31 Days With You...
In August, as high school finalists eagerly anticipate their field trip, best friends Ivy Martins and Eve Stones are thrilled about embarking on an adventure together, armed with a mission to complete a lively 100-item to-do list filled with pranks and exciting activities. However, their excitement takes an unexpected turn when a sudden change in plans separates the friends into different camps.
Annoyed by her apparent stroke of bad luck, Ivy finds herself as the lone girl in a tent with five boys. Undeterred, she resolves to conquer the 100-item list within the 31-day timeframe. As Ivy navigates the challenges of her unconventional living situation, she forms a unique bond with William Bradford, a fellow camper she encountered on the bus. Together with their tent mates—Jake, Max, Alex, and the self-proclaimed proud brat, Ethan—they embark on a journey to check off each item on their ambitious to-do list.
As Ivy and William grow closer through shared experiences, their relationship takes an unexpected turn. Despite the growing affection between them, both are hesitant to admit their true feelings. The 31-day field trip becomes a journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and, ultimately, a blossoming love story. When the adventure concludes, Ivy and William find themselves not only having completed their 100-item list but also realizing that their connection has evolved into a genuine and lasting love.
Get locked up to the story as we travel to future seeing the separation between the duo and how it affected both their friendships and their relationship.
Writer: Adams_SDA
Available on Wattpad and WebNovel
Coming soon in comic
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