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Experimento Russo


Na cidade de Verenthia, onde a hierarquia entre ômegas e alfas era marcada por uma brutalidade implacável, Angelo navegava pelas águas turvas da desilusão. Baixinho e gordinho, o ômega vivia sob o olhar severo da sociedade que o considerava inferior. Seus dias eram preenchidos por sussurros maldosos e olhares de desprezo, e as noites caíam como um manto pesado sobre seus ombros cansados. Contudo, a vida de Angelo estava prestes a mudar de maneira inesperada. Uma noite, enquanto caminhava pela rua, ainda repleto de tristeza, ele foi interrompido por um grupo de homens imponentes. Eram os três alfas mais temidos de Verenthia, conhecidos não apenas por sua força, mas também por sua influência na máfia local. Alessandro "Ale" Rizzo, com seu olhar azul penetrante e presença dominante, era o líder, atrás dele, Leonardo "Leo" Bianchi, deslumbrante e sedutor, e Gabriel "Gabe" Russo, o enigmático reservado com olhos castanhos profundos. "Você é diferente," Ale disse, estudando Angelo com uma intensidade que fez seu coração acelerar. "Diferente de todos aqueles que nos rodeiam." Angelo hesitou. Como alguém como ele poderia ser considerado especial? Contudo, os alfas viam algo nele que ele mesmo não conseguia enxergar. Eles o recrutaram para a equipe, prometendo protegê-lo e dar-lhe uma nova vida longe do desprezo que sempre enfrentou. Nos dias que se seguiram, Angelo passou a conviver com Ale, Leo e Gabe. Cada um deles trouxe um novo ensinamento. Ale, com sua determinação feroz, ensinou Angelo a defender-se e a se valorizar. Leo, com seu carisma contagiante, mostrou-lhe a beleza da vida e a alegria de se permitir amar. E Gabe, em sua quietude, ofereceu um espaço seguro onde Angelo podia explorar suas emoções sem medo de julgamentos. Porém, à medida que os laços entre eles se aprofundavam, o passado de Angelo voltou a assombrá-lo. Ele lutava contra os traumas de sua infância, e apesar da proteção dos alfas, a insegurança continuava a atormentar sua mente. Em uma noite de tempestade, sob a luz suave da lua, Angelo decidiu compartilhar suas feridas com os alfas. "Eu só quero ser amado, mas sinto que nunca serei o suficiente", ele confessou, lágrimas escorrendo pelo rosto. A resposta veio rápida e firme. Ale segurou sua mão, olhando fundo em seus olhos. "Você é mais do que suficiente, Angelo. Você é uma joia rara, e nós vamos ajudá-lo a ver isso." Leo se aproximou, envolvendo Angelo em um abraço caloroso. "Você merece todo o amor do mundo, e estaremos aqui, sempre." Gabe, geralmente tão reservado, falou suavemente: "Você é meu norte, e eu nunca vou deixá-lo sozinho." Essas palavras, carregadas de sinceridade e amor, começaram a quebrar as barreiras que Angelo havia construído ao longo dos anos. Gradualmente, ele começou a se abrir, a se aceitar, e a entender que seu valor não estava atrelado à sua aparência ou à opinião dos outros. Por meio de desafios e superações, a relação deles floresceu em uma dança complicada de amor e amizade. Juntos, enfrentaram inimigos da máfia e preconceitos da sociedade, defendendo aquilo que realmente importava: o amor verdadeiro. À medida que os ventos da mudança sopravam sobre Verenthia, Angelo aprendeu a ver a si mesmo com os mesmos olhos dos alfas. Ele começou a se vestir como se merecesse estar entre os poderosos, a erguer a cabeça e a se afirmar como um ômega digno de amor. No final, em uma noite iluminada pelas estrelas, Angelo, agora confiante e radiante, ficou em pé entre os três alfas. Com um sorriso genuíno, ele gentilmente declarou: "Eu sou uma joia rara, e não preciso mais da aprovação de ninguém para brilhar." Os três alfas, em união, levantaram seus copos em um brinde ao amor que os uniu. A vida de Angelo havia mudado, e agora ele não apenas aceitava seu lugar entre os poderosos, mas o fazia com a certeza de que o verdadeiro poder está, afinal, no amor e na aceitação. E assim, em um mundo que muitas vezes parecia sombrio, nasceu um novo amanhecer
ROMANCE25 · 37 Views

