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Substantial Po Polsku

Le point de vue de l'auteur

La personne autour de laquelle le monde tourne. La personne qui défait tous ses adversaires, et obtient finalement la belle fille. L'existence même que tous les méchants craignent. C'est le protagoniste. Qu'en est-il de moi ? En tant qu'auteur raté qui n'a eu qu'un seul succès tout au long de sa carrière, je me suis réincarné dans mon dernier roman. "C'est ça" Ai-je pensé, en serrant fermement le poing. Je viens de me réincarner dans mon propre roman ? Est-ce ici que je me réincarne dans un roman et deviens le protagoniste ? Non. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas ce genre de roman, car je me suis réincarné en tant que figurant. Le monde ne tourne pas autour de moi. Les filles ne viennent pas vers moi. Les objets de triche ne viennent pas à moi. "Ouf" J'ai poussé un soupir de soulagement. "Dieu merci, je ne suis pas le protagoniste" J'ai crié joyeusement alors que des larmes coulaient sur mes joues. Attendez, êtes-vous curieux de savoir pourquoi je ne veux pas être le protagoniste ? J'ai oublié de mentionner la chose la plus importante lorsque je décrivais un protagoniste. C'est... Ce sont des aimants à calamités. Je viens de mourir. Si j'ai appris quelque chose de ça, c'est que ce n'est pas vraiment une expérience agréable. Si possible, laissez-moi vivre une longue vie stable. Merci, à celui qui m'a réincarné. Je viendrais plus tard à regretter ces mots... ======== Avis aux lecteurs : Veuillez lire le *Lire avant de lire le roman* dans le synopsis. ======== Crédit à _oinkchan pour m'avoir aidé à trouver l'ancienne couverture du roman Crédit à Rengoku pour son incroyable édition de la nouvelle couverture. ======== Discord : Patreon :
Entrail_JI · 11 Views

Mon épouse super féroce bien-aimée

"Le nouveau livre 'Réprimandée comme l'étoile de la mort, tous les grands du Capital se précipitent pour me gâter' est maintenant disponible !" Également connu sous le nom de "Ère Renaissante : S'enrichir avec le Système de Connexion." [Une protagoniste féminine énergique vs. un protagoniste masculin vindicatif, sarcastique et élégant] Après une explosion en laboratoire, Lin Tang retourne à cette époque de pauvreté et est liée à un système de connexion. Avant qu'elle ait le temps de réclamer le pack de cadeaux pour nouveaux venus, son fiancé, arborant un air confiant, vient rompre les fiançailles. La raison, c'est qu'il est sur le point de décrocher un emploi stable. Lin Tang regarde l'homme ordinaire mais sûr de lui, entrouvre légèrement ses lèvres rouges et dit : "... romps-les !" Moins d'un mois plus tard, son ex-fiancé est renvoyé pour une raison quelconque. Lin Tang fait un tour dans le comté et devient l'officier exécutif de la Station de Diffusion dans l'Usine Textile. OS interne de l'ex-fiancé : Est-il trop tard pour se réconcilier maintenant ? - Ces temps étaient difficiles ! Même choyée par ses trois grands frères et ses parents, tout, de la nourriture aux vêtements et même le savon, nécessitait des coupons... Même une vie frugale ne pouvait pas atténuer la misère. Regardant la bouillie noire dans le bol, Lin Tang resta silencieuse, “......” Heureusement, elle avait un système ! Besoin de quelque chose ? Il suffit de se connecter pour l'obtenir. - Plusieurs années plus tard. Un homme séduisant regardait sa délicate femme au teint clair, gardant son sérieux tout en disant, “J'ai entendu dire que tu pouvais assommer un sanglier avec juste deux coups de poing ?” Les yeux de Lin Tang pétillèrent, ses doigts exerçant doucement de la force, le Pot d'Émail dans sa main se déforma. Elle répondit d'un ton sérieux, “Absurdités ! Ne crois pas ces rumeurs. Nous sommes des gens civilisés et ne pouvons pas être aussi barbares !”
a visitor from South Flight · 43K Views

