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Pablo Gavi Desnudo

Criminal X : Epitome Of Evil

Pablo Castillo was the worst, the evilest, the biggest criminal in the whole world. He was the ominous figure known as Criminal X. It’s a name that sends shivers down the spines of those who utter it. His past, a mysterious enigma, shrouded in darkness, only adds to the legend of the world’s most notorious criminal. However, Pablo’s reign of heinous crimes comes to an abrupt end when a specially trained military force, an elite group made especially to capture Pablo, finally apprehended him. The capture of Criminal X sent shockwaves around nations, for this man had defied all laws and moral boundaries. The world watched as he was brought to the highest court to face the consequences of a lifetime of malevolence. The International Court of Justice, in a bid to administer justice that matches the magnitude of his crimes, bestowed upon him the most excruciating execution ever conceived. The world erupted in celebration as news of his demise spread like wildfire. An international holiday was declared, a day of liberation from the tyranny of Pablo Castillo. The day was named with triumphant fervor. They all called it—World Independence Day. Pablo Castillo was a man so evil that even the kindest of Gods couldn’t find pity for him. But… Some Gods needed that man. That too, Desperately. ——— ——— ——— Gib Money - Join My Discord For Reference Arts and much more -
KhyaaL · 657.3K Views

The Book Of Magik

.After some time Johnny's father realizes that this is an ordinary book, no, it is a magic book, then he tells Johnny that this is an ordinary book, then Johnny's father says you go play now, then he hides to the landlord of the village. Go and say I have a magic book.Then the zamindar says what are you saying is this true the man says yes zamindar mashai then the zamindar gives him some money and says that no one else should know about this magic book....After that, during the night, there was an incident with the magic book.... When the landlord opened the book, so many lights started coming out from inside the book that the landlord got scared and closed the book again..Next day that Johnny went to work in the zamindar's house then saw that book with the zamindar then went to his father and said why that book with the zamindar....Then his father told him the truth that the book was a magic book... Then the boy went to the landlord's house to steal the book. At night when that boy of Gavi went to steal,,,, when the boy opened that book after Then that boy is also afraid,,, after a while all the magic of that book enters Johnny, Johnny doesn't understand anything, after a few days Johnny slowly realizes that his body is Yes...Johnny goes to a secluded area to test it Johnny after testing he goes to his house the next day everyone Johnny is passing by and thinks I'm After that, an old man came in front of Johnny. The old man asked Johnny for help. Johnny did not understand anything and helped him with magic.The people around are surprised to see Johnny doing magic,,,then Johnny told everyone.I have a magic book I have learned many magic from that Khan.I won't harm you... everyone was surprised and happy after hearing this.. Then Johnny further said I am always with you.I will help, then all the people of that village praise Johnny by word of mouth, after a few days the zamindar of that village can know about Johnny, then the zamindar sends Johnny.After some time, Johnny came to bring Johnny, Johnny asked the landlord, why is the landlord asking, the landlord said, "Hey, I need you now."Johnny said what do you need, landlord Borlo I heard you have magic book Johnny said yes you heard right, landlord said it is I bought it from your father don't you know, the day I bought the book it means you stole that book, Johnny said yes landlord.Landlord said give me back my book, Johnny said I will return all the money my father took, Landlord said I don't need money I need that Johnny said that is not possible, the landlord got angry and asked Johnny to catch him, that's when Johnny became blind with magic and that Khan..After escaping, the landlord arrested Johnny's father, Johnny realized that he went to the landlord's house to bring his father, but the landlord made a trap to catch Johnny, Johnny did not understand it and caught him in the trap of the landlord. After what time.Zamindar comes to Johnny and says if you give me that magic book, then I will release you and your father, Johnny said to Zamindar you should release my father first.I will give you the magic book, the landlord thinks for some time, then the landlord agrees, the landlord asks his men to release Johnny's Johnny cleverly makes a fake magic book and gives it to the landlord, the landlord doesn't understand anything, after that Johnny leaves his father in another village, the landlord breaks the book and shows that this book is fake, the landlord gets angry, angry. Go kill Ordered, after that Johnny went to the landlord's house, the landlord saw Johnny and asked him to kill him, after that a fight started between Johnny and the landlord's men,,, at one stage Johnny killed all the landlord's men, then only the landlord was left alive.Then Johnny took the zamindar to the people of the village, after that Johnny said to all the people of the village tell me what I will do to him,,,all the people of the village hands..He picked up Johnny and told him to kill the zaminda
Biplob · 1.5K Views

