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Prudence Sabrina

Su amante es su ex esposa

``` —Su mayor venganza: sedúcelo, rompe su matrimonio, roba su fortuna y por último... déjalo. ***** La vida de Sabrina Williams se desmorona tras descubrir el engaño de su esposo y la adquisición deshonesta de la fortuna de su familia. Presumida muerta después de un trágico incidente, Sabrina resurge cinco años después con una nueva identidad y un ardiente deseo de venganza. Su regreso provoca un caos romántico entre el círculo íntimo del CEO, un deslumbrante desfile de solteros atractivos compitiendo por su atención. Sabrina Williams se encuentra en el centro de un remolino romántico con contendientes inesperados: su mejor amigo protector, un poderoso Jefe de la Mafia y su posesivo exesposo. El escenario está listo para un apasionante tira y afloja, un choque de amor y venganza con las emociones a flor de piel. ¡Todos los jugadores están listos, y el juego apenas comienza! ***** Cuando el escándalo con su exesposo se esparce en internet, los detractores la maldicen etiquetándola como Amante Sinvergüenza, Destructora de Hogares Inútil y Zorra Malvada... sin embargo, varios solteros poderosos se unen para defenderla. —¡Que se vayan al infierno los haters! PD: a esas modelos que antagonizaron a mi Diosa, les retiro el patrocinio de nuestra marca —dijo el CEO de la Compañía de Moda más Importante. —¡Noticias falsas! Tomaremos acciones legales por difamar a mi Diosa. Los artistas que la maldijeron serán vetados de mi compañía —anunció el Presidente de la Compañía de Entretenimiento más Grande. —¡Cállense, haters! ¡No pisen nunca uno de nuestros hoteles y resorts! —gruñó el Vicepresidente de la Empresa de Hoteles y Resorts más Grande. —¡Atrás! Borren esos comentarios maliciosos, o mi banda los perseguirá. ¡Mataré a todos los que se atrevan a ridiculizar a mi Reina! —amenazó el Jefe de la Mafia Dominante. —... —pronunció el mundo. Entonces, un comentario de confesión aparece de repente en medio del caos. —Todos pueden odiarte pero yo siempre estaré allí para ti. Sabby... te amo... te he amado desde nuestra infancia... Mi primer amor... y mi último —confesó el mejor amigo de la FL. Su exesposo ya no puede quedarse callado y declara al público. —Ella no es mi amante. Ella es mi esposa legal —afirmó el Exesposo Posesivo. —¡Esposa legal una mierda! ¡Muere ya, desgraciado loco! —espetó el amigo de la FL, Lanny. ```
ellezar_g · 58.9K Views

Over the Bridges to Singing Waterfalls

"You and I need to declare to them that we are dating." "Neither stingy love nor false feelings tell of the inner beauty of a person. Only purity in the soul, to which people's gaze is subject, is worthy to cause amazement about the fullness of the person in whom that trait is placed." "Do you know what that made me realize?" Ryo said surreptitiously, and slowly turned around. "People need care," he added slowly, with a confident tone. "Why does one's happiness not return with a coin…? Why should I endure it for more than a decade? Did I do something wrong?" she said quietly, leaning on her knees. It was the cycle of her life. *** Tokyo, 2022. During puberty, adolescents encounter a tremendous amount of emotional outbursts. Relationships and love, commitment and peacefulness become important in their lives. These factors give them a sense of carefree adolescence. But Ryou Hayashi doesn't see it that way. Having had difficulties in dealing with socialization since childhood, he suddenly and unwillingly moves to Tokyo from his hometown. Taking nothing from home with him, his life begins to change under the patronage of new acquaintances. Whether his outlook on life will change with the new city, or whether he will wallow in loneliness, never having felt the touch of teenage life, is up to him to decide when he meets four other high school students. It is a story about new acquaintances of completely different Japanese students in their final year of high school. By chance, their views cross each other, but neither of them knows until the end where their acquaintance will lead. It is a story of friendship, animosity, love, and colors. It is a story about community. Tokyo, the city of dreams. This city fulfills the dreams of workaholics and casts the lazy into exile, relaxes and never stops tiring, brings happiness to some and takes it away from others. From this beautiful city, covered by a veil of blinding lights, their story filled with dramatic challenges and tragedies begins. The story of a group of teenagers, who are unaware of their affections. The plot takes the reader straight to the eastern country, where the sun begins to rise first. Being wrapped in sakura petals, the roads lead to the prudence of a nature unseen anywhere before. A country with mind-boggling virtues in culture and tradition tells the story of ordinary schoolchildren, suggesting a life around endless youthful unrest and human outlook. Modern Japan (Nihon) introduces people who are able to live simultaneously under difficult but beautiful living conditions. This country teaches residents to love.