L'animal de compagnie du Tyran

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Une princesse du petit royaume de Rikhill qui était aimée de tous. Avec sa beauté qui était enchantement réservée et un esprit avisé, elle avait attiré beaucoup d'attention et conquis les cœurs de nombreux. L'un d'entre eux était le séduisant prince héritier de l'Empire de Maganti. Submergé par le désir de la posséder et son intérêt pour la terre du petit royaume, le prince héritier dudit empire ne reculerait devant rien. Les chevaliers de l'Empire de Maganti marchèrent à travers les masses et s'emparèrent du royaume de Rikhill vieux de quatre cent ans. Le royaume de Rikhill tomba en ruine en une nuit. Le prince héritier ne laissa aucun membre de la famille royale en vie à part son trophée de guerre, Aries. Après avoir souffert entre ses mains, Aries trouva la chance parfaite de s'échapper. C'était lorsqu'il l'emmena au sommet mondial. Un rassemblement de chaque souverain de chaque royaume et empire pour des pourparlers de paix. Là, elle rencontra l'empereur de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé. Submergée par le désespoir, Aries le supplia de l'accueillir. C'était trop tard lorsqu'elle réalisa que l'homme à qui elle demandait de l'aide était bien plus cruel, tordu et carrément diabolique que le prince héritier en la prenant pour son... animal de compagnie! EXTRAIT : Avec une paire d'yeux cramoisis planant au-dessus d'elle, Aries retint son souffle. Quand le coin de ses lèvres se leva diaboliquement, elle ne put réagir rapidement alors qu'il inversait leur position avec agilité. Elle ne le réalisa que lorsqu'elle le chevauchait, fixant Abel, les yeux écarquillés. « Personne n'est au-dessus de moi dans cet empire et même au-dehors — pas même la loi, mais regarde-toi, » dit-il avec un sourire diabolique. « Me toisant... si intimidant. » Aries mordit sa lèvre, posant sa paume sur sa poitrine marquée d'encre. « Votre Majesté... » « Comprends-tu maintenant le pouvoir que tu détiens, ma chérie ? » Abel enroula doucement ses doigts autour de son poignet, enchanté par sa réaction. « Seulement toi, Aries, peut être au-dessus de moi et la seule personne dans ce monde qui peut me toiser. Personne d'autre. » Il leva un bras et passa ses doigts dans le côté de ses cheveux, posant sa paume sur l'arrière de sa tête avant de la tirer vers le bas jusqu'à ce que son visage soit à une paume de distance du sien. « Tu ferais mieux d'utiliser cela à ta discrétion, » murmura-t-il, inclinant la tête tandis qu'il la soulevait pour réclamer ce qui est à lui. ELLE. Faites la connaissance d'Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé, le tyran sadique, qui régnait sur un empire avec un poing de fer. Avec la présence croissante de son animal de compagnie, Aries, dans sa vie ennuyeuse et sombre, il était prêt à la tuer. Mais hélas, à chaque fois qu'il pensait prendre sa vie, il se retrouvait à changer d'avis. Plus il la gardait à ses côtés, plus il devenait difficile de s'en débarrasser. Et plus il aspirait à quelque chose de plus profond et plus sombre... cela le rendait fou. Avec un secret qu'il lui cachait, que ferait Abel si Aries découvrait la vérité pourrissante derrière l'empire et l'empereur ? La tuerait-il ? Ou l'embrasserait-il ? Peut-être l'enfermerait-il ? Et si elle découvrait qu'Abel n'était pas juste un humain normal, essayerait-elle de s'échapper ? Ou accepterait-elle qu'il n'était pas juste une incarnation de démon ? Dans un monde compliqué qui les teintait de noir, l'amour était-il même possible de fleurir entre un animal de compagnie et son maître ? Regardez comme ces deux-là jouent le jeu dangereux et insensé de l'amour et du désir. Qui serait le maître et l'animal de compagnie ? Qui était la proie ? Lisez pour en savoir plus. --------- Histoire originale par : alienfrommars SUIVEZ-MOI SUR INSTAGRAM pour les arts des personnages originaux : @authoralienfrommars Serveur Discord : Avertissement : Couverture non mienne. Prise sur Pinterest. Credits à l'artiste.
alienfrommars · 104.2K Views

Tout le village prospère après avoir adopté une fille chanceuse

Lancement d'un nouveau livre ! "Petit Trésor Fortuné de la Famille Agricole : Briser les Frontières". Tous les investisseurs sont les bienvenus ! Description brève : (Renaissance + Agriculture + Grotte Magique + Écraser les Indésirables + Devenir Riche) Jiang Sanlang trouve une petite fille nouveau-née sur la colline, et l'élève comme sa propre fille. Peu après, sa femme stérile tombe enceinte de jumeaux. Puis, la famille Jiang est arrosée de bonne fortune, s'engageant progressivement sur la voie de la richesse alors qu'elle était sans le sou. Tous les villageois envient la bonne chance de la famille Jiang et veulent partager la fortune de la petite Enfant Fée. Yingbao agite sa petite main : Allez tout le monde, allons planter de l'or et du Xue'er. Je vous garantis de quoi manger pour un an, de devenir riche en deux ans, et d'atteindre le sommet de votre vie en trois ans. À la fin, tous les villageois deviennent effectivement riches, suscitant l'envie d'autres villages. Puis un jour, la famille qui avait abandonné la petite fille vient chez la famille Jiang pour réclamer leur enfant. Le village entier est en colère, les poings prêts à l'action à la porte : Bah ! Quelle honte pour des gens qui osent voler un enfant, ils devraient recevoir quelques coups de poing pour commencer. Yingbao meurt, puis se réincarne. Elle n'aurait jamais imaginé qu'elle était en réalité un 'personnage jetable' d'une histoire, et que toutes ses expériences étaient orchestrées pour faire avancer l'intrigue. Dans cette vie, Yingbao est déterminée à éviter l'héroïne principale et les personnages secondaires, fuyant tous les drames de l'histoire. Elle aspire à mener ses parents adoptifs et ses frères et sœurs vers une bonne vie, construisant un foyer prospère.
For a long time · 40K Views

