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Nachdem sie den CEO verlassen hatte, verblüffte sie die Welt

Mo Rao wurde in eine Familie von Militärärzten hineingeboren. Ihre Eltern hatten ihr Leben riskiert, um Fu Yings Großmutter zu retten, so dass dieser Fu Ying zwang, Mo Rao als seine Frau aufzunehmen. Mo Rao wusste immer, dass Fu Ying eine Traumfrau namens Qu Ru hatte. Dieses Mädchen konnte Fu Ying nicht wie gewünscht heiraten, weil Fu Yings Großmutter sie daran hinderte. Nach ihrer Heirat war Fu Ying sehr rücksichtsvoll gegenüber Mo Rao. Sie hatten sogar eine hohe Kompatibilität, besonders im Bett. Fu Ying fand sich immer tief in Mo Raos Zärtlichkeit versunken. Bis Fu Ying eines Tages sagte: "Qu Ru ist zurückgekehrt. Lassen wir uns scheiden. Ich werde den Besitz, den ich dir versprochen habe, auf deinen Namen übertragen." Mo Rao sagte: "Können wir uns nicht scheiden lassen? Was ist, wenn... ich schwanger bin...?" Fu Ying antwortete herzlos: "Brich es ab! Ich will nicht, dass noch mehr Hindernisse zwischen mir und Qu Ru auftauchen. Außerdem hat Qu Ru Leukämie, und dein Knochenmark ist zufällig mit ihrem kompatibel. Wenn du bereit bist, deines zu spenden, kann ich dir alles versprechen." Mo Rao sagte: "Und wenn meine Bedingung ist, dass wir uns nicht scheiden lassen?" Fu Yings Augen wurden kalt. "Mo Rao, sei nicht zu gierig. Auch wenn ich dir das um Qu Rus willen verspreche, weißt du genau, dass ich dich nicht liebe." Die Worte "Ich liebe dich nicht" stachen wie ein Messer in Mo Raos Herz. Ihr Lächeln verzog sich plötzlich, und sie war nicht mehr die fügsame Frau, die sie einmal war. "Fu Ying, das ist das erste Mal, dass du mich so zurückweist. Du nennst mich gierig, aber bist du es nicht auch? Willst du, dass ich mich von dir scheiden lasse, damit du mit Qu Ru zusammen sein kannst? Sicher, ich bin damit einverstanden. Aber träumst du auch davon, dass ich sie rette? Vergiss nicht, dass man im Leben nicht das Beste aus beiden Welten bekommen kann, so wie du und ich." Dann ging Mo Rao. Fu Ying fühlte sich tatsächlich erdrückt, und dieses Gefühl machte ihn wahnsinnig. Als Mo Rao wieder auftauchte, war sie ein schillernder Stern geworden. Als sie mit ihrem neuen Verehrer händchenhaltend vor Fu Ying erschien, konnte Fu Ying nicht anders und sagte: "Baby, hast du nicht gesagt, du würdest nur mich lieben?" Mo Rao lächelte blass. "Tut mir leid, Ex-Ehemann. Ich habe mich damals geirrt. Du warst nur ein Ersatz. Ich liebe eigentlich jemand anderen."
Mountain Springs · 72.1K Views

Nach der Auswanderung hat die fette Frau ein Comeback geschafft!