Sistema Devorador del Caos

En una línea temporal futura... El mundo entero experimentó un cambio desafiante del cielo cuando el planeta Tierra fue desplazado forzosamente de la Galaxia Vía Láctea a otra Galaxia por algunas fuerzas desconocidas. Una Nueva Galaxia completamente fuera de su más salvaje imaginación. Un nuevo tipo de energía cósmica conocida como Mana invadió la Tierra, transformando su misma esencia mientras el mundo presenciaba cómo su norma regular se hacía añicos. La energía cósmica entró en el cuerpo humano mientras despertaba a la fuerza nuevos genes en ellos que una vez se pensaron que eran un mito. Las reglas del mundo fueron cambiadas a la fuerza convirtiéndose en un lugar donde sólo importaba volverse más fuerte y sólo aquellos con los genes más poderosos eran dignos de respeto. La fuerza de la humanidad creció y también lo hizo su curiosidad, haciendo que emergieran de la Tierra y exploraran el nuevo universo, pero quedaron impactados por lo que vieron. Poderosas razas alienígenas que estaban mucho más allá de ellos en tecnología y comprensión del Mana, existencias que devoran mundos, mundos inexplorados y cosmos. Este Universo era simplemente ilimitado y la palabra "imposible" no existe. La historia sigue a un joven llamado Zeras Celestria, un descendiente de una de las Nueve Familias que fue considerado basura y vendido a una fuerza oscura que usa humanos para experimentos, debido a su incapacidad para despertar el poderoso Gen Martillo Relámpago de Grado A de la familia Celestria, y en su lugar despertó el degradado gen de cabello de colores múltiples de grado F. Arrojado a un montón de cuerpos muertos que fueron considerados fracasos experimentales y la vida se escapaba lentamente de él. Zeras apretó los dientes con fuerza mientras un loco gusto por la venganza centelleaba en la profundidad de sus ojos, pero también con un matiz de impotencia. Eso fue hasta que... —Felicidades. —Huésped ha sido bendecido por el Caos. —Huésped ha despertado con éxito el Gen Devorador de Caos de grado SSS. Armado con un Gen de grado SSS y una voluntad inquebrantable de venganza. Zeras se embarcó en un camino para convertirse en el más fuerte y dominar el ilimitado universo. Un camino en el que muchos se embarcaron pero ninguno tuvo éxito. -- -- -- Una Escena Futura... —Mira en mis ojos, ¿qué ves...? —Un joven, con cabellos blancos como la nieve más pura, labios más rojos que la sangre y un rostro esculpido por la perfección misma. Pero esos ojos, no, no podrían llamarse así... En lugar de eso, eran un agujero negro sin fin de... —Veo Muerte, Locura, Dolor, Y... —Sí, Soy La Última Encarnación del Caos... -- -- -- Calendario de Actualizaciones: Actualización diaria. Mínimo de tres capítulos por día. -- -- -- [También echa un vistazo a Mi Segunda Novela, Ascenso Del Soldado Hueco de la Muerte.]
Supreme_IQ · 264.5K Views

Running Away with the Mafia King's Twins

She is afraid of the darkness. He is the ruler of it. He is the darkness she fears. She is the only light he loves and crave. She is the moon. He is the dark night sky. And she is his. His darkest obsession, possession, and fixation. ISABELLA RUSSO had everything anyone could ever dream of: wealth, a loving family, and loyal friends. A perfect, peaceful life. But the peace crumbled the moment she saved a man, ignoring his warning to protect him from the darkness, not knowing that he was the DARKNESS. By the moment she realized, it was too late, as he had already set his eyes on her. Yet she prayed to never cross paths with him again, unaware that he had another plan and so did her fate. She wished to be and live happily with her loved ones. Yet it just took one day for all of Isabella's wishes and life to shatter into pieces. Death of her parents, betrayed by her best friend, drugged, she entangled with the very darkness she feared who came to save her—Isabella lost everything in just one day. With nothing left, she chose to run away with the vow to return for revenge. Five years later, she returns with the twins she never expected and with the desire and determination to take revenge. Never once did Isabella imagine the darkness, she thought had forgotten her had been waiting for her like a predator with a cage ready to ensnare his prey. NICHOLAS COSTA was the darkness. The nightmare everyone feared. The ruler of the Costa Empire and Italy. The most dangerous devil of all, the mafia king. He was the darkest night sky without a moon or light. He never needed or wanted either. Until he met her. The night she saved him; she brightened his darkness like a moon and melted his cold heart. She became his moon and his darkest obsession. Now he wanted her. He would have her, and nothing could stop him. Even if it meant burning the entire world, he would have her. His moon. [Mature Content] [The second couple is MM]
Sristystar · 3K Views

