaticano quando o Papa fazia algum discurso. O jovem sentado em um trono grande demaia para ele, dentro de um templo de mármore podia ver a expressões de felicidade, reverência, gratidão e em alguns uma pequena pitada de medo. Não que ele prestasse muita atenção nos demais, sua atenção era atraída principalmente para o grupo diretamente abaixo do trono. Esse grupo era composto de pessoas de várias idades desde velhos com cabelos grisalhos e enrugados, mas com corpos estranhamente saudáveis e com posturas eretas como postes, há jovens de várias idade incluindo crianças. Oque esse grupo tinha em particular tinha em comum expressão que tinham, só podendo ser descritas como fanáticas enquanto olhavam o jovem. A única coisa que se passava na cabeça do jovem, cento dessa atenção desmedida era simplesmente… ‘Como as coisas ficaram assim?!!!! Eu só tava jogando um jogo!!!!’ ——————————— Em um quarto de um apartamento comum, em uma cidade comum. Um jovem aparentemente comum podia ser visto deitado na cama com um celular sobre o peito. O celular estava ligado e mostrava cenas do que parecia ser um jogo. Com uma pequena e intrigante coincidência de que o jovem sentado em um enorme trono dentro de um templo de mármore, era completamente idêntico ao jovem dormindo. ********************************************** Obrigado ao ImagineArt pela imagem
FereliX25 · 12K Views

After reborn, I became the Butler of the Count’s tsundere daughter

After I died, the woman who called herself a goddess summoned me to her side and sent me to isekai to be reincarnated. She said that earth is her world and my existence here makes her sick. So far everything was normal, according to our agreement I would even have a system after I was reincarnated. But why is my system named the butler system? Anyway, I'll forgive the goddess for choosing such a beautiful mother for me. Ehehehehe ------- one year later Well, it was obvious this was going to be like this. If you ignore something as important as cleaning a wound before bandaging it, of course the wound will infect. What can a simple village pharmacist do with a huge wound this close to the heart? It's too late ... What the fuck is that light coming out of the old woman's hand? ------- four years later "I want you to be my personal butler, Yuto" Isn't that supposed to be a choice, you little bitch? How can you say it's a free choice when there's a man behind me waiting to kill me the moment I refuse? Should I use my teleport ability to get out of here? [ Your five-year time limit has expired, if you want to continue using the system, please become a real butler as soon as possible ] There's a lot of pressure on me... Anyway, I'll just be a bit of a butler, what's the most that can happen? ------- main tag- comedy-isekai warning - even if the tags say harem, the harem is something that will be revealed later in the story. ( not the brainless harem ) ------ Arc I- reincarnation / 1~12 Arc II- Being a Butler / 13~35 Arc III- Blessing / 36~41 Arc IV- a noble... / 42~54 Arc V- An ordinary? day for the Ironblood family / 55~71 Arc VI- Puclic auction and banquet night / 72~116 Arc VII- The Emperor level training battle / 117~130 Arc VIII- Separation / 131~150 Arc IX- The ruthless hunter of the dark seas / 151~??? ------ Total words 190k The gramer quality of the first 45 chapters is dropping in some parts. I am working on it. (17/45 complate)
OLD_storage · 1.1M Views

My Yandere Goddess daughter from another world

The story unfolds with a high school boy Evan enduring ceaseless bullying from both his male and female classmates. He's regarded as an easy target due to his quiet and peaceful nature, lacking the inclination to engage in fights or confrontations. Despite the torment, neither friends nor teachers come to his aid, perpetuating his suffering. However, the trajectory of his life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly transported to another world by the Goddess of Love, a breathtakingly beautiful being. She entrusts him with a pivotal mission: to defeat the demon lord plaguing this unfamiliar realm. Bestowing upon his divine powers to enhance his strength, the goddess sets him on a path filled with perilous adventures. In this new world, he forges deep connections and friendships, eventually falling in love with a princess who is destined to become his future wife. But Things change after Evan finally kills the demon lord. Those he once trusted betray him mercilessly, The Princess shares her thought that she never liked someone disgusting and ugly and she is already having an intimate life with the handsome prince, the princess he adores ruthlessly ends his life. Suddenly, he awakens in bewilderment, finding himself once more in the presence of the Goddess of Love. Filled with anger and confusion, he confronts her about the harrowing experiences he endured. To his astonishment, the goddess manages to pacify his turbulent emotions with a kiss. Gradually, he comes to realize that he has returned to his home world, Earth, with no recollection of the events that transpired following his return. Despite spending more than five years in the other world, his physical form remains that of a 17-year-old teenager. The divine powers, weapons, and domains bestowed upon him by the goddess are entirely absent. With no other options, he reluctantly resumes his former life on Earth, enduring the same torment of bullying and facing a life of poverty. Just when he believes things couldn't get any stranger, he encounters a peculiar and extraordinarily beautiful girl. Her appearance seems utterly out of place on Earth, her beauty transcending any human standard. Before he can begin to unravel this perplexing mystery, the girl spontaneously jumps into his arms, affectionately calling him "Papa," and places a kiss on his lips. The word "Papa" sends a chilling shiver down his spine as he begins to recall the enigmatic events involving the Goddess of Love. ====== Tags: revenge, action, old-love-interest, Goddess love, Yandere, incest, loli-con, romance, betrayal, harem, and Dad-con. Notice: extreme yandere daughter that would kill or wipe anyone who would come between her and her father. Warning: This is fanfiction, don't do this at home with your daughter and father. Note: Evan's daughter will appear in chapter five. (The book cover is not mine)
Uphar · 60K Views