Qiao Mei tauchte in einem Roman als Nebenfigur mit demselben Namen wie sie auf, der es an Präsenz fehlte. Diese Nebenfigur war ein Bauerntrampel, der wegen seines Übergewichts nicht heiraten konnte. Nach dem ursprünglichen Drehbuch war dieses Landmädchen Qiao Mei eine von ihrem Großvater verwöhnte Fette. Ihre Verwandten waren jedoch allesamt bösartige und grausame Menschen. Ihr Großvater war gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass die Verwandten nach seinem Tod sein Vermögen aufteilen und verschlingen würden. Daher war es der größte Wunsch ihres Großvaters, Qiao Mei zu verheiraten. Dafür opferte und verriet er sogar den Enkel seines guten Freundes, Xia Zhe. Großvater machte Xia Zhe betrunken und ließ Qiao Mei den starken und gut aussehenden Xia Zhe mit ihrem mehr als zweihundert Pfund schweren Körper gewaltsam entführen. Am nächsten Tag erwischte der Großvater die beiden und zwang Xia Zhe, Qiao Mei zu heiraten. Doch damit begann das unglückliche Leben von Qiao Mei. In der ursprünglichen Geschichte nahm Qiao Mei auch die geheimnisvolle Jade von Xia Zhe in Besitz. Doch aufgrund von Qiao Meis Dummheit hatte die Schwester ihrer Cousine Qiao Mei dazu gebracht, ihr die Jade zu geben, was dazu führte, dass die Familie der Cousine reich wurde. Als Qiao Mei hierher wanderte, geschah das in dem unangenehmen Moment, als sie mit dem Mann schlief, nachdem sie ihn betrunken gemacht hatte. Als sie am nächsten Tag wach wurde, stand Opas Team bereits vor der Tür. Qiao Mei war erschrocken. Sie wollte nicht auf dem ursprünglichen Weg weitergehen und einen Mann heiraten, der sie nicht liebte. Also log sie und jagte Großvater fort. Sie stieß auch den Mann hinaus, bevor sie sich zwang, ihr gebräuntes und pummeliges Spiegelbild zu betrachten! Leider weinte sie über ihr hässliches Aussehen... Sie sah aus wie ein Sumo-Ringer in großer Stoffunterwäsche, und selbst in den Geschäften für Übergrößen gab es keine Kleidung in ihrer Größe. Und ihr Gesicht war so groß wie eine Pizza, eine verbrannte Pizza! Qiao Mei beschloss, ihr Leben zu ändern! Der erste Schritt: Abnehmen! Der zweite Schritt: ihr Zimmer aufräumen! Früher war sie sehr auf Sauberkeit bedacht, und obwohl ihr jetziges Haus einen riesigen Innenhof hatte, konnte sie es nur als unordentlich bezeichnen! Der dritte Schritt war, die Jade gut festzuhalten, damit ihre gierige Cousine keine Chance hatte! Nur, sollte der große und gut aussehende Xia Zhe sie nicht hassen, wie es in der ursprünglichen Geschichte hieß? Warum war er dann immer netter zu ihr?
Mountain Springs · 56.3K Views

Revenge Best Served Hot; The divorced Billionaire Wife.

Melissa, a daughter of a multi billionaire, disguised herself as a poor woman and married Evans Reynolds, a wealthy business man on an agreement that when ever his late mentor's daughter Cathy Hudson needed blood, Melissa would be available. However, Evans used to send money to her, whenever she donates blood. making it look like a transaction. Melissa hoped that one-day, may be, Evans would learn to love and care for her, like she does. But that didn't happen. while at home, Maria, Evans mother and sister, Ann Reynolds seized any opportunity to belittle Melissa, often reminding her of her 'unknown background.' She was the perfect target, a trophy wife whose worth was measured solely by her ability to serve their needs. But one day, she decided to take her own life, she committed sucide when she saw a harsh message and photo sent by Cathy Hudson. However, luck was on her side , when she met a time keeper, who gave her a second chance to live again . She divorced Evans Reynolds, and become a successor of a mult billion campanies,ready to give a payback to those who mocked and mistreated her. And when asked on an interview, why she divorced Evans Reynolds. "I have a multi-billion wealth to success,” she declared during a press conference “Was my wealth not enough for you?” Evans sneered, stepping into the gathering from behind. Join me as we dive into a twisted romance; batrayal, passion, deception and power.