Animal Tamer's Dominion

Hey y'all! If you want to talk more about my book, then here's the link to the discord server: _-_-_&---(synopsis) Makoto Kenji, an overworked and underpaid loser, was suddenly transported to another world alongside a few of his coworkers. Upon arrival, they were tasked with saving the world from the demon king's onslaught. However, during an assessment of their abilities, it was discovered that Kenji was an animal tamer – a rank lower than a beast tamer – who could only tame dogs, cats, and occasionally a few birds. As a result, Kenji was kicked out, but he was given a substantial amount of gold, allowing him to live comfortably. Eventually, Kenji built a new life for himself using his exceptional cooking skills, which were highly valued in this world. His signature dish, a simple rice and curry, was surprisingly powerful enough to increase the rank levels of those who consumed it. (In this world, there are ranks, with six levels beneath each rank.) Despite achieving fame and wealth, Kenji eventually grew bored and decided to become an adventurer. However, during his first quest, something unexpected happened – an event that would change his life and the fate of this world. Please leave a comment or review stating whether you prefer the book to include a harem or not. I want to ensure that I meet your expectations. Reward System: - 99 Power Stones: 1 extra chapter - 999 Power Stones: 5 extra chapters - 9999 Power Stones: 15 extra chapters - 9 Golden Tickets: 1 extra chapter - 99 Golden Tickets: 5 extra chapters - 999 Golden Tickets: 10 extra chapters - 1 Castle: 9 extra chapters - 5 Castles: 15 extra chapters Please note that Power Stones, Golden Tickets, and Castles must be acquired within a week to redeem the corresponding rewards.
Whirlwind_death · 46.3K Views

Rise of the Primimials

Before the gods, before the first flames of creation, before even the concept of form or thought—there was only The Void. Silent. Infinite. Unshaped. And yet, within this boundless abyss, something stirred. From the nothingness, three forces emerged, like threads weaving together the first fabric of existence. These were not gods, nor were they beings of thought—they were essences, fundamental truths of reality itself. Each one distinct, yet inseparably bound to the others, ensuring that creation could ever take root. The Continuum of Space—The foundation upon which all things are built. Without it, nothing could exist in form or structure. It is the skeleton of reality, defining boundaries, distances, and the vastness of the cosmos. It separates matter from void, the heavens from the abyss, and ensures that existence is not a singular, undivided mass. The Flow of Time—The great river that moves all things forward. Without it, existence would be an eternal, stagnant moment, neither past nor future, only an endless Now. It is the force that dictates growth, decay, and the very concept of change. The Essence of Emotion—The spark that gave purpose to creation. Where Space gave form and Time gave movement, Emotion gave meaning. It is the will of existence itself, the force that fuels ambition, hope, despair, and desire. Without it, creation would have no direction, no dreams, no soul. These three primal forces intertwined like the threads of an infinite loom, shaping reality from nothingness. Their collision did not simply create a single world—it birthed the Multiverse, an infinite sea of realms, each one a unique reflection of the interplay between these cosmic truths. Where Space stretched, galaxies bloomed. Where Time flowed, stars ignited, burned, and faded. Where Emotion stirred, life took root, seeking purpose in the infinite. Percy Atlas Magus, was admitted to a prestigious university frequented by heirs of powerful Chaebol families. A devastating accident soon followed, tearing apart the Magus family. Percy survived only to awaken in a strangely altered reality—one where his beloved twin sister Camilia, became unrecognizably distant, and the sudden introduction of someone he didn't realize was family. Now, Percy must navigate this perplexing new reality, guided by an enigmatic floating screen {Infinite Omega System.} With his path intertwined with cosmic forces and familial bonds strained by fate itself, Percy’s journey becomes one of survival, reconciliation, and the pursuit of hidden truths. Join him as he battles the challenges of his altered life, unlocking the secrets of the universe and the powerful legacy that awaits him and his sisters—the foretold awakening of the Triquetra, the legendary Power of Three
Po3_TrinityCPE · 2.8K Views