Melody And The Beast

Melody, a 21 year old lady, the second child and stepdaughter of The Moreno-Russo family. Her mother had an affair with Mr Giovanni Moreno-Russo, the leader and alpha of the Moreno-Russo. Her mother, Mathilde was killed by the jealous wife of Giovanni, Mrs Guila Moreno-Russo but no one ever cared about her, Melody doesn't even know her mother's name. Her stepsister, Roseanne was always the doll of the family, no one cared about Melody, they don't care if she eats or she's sick. The Moreno-Russo family had 4 children, The first child, Samuel (27 years old), then Melody(21 years), then Leonardo (20 years), and the last child Roseanne(19 years). Samuel and Leonardo are both mostly in Paris on a business meeting with some partners of their father's. Despite being the oldest, Samuel has a little goatee on his face and Leonardo has a full on beard which he never shaves. Samuel is 6’2, two inches taller than Leonardo. Leonardo has a muscular physique, he's stronger than Samuel buh he hasn't gotten the chance to prove it. And then there's Roseanne, a 5’7 tall lady, she's the talk of her school, she has the perfect body and after many years of plastic surgery, the perfect face. Everyone knows she did the surgery buh no one can ever say it to her face. Lucas Rodriguez, a 26 year old, feirce looking man and the heir of the Rodriguez family, the top mafia family in Italy, his father was killed by am assassin from the Calabres family. His mother Fiorella, the queen of the family, she oversees most of the family transactions. Marcus Rodriguez, the second and last child of the family, he's also the jovial one, he's 20 and 6’2. Fiorella has been pestering Lucas to get married, so he can bore an heir for the family. And Lucas happens to request a bride from the Moreno-Russo family. Everyone in Italy knows how brutal Lucas can be including the Moreno-Russo's and they're not ready to give their precious Roseanne as slave to the Rodriguez buh they cannot disobey them. So they give them Melody, the pure hearted innocent girl who has been maltreated her entire life. Will Melody survive the abuse from the Rodriguez? Or will Lucas grow a soft heart for her? Find out in MELODY and the BEAST .
ShadowWriter25 · 629 Views

Abismo en la tierra

Oliver, un estudiante de física traumatizado por la muerte de sus padres y obsesionado con la supervivencia, se ve inmerso en una crisis global cuando un video viral expone la aparición de criaturas marinas mutantes en Nayarit, México. Paralelamente, Nico, un joven trabajador de una fábrica petrolera, y su leal amigo Arny son testigos del primer ataque de un calamar gigante de 35 metros, mutado por residuos nucleares. Mientras Oliver cuestiona la crueldad humana hacia la naturaleza tras presenciar actos de violencia contra animales, Nico y Arny arriesgan sus vidas para documentar a la bestia, descubriendo experimentos oscuros y mutaciones vinculadas a la contaminación industrial. La trama se entrelaza cuando Oliver, tras sobrevivir a un catastrófico accidente automovilístico donde salva a un niño atrapado en llamas, conecta con las investigaciones de Nico y Arny. Juntos, aunque separados por la distancia, enfrentan la escalada de mutaciones: desde peces agresivos en laboratorios alemanes hasta batallas épicas entre el calamar y una langosta gigante, símbolos de la naturaleza rebelándose contra la humanidad. Mientras la ONU debate soluciones infructuosas, Nico y Arny graban pruebas cruciales, aunque su valentía los lleva al borde de la muerte cuando el calamar los persigue en una persecución acuática desesperada. Oliver, por su parte, confronta su trauma y se convierte en un emblema de resistencia, cuestionando si la redención es posible ante un planeta que, convertido en depredador, busca purgarse de su peor plaga: el ser humano. Con un tono apocalíptico y filosófico, la historia explora cómo la ambición, la indiferencia y la destrucción ambiental desatan monstruos tanto en el mar como en el alma humana. Nico, Arny y Oliver, cada uno desde su lucha, revelan que el verdadero horror no está en las bestias mutantes, sino en la capacidad humana para corromperlo todo… incluso su propia supervivencia.
dioreo · 5.3K Views