THE_LIGHTER_166 · 13.3K Views

Setelah Meninggalkan CEO, Dia Mengejutkan Dunia

``` Mo Rao lahir di keluarga dokter militer. Orang tuanya telah mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk menyelamatkan nenek Fu Ying, sehingga yang terakhir memaksa Fu Ying untuk menerima Mo Rao sebagai istrinya. Mo Rao selalu tahu bahwa Fu Ying memiliki gadis pujaan bernama Qu Ru. Gadis ini gagal menikah dengan Fu Ying sebagaimana keinginannya karena nenek Fu Ying menghalanginya. Setelah menikah, Fu Ying sangat memperhatikan Mo Rao. Mereka bahkan sangat cocok terutama di atas ranjang. Fu Ying selalu menemukan dirinya tenggelam dalam kelembutan Mo Rao. Hingga suatu hari, Fu Ying berkata, “Qu Ru telah kembali. Mari kita bercerai. Aku akan mentransfer properti yang telah aku janjikan kepadamu atas namamu.” Mo Rao berkata, “Bisakah kita tidak bercerai? Bagaimana jika... aku hamil...?” Fu Ying menjawab tanpa hati, “Aborsi saja! Aku tidak ingin ada lagi hambatan antara aku dengan Qu Ru. Lagipula, Qu Ru memiliki leukemia, dan sumsum tulangmu secara kebetulan cocok dengan dia. Jika kamu bersedia mendonasikanmu, aku bisa menjanjikanmu apa saja.” Mo Rao berkata, “Bagaimana jika syaratku adalah kita tidak bercerai?” Mata Fu Ying berubah dingin. “Mo Rao, jangan terlalu serakah. Bahkan jika aku menjanjikanmu demi Qu Ru, kamu tahu sendiri aku tidak mencintaimu.” Kata-kata ‘aku tidak mencintaimu’ menusuk hati Mo Rao seperti sebilah pisau. Senyumnya tiba-tiba menjadi terpelintir dan dia bukan lagi wanita penurut seperti dulu. “Fu Ying, ini pertama kalinya kamu membuatku muak. Kamu menyebutku serakah, tapi bukankah kamu sama? Kamu ingin aku menceraikanmu agar kamu bisa bersama dengan Qu Ru? Baik, aku setuju dengan itu. Tapi kamu bahkan bermimpi kalau aku akan menyelamatkannya? Jangan lupa, tidak ada yang namanya mendapatkan semua yang terbaik dalam hidup, sama seperti antara kamu dan aku.” Kemudian Mo Rao pergi. Fu Ying benar-benar merasa sesak, dan perasaan ini membuatnya gila. Ketika Mo Rao muncul sekali lagi, dia telah menjadi bintang yang menyilaukan. Ketika dia muncul di hadapan Fu Ying, bergandengan tangan dengan kekasih barunya, Fu Ying tidak peduli lagi dan berkata, “Sayang, bukankah kamu bilang kamu hanya akan mencintaiku?” Mo Rao tersenyum samar. “Maaf, mantan suami. Aku salah dulu. Kamu hanya pengganti. Aku sebenarnya mencintai orang lain.” ```
Mountain Springs · 116.9K Views

Amada por um Homem Mais Velho

O dote é dois milhões de dólares, nem um centavo a menos. Jiang Yu já tem dezoito anos e já pode se casar. Envie o dinheiro para o meu cartão, e este assunto está resolvido!" Jiang Yu olhou para sua mãe, que falava sem parar na mesa de negociações. Ela assistiu enquanto sua mãe ditava o preço enquanto vendia Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu não podia acreditar. Dezoito anos atrás, eles levaram o bebê errado para casa do hospital, e Jiang Yu, a verdadeira filha de uma família rica, acabou em um orfanato até um ano atrás. Jiang Ran, a filha falsa da família Jiang, cresceu com privilégios desde que era pequena. Com recursos superiores desde jovem, ela foi mais destacada do que Jiang Yu em todos os aspectos e se tornou o orgulho da família Jiang. Jiang Yu, que passou a maior parte do seu tempo vagando pelo mundo exterior, não era nada além de uma caipira que fazia sua mãe virar motivo de piada no círculo social. No entanto, Jiang Yu não tinha ideia do quanto sua mãe a odiava. No dia em que completou dezoito anos, sua mãe a 'vendeu' por um preço nomeado. Jiang Yu disse, "Se você quer casar sua filha com outra pessoa, deveria ser Jiang Ran. Eu sou sua verdadeira filha. Você é que trouxe Jiang Ran para casa por engano!" Sua mãe respondeu, "Cala a boca. Eu gostaria de não ter te dado à luz. Você só trouxe vergonha para mim!" Jiang Ran disse, "Irmã mais velha, tudo o que a Mamãe faz é para o seu próprio bem. Não culpe a Mamãe." Sua mãe disse, "Estou convencida de que ela não passa de uma cobradora de dívidas que veio até mim para cobrar suas dívidas! Ou você me dá dois milhões de dólares, ou se casa obedientemente!" Jiang Yu foi embora de casa em desespero. Por uma combinação estranha de fatores, ela se encontrou acidentalmente casando com um Sr. CEO. A partir de então, o homem de trinta anos mimou sua esposa de dezoito anos até os céus. A garotinha disse, "Senhor, alguém intimidou sua esposa!" O homem, "Que incompetente cego é tão ousado que se atreve a intimidar você?"