The Battle of The Cultures

In the heart of Emretana, a nation forged by the legendary King Jiranyu IV, lies the fortified city of Yiaditak. Originally built by Jiranyu IV, the city stands as a testament to his vision of unity and strength. Over the centuries, Yiaditak has become a symbol of resilience for the Jibberek people, the largest and most influential ethnicity in Emretana. The name "Yiaditak" is derived from the Jibberenkrata words "Yiada," meaning light, and "Yitak," meaning guide. The city earned its name because its lights, visible from the Yestakmi Hills, served as a beacon for travelers, guiding them safely through their journeys. However, Yiaditak is also home to the Ekkadese people, a minor ethnicity that sought refuge in Emretana after fleeing their homeland on the distant shores of Irammi. For generations, the Ekkadese have built their lives in Yiaditak, preserving their culture and traditions in their adopted homeland. Tensions between the Jibberek and Ekkadese have simmered for years, fueled by disputes over territory, resources, and cultural differences. As these tensions reach a boiling point, the stage is set for an epic confrontation that will determine the future of both peoples. The Battle of the Cultures is a tale of conflict and unity, bravery and determination. Leading the charge on the Jibberek side are RedEmerald108YT, a skilled Army Chief and strategist organizing the city's defenses; King Jirakku II, the wise and just ruler of the Jibberek, upholding the legacy of Jiranyu IV; The Emretana Dispute Soldiers, elite warriors trained to handle conflicts within the nation; and CheirsDaCrafter, a master craftsman and engineer creating fortifications and traps. On the Ekkadese side, the resilient and resourceful forces are led by Ensuta, the charismatic leader determined to protect the Ekkadese homeland; the united and innovative Ekkadese people, contributing their unique skills to the defense; and Rimmadu, a skilled warrior and tactician devising clever plans and strategies. As the battle rages on, both sides face personal challenges and doubts. The outcome of the battle will depend on their strength, courage, and ability to unite in the face of adversity. Amidst the chaos, the echoes of King Jiranyu IV's vision remind them of the importance of unity and resilience. Will the Jibberek and Ekkadese find a way to overcome their differences and achieve a lasting peace, or will the conflict continue to rage on? The Battle of the Cultures is a gripping tale of cultural heritage and the indomitable spirit of Emretana's people.
RedEmerald_108 · 1.5K Views

Link-Slayer, the Strongest will not be alone in Outra World

[This is English Version of my original here, please click that for image description] World Setting: The Real World, has other world parallel with it named "Outra World". That world give the "Supernatural Power" cause all life able to use various special power, such as Magic, Chemical, Natural, Power of God and Devil, even Martial Art ,etc. Although all life can use these power equally, but there is the title named "Slayer", who is the strongest one, wield the balance of Real World and Outra World The longer this power lasted, the more people began to forget about its existence, until it became integrated into their daily lives and they turned to using old methods instead, such as performing surgery instead of using magical healing powers, or using firearms instead of using sword techniques, etc., without people realizing that it was also one of the supernatural powers... Including the existence of Slayer, which began to be counted as just an ordinary title for a career only... Until in 20XX, there was a mobile application called “Outra App” which applied this supernatural power to the application itself, causing people to start getting interested in supernatural power once again! Real Synopsis: In the "Outra World", filled with various special powers, anyone can use them. Except for him, the glasses young man "Jayz Strider" who gain the ultimate power from his dreadful past; The Ultimate Power named "Link-Slayer". After he obtained this power, he want to live alone and won't anyone get in his way. Main Character: Jayz Strider (Male: 19) > A glasses young man who wants to live his own life alone, leaving behind all the worst past that haunts him. That's how he became the Link-Slayer. Ive Roux (Female: 18) > A red short-haired young lady who became a supernatural user through her own talent, She decide to live in place of her best friend, who is already passed away. Huarunga Raito (Male: 19) > A orange ponytail haired young man who inherited the famous Zookeeper business, including the "Ancient powers", in order to grow beyond his father's teachings. Vita Mondschein (Female: 20) > A glasses young woman who dropped out of her first year of university for seeking the revenge on the person who killed her family. Therefore, she had to hide her grudge behind an innocent appearance. for English Version, i will publish next chapter at Saturday 8:30 (except seasonal and festival holiday) with full Chapter (No Separate Part like original) and delay from Thai original version about 2 chapters, because my busy daily... If you want the web novel which gather all of special power you know or not, just read and let's Enjoy it Thanks for reading
GreatzerZX · 3K Views
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