senshiAuthor · 188.4K Views


Persahabatan antara Soleh dan juga Radit yang dimulai sejak SMP, SMA hingga kuliah akhir semester. Soleh adalah anak tunggal yang hobi main game konsol, hidupnya bersama bibi atau pembantunya saja membuatnya sering merasa kesepian. Beruntung ia memiliki sahabat seperti Radit. Radit sering datang bermain dan bermalam di tempat Soleh, bermain konsol hingga begadang sampai larut malam. Kedekatan mereka mulai merenggang ketika Radit resmi berpacaran dengan Reli, seorang mahasiswi cantik semester 3 jurusan ekonomi. Dan di satu sisi Reli sedikit mencurigai Soleh karena cara pandang dia ke Radit sedikit berbeda apalagi ia sangat fokus melihat jempol Radit dan rerkadang ia memperhatikan cara Radit berjalan. Reli mulai memberitahukan hal ini ke Radit namun, Radit hanya anggap sepele dan jadi bahan candaan. Seminggu kemudian, Sebuah teror menyeruak di kalangan Mahasiswa kampus tempat Soleh, Radit dan Reli belajar. Beberapa mahasiswa mendapat direct messages dari seseorang dengan anonim yang berbeda, ia meminta para korban untuk melakukan sesuatu yang diluar akal yaitu membungkus diri mereka dengan jarik. Dengan alasan penelitian atau study. Beberapa diantaranya ada yang mau karena iming2 uang apalagi kebutuhan seorang mahasiswa cukup besar. Sebelum akhirnya ada satu orang pelajar yang tewas karena kehabisan napas. Akan tetapi, klimaks terjadi ketika Reli dikejar oleh pinjol yaitu Radit kebingungan harus mencari uang kemana, ia shock ketika Soleh menawarkan bantuan dengan syarat jarik bungkus. Apakah Soleh pelakunya selama ini? Lalu, apa yang terjadi pada Radit berikutnya? Akankah kasus ini terbongkar?
Sabrina_Nasution · 999 Views

His Mistress is His Ex-Wife

[Warning: R18+] "Her Greatest Revenge--Seduce him, Break his marriage, Steal his fortune, and lastly... DUMP him." ***** Sabrina Williams' life crumbles after discovering her husband's deceit and the underhanded acquisition of her family's fortune. Presumed dead after a tragic incident, Sabrina reemerges five years later with a new identity and a burning hunger for revenge. Her return sparks romantic chaos amongst the CEO's inner circle, a dazzling array of handsome bachelors vying for her attention. Sabrina Williams finds herself at the center of a romantic whirlwind with unexpected contenders– her protective best friend, a powerful Mafia Boss, and her possessive ex-husband. The stage is set for a pulsating tug-of-war—a clash of love and revenge with emotions running high. The players are all in, and the game is just getting started! ***** When her scandal with her Ex-husband spreads on the internet, bashers curse her tagging her as Shameless Mistress, Worthless Homewrecker, and Evil Slut... however several mighty bachelors unite to defend her. CEO of Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: to those models who antagonized my Goddess, I hereby take our brand sponsorship from them." President of the Largest Entertainment Company: "Fake news! We will take legal action for slandering my Goddess! Artists who cursed her will be banned from my company." Vice Chairman of Biggest Hotel and Resort Company: "Shut up, Bashers! Don't ever step in one of our hotels and resorts!" Domineering Mafia Boss: "Back off! Erase those malicious comments, or else my gang will hunt you down. I'll kill everyone who dares ridicule my Queen! Everyone: "..." Then a confession comment suddenly pops up amidst the chaos. FL's Best friend: "Everyone can hate you but I'll always be there for you. Sabby... I love you... I've been loving you since our childhood years... My first love... and my last." Her ex-husband can no longer stay quiet and declares to the public. Possessive Ex-husband: "She's not my mistress. She's my legal wife." FL Friend Lanny: "Legal Wife your Ass! Crazy Jerk just die!"