Mountain Springs · 124.6K Views

Señor, ¿Qué Tal Un Matrimonio?

En la cumbre de su carrera, la actriz de primera lista Song Ning anunció su retiro de la industria del entretenimiento por amor, causando conmoción en la nación. Todo el mundo pensó que debió haber encontrado su hogar ideal. Era por eso que estaba tan decidida. Al principio, Song Ning también lo creía. Por el resto de su vida, no sería una celebridad. Solo sería una mujer virtuosa y buena que cuidaría de su esposo e hijos en casa. Sin embargo, en la noche antes de su boda, descubrió que su prometido tenía un affair con su mejor amiga. Furiosa, Song Ning encontró a un hombre al azar para registrar su matrimonio en la entrada del Registro Civil. Originalmente quería vengarse de su despreciable prometido, pero no esperaba que el hombre con quien registró su matrimonio fuera el heredero del grupo financiero más grande de la nación, Mu Chen. Después de casarse, Mu Chen adoraba a Song Ning y la protegía de todas las maneras posibles. No permitía que nadie la intimidara. Song Ning siempre pensó que sería feliz por el resto de su vida y viviría la mejor vida que quería. Eso es correcto, lo consiguió. Solo que era un poco diferente de lo que originalmente había imaginado. La persona que le dio todo fue alguien más. Muchos años después... Song Ning miraba a Mu Chen con afecto. —Realmente tengo suerte. Gracias a Dios que te conocí y me salvaste del infierno —dijo ella. Mu Chen sonrió débilmente. —Sí, gracias a Dios —respondió él. Sin embargo, Song Ning nunca sabría. Mu Chen no hablaba de agradecer a Dios por permitirle conocer a Song Ning. Agradecía a Dios por permitir que el prometido de Song Ning la engañara y así él tendría una oportunidad. No había tal cosa como un encuentro accidental. Era solo una persecución premeditada. Ese día, él esperó a Song Ning fuera del Registro Civil durante diez horas...
Mountain Springs · 163.5K Views

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."
Zelra · 1.1M Views

\03250735555/ independent Teenage Sexy Girls and Deep Sucking Hot Girl

Give 03250735555 a call. By giving us a call, you can book any of our crushing and sexy Top Class Escorts and Actress models in just a few of minutes. All it takes to sleep with your model in your hotel room in Lahore is calling once you decided on her. We'll provide you a drink as well if you want to have one with our females. You are welcome to join our girls on a long drive or to the movies. You are welcome to visit our home, the hotels, or your own private location. We offer our services in Deference and the surrounding Lahore towns and cities. Just give me a call to book the model of your choice in Lahore. 03250735555 via phone or WhatsApp The Lahore Escorts Service Agency offers honest, high-quality escort services in Lahore. On weekends, special staff is available. unique costs, amazing service. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Under nothing did we gave up quality or services. Once you receive service, you will continue to receive it. We guarantee a romantic date when you use them. We are a sincere service provider that places a high value on client happiness. We offer the best prices on all kinds of VIP girls in Lahore. including 1-school girls, 2-college girls, 3-university girls, 4-office girls, 5-house girls, 6-escorts females, and a host of other employees. #EscortsinLahore #Lahoreescorts #CallgirlsinLahore #Lahorecallgirls#EscortsinLahore #Lahoreescorts #CallgirlsinLahore #Lahorecallgirls #EliteescortsinLahore #Escorts_in_Lahore #Call_girls_in_Lahore #Lahore_call_girls 100% Guarantee Privacy, Very Safe And Secure In Call Place Is a Very Safe & Neat Cle No Hidden Charge & Cash Payment Method Available For First Time Customer Our Lahore Call Girls Girls Types College Girls Call Girls Housewife Call Girls Russian Call Girls Our Service
Escort_Service_4305 · 1.3K Views

whispers of a Faded Spring