Mafia's desire: A love that kills

Synopsis: Sophia, a journalist, investigates organized crime. Dante, a mafia underboss, is tasked with stopping her. But Sophia's determination and intelligence intrigue him. As they engage in a cat-and-mouse game, Dante finds himself torn between duty and desire. CHAPTER 1: "Deadline Looming"* Sophia Russo tapped her pen impatiently on her desk, staring at the blank page in front of her. Her editor, Mark, had been breathing down her neck all morning. "Sophia, where's the mafia exposé?" Mark asked, his voice firm but laced with annoyance. "You've had weeks to work on this. I need something concrete by the end of the day." Sophia took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I'm close, Mark. Just need to verify some sources." Mark's expression turned skeptical. "Verify? You've been verifying for months. I need results, Sophia." As Mark walked away, Sophia's phone buzzed with an incoming text: "Meet me at the coffee shop on 5th and Main at 7 pm. Come alone. -A" Sophia's heart skipped a beat. Alex, her reliable source, rarely contacted her directly. She glanced around the newsroom, ensuring no one watched, before quickly typing: "See you then." The message sent, Sophia's mind whirled with possibilities. What did Alex have for her? Was it finally the break she needed? The pressure from Mark still lingered, but Sophia's determination reignited. She would get this story. As she processed the message, a sudden wave of déjà vu washed over her. The newsroom around her blurred, and Sophia felt herself transported back in time. She saw herself as a teenager, sitting in the backseat of her parents' car, laughing and arguing with her mom about college plans. The sound of screeching tires and shattering glass shattered the memory. Sophia's heart raced as she relived the horror of that fateful night. Her parents' faces flashed before her: her father's encouraging smile, her mother's unwavering determination. The accident's aftermath unfolded like a cruel slideshow – the hospital, the funeral, the loneliness. Sophia's gaze drifted to the silver necklace around her neck, the press badge pendant a tangible connection to her parents' legacy.
Va_neemi05 · 2.4K Views

Crimson Whispers: A Love Bound In Shadows

The glittering world of wealth and crime collide as Liliana Russo, an innocent, pure, and fragile soul but a fierce, defiant, and independent person, an heiress trapped in the shadows of her family's sprawling criminal empire, longs for an escape from the cold, gilded life she's forced to lead. Scarred by betrayal and bound by blood, she has learned that in her world, trust is as dangerous as love. Enter Dante Moretti, his name is synonymous with fear throughout the city's elite. Ruthless, calculating, untouchable, cruel and cold hearted, the Mafia prince with an icy calm navigates the underworld, ruling it with an iron fist. But when their respective worlds collide, sparks fly, and what began as a volatile attraction quickly spirals into a forbidden passion. Dante's charismatic presence brings forth a fire within Liliana that she had never experienced and was forbidden to; whereas her innocence, defiance, and wildness call to him in desire and in intrigue, he finds that she challenges his coldness and detachment in ways that shake his very rigid control. As the dangerous attraction continues to intensify, Liliana is thrust into a world of secrets being deadly, fragile alliances, and enemies around every corner. The distinction between love and destruction grows increasingly fuzzy as their decisions bring them closer to the precipice of betrayal that might be their undoing. In a city where danger and desire walk hand-in-hand, Liliana and Dante must navigate a labyrinth of passion and peril, but the cost of their love may be their very lives. ______________________ Please support me, this is my first time writing a novel. I'll try to post at least 1 chapter a day.
Crimson_red7 · 4.8K Views
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