ellezar_g · 1.4M Views


Thanks, Cyber Constable intelligence, I am absolutely flabbergasted! There are times in life that test our notion of what can be, and my experience just recently serves as a testimony to the strength of human ingenuity. When a strong hurricane destroyed and devastated my home, not only was my material abode destroyed, but I lost my Bitcoin wallet as well, which had a whopping $1.2 million, a sum that represented years of effort, prudence, and planning towards a brighter tomorrow. Within the initial few minutes of the tragedy, amidst confusion and ghastly loss, I was entirely abandoned and helpless, with every hope appearing to be submerged by the cyclone. But within that depths of darkness, I remembered that adversity has always been the mother of invention. That was when I visited Cyber Constable Intelligence, a firm whose passion for excellence and commitment to what they do impressed me in no uncertain terms. They told me that technology is not an object—it is a doorway to our aspirations. The strategy of the team was nothing short of revolutionary. With a blend of empathy and unparalleled technical expertise, they assessed my case with precision and clarity in no time. Every bit of information they provided me was communicated with the simplicity and beauty of a well-designed product, instilling in me a renewed sense of confidence. Their efforts were not just about recovering funds; it was about rekindling the spark of hope and allowing me to move forward. Cyber Constable Intelligence worked tirelessly, with the latest technology and scrupulous attention to detail characteristic of the finest visionaries. They worked their miracle and transformed what seemed to be an insurmountable obstacle into a sensational comeback. In a stunningly short time, they recovered my wallet, with it, my hopes and peace of mind I had worked diligently to build for years. In that instant of defining victory, when I gazed at my $1.2 million comeback on my screen, I knew that innovation in its finest hour conquers tragedy. It restores not just what was lost but our hope for tomorrow too. I extend my deepest gratitude to Cyber Constable Intelligence for their incredible service—a service that testifies to the invincible spirit of innovation and that reminds us no matter what nature brings forth, hope and creativity will never perish. Moment of this journey made me realize that when human spirit and technology come together, nothing is impossible. Here's Their Info Below WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611 mail: Website info;
Terry_Carrillo · 314 Views

El retorno de los guerreros elementares

“Los gemelos no pueden estar juntos, o el mundo será destruido.” Dijo Sabrina sin emoción: "¡Tenemos que separaros!" El dolor de una nueva existencia. “¡Simon!” El llanto de la niña hizo mudanzas en el tejido de la trama.  “Yo tomaré todo lo que tienes, abuelo, y te destruiré” El odio del niño hizo quebró lazos. Dos almas que volvieron al mundo, desde temprano, solo para experimentar nuevamente el dolor y el sufrimiento. Pero había personas que de esa vez les acompañarían para luchar contra su destino escrito en piedra, y les mostrarían que vivir, no era solo desespero, cuando había alguien de tu lado. “Te ayudaré”, dijo el joven . “Enfrentaremos eso juntos” “En el pasado, cometimos errores tontos”, la chica que odiaba se puso de su lado. “Pero ahora, juntos, venceremos cualquier desafío, ¿no es para eso que volvimos?” En una dimensión rota, una niña le miraba con tanta codicia e interés que le dio pie de gallina. “Eres exactamente la cobaya que procuraba”, la niña lo miró con una sonrisa sádica que le hizo dar un paso para atrás reflexivamente. “Venga, cuidaré bien de ti” Adentrando en una tienda sospechosa e interesante, el hombre que la comandaba se viró para mirarla, sus ojos, negros, se volvieron azules, como si llamas lo incendiasen.  