Li Mei returns to her childhood home in the picturesque riverside town of Lushan, drawn by a haunting sense of familiarity and longing she can’t quite explain. Her memories of the place are fragmented, blurred like ink washed by rain. Yet, within those faded recollections, she senses the echo of a promise and the shadow of a love that once meant everything to her. As she navigates the winding streets and misty hills of Lushan, Mei encounters Jun, the boy she had loved but cannot fully remember. Their reunion is filled with tension and unspoken questions, his eyes holding a pain she doesn’t understand. Determined to piece together her past, Mei explores the town, revisiting places that feel both foreign and familiar. Through old letters, whispered stories from neighbors, and flashes of memory, Mei uncovers the truth: she and Jun were inseparable as children, their bond growing into first love beneath the blooming cherry tree on Moon Bridge. But tragedy struck when Mei’s family moved away suddenly, her parents desperate to protect her from painful memories after a terrible accident. In an attempt to shield her heart, they took her far away and encouraged her to forget. But some promises are too powerful to fade. Mei had vowed to return to Jun beneath that cherry tree, and though her mind had forgotten, her heart never did. As the cherry blossoms bloom once more, Mei must decide whether to rebuild the bridge to her past and the love she left behind or to walk away and let the memories fade forever.
Vedika_Tiwari · 2.3K Views

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ENJOY FIRST-CLASS FUN WITH US. [ISLAMABAD TOP ESCORTS MODEL] You are now enjoying yourself and giving in to your sexual needs. You can locate the ideal female services with the advice of Islamabad's top escort agency. GET SERVICE LIKE A GIRLFRIEND When it comes to making love, escorts in Islamabad are similar to your girlfriend and wife. The only difference is that since it's their responsibility to make you happy, they won't hesitate to give in to your desires. Since she is a woman, women also like to blend emotions to make the encounter more intense and sexy. women also want to see how skilled you are at making love in bed. IS YOUR ROMANTIC LIFE GOT A NEW MEANING WITH INDEPENDENT ISLAMABAD ESCORTS? When there are many escort girls in the city, the girls from Independent Islamabad Escorts service may add interest to your romance. This type of escort is trusted and will show you love and special treatment. They come from ideal households, are well-behaved, and have a great deal of education. Making love and spending time with you are only two of the many things that Independent Escorts in Islamabad provide. The first one is merely there to provide you sex pills, massages, and kisses to make you feel good. They are completely risk-free and won't cause you any harm. You run the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases if you go with an uninformed and ignorant escort, but you are completely secure when you go with an independent escort. You should appreciate their services completely and feel comfortable with them. They won't treat you rudely because they are amiable and modest. You're going to be all right. Just Complete Night Service Rate in 30k and 80k; use Real Shots. For pricing and location, contact 03250735555 by phone or WhatsApp. 1. Totally Beautiful Girls  2. College Females  3. University Females  4. Girls in the office 5-Models Girls 6. Girls on TikTok 7-House Girls 8. Escort Girls 9-Call Girls  10. Nurses 11-Separate girls  12 Aunt's large breasts----03250735555 #Vipislamabadescorts #vipescortsinislamabad #IslamabadEscortService #Islamabadescorts #callgirlsinislamabad #VipEscortInIslamabad #Islamabadcallgirls #Rawalpindiescortsgirls #callgirlsinrawalpindi #vipescortsinrawalpindi #RawalpindiEscorts #Rawalpindicallgirls #callgirls #Escortsgirlsl #PersonalServices #OtherPersonalServices #HouseWifeEscorts #DanceParties #SexyGirls #MassageServicesInIslamabad #BodyToBodyMassage #ModelsEscorts #HotEscorts #FreshEscorts #YoungEscorts #CollegeGirlsForSex #UniversityGirlsForSex #ProfessionalSexGirls #AuntiesForSex #CooperativeGirlsForSex #GirlsAtLowPricesForSex #LowRatesEscorts #GangBang #ThreesomeSex #LesbianSex