How Adware Recovery Specialist Helped Me Recover $10,000 from a Forex

For the past three years, I’ve immersed myself in the world of Forex trading—learning new strategies, refining my skills, and seeking every opportunity to grow. One such opportunity was an online Forex trading contest that initially seemed like a golden ticket to success. The contest was promoted by a company that appeared reputable; the website was professionally designed, and the contest rules were clear, which made it all seem legitimate. Intrigued by the promise of a large cash reward, I decided to participate. The registration fee was set at $1,000—a price that seemed acceptable considering the potential return. I eagerly paid the fee and received an email confirming that I had advanced to the next stage of the contest. However, the excitement quickly turned to apprehension when I was informed that I needed to pay an additional $2,000 for shipping costs related to the prize package. At that moment, I had already invested $3,000 in what I believed was my path to a substantial prize. Trusting the process, I paid the shipping fee, assuming it was a necessary step toward securing my reward. But after that payment, the promised prize never arrived, and the communication from the organizers went silent. WhatsApp info:+12 (72332)—8343 Realizing something was wrong, I began to research the contest and the company behind it. To my dismay, I found numerous reports from other participants who had fallen victim to the same scheme, each losing significant sums of money. In total, I discovered I had lost $10,000—$1,000 for registration and an additional $9,000 over time in shipping fees. It was clear that I had been scammed. Website info: h t t p s:// adware recovery specialist. com Feeling frustrated and helpless, I searched for ways to reclaim my lost money. That’s when I discovered ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST—a team of professionals dedicated to recovering funds lost to online scams. I reached out to them, and their experts immediately took over my case. Using advanced tracking techniques and digital forensics, they traced the scam’s trail, identified the fraudulent transactions, and ultimately managed to recover my stolen funds. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST, I was able to have my $10,000 returned. This experience was a harsh reminder of the importance of doing thorough research before engaging in any online contests or financial commitments. It taught me to be cautious, to question offers that seem too good to be true, and to always verify the legitimacy of any online opportunity. Email info: Adware recovery specialist (@) auctioneer. net I share my story in hopes that it serves as a cautionary tale for others in the Forex trading community. While I was fortunate to recover my funds with the help of ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST, not everyone is so lucky. Always proceed with caution and remember: if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Telegram info: http s:// t. me/ adware recovery specialist1
Sharon_A_Fifth · 70 Views

Cryptic Trace Technologies: The Legit Bitcoin Recovery Experts

Cryptic Trace Technologies: The Legit Bitcoin Recovery Experts I fell victim to a sophisticated Bitcoin scam that wiped out a significant portion of my hard-earned investment, and the devastation left me feeling helpless and alone. It all began when I encountered what appeared to be a reputable cryptocurrency investment platform boasting professional design, responsive customer support, and glowing testimonials that convinced me to invest. Initially, I deposited a modest sum and even managed to withdraw small profits, which only fueled my confidence to invest more. However, when I attempted to withdraw a substantial amount, my request was left pending for days until my account was suddenly locked and all communication from customer support ceased. Desperate for answers and recovery, I scoured the internet for help, filing reports with my bank and local authorities, only to be met with disheartening news that recovering lost cryptocurrency was nearly impossible. In the midst of my despair, I discovered Cryptic Trace Technologies—a company whose transparent process and impressive track record in recovering stolen crypto caught my attention. Their website detailed real-life recoveries, and after a free initial assessment, they reassured me that they could trace my funds using advanced blockchain forensics and state-of-the-art tracing tools. From the moment I engaged with Cryptic Trace Technologies, their professionalism and dedication shone through. They meticulously analyzed my case by gathering all pertinent transaction histories, wallet addresses, and correspondence with the scammers. Despite the scammers’ efforts to obfuscate the trail through techniques like “chain hopping”—transferring my Bitcoin across multiple wallets and even converting between different cryptocurrencies—their forensic experts were undeterred. They identified the exact wallets where my stolen funds had ended up and compiled a detailed report of every transaction, which they then used to collaborate with both the targeted exchange and law enforcement agencies. Regular updates and transparent communication reassured me throughout this painstaking process, transforming my sense of hopelessness into one of cautious optimism. Ultimately, their relentless investigation paid off when the exchange, armed with the forensic evidence, froze the illicit funds and returned a substantial portion of my Bitcoin. Today, I wholeheartedly recommend Cryptic Trace Technologies to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto fraud—they are not only experts in the field but also compassionate professionals who turned my nightmare into a remarkable recovery story. Contact them through Website: cryptictracetechnologies . com Email: cryptictracetechnologies @ zohomail . com or Cryptictrace @ technologist . com
Godfrey_Gates · 159 Views