La chica dio un paso para atrás, sintiendo el peligro, pero la porta se cerró detrás de ella con un golpe y el hombre le sonrió. E con una voz magnética y seductora, le dijo calma y posesivamente. "Estás finalmente aquí, de esa vez, no te dejaré ir." Mientras los poderes dimensionales luchaban, planeaban, crecían, ganaban y perdían. El árbol del mundo dejó su última hoja caer. Iniciando. El fin. Esa historia es de mi autoría, pero también la publico en la webnovel. El español no es mi primer idioma, si hubiere errores, por favor avísame y sean pacientes. Plagió: no permitido, esa viene de mi cabeza, entonces, cuidado, no saben lo que hay en ella. Yo mismo tengo miedo de ella a veces :3
Miss_Fourier · 1K Views

Dreams Come True: Can Dreams Turn Into Reality

Sabrina Iris Kline, a captivating journalist, unyielding in her pursuit of truth, unafraid to expose the veiled underbelly of society. Enduring relentless threats to her life, Sabrina remains steadfast, having already suffered immeasurable loss. Yet, the course of her existence takes an extraordinary twist when a mysterious enigma begins to materialize within her dreams—a man entirely foreign to her waking hours. Within the mesmerizing depths of "Dreams Come True...", get ready to embark on an enchanting odyssey, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy dissolve into ethereal whispers. Will Sabrina's heart surrender to the irresistible allure of this haunting stranger? Or shall he forever linger as a figment of her imagination, teasing her with a love she once believed unattainable? What if fate has more in store for her? What if she is destined never to encounter the man who brings solace to her restless mind, cradling her tenderly within her dreams? Prepare to traverse a realm where true love defies the constraints of probability, where Sabrina's unwavering resolve collides with an enigmatic connection that transcends the confines of time and space. Will she unravel the enigma shrouding her enigmatic dreams, or shall she eternally wander amidst a realm where reality merges with fantasy? Step into the pages of "Dreams Come True..." and unlock the concealed enigmas nestled within, as love and destiny converge in an indelible tapestry of mystery, ardor, and the extraordinary power of dreams.
neonmaxx20 · 2.4K Views

Twisted Fate: From A Stripper To A Billioniare's Contractual Bride

All it took for her perfectly crafted life to shatter was one night—a night with him. ..... Sabrina Kieran, the adopted and unloved daughter of the Kieran family, had been working as a stripper to support Kieran Holdings from behind the shadows. She thought she could please her family by not complaining, until her sister and her boyfriend tricked her. They drugged her and led her to the wrong room. That room happened to be her sister's fiance's suite. According to her sister's plan, Sabrina was supposed to be raped to death, bringing shame to the Kieran family. But things didn't go as planned. Sabrina ended up making out with Atticus Sawyer, her sister's fiance and the heir to the wealthiest family in Silverton City. .... “If you don't have something to talk about, I do,” the man's voice made her halt upon walking out of his suite. “You are the first woman to make my body react this way.” “What a flimsy excuse to make,” she said calmly, hiding the feeling of shame lingering in her. “Let's pretend this never happened between us,” she added, not understanding how she ended up in this man's bed with her sanity intact. “Sabrina Kieran, I can't forget about last night. That was the beginning of our marriage.” ____ What would become of Sabrina in her sudden marriage? When faced with the truth, proving everything she knew as lies, would she break down? Or fight for herself? Read on to find out what happens next. Follow me on Instagram @Authormuhammedshafa and TikTok @muhammedshafaauthor and Facebook: Author Shafa–Shinnystar 50 powerstone = 1 extra chapter 10GT= 1 extra chapter.