Shazia_Call_girl · 548 Views

My Brother’s Hot Best friend

"I asked you a question Lia and you know I hate repeating myself," Jason’s lips began trailing down, leaving hot and open mouthed kisses along my jaw and neck. "Why did you kiss him?" "I don't know....” I averted his gaze. “It just happened," "It just happened?" He repeated, his deep velvet voice sending a tingling sensation through my body as he moved my chin so I could face him. "So this just happened?" He whispered into my ear, grazing his fingers over my cheek. My chest heaved. "Get away from me," "Actions speak louder than words sweetheart, you're supposed to push me," he gently bit my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my face. "You have a fiancée," "And she won't be here until 4pm. We've got exactly one hour to get this over with," he pulled away, staring at me with our faces less than an inch apart. Was I going to make this mistake again? What am I going to tell Ryan? If he finds out about the first time I can honestly tell him that I had no idea Jason was his best friend but what about the second time? Dahlia Thompson's life takes a different turn after she returns from a two week trip to see her parents and walks in on her boyfriend, cheating on her with highschool best friend. Angered and devastated, she decides to go back home but changes her mind and chooses to party hard with a stranger. She gets herself drunk and ends up surrendering her body to this stranger Jason Smith who turns out to be her soon to be boss and her brother's best friend.
LunaPixie08 · 1.5K Views

After Transmigrating, the Fat Wife Made a Comeback!

Qiao Mei transmigrated into a novel as a supporting character with the same name as her who lacked presence. This supporting character was a country bumpkin who couldn’t get married due to her obesity. According to the original script, this country girl Qiao Mei was a fatty spoiled by her grandfather. However, their relatives were all vicious and cruel people. Her grandfather had poor health, so once he died, the relatives would divide and swallow up his assets. Hence, her grandfather’s greatest wish was to marry Qiao Mei off. For this, even sacrificed and betrayed his good friend’s grandson, Xia Zhe. Grandpa got Xia Zhe drunk and had Qiao Mei forcibly take the strong and handsome Xia Zhe with her body which weighed more than two hundred pounds. Then, grandpa would catch them the next day and force Xia Zhe to marry Qiao Mei. However, that eventually caused the start of Qiao Mei’s unfortunate life. Also, in the original story, Qiao Mei took possession of Xia Zhe’s mysterious jade. But due to Qiao Mei’s stupidity, her cousin's sister had tricked Qiao Mei into giving her the jade, which resulted in the cousin’s family becoming rich. When Qiao Mei transmigrated here, it was during the awkward moment when she was making love to the man after making him drunk. She woke up groggily the next day and grandpa’s team had already appeared at the door. Qiao Mei was frightened. She didn’t want to proceed on the original path and marry a man who didn’t love her. And so, she lied and chased grandpa away. She also pushed the man out before forcing herself to look at her tanned and chubby reflection in the mirror! Alas, she cried at her ugly appearance… Like a sumo wrestler in large cloth underwear, even the plus-sized apparel shops didn’t have clothes in her size. And her face was the size of a pizza, a scorched pizza! Qiao Mei decided to reform her life! The first step, lose weight! The second step, clean up her room! She used to be particular about cleanliness, and although her current house had a huge courtyard, she could only describe it as messy! The third step was to hold onto the jade tightly so her greedy cousin wouldn’t stand a chance! Only, wasn’t the tall and handsome Xia Zhe supposed to hate her according to the original story? Why was he being nicer and nicer to her?
