Lucien, a young man haunted by a tragic past, finds himself brutally beaten and left for dead. But in the face of this horrific act, something unexpected awakens within him – a dormant power that shatters his fragile existence. Transformed in body and mind, Lucien discovers he possesses arcane abilities, a terrifying gift that sets him on a collision course with a world he never knew existed.
Driven by a desperate need for answers and a burning desire for vengeance, Lucien embarks on a perilous journey. He seeks his brother, Lucifer, a fallen angel who, in a twisted act of betrayal, abandoned him to the darkness. Lucien's quest leads him through a world steeped in shadow, where ancient evils stir and malevolent forces manipulate the fates of mortals.
Haunted by the ghosts of his past – the loss of his parents, the cruelty of the orphanage, the betrayal of those he trusted – Lucien grapples with his newfound power. He must learn to control the darkness within, to master his abilities before they consume him entirely. For in this world of magic and shadows, the line between hero and villain is blurred, and the price of power may be the very soul he seeks to reclaim.
the imagery used for the novel is for the novel only copyright is not allowed
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