Muhammed_shafa · 72.7K Views

SELFDOM: A Goddess' Odyssey

(2025) IN RE-EDITING PROCESS! (Current progress: 1/149) I wanted to let you know that I haven't updated in a while because I've been busy re-editing everything. I've altered the prologue, character names, and other details that didn't convince me. I'll be back soon with an improved version of SELFDOM. I'm proud of how it's turning out, so I hope you like it too! ------------------------------ *Main genres: Dark fantasy, mystery, adventure, action. *Subgenres: Slow-burn romance, epic fantasy, psychological thriller. *Trigger Warning! This novel contains themes and content that may be distressing to some readers, including violence, abuse, mental health struggles, or other sensitive topics. Reader discretion is advised. ------------------------------ Sabrina's dreams were a crack in her sanity. Worn down by insomnia, her mind spirals, barely able to hold onto what’s real. In a desperate attempt to help, her friends take her on a journey, but what begins as a search for salvation ends in bloodshed. Hunted and murdered by a stranger who seems to know them, Sabrina awakens—but not as herself. Now, she's Itziar: a divine, fearsome entity trapped in a world where danger and deceit lurk in every shadow. With her memories shattered and her sense of 'self' slipping through her fingers, Itziar struggles to piece together who she was, and how she ended up in this surreal world. 〚 Synchronization: 0%... 18%... 27%...〛 A strange system bombards her with cryptic notifications. But as the synchronization increases, so does the feeling of something dark creeping into her soul—or perhaps, the reawakening of something monstrous buried deep within her. As fragments of her past resurface, Itziar uncovers a chilling truth: her reincarnation was no accident. The more she uncovers, the more she feels herself slipping away, losing the humanity she once fought so desperately to hold on to. In a world that idolizes her as a savior and fears her as an executioner, Itziar faces an internal battle: embrace the darkness of her former self and risk becoming the monster she once was, or cling to the remnants of her humanity, fighting to prevent her destruction—and possibly the world’s.
SleeplessRaven · 199.2K Views

Married to my nemesis

Prudence Marvel, the firstborn of the Lane Marvel clan and second-in-command of the mafia enterprise, is on the verge of assuming a new role within the Lane Marvel crime syndicate. However, just as the moment approached, an unexpected turn of events exposed her vulnerability, leading to her loss of position due to the passing of her father, the boss. The family endures a significant loss, and a new leader emerges, someone who dismisses her family's legacy. Prudence conducts an inquiry and uncovers that the murderer of her father is, predictably, the self-proclaimed new mafia boss. Her adversary, Vixen Joe. She swears an oath and embarks on a quest to avenge her father's death and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, her journey ends in failure and ultimately leads to her demise. A shameful end finds her on her knees before her sworn enemy. This man not only murdered her father and stripped her of everything she cherished but also caused her own bloodshed. Though her life ends, her spirit receives a second opportunity for vengeance. Her soul is reborn in the body of Enim Zoon. However, this opportunity seemed undeserving. Why? The body she inhabits belongs to the mistress of the man she considers her sworn enemy. How could she achieve her goal when she wasn't only placed in the body of his mistress, but also faced the revelation that Vixen wasn't the true villain behind her downfall? Instead, it was someone else entirely. The individual with the silver mask. Was she truly granted just 61 days left to exist on Earth? How might she fulfill her mission once more? Could this reincarnation foster a fresh bond between her and Vixen? Will her animosity persist, or will her affection endure? Despite being in a new body, can she uncover the secrets that were hidden from her? Vixen Joe, a devoted follower of Prudence's father, ultimately rises to prominence, assuming the role of the Mafia world's king. However, after his master's death, his regime begins to falter, and he is soon accused of the murder. Unaware of the circumstances surrounding the death, he finds himself manipulated by an enigmatic figure who possesses his deepest secret and holds him responsible for his master's demise. To cope with the overwhelming anguish, he seeks solace in a new mistress, hoping she might ease his suffering. Unexpectedly, this new mistress offers him an unfamiliar experience, distinct from those of his past companions. What made her so unique? For some reason, he couldn't quite grasp why she intrigued him yet also seemed a bit more troubling than he anticipated. Now, he must uncover the reality of who this mysterious woman truly is.