Mountain Springs · 5.6M Views

independent Teenage Sexy Girls \03250735555/ Deep Sucking Hot Girls

Give 03250735555 a call. By giving us a call, you can book any of our crushing and sexy Top Class Escorts and Actress models in just a few of minutes. All it takes to sleep with your model in your hotel room in Lahore is calling once you decided on her. We'll provide you a drink as well if you want to have one with our females. You are welcome to join our girls on a long drive or to the movies. You are welcome to visit our home, the hotels, or your own private location. We offer our services in Deference and the surrounding Lahore towns and cities. Just give me a call to book the model of your choice in Lahore. 03250735555 via phone or WhatsApp The Lahore Escorts Service Agency offers honest, high-quality escort services in Lahore. On weekends, special staff is available. unique costs, amazing service. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Under nothing did we gave up quality or services. Once you receive service, you will continue to receive it. We guarantee a romantic date when you use them. We are a sincere service provider that places a high value on client happiness. We offer the best prices on all kinds of VIP girls in Lahore. including 1-school girls, 2-college girls, 3-university girls, 4-office girls, 5-house girls, 6-escorts females, and a host of other employees. #EscortsinLahore #Lahoreescorts #CallgirlsinLahore #Lahorecallgirls#EscortsinLahore #Lahoreescorts #CallgirlsinLahore #Lahorecallgirls #EliteescortsinLahore #Escorts_in_Lahore #Call_girls_in_Lahore #Lahore_call_girls 100% Guarantee Privacy, Very Safe And Secure In Call Place Is a Very Safe & Neat Cle No Hidden Charge & Cash Payment Method Available For First Time Customer Our Lahore Call Girls Girls Types College Girls Call Girls Housewife Call Girls Russian Call Girls Our Services A-Level (Call Girl) BBBJ (Bareback Blowjob) BJ (Blowjob Without a Condom) COF (Come On Face) Completion Daty (Dinner At The Y) DSL (Dick Sucking Lips) Doggie (Sex Style From Behind) HJ (Hand Job) 69 (69 sex) BJ (Blowjob Without Condom) Call girl in Lahore, young Call girl in Lahore, Lahore Call girl, hot Call girl in Lahore, sexy Call girl in Lahore, Call girl service in Lahore, vip Call girl in Lahore, sexy Call girl of Lahore, beautiful Call girl in Lahore, independent Call girl in Lahore. elite VIP escort services in Lahore for more in-depth information via WhatsApp {03250735555}
Escort_Services_5525 · 2.4K Views

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Escort_Services · 484 Views

Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Jing Yao dormiu com o CEO de uma família rica que tinha fama de se afastar das mulheres. Ela até engravidou. Jing Yao cresceu sem receber qualquer amor de seus pais. Embora ela e sua irmã fossem gêmeas, ela não se parecia em nada com sua irmã mais velha. Seus pais favoreciam sua irmã mais velha. Jing Yao foi obrigada a começar a trabalhar desde jovem, enquanto sua irmã podia ficar em casa sem fazer nada. Jing Yao tinha que pagar suas próprias mensalidades. Uma única bolsa que sua irmã possuía custava dezenas de milhares. Não apenas isso, mas sua irmã mais velha até ficou com seu noivo, com quem estava noiva desde criança. Formalmente falando, Jing Yao era a segunda irmã na família. No entanto, na realidade, ela era tão pobre que nem conseguia pagar seu próprio aluguel. Sua família nunca lhe mostrou qualquer cuidado ou afeto. Pelo bem do casamento de sua irmã mais velha, a mãe biológica de Jing Yao a armou fazendo-a beber com um investidor. Ela foi até drogada. Felizmente, ela estava alerta o suficiente para fugir. No entanto, ela correu na direção errada. Como resultado, ela acabou dormindo com Liang Xun. Depois de voltar para casa, a mãe de Jing Yao gritou com ela. Seu noivo idiota a humilhou. Jing Yao cancelou o casamento na hora. Desde então, ela deixou a família Jing. Mais tarde, Liang Xun descobriu que Jing Yao estava grávida. Ele a procurou e pediu para que ela se casasse com ele. No entanto, Jing Yao o rejeitou. Liang Xun ofereceu diretamente 100 milhões como presente de casamento, e ela acabou aceitando. Rumores começaram a se espalhar na internet. Jing Yao, uma celebridade feminina que recentemente ganhou popularidade, estava sendo acusada de se envolver no relacionamento de sua irmã mais velha. Alguns até disseram que ela era a sugar baby de Liang Xun. Apesar das críticas, Jing Yao publicou uma resposta positiva. "Eu não tenho uma irmã mais velha, e eu sou a sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun imediatamente comentou na publicação dela. "Minha esposa está certa."
Mountain Springs · 68.6K Views
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