Our well-established mining corporation in New Zealand suffered a devastating loss of NZD 10,000,000 due to a fake gold mine investment. The situation began when we were approached by a group presenting a promising gold mining venture in the South Island. They provided impressive reports, detailed business plans, and forged documents that seemed legitimate. Confident in the opportunity, we decided to invest a significant amount of capital.At first, everything appeared legitimate. We had meetings with the so-called project leaders, and their presentations were convincing. The location, projected returns, and even the legal paperwork seemed sound. We were assured that the project would yield high returns, making it a perfect opportunity to expand our business. However, doubts started to arise when we sent a team to visit the mining site.What they found was shocking. There was no gold mine, and the site bore no resemblance to what had been described. The people we had been dealing with were unreachable, and communication abruptly stopped. It became clear we had fallen victim to a well-organized scam, leaving us with a substantial financial loss.Realizing the gravity of the situation, I knew we had to act fast. I reached out to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION, a company with a strong reputation for recovering funds lost in fraud cases. From the moment we connected, they took charge of the situation, and I felt a sense of relief knowing I had professionals on my side.DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION immediately launched a thorough investigation. Their team worked closely with law enforcement and financial investigators to track the flow of funds and uncover the details behind the scam. They used advanced cyber forensic tools to trace the stolen money, identify the perpetrators, and uncover their network of fraudulent activity.Over several months, DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION persistence and expertise paid off. They located the scammers’ bank accounts and froze the assets, ensuring the stolen funds were recoverable. Through their efforts, we secured the full NZD 10,000,000 we had lost.Thanks to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION diligent work, we not only recovered the full amount, but the perpetrators were also brought to justice. This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of professional recovery services in navigating complex fraud cases. Without their expertise, our company would have been left with nothing. Thanks to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION we were able to rebuild and move forward. +13433030545
Jak_Julet · 596 Views

How To Fall In Love With Eyes

Yeon-Jun is a dedicated barista at a quaint cafe operated by Sung-Hoon Cha, the son of the man who once saved Yeon-Jun's life. He grapples with selective mutism, a condition that emerged after the traumatic experience of witnessing his parents' tragic death. Although the details of his past have faded from his memory, his body retains the imprint of those painful events. It was during this darkest chapter of his life that Sung-Hoon's father discovered him alone and heartbroken, offering him shelter and a semblance of safety. Despite never having envisioned a future as a barista, Yeon-Jun made a solemn promise to Sung-Hoon's father on his deathbed—to forever stand by his side. This vow compelled Yeon-Jun to forsake his own aspirations and instead pursue a life marked by unrelenting work and perpetual anxiety. Conversely, Woo-San Kim is the affluent CEO of K&L Entertainment, a company steeped in legacy as he belongs to an illustrious lineage of chaebols, being an eighth-generation heir poised to inherit substantial assets from his grandfather. Like Yeon-Jun, Woo-San has also faced the grief of losing both parents to illness, which has led to a strained relationship with his controlling grandfather. The elder Kim holds steadfast to his authority, adamantly refusing to relinquish the company, opting instead to orchestrate a competition among Woo-San, his half-brother, and his cousin for the right to inherit the family fortune. Throughout his childhood, Woo-San has been accompanied by Hee-Jun Go, a devoted friend and secretary who was rescued by Woo-San's father. Hee-Jun, having been separated from his own family at a young age, appreciates the depth of loyalty and friendship. In a heartfelt gesture, Woo-San offers to help Hee-Jun locate his long-lost brother, during which he finds himself inexplicably drawn to Yeon-Jun at the café, captivated by the quiet strength and resilience hidden beneath Yeon-Jun's struggles. However, when Woo-San’s grandfather learns of his burgeoning feelings for Yeon-Jun, he delivers a menacing ultimatum: marry someone of his grandfather's choosing or face disinheritance. Feeling cornered with little left to lose, Woo-San contemplates capitulating to the marriage arrangement, all the while suspecting that his grandfather is orchestrating a more sinister plot that preys on Woo-San's unresolved trauma, compelling him to wrestle for his inheritance. As tensions rise within this power dynamic, Woo-San feels an undeniable connection to Yeon-Jun, yet finds that Yeon-Jun’s condition renders him unable to express his own feelings. Desperate to flee the confines of the forced marriage, Woo-San resolves to turn his grandfather's manipulative tactics against him. In this quest for autonomy, he uncovers unsettling truths that extend far beyond his own life, jeopardizing not only his future but also deeply affecting Hee-Jun, Sung-Hoon, and even his grandfather himself. Faced with this newfound knowledge—one he wishes he could unlearn—Woo-San must grapple with difficult decisions. Will he risk exposing his own vulnerabilities to protect Yeon-Jun? Will he succumb to his grandfather’s wishes to secure his inheritance, or will he forge a path driven by empathy and commitment to those who have become family to him? The weight of these revelations threatens to alter the course of their lives forever.
Evan_Jason · 4.1K Views