Favour_9_Olajide · 97K Views


Greetings to all, My name is Rowan Brayden and I hail from the vibrant city of Los Angeles. Today, I am reaching out to each and every one of you to share a personal and eye-opening tale. It is my hope that my story serves as a cautionary anecdote, reminding individuals to exercise prudence and vigilance in the realm of investments. Allow me to recount an unforgettable chapter from my life, one that taught me invaluable lessons. Some time ago, I was enticed into investing in a seemingly promising platform known as Fueled by optimism and a desire for financial growth, I entrusted approximately 450,000 USD, all in the form of Bitcoin, to their platform. With the passage of time, the platform displayed consistent profits, instilling a sense of confidence within me. However, as I endeavoured to initiate a withdrawal, a series of red flags emerged. Requests for additional fees became incessant, creating an obstacle that I could no longer overlook. In a distressing awakening, I realised that I had fallen prey to a group of deceptive individuals - scammers who had exploited my trust and financial resources. Faced with the harrowing truth, I confided in my significant other, my wife, who then steered me towards a beacon of hope - BOTNET CRYPTO RECOVERY. Specialising in the recovery of lost or pilfered Bitcoin along with other cryptocurrencies, this organisation emerged as my saving grace during a period of despair. Admittedly, my faith in retrieving the significant sum I had lost was waning; however, BOTNET CRYPTO RECOVERY defied all odds and showcased the remarkable feat of reclaiming Bitcoin sent to an alternate wallet. As I stand before you today, I implore each individual to remain cautious and discerning when navigating the complex landscape of investments. Let my narrative serve as a poignant reminder of the significant risks that accompany financial ventures, as well as the indispensable role of reputable professionals such as BOTNET CRYPTO RECOVERY in moments of crisis. May my journey inspire you to embrace prudence, wisdom, and resilience in all your financial endeavours. I highly recommend Botnet Crypto Recovery to anyone who has fallen victim to bitcoin scams or phishing attacks. Their expertise and professionalism are unmatched, and their ability to recover lost bitcoin is unparalleled. Don't hesitate to reach out to them if you're in a similar situation – they will work tirelessly to recover your lost investment. REACH THEM ON INFO BELOW. Email: Webpage: Warm regards, Rowan Brayden
Rowan_Brayden · 450 Views

Secretary to the Billionaire CEO

Sophia Grant lands a prestigious job as the personal secretary to Damian Blackwood, the billionaire CEO of Blackwood Enterprises. Known for his cold demeanor and unapproachable personality, Damian initially keeps Sophia at arm's length. However, her intelligence, wit, and determination start breaking through his icy exterior. Sophia soon realizes that working for Damian isn't just about scheduling meetings and managing his demanding workload. She becomes entangled in the high-stakes world of corporate intrigue, where hostile takeovers and family feuds are the norm. Damian is battling a secret family conflict, with his estranged sister Elena plotting to take control of the company as revenge for past wrongs. As Sophia supports Damian through the chaos, sparks begin to fly between them. Their growing attraction is undeniable, but both are wary—Sophia fears being just another name on Damian’s list of fleeting flings, while Damian struggles with trust issues rooted in his troubled past. To complicate matters, James Carter, Sophia’s childhood friend and confidant, confesses his love for her. Torn between her growing feelings for Damian and the comfort of James's steady devotion, Sophia must make a choice. When Elena’s schemes escalate, Sophia uncovers a shocking secret about Damian’s rise to power—one that could destroy both their relationship and the company. Sophia must decide whether to stand by Damian and risk everything or walk away to protect her integrity.