Stalker Fantasma - Saga Fantasma

(Versão em Português) A história mistura fantasia e realidade, sendo destinada a maiores de 16 anos e contendo conteúdos sensíveis para alguns. Há terror e temas delicados que a narrativa aborda. A trama fala sobre uma família com segredos ocultos e um adolescente chamado Pablo, que acaba tendo que lidar com um perseguidor. Esse perseguidor levará Pablo a entender melhor os segredos de sua família. É uma história que aborda espiritualidade, ensinando que todos somos espíritos e que o maior valor da vida está no amor e na capacidade de entender o outro. O texto enfatiza fortemente a necessidade de respeitar e amar todas as pessoas, independentemente de sua orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero. O preconceito e a discriminação são vistos como atitudes primitivas e de atraso espiritual. Inclusive, é mencionado que alguns médiuns homossexuais podem ter mais facilidade em se conectar com espíritos elevados devido à sua sensibilidade e afabilidade. O livro aborda a diversidade de gêneros e orientações sexuais, não se limitando apenas ao padrão heterossexual. Explica que a sexualidade de uma pessoa não define sua espiritualidade ou caráter, pois pessoas LGBTQIA+ também podem ser amorosas, virtuosas e evoluídas espiritualmente. Uma das explicações oferecidas é que a homossexualidade pode ser uma expressão da sexualidade de alguém que reencarna em um corpo diferente do seu gênero anterior. Isso não significa que a pessoa seja "inferior" ou "pecadora", apenas representa a diversidade da experiência humana. Uma importante colocação é que a sexualidade não define a saúde espiritual de alguém. Vícios, ódio, orgulho e arrogância são vistos como muito mais prejudiciais do que a homossexualidade ou bissexualidade. Também é ressaltado que pais devem amar e aceitar seus filhos LGBTQIA+ da mesma forma que os filhos heterossexuais, pois todos são iguais perante Deus. Pedro Henrique escreve este livro para mostrar a importância de vencer as barreiras dos preconceitos e ideologias impostas pela sociedade. O amor é a mais pura essência da felicidade; nem o tempo nem a distância podem quebrar o verdadeiro significado do amor. O livro ressalta o quanto é importante aceitar o próximo da maneira como ele se sente melhor, ensina a perdoar e mostra que cada pessoa tem seu próprio ponto de vista na vida. No entanto, é essencial ter respeito. Este livro é dedicado aos mistérios entre a vida e a morte, pois muitas vezes esquecemos que um dia nascemos e que um dia iremos partir deste plano. Eu lhe faço uma pergunta: se você tivesse a chance de nascer várias vezes para consertar um erro, você o consertaria?
pedro_henrique_6919 · 1.5K Views

Ghost stalker - Ghost SAGA

Stalker Fantasma (English Version) The story blends fantasy and reality, aimed at readers over the age of 16 and containing sensitive content for some. There is horror and delicate themes that the narrative explores. The plot centers around a family with hidden secrets and a teenager named Pablo, who ends up dealing with a stalker. This stalker will lead Pablo to better understand his family’s secrets. It is a story that addresses spirituality, teaching that we are all spirits and that the greatest value in life lies in love and the ability to understand others. The book addresses the diversity of genders and sexual orientations, not limited to the heterosexual standard. It explains that a person's sexuality does not define their spirituality or character, as LGBTQIA+ people can also be loving, virtuous, and spiritually evolved. One of the explanations offered is that homosexuality may be an expression of the sexuality of someone who reincarnates in a body different from their previous gender. This does not mean that the person is "inferior" or "sinful"; it merely represents the diversity of the human experience. The text strongly emphasizes the need to respect and love all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Prejudice and discrimination are seen as primitive attitudes and signs of spiritual delay. Furthermore, it is mentioned that some homosexual mediums may have greater ease in connecting with higher spirits due to their sensitivity and affability. An important point is that sexuality does not define a person's spiritual health. Vices, hatred, pride, and arrogance are seen as far more harmful than homosexuality or bisexuality. It is also highlighted that parents should love and accept their LGBTQIA+ children just as they would their heterosexual children, as all are equal in the eyes of God. Pedro Henrique writes this book to show the importance of overcoming societal prejudice and ideologies. Love is the purest essence of happiness; neither time nor distance can break the true meaning of love. The book highlights how important it is to accept others as they feel best, teaches forgiveness, and shows that everyone has their own perspective on life. However, respect is essential. This book is dedicated to the mysteries between life and death, as we often forget that one day we are born and that one day we will leave this plane. I ask you a question: if you had the chance to be born multiple times to correct a mistake, would you do it?
pedro_henrique_6919 · 2.4K Views