Matti valutie

I need back my money..I need my family back." Those were the only thoughts I had for months. Thanks to Hack Buster Recovery, I got back both my family and my money. I was deeply depressed for months after my husband and 5-year-old left me to live with his mother. I had used all our savings to invest in a crypto investment company, taken out a loan, and even sold my car in a desperate bid to pay the withdrawal fees. I nearly lost everything. But thanks to Hack Buster Recovery, they managed to recover my £76,000 from those heartless scammers. It's a long story, but in the end, I was overjoyed. I am forever grateful to them. I hope sharing my experience here helps someone else who might be in a similar situation. It all started when I was lured into a crypto investment scheme that promised incredible returns. The initial investment seemed promising, and the returns in the first few months were too good to be true. Encouraged by these early gains, I decided to invest more, including using our family savings and taking out a substantial loan. When I needed to withdraw my funds, the company suddenly imposed enormous withdrawal fees, claiming it was to cover taxes and other expenses.Desperation set in as I realized I was trapped. I sold my car and continued to borrow money in a futile attempt to cover these fees, hoping that once I had paid, I would finally be able to access my funds. Each attempt to retrieve my investment was met with more fees and excuses from the so-called investment firm. My husband, seeing the growing financial strain and my worsening mental state, decided to move out with our child to stay with his mother. The isolation and financial burden took a significant toll on my well-being. I was on the brink of despair when I stumbled across Hack Buster Recovery through an online review. Skeptical yet hopeful, I reached out to them, sharing my story and the entire situation. They reassured me that they had the expertise and resources to help recover my lost funds. The team was incredibly supportive, guiding me through every step and communicating frequently about the progress.Their thorough investigation and persistent efforts paid off. After weeks of hard work, Hack Buster Recovery successfully recovered my £761,000 from the scammers.
Matti_Valutie · 244 Views


Our well-established mining corporation in New Zealand suffered a devastating loss of NZD 10,000,000 due to a fake gold mine investment. The situation began when we were approached by a group presenting a promising gold mining venture in the South Island. They provided impressive reports, detailed business plans, and forged documents that seemed legitimate. Confident in the opportunity, we decided to invest a significant amount of capital.At first, everything appeared legitimate. We had meetings with the so-called project leaders, and their presentations were convincing. The location, projected returns, and even the legal paperwork seemed sound. We were assured that the project would yield high returns, making it a perfect opportunity to expand our business. However, doubts started to arise when we sent a team to visit the mining site.What they found was shocking. There was no gold mine, and the site bore no resemblance to what had been described. The people we had been dealing with were unreachable, and communication abruptly stopped. It became clear we had fallen victim to a well-organized scam, leaving us with a substantial financial loss.Realizing the gravity of the situation, I knew we had to act fast. I reached out to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION, a company with a strong reputation for recovering funds lost in fraud cases. From the moment we connected, they took charge of the situation, and I felt a sense of relief knowing I had professionals on my side.DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION immediately launched a thorough investigation. Their team worked closely with law enforcement and financial investigators to track the flow of funds and uncover the details behind the scam. They used advanced cyber forensic tools to trace the stolen money, identify the perpetrators, and uncover their network of fraudulent activity.Over several months, DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION persistence and expertise paid off. They located the scammers’ bank accounts and froze the assets, ensuring the stolen funds were recoverable. Through their efforts, we secured the full NZD 10,000,000 we had lost.Thanks to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION diligent work, we not only recovered the full amount, but the perpetrators were also brought to justice. This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of professional recovery services in navigating complex fraud cases. Without their expertise, our company would have been left with nothing. Thanks to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION we were able to rebuild and move forward. +13433030545
Johair_Hamzah · 276 Views

A noiva bastarda do Alfa

Amara__ "porque? porque é sempre tão difícil eu ter um lar? eu quero muito viver, como todos nesse mundo." Eu me chamo Amara, eu sou aquela que vive num mundo que não é chamado mundo, mais sim um inferno. Eu sou aquela que fui acusada injustamente e me tornei uma mulher sem honra e dignidade, uma coisa assim não desejo para nenhuma mulher da alcateias. Eu não posso chorar, nem gritar,eu vivo no poço da escuridão, cada vez me sinto mais suja perto dele, nos olhos dele eu sou um pedaço de carne para os lobos famintos. ** Ela era conhecida como a Bastarda, a única humana entre as matilhas de todas as alcateias. Seu pai, um alfa de poder imenso, havia destruído a vida de sua mãe ao acreditar que ela o traíra. Ambos eram seres meio humanos e meio lobos, e a traição, real ou imaginária, foi o que levou à sua queda. A dor da perda e a raiva da traição deixaram cicatrizes profundas em sua alma, e Amara cresceu cercada por olhares de desprezo desconfiança, humilhação com legado de uma bastarda. __ Após a tragédia familiar, o Alpha Ragnar tomou uma decisão drástica. Em vez de protegê-la, ele decidiu oferecê-la como presente a um Alpha temido e respeitado, conhecido como Alpha Erebus. Erebus é uma figura sombria, envolta em mistério e poder. Seu lobo, apelidado de "Lobo fantasma", era igualmente temido, conhecido por sua habilidade de se mover silenciosamente, como se não tivesse presença, fazendo com que seus inimigos tremessem de medo. Amara, ao saber de seu destino, sentiu uma mistura de terror e indignação. Alpha Erebus era conhecido por sua crueldade e por não hesitar em usar sua força para manter a ordem entre os híbridos. O que seu pai esperava ao entregá-la a ele? Era uma oferta de proteção ou uma sentença de morte? Quando finalmente se encontraram, a tensão era palpável. Erebus a observou com olhos penetrantes, avaliando-a como se fosse uma peça de um jogo de xadrez.... Ele é um dos líderes mais temidos da Alcateia Leste, é uma figura envolta em mistério e temor. É uma criatura que parece surgir das trevas. Quando Erebus se aproxima, a luz hesita e sua sombra desaparece, como se ele não pertencesse a este mundo. Sem compaixão ou amor, ele é implacável, governando com um olhar penetrante que faz qualquer um tremer de medo. Os uivos de Erebus, nas noites de lua cheia, ecoam pela floresta, como um aviso de que a escuridão está prestes a se espalhar. Sua lenda é um lembrete constante do poder absoluto que um Alpha pode exercer. É a personificação do medo e força da alcateia. Erebus___"coloque o pé, que eu vou despedaçar você deixando-a nua e jogar você para os meus homens"...
Sarah_Shan · 1K Views