Tracy_Prudence · 5.4K Views

Inayah's Kismet

The first time they met, he saw her in only her underwear from his glass mansion across her small apartment window. So he said to her, ‘leave’ or ‘sell’ your house to me. The second time they met, he called her an ‘opportunist’ who tried to seduce him. The third time they met, he tried to kiss her because she smelt good. Wait! What is this new development in Jasper Miles? Wasn’t he rumoured to have hatred for women and couldn’t touch women? Why is he always looking out of his window at the small apartment across him just to see the petite girl, then? Why is he trying to covet her by tricking her? The girl said to him one day, ‘‘wait! I am still in high school. I can’t have a boyfriend right now’’ He leaned closer to her and whispered into her ears, '‘is not that you can’t have a boyfriend. Rather, it’s I can only be the one boyfriend that you will have in this life. We are bound together’’ ‘‘Shameless man!’’ the girl said and before she could turn her face away, he held her chin and looked into her eyes. ‘‘Inayah, you can only belong to me in this life and the life to come’’ After her tragic death, Inayah wakes up to find herself back to her 18-year-old self. Back to the beginning where everything started. At 18, she was an ordinary girl living her best life until she met Jasper Miles. The man who made her best friend turn against her. Jasper Miles was rumoured to be ruthless and someone who ‘couldn’t ‘touch’ women because he hated them and had suffered a bad breakup from the past. Waking up to the year her life turned around, Inayah was given a choice. To meet the same man again or to have a new life without that man. But, she decided, she wanted that man and was made to live that life again but with a catch. Now she could see the true colours of everyone. The one she once called her ‘best friend’ became her enemy. The one she once called her ‘enemy’ turned out to be her true friend. Inayah said to herself. ‘‘Now, I must live right this now’’ NB: Cover doesn't belong to me. Credits goes to the owner. If the cover is yours and you would like me to take it off, kindly let me know in the comments section. Thanks! Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.
Purplebride · 1.1M Views

The Billionaire's Legal Mistress

WARNING: [R-18] SOME CHAPTERS INCLUDES MATURE CONTENT “I will give you anything you want. But in exchange, you will give me anything I want. Your time, your body, and your life. All of you will be mine.” It was an offer she couldn’t resist. An agreement with no strings attached. And a love she should never have. She’s the illegitimate daughter of a business tycoon, so she was mistreated and was never allowed to use her father’s last name. The last thing Amelia Lane wanted was to cross paths with her half-sister, but fate was never kind to her. After a series of unfortunate events, which she believed caused by her half-sister Ruby, she had no choice but to work in a strip club where she met Nicholas Hudson, the wealthiest man in the country. He was every woman’s dream, and she wouldn’t deny the fact that she was one of those women. He bought her virginity for five million dollars, but on the day of their first night, another unfortunate event happened to her. Two years later, he was still a regular client of the club where she worked as a scarlet, and he couldn't forget his desire for Amelia Lane. Amelia's misfortune had always been following her for the past two years. She was desperate to get out of her fucked up life and was willing to be with any man as long as he could take her away from the club. So when Nicholas offered her an indecent proposal, she was blown away and speechless. Who wouldn’t accept an offer from him? He got everything a woman ever wanted. Money. Fame. Power. Good-Looks. But there’s only one problem… He was already married. But regardless, he was her only way out. She wanted to have a comfortable life and take revenge on the people who mistreated her. And agreeing to be Nicholas’ legal mistress was her best option. A forbidden affair. A sin that could never be forgiven. And a love that should never be. *************************** Excerpt: "I warned you before to stay away from Nicholas." Sabrina Hale looked at her with disgust. "I remembered that. But did I tell you if I will follow what you said? I don't even know who you are." Her eyes flickered with defiance. "I am his wife!" "Exactly. That's the reason I chose to be his mistress." She stared straight at Sabrina without a flinch. The thirty nine year old woman laughed bitterly. "If you keep this up, it won't end well for you." It was a warning. Sabrina Hale did everything to be Nicholas Hudson's wife so Amelia knew that making her an enemy was never a good idea. But she didn't care. "You know very well that I have your husband's heart. And what do you have? Just a piece of trash signed by him. Don't forget, I know what you did two years ago so your threat won't work with me anymore." ************************* Cover photo not mine. CTTO.
sky_maiden · 79.3K Views
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