La Poción Del Amor Es Falsa

Despus de una exelente noche de copas bebí mucho y abrí los ojos por la mañana. ...Después de 23 años de altibajos en mi vida me pregunte , si solo tengo dos pies. “Entonces… ¿de quién son los dos pies restantes?” despertar en un lugar desconocido y mis recuerdos de anoche están en blanco. Sostuve mi corazón palpitante y volví la cabeza con miedo. El hombre que yacía a mi lado, desnudo... ¿Fenminid? Esto es un desastre." Un héroe de guerra cruel que corta el cuello de la gente como si fuera hierba. un hpmbre poderoso, sin mieso a nada ni nadie. El único que está encima de el era el emperador, y todos los demás se arrastran bajo sus pies. Su título, que se podia entender incluso si hace comentarios extremadamente arrogantes, es Archiduque. ¿Por qué es esto un desastre? Todo a causa de un maldito malentendido Un día, el Gran Duque apretó los dientes y declaró con gravedad. "Poción de amor, acabaré con la familia Talpiot que fabrica esta poción sucia". El sucesor de la familia Talpiot era yo. mi vida estaba en riesgo En este caso, ¿cuáles son mis opciones? Uno, huyamos y veamos que pasa despues. Dos, antes que nada, hay que tener el cuello pegado para poner una excusa. Así que huyamos. En tercer lugar, pase lo que pase, huyamos y veamos. … Entre las cien opciones, ninguna esperaba que este hombre abriera los ojos. "¡largemonos primero de este maldito lugar!" pero lo que paso despues para nada era lo que ella esperaba. lo que debio ser algo de una noche y debia ser olvidado por su ṕropio bien, no era lo que el duque tenia en mente “No salgas conmigo”. penso ella pero esa retorcida sonrisa y mirada devoradoro la dejaba sin aliento, pero jamas espero lo que estaba por pasar, El Archiduque le tendió un diamante negro y soltó tonterías ante los presentes parecia no tener las mismas intenciones que ella. ...¿Por que me estas haciendo esto? “¡Su Majestad, una limpia despedida después de disfrutar de la mutua compañía! Eso es lo que es el "amor adulto", ¿verdad? "Guardarlo." esas fueron las firmes palabras que salieron de aquellos sensuales labios. y de nuevo cassia maldijo a ese maldito y aferrado hombre. En respuesta a la firme negativa, El Archiduque habló con saña y orgullo . "¿Obsesión? Amor' Pasion ' "Puedes tomarlo como quieras" pero te recuerdo que tu estupida pocion dejo consecuencias, aquelllas palabras susurradas en su oido la hizo estremecer, y compendia que esa era su venganza contra ella , y nadie mejor para eso que el perro de guerra el Archiduque. Que no aceptaba un no por respuesta, Pero tal vez las cosas no son como ellos dos creen , los secretos de sus familias los une mucho mas que una simple noche de copas, o una pocion de amor . que pasara en esta divertida historia , llena de emociones , magia , amor , malos entendidos y divertidas ocurrencias
paulinaM · 31.4K Views

Cuando la Bestia Salvaje está Atrapada en el Ciclo de Pesadilla (BL)

Tras estar confinado en un manicomio durante años, Jin Jiuchi acababa de ser liberado a la convivencia humana cuando de repente se encontró atrapado en un peligroso y emocionante juego de supervivencia. —Espera, ¿hay algo mal con ustedes? ¿Por qué parecen tan asustados? ¡Este mundo es tan... emocionante! Para Jin Jiuchi, esta bestia vestida de humano que estaba encadenada por las leyes de la sociedad, ¡la aparición del Ciclo de Pesadilla era como un sueño hecho realidad! Tomando té con una novia desmembrada en un apartamento embrujado, bailando tango con el espíritu maligno en lo profundo del bosque del suicidio, saltando la cuerda con el dios antiguo en una civilización olvidada... ¡Jin Jiuchi estaba tan feliz que se estaba volviendo loco! Sin embargo, cuando enloquecía, todos los jugadores y PNJ en el ciclo temblaban de miedo. *** Solo había una hermosa muñeca de jade que nunca había tenido miedo de él. —Shen Nianzu llamó suavemente: «Jin-ge». Jin Jiuchi, que estaba felizmente hurgando en el estómago de un cadáver podrido, de repente lo dejó todo y se acercó a Shen Nianzu con una velocidad invisible para los ojos desnudos. Sus ojos se curvaron en forma de crescentes mientras preguntaba: «¿Qué pasa, Nian'er? ¿Quieres unirte también?» Shen Nianzu estaba inexpresivo mientras observaba al hombre sangriento frente a él. Luego extendió repentinamente una mano, palma hacia arriba. Confundido, Jin Jiuchi colocó su zarpa sucia en la mano de Shen Nianzu y la sacudió. —Shen Nianzu —dijo: — Buen chico. —Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Rey del drama lunático, bestia salvaje gong x gran belleza, astuto, fuerte actuando débil shou Etiquetas adicionales: protagonista top/gong/seme, acción, sobrenatural, psicológico, misterio, romance lento, fantasmas, gore, monstruos, bestias, protagonista descarado, juego de supervivencia, trabajo en equipo, flujo ilimitado, horror, suspenso, interés amoroso más joven Encuéntrame en: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Servidor de Discord:
delanasiwarka · 50.4K Views
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