Email: fundsreclaimer(@) c o n s u l t a n t . c o m OR fundsreclaimercompany@ z o h o m a i l . c o m WhatsApp:+1 (361) 2 5 0- 4 1 1 0 Website: h t t p s :/ / funds reclaimer company . c o m On 1st January, I was scammed out of $125,000 by a fake investment platform. It started out innocently enough everything appeared legitimate, and I was promised significant returns. I was convinced this was a great opportunity, and before I knew it, I had taken out a loan to invest, believing it would pay off in the long run. But things quickly spiraled out of control when I realized I’d been scammed. All of a sudden, I had lost not only my life savings but also a substantial loan that I couldn’t afford to repay. It felt like the world had come crashing down on me. For days, I was left feeling hopeless, unsure of who to turn to or what steps to take. That’s when a friend suggested I reach out to FUNDS RECLIAMER COMPANY, a team that specialized in helping people recover funds lost to scams. I was skeptical at first but was also desperate to find a solution. I decided to give it a shot, so I reached out to them with all the details of what had happened. To my surprise, FUNDS RECLIAMER COMPANY responded very quickly. Within hours, they assured me they had the expertise to handle this type of situation. Their team was incredibly professional and gave me a sense of hope that I hadn’t felt in days. They took immediate action on my case, communicating directly with the scam platform and working tirelessly to retrieve my funds. I didn’t have to deal with the stress or complicated legalities FUNDS RECLIAMER COMPANY handled everything for me. Incredibly, just a few hours later, they had recovered the full $125,000 I had lost. I was stunned and completely relieved. The professionalism and dedication of FUNDS RECLIAMER COMPANY blew me away, and I was deeply grateful. Not only did they return my money, but they also gave me peace of mind after a traumatic experience. I promised them I would spread the word to help others who may be in the same situation. If you've been scammed, I can’t recommend FUNDS RECLIAMER COMPANY enough. They’re efficient, reliable, and truly know what they’re doing. Their help made all the difference, and I am forever grateful for their support in getting my money back.
Amos_Lucas_1619 · 771 Views

jone snece

Two months ago, I found myself deeply involved in what I thought was a promising investment opportunity. I was excited and optimistic about the potential returns. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm quickly turned to despair when I discovered that the investment company I had trusted was nothing more than a sophisticated scam. Initially, everything seemed legitimate. The company was well-organized, its website looked professional, and the brokers were persuasive. I invested a significant amount—AUD 45,000 in Bitcoin—believing it was a wise decision. I was confident that my investment would yield substantial returns. However, things began to unravel when I requested a withdrawal of my profits. At first, everything seemed normal. I filled out the necessary forms and anticipated receiving my returns. To my dismay, the company started asking for additional fees and commissions before processing my withdrawal. I was skeptical and hesitant but eventually paid the requested amounts, hoping it would resolve the situation. Unfortunately, the demands didn’t stop there. The company continued to come up with new excuses and additional charges, trying to extract even more money from me. Despite my growing frustration, I initially tried to comply, believing it was the only way to recover my investment. However, when they started inventing even more fees and excuses, I decided enough was enough. I refused to pay any more money, standing firm on my decision not to send another dime until I received my initial investment and profits. As time went on, the broker who had initially introduced me to this company stopped responding to my messages. Despite my repeated attempts to reach out, my messages were read but never replied to. It became clear that I had been completely cut off and left in the dark. Desperate for a solution, I began searching for help online. That’s when I came across Hack Buster Recovery. I was skeptical at first, having been duped once already, but I needed to try anything to recover my investment. After reaching out to Hack Buster Recovery, I was surprised to find them professional and dedicated to their work.
Nece_Jones · 551 Views

Ang Gwapong Hardinero

Good day. Ako nga pla si Rein. Tisoy, 24 yrs old na ako ngayon 5'7 ang height at slim body may itsura nalaban sa pageant. ang kwentong ito ay hango sa karanasan ko mula nung 10 yrs old palang ako. Bata palang ako nun alam ko na sa sarili Kong may kakaiba sa akin.Ang tawag nila sa akin ay Rein Tisoy. Dahil sa may lahi akong American Pero dko nakilala si Papa na nakilala ni mama sa Olongapo. Andito na ako ngaun sa Bukid kasama ng lola at lolo ko sa Zambales. Masabi ko naman na marangya buhay namin kasi may mga katulong kami sa bahay at kasama na dun si kuya Caloy (Matangkad, Gwapo at Maskulado at Moreno ang nagparanas Sakin ng ligaya at sakit). Ang mama ko kasi ay Nasa US na at nakapag asawa ng U.S citizen na Pinoy din naman. Inaantay lng nila ako makatapos ng pagaaral at kukunin din dun. Tanghali na ako nagising dahil Gabi na kami nakauwi nila lola galing sa Kasal. Pang baba ko sa Sala dumeretso na ako sa kusina dun kasi malapit ang CR. Paglabas ko ng CR tinanong ako ni manang Anie (kasambahaya namin) kung gusto ko daw ba ng sinangag. Tumango nalang ako at wala pako sa wisyo at kagigising ko. Habang hinahanda ni Manang ang pagkain ko umupo ako sa Mesa at Dali akong tinimplahan ng gatas ni ate. Sa kinauupuan ko nahagip ng mata ko sa bintana na may lalakeng nakatakip ng kamiseta ang mukha habang nagpuputol ng Malagong halaman sa Hardin. Nakasandong manipis at Shorts na pangbasketball. namangha ako sa katawan nito dahil sa taglay nitong hulma. "Ate sino po Yong naglilinis sa Hardin" tanong ko Kay ate Anie. "Ah yan ba, si Caloy yan anak ni Mang Goryo Jan sa kabilang bahay" sagot ni ate Anie. "Te sya na bago boy nila lolo?'' tanong ko. "Ngayong bakasyon lang, nagaaral pa yan sa senior high si Caloy incoming grade 12 sa pasukan" paliwanag ni ate Anie. "Pupunta na nga pla ako sa palengke soy (nickname ko pinaikling Tisoy). Mamayang 10 am pakidalhan nalang si Caloy ng Meryenda, may kakanin at Suman Jan sa ref. "Opo Te ingat po" sagot ko. Wala pang 10 am Pero inasikaso ko kaagad ang Meryenda ni kuya Caloy dala na din ng excitement. Dumako na ako agad sa likod ng bahay kung San ko narinig na may nagtatabas ng mga Malagong halaman. Papalapit pa lang ako, titig na titig na ako sa katawan ni kuya Caloy. "Kuya Good Morning po. Magmeryenda ka po muna" inilapag ko sa papag ang pagkain. Narinig naman ako nito at tumango. "Good morning sir Rein. Ako po si Caloy bago ninyong boy." pakilala nito at tinanggal ang kamisetang nakabalot sa mukha. Namangha ako sa istura ni kuya Caloy 17 palang sya Pero para syang batang version ni EJ Falcon. mukhang mabait si kuya Caloy. Umupo sya at NASA gitna namin ang suman at kakanin. Nagtanggal sya ng Damit pangitaas kitang kita ko ang kabuoan ng katawan Nia na nagpapawis may abs at pormadong dibdib. Kaka-kain ko lang ng almusal Pero parang nagutom ako Uli. "Kuya Bale uwian ka po ba or stay-in ka po" tanong ko. "Stay-in ako dto sir, para may kasama daw po Kau ni ate Anie habang nasa hospital si lolo mo yan kasi bilin Sakin ng lola Mila mo'' paliwanag nito. "Kuya wag mo na po akong tawaging sir. Rein nlng po." Sabi ko. "Hahahaha" " Cge pla rein." patawang sagot nito. nakita ko ang mga ngiti ni kuya Caloy mas lalo itong nagpagwapo sakaniya. Pinagmamasdan ko sya habang kumakain sabay tingin nito Sakin at ngiti. napaiwas nlng ako ng tingin baka mailang si kuya Caloy Sakin ngunit alam Kong nahuli Nia akong nakatitig saknya. "Rein wala ka bang inumin Jan" tanong nito. " Ay kuya oo nga po Pla, ano pong gusto mo" tanong ko. "Ikaw" sagot Niya. "Ako po" mejo nagulat na may kilig. "Oo ikaw, ikaw ang bahala Pero kung may beer pwedi Nadin hahahaha". pabiro nitong bilin and Dali Dali akong kumuha ng Coke Casalo. Pagbalik ko habang nilalagyan ko ng Coke ang baso ni kuya tumayo ito at magtanggal ng short at boxer shorts nlng ang natirang suot. Muli itong umupo at tinaas ang paa sa papag na upuan at sumandal. "Rein boxer short muna ako hah ang init kasi dibale tayo lang naman dito.
DaoistXHTNxl · 6